Marching Our Way to a Healthy Lifestyle ~ March 2016 WISH Challenge

Well, my WooHoo isn't a big thing, but at least it's something...

Wednesday is always my worst eating day through the week (not counting weekend meals out sometimes) and today was actually a good eating day. I made good choices throughout the day even though I didn't really want to lol!

For lunch, I was thinking about driving through Hardees to get chicken tenders, but I somehow willed myself to drive on by. Instead, I came home and ate a banana and the last small piece of the breakfast before we had Easter morning.

Then, after work, I was looking for a snack and spotted the opened box of girl scout thin mints, but somehow I ended up eating grapes instead! We then had a good dinner, so I've stayed within my calories all day. Most days I don't have a huge problem doing that but Wednesdays are my weigh-in day, so after that, I seem to tell myself that I have a whole week to fix my bad eating. This week I started out my new week on a good foot though!

Yay for an unexpected good eating day. That's an awesome WooHoo!! It's always great to start the week on a good foot!
Well, my WooHoo isn't a big thing, but at least it's something...
Wednesday is always my worst eating day through the week (not counting weekend meals out sometimes) and today was actually a good eating day. I made good choices throughout the day even though I didn't really want to lol!

I agree on Wednesday. Well don for staying on track. It's the build up with 3 days of work, home, kids an food prep. Sometimes fresh produce is running low. If you have been counting calories and eating little more on the weekend - Wednesday is my hungriest day of the week!

This picture is from March 2011. I was about 10 lbs above my goal weight, and I still thought of myself as fat.
I love this picture (because it's the Cat in the Hat and who doesn't love the Cat in the Hat?), but it's hard for me to look at it sometimes. Because I feel like I look so skinny in this picture, and I look fat now.
Thinking about it, I think this picture represents my true problem ... I'm not happy with how I look, and I don't know if I will be even if I reach my goal.

So to me ... healthy is accepting how I look, whether I'm at my goal weight or now. Yes, I do currently need to lose some weight. But once I lose that weight ... I won't be healthy until I can accept that I am where I should be. That may be at my goal weight, or it may be at a slightly higher weight. But until I look in the mirror and am comfortable with what I see, I will never be healthy.

I will quote my favourite weigh management book of all times by Tom Venuto (body fat solution)

"Most people are unsatisfied with their bodies. This is perfectly normal. The desire to better one's circumstances is hardwired into every human being. But never confuse the desire for improvement with the belief that you are not good enough the way you are. The problem is - disliking your body can turn into disliking yourself. Disliking yourself can turn to low self worth which means you believe you don’t deserve good things in life, including lean and healthy body. Low self worth easily leads to apathy, depression or self sabotage.

Body Fat is not a person. It’s a temporary condition. The way your body looks today has nothing to do with your capabilities or intrinsic worth as a person. No price tag can ever be placed on your value. The capacity of your brain to learn is virtually infinite; your creative ability is boundless. Your body is capable of astonishing feats. You have more potential then you can dream off. Most of all – you are unique. No one else have all the qualities, talents, and abilities that you possess.

Your gift to yourself, the world and your creator is to discover them, develop them use them and share them.

I don’t think you can feel your best if you are not engaged in the journey of self improvement. Unfulfilled potential inside of you will always call out in form of longing, desire or sense of dissatisfaction. If you are not doing anything, don’t be surprised if you feel unworthy of receiving anything. It’s the process of improvement and creation that makes you feel good about yourself more then the end result.

If you get moving and take some small steps with good action strategy you will immediately feel better about yourself because you will know you are improving yourself. Even if you don’t notice the small body changes that take place from one workout to the next you will feel better, just by taking a step in the right direction. Action cures allot of problems"
I think having behaviour goals as main goal is good way to shift the confidence from I will feel great when I am x weight to I am doing great - check out this delicious healthy meals I have, my long walk during my lunch or the great workout I did.

