MR BACK'S & CO home for repeat offenders Part 2

That is great I love doing the exchanges ::yes:: The cookbook one is another fun one .

I still have not figured out how to post my pics from WDW but I will oh I will and then you shall all see how pretty the castle was during Wishes:earseek:
Good morning buds.

I should be back in bed. I'm exhauseted. A long weekend. Sam was guest dj last night at a radio station from 9-10 pm. I din't want her driving so far so late so I drove her and waited in the parking lot. I'm beat.

So did everyone have a great weekend? I'm sure the Divas are having a great time. Looks like rain in Orlando though. I'm sure it didn't slow them down too much

Got Sam's outfit fot the homecoming parade. She needed a suit. Of course the one she wanted one of the gilrs already bought. You snooze you loose!!

Off to start the day.

TIGGERFANS so good to see you regularly around here. We have missed you!

oooh BTW, I was a pampered princess yesterday. Went in for a facial, massage and pedicure Pure heaven!!princess:
Morning... making breakfast this am.. I beleive the group is meeting for breakfast too but ours will be so much better...

how about chocolate french toast, fresh fruit dipped in chocolate, krispy kremes and hot chocolate... and some starbucks too..
Hellooooooooo anyone there????????????


When are our DIVAS coming home???????

UMM FYI Independence Air has 1/2 off to Orlando. I can fly from DC to Orlando for under $100. Yes you read correctly..... shall Lauren and I be making a quick trip soon????

off to PF Changs with a bud for dinner. I miss you buds. Where are youuuuuuuuuu???????????????????????????????

Hi, Cheeringmom --just missed ya
*If you do the Independence Air---is it out of Dulles or Reagan?
:wave: oooo oooo do it CMOM.. just do it , for that price...just do it. Lauren will have a great time..
Good morning my "stay at home from WDW" buds, how are you?

GEFFRIC thinking of you and your dad this morning. When you get a minute, please check in k?

Yes BELLE, it would be out of Dulles-I think. It is a great price just a busy time with the kid's school etc. I wish they had the price going to Tallahasse instead. Then Sam can check out the colleges earlier than doing it in the spring!

Another busy day today gals.

When are our DIVAS coming home??

BTW what is with the waving last night?????? :hyper:

MAD get on with the techies and post some pics girl!!!
:wave: morning... I will update on the Dad surgery today.. He is scheduled for 7:30 am and it is a 6 + hour surgery.. I will be there about 4 pm this afternoon when he is outof recovery and back in his room... won't really know much today but we will see....

Just a quick breakfast as I gotta run ... how about Eggo Chocolate Chip toaster waffles and hot chocolate...
DAD surgery update -

he was taken into surgery at 8 am yesterday and got out at 3:30..quite the ordeal..It was considered a very high risk surgery. The doctor told us before hand that due to his respiatroy problems, heart issues, kidney failure and general health that he may have a "stormy" surgery and recovery period. But he made it through better than expected and was in decent shape when he got out. He went to Surgerical Intensive care Unit for the night. That place was amazing.. with all of the monitering devices and a almost full time nurse, and surgerical resident in the room wth him. I was there unitl after 8 pm last night and then got home to the homework /dinner mess here. I haven't heard anything this am about him .. so I am assuming that he had a good night. Anyway, depending on how things went , he will move today to a regular intensive care unit..will update as I hear..
GEFFRIC, so glad dad is doing well. He is a trooper!!!
Please keep us updated on his recovery.

CYAll later!
DIVA GROUP> Where are you?????????

Morning buds. Up early to submit Sam's apploication to U of FL. Hooray . One almost done and 3 more to goooooo
:wave: Hello hello hello! Just wanted to let everyone know that the Divas made it back safe and sound. A most excellent time was had by all! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

I'm on DH's laptop right now as my computer at work is being fixed due to a pop up virus. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :mad: Anyway, I've only got a few minutes until he gets back from his dentist appt and kicks me off his computer.

Hopefully I'll have some time this evening to answer any questions you may have. :teeth: And maybe Rob can show me how to download the pics onto the computer. Of course I will first seek approval from my fellow divas before I post any. (hmmmmm, blackmail may be the way to go. ;))

Any questions? :crazy:
Morning.... really busy this am at work too many meeting... dropping off bagels and chocolate chip cream cheese for breakfast or late morning snack..
Morning, y'all!!! Hi, Barb! :teeth:

Yes, we're back, safe and sound. :earsgirl:

Had a FABULOUS time! ::yes::

Trip reports aren't my thing, but suffice to say we met LOTS of Taglikans, drank many concoctions, ate WAY TOO MUCH food, and had a lovely time!!!! Can't wait 'til the next trip! ::yes::

Only have a minute to pop in....but will try to catch up tonight and maybe have some pictures??? I, too, must run them by my fellow DIVAs.....I'm a nice girl, ya know! Don't want to embarass anyone... Now, if they post something embarassing of me, then all bets are off! :teeth:

everyone who didn't show up We missed you!!! You BETTER be there next time! ::yes::

Catch up tonight!
Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!
Is there anybody home???

Where IS everyone?

And WHAT are we doing at the bottom of page 3????

Barb! Get that computer fixed pronto!!!

geffric, cadsmom, cheeringmom, danauk.....where ARE you ladies today????

I know some Taglikans are still at WDW, but there are LOTS of us who have no excuse to not be here! I'm taking roll call now!

Who's here???
<img src=''> <font face=boulder size=6 color=6633cc>HOME EVERYONE!</FONT>
It was so great to talk to everyone while you were at dinner! Wish I could've been there :mad:


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