Buying clothes that fit well now, meeting people now, getting your make up done, putting yourself out there (here) to build support system and meet new people.
Just hit my step goal for today - 12,000! Yay! I was a mile short on daily distance goal but being gimpy still, I'll take 5 miles. And I am so proud when I open my fridge. With the meats and veggies we picked up last night, it's FULL of yumminess. At least right now, I'm excited about this change.

Though I might be eating gummy life savers currently. Shhhhhh. Balance.

I'm really getting sick of screwing up because it just makes me angry ... but for some reason there are just days when I can't get my **** together, and sometimes I don't even try. It's so frustrating.


Baymax says: "You will be all right. There there."
::hugs you::: Your last line is absolutely right. It happened over a long period of time and it will take time to undue - but the good news is that your'e making strides to improve and you're getting better each day! Whether it's mentally or physically stronger, it's still progress! And it's been amazing to watch your progress as you've participated in the threads! I hope you'll stick around and we can continue to see you blossom into your new self!

Thank you for sharing this.
It's definitely hard to look at your life and see where it "went wrong" ... but you've accomplished a lot, and that's awesome. You're really taking steps in the right direction with your health, and ike you said, it's a process ... you'll get there eventually.

Lots of WooHoos!
Prayers to your Aunt ... I hope she continues to improve.
And happy birthday to your mom!

First of all. prayers for your aunt!! Second..... so great that you are trying to get healthier and STAY healthy to be around for your kiddos!

Thank you to my wonderful far away friends for your kind words and support - you have no idea how helpful you all are being to me on the journey to a better me this year. :thanks:

Hi, friends! Didn't mean to jump ship yesterday but I REALLY WAS busy dying. Apparently I'm more out of shape than I thought - LOL. That's scary. I majorly tweaked a muscle in my thigh/hip and could barely move yesterday, and got NO SLEEP the night before. Despite that, I still got 7000ish steps in yesterday, so I'm proud of myself. The leg is better today - still sore but I can walk - so I'm here on the treadmill again, so expect some interesting posts through the night, I'm sure! :rotfl: I'm so glad you guys find humor in those. My stream of consciousness when exercising is really a curious thing. I'm trying not to retweak my leg so my speed on the treadmill is SUUUPERRRR SLOWWWW and it's making it SO MUCH HARDER to do this thing. Ugh.

What do you iisten to when you just need background noise but need to not be searching for something to listen to every 3 minutes? Well, when you just finished the complete series of Gilmore Girls for the umpteenbillionth time, you listen to Ellen's Universe of Energy. Because not only can you quote the whole thing (stupid Judy), it lasts forever, and you're also having major EPCOT withdrawals. 6 MONTHS 3 WEEKS 1 DAY!

Speaking of.... IT'S WOOHOOOOO WEDNESDAYYYYY YAYYYYY!!!!! I love the positivity on Woohoo Wednesday.

My woohoos for today:

  • My Etsy shop was featured on Disney Fashionista Blog today! She wrote up a post about my "This girl runs on caffeine and pixie dust" shirts. Only like 4 people have liked it on their Facebook page, ha, but it's cool anyway.
  • The MOST ADORABLE PAIR OF MINNIE EARS EVER were delivered to my house today! One of the coolest things about this whole Etsy experience has been getting to know other small Etsy business owners who specialize in Disney items, and doing trades and supporting their business while they help support mine. I've got to make myself a Disney/Mean Girls shirt to go with these ears so I can photograph them. Love love love.
  • I'm working on some awesome shirt designs for @courtneybeth and her DH for their upcoming races!
  • I signed up for a Virtual 5K today. It's Star Wars themed and @courtneybeth and @flvy and I are going to do it together. There's a medal. It might light up. I'm down.
  • I weighed on Monday and was at 220. The highest I've weighed since... GAH. Last June? Last May? Idk but it was NOT OK. I weighed this morning and was at 219, though, so that's something. Considering I started the month at 214, though, I'm NOT HAPPY. The sleep schedule is having a BIG IMPACT, I know that for a fact. Also the inconsistency with water drinking every day. I have got to get better about it.
  • Side note for the above woohoo - I need to find my cloth measuring tape and take legitimate measurements and keep an eye on those more than the scale. Or in addition to, at least.
  • We went to Sprouts last night because our Kroger produce SUCKS, but we got some great produce and some proteins for REALLY great prices. And it wasn't crowded and we didn't want to kill anyone. So we might've found a new grocery store, which I'm ok with. They even had some yummy healthy/organic prepackaged meals, too.
  • I had a chicken caesar salad for lunch today and it was so goooodddd. I forget how much I love those. I could eat them forever.
  • I've been .85 miles since starting this post. It's super hot and muggy in the house, though, so I feel DISGUSTING and sweaty and ugh.
  • Not a woohoo: it's about to rain again. They're saying 6 inches today and tomorrow. Making for the wettest March on record for us. They're already talking about roads being washed out and more flooding. Sigh. Maybe this will make our backyard actually grow grass this year, though!
Ok, I guess that's enough woohoos. Now to find something else to do for... I don't even know how much longer.

Glad to hear you are getting your name out there and good feedback about your business! Some great woohoos there - yes you have reminded me that I need to do some measurements too - whilst I haven't seen any movement on the scale I swear I can see some changes around my arms particularly just under the arm pit area - which must be from my paddling.

No WooHoos for me today. It was not a good day, and I'm angry about a lot of things that happened today (and some things that didn't happen ... like half of my to-do list). I'm really getting sick of screwing up because it just makes me angry ... but for some reason there are just days when I can't get my **** together, and sometimes I don't even try. It's so frustrating.
Oh well, tomorrow is a new day and I still have a chance to end the month on a positive note.


This picture is from March 2011. I was about 10 lbs above my goal weight, and I still thought of myself as fat.
I love this picture (because it's the Cat in the Hat and who doesn't love the Cat in the Hat?), but it's hard for me to look at it sometimes. Because I feel like I look so skinny in this picture, and I look fat now.
Thinking about it, I think this picture represents my true problem ... I'm not happy with how I look, and I don't know if I will be even if I reach my goal.

So to me ... healthy is accepting how I look, whether I'm at my goal weight or now. Yes, I do currently need to lose some weight. But once I lose that weight ... I won't be healthy until I can accept that I am where I should be. That may be at my goal weight, or it may be at a slightly higher weight. But until I look in the mirror and am comfortable with what I see, I will never be healthy.

I love this picture you and the Cat in the Hat look fantastic. Yes - I totally relate to how you are feeling - I feel that as girls/women we have been accustomed to always feeling we can be better even when we are pretty darn good! There have been times in my life when I have had a rockin' body and for the most part felt pretty good about myself - but at the time didn't appreciate it and would have thought a little bump of a belly needed some work.

"Most people are unsatisfied with their bodies. This is perfectly normal. The desire to better one's circumstances is hardwired into every human being. But never confuse the desire for improvement with the belief that you are not good enough the way you are. The problem is - disliking your body can turn into disliking yourself. Disliking yourself can turn to low self worth which means you believe you don’t deserve good things in life, including lean and healthy body. Low self worth easily leads to apathy, depression or self sabotage.

This is a great quote HappyGrape and it spoke to me - I totally relate to the low self worth - and it has turned into a bit of a cycle where you eat because you feel bad and then you gain wait and feel worse and then eat all over again - meanwhile your feelings about yourself continue to take a dive.

Just hit my step goal for today - 12,000! Yay! I was a mile short on daily distance goal but being gimpy still, I'll take 5 miles. And I am so proud when I open my fridge. With the meats and veggies we picked up last night, it's FULL of yumminess. At least right now, I'm excited about this change.

Though I might be eating gummy life savers currently. Shhhhhh. Balance.

I won't tell anyone if you don't tell anyone about the mud cake I am going to have tonight after a walk on the beach this afternoon.

Speaking of my walk on the beach the kids and I went and even played a little beach soccer while we were there .... here is a pic we tried a different beach to our usual one today....

Mudjimba Beach.jpg

March is almost done everyone - A BIG THANKYOU to Sarah for being a fabulous host party:

Ok my final report because its already after 8pm on the 31st here - I ended the month of 72.72% for having a healthy low cal breakfast. I aimed to keep it at no more than 330 Calories. Still needs some tweaking but I have been enjoying my breakfasts :D
Question of the Day – Thursday, March 31st:


The finale of Mickey’s Soundsational Parade features characters and scenes from the Disney classic Mary Poppins. This unit includes many of the amazing songs from the movie, including "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious," "A Spoonful of Sugar," and "Step in Time."

For many people, music can form a soundtrack for our lives. There are songs that we can related to when we are struggling, and songs that we can relate to when we succeed. There are songs that motivate us to work harder, and songs that help us celebrate when we succeed.

The month is almost over – what is your swan song for the month of March? Is there a song (Disney or otherwise) that you feel sums up your journey this month? Do you have a song that will keep you energized and on track to finish the month strong?

Today is the official last day of the challenge – so don’t forget to get me your final progress report! I’ll be posting the final progress update on Saturday night, so you have until then to report how you ended the month!
Hey guys! I woke up a little later than planned today, so I have to rush to get ready for my run, but I'll be back a little later to read through what was going on while I was asleep and see everyone's responses to the QOTD!
Question of the Day – Thursday, March 31st:


The finale of Mickey’s Soundsational Parade features characters and scenes from the Disney classic Mary Poppins. This unit includes many of the amazing songs from the movie, including "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious," "A Spoonful of Sugar," and "Step in Time."

For many people, music can form a soundtrack for our lives. There are songs that we can related to when we are struggling, and songs that we can relate to when we succeed. There are songs that motivate us to work harder, and songs that help us celebrate when we succeed.

The month is almost over – what is your swan song for the month of March? Is there a song (Disney or otherwise) that you feel sums up your journey this month? Do you have a song that will keep you energized and on track to finish the month strong?

Today is the official last day of the challenge – so don’t forget to get me your final progress report! I’ll be posting the final progress update on Saturday night, so you have until then to report how you ended the month!

I have been OBSESSING over the musical Hamilton for like a month now and that's what I've been listening to every run because it's an awesome running sound track. So that is going to help me finish the month strong.

I like that we don't have to update you til Saturday! Because I weighed myself and was down half a pound which is just short of my goal. So I'm going to journey on this week and hope for a good loss!
Today I'm traveling from KC to St Louis in our company plane to visit our sister office. I'm terrified that I'm not going to find the plane and it'll leave without me! Haha. It's a long day. The flight leaves at 7a and then my flight back is at 5p.
Yay! Lots of awesome WooHoos!

I have to admit ... I'm scared of virtual races. I don't know why, but the idea of them just freaks me out. So I'm always really impressed at people who can go out there and do virtual races and feel good about it ... because I know I'd feel like an idiot (and I know there's absolutely no reason for me to feel like an idiot). And I'm really excited for you, and I'm excited that you've got two awesome people doing it with you!

No WooHoos for me today. It was not a good day, and I'm angry about a lot of things that happened today (and some things that didn't happen ... like half of my to-do list). I'm really getting sick of screwing up because it just makes me angry ... but for some reason there are just days when I can't get my **** together, and sometimes I don't even try. It's so frustrating.
Oh well, tomorrow is a new day and I still have a chance to end the month on a positive note.

Hpping and praying that today starts on the right foot for you!!

Well, my WooHoo isn't a big thing, but at least it's something...

Wednesday is always my worst eating day through the week (not counting weekend meals out sometimes) and today was actually a good eating day. I made good choices throughout the day even though I didn't really want to lol!

For lunch, I was thinking about driving through Hardees to get chicken tenders, but I somehow willed myself to drive on by. Instead, I came home and ate a banana and the last small piece of the breakfast before we had Easter morning.

Then, after work, I was looking for a snack and spotted the opened box of girl scout thin mints, but somehow I ended up eating grapes instead! We then had a good dinner, so I've stayed within my calories all day. Most days I don't have a huge problem doing that but Wednesdays are my weigh-in day, so after that, I seem to tell myself that I have a whole week to fix my bad eating. This week I started out my new week on a good foot though!

WONDERFUL! Great job!!!!

My original plan for this challenge was to do a collage of a bunch of things that I know I need to work on to achieve my healthy. But I just haven't had a chance, so instead I'm sticking to just one picture:


This picture is from March 2011. I was about 10 lbs above my goal weight, and I still thought of myself as fat.
I love this picture (because it's the Cat in the Hat and who doesn't love the Cat in the Hat?), but it's hard for me to look at it sometimes. Because I feel like I look so skinny in this picture, and I look fat now.
Thinking about it, I think this picture represents my true problem ... I'm not happy with how I look, and I don't know if I will be even if I reach my goal.

So to me ... healthy is accepting how I look, whether I'm at my goal weight or now. Yes, I do currently need to lose some weight. But once I lose that weight ... I won't be healthy until I can accept that I am where I should be. That may be at my goal weight, or it may be at a slightly higher weight. But until I look in the mirror and am comfortable with what I see, I will never be healthy.

Glad you are thinking about all of this.... and realizing that so much of weight loss and health is brain/attitude related. You got this!!


Thank you to my wonderful far away friends for your kind words and support - you have no idea how helpful you all are being to me on the journey to a better me this year. :thanks:

Speaking of my walk on the beach the kids and I went and even played a little beach soccer while we were there .... here is a pic we tried a different beach to our usual one today....
March is almost done everyone - A BIG THANKYOU to Sarah for being a fabulous host party:

That beach is gorgeous!! And I SECOND your Thank You to Sarah! This was month was AMAZING!!!

Today I'm traveling from KC to St Louis in our company plane to visit our sister office. I'm terrified that I'm not going to find the plane and it'll leave without me! Haha. It's a long day. The flight leaves at 7a and then my flight back is at 5p.

Prayers for safe travels!


Hey friends.... I'm on, but with just one minute to say hello! I am kind of hating myself for agreeing to stick with the pre-planned Star Wars theme for next month! While I have seen every movie (most of them several times) and would consider myself a minor fan, I am STRUGGLING to link them to health and exercise and weight loss! I have just a few QOTD written, but that is enough to get us started, right??! I am going to try and get the April challenge posted here right after work today because I have to head back to the high school for a spring sports parents' night for 7 pm.

Gotta go wake DS and hang a load of jeans on the line and dash!.....................P
My Etsy shop was featured on Disney Fashionista Blog today! She wrote up a post about my "This girl runs on caffeine and pixie dust" shirts. Only like 4 people have liked it on their Facebook page, ha, but it's cool anyway.

That's great!! I am not on facebook, otherwise I would happily like your shop!! I still need to get in touch with you to talk about a tumbler with a Disney Cruise design... I really like the tumblers you have! But the cruise isn't until the end of the year, so there is still a bit of time.

It's super hot and muggy in the house, though, so I feel DISGUSTING and sweaty and ugh.

When I am exercising at home and it is hot, I just wear my sports bra and a pair of shorts... I find that that really helps me feel less overheated.

No WooHoos for me today. It was not a good day, and I'm angry about a lot of things that happened today (and some things that didn't happen ... like half of my to-do list). I'm really getting sick of screwing up because it just makes me angry ... but for some reason there are just days when I can't get my **** together, and sometimes I don't even try. It's so frustrating.

Sorry that you are struggling, sending you a big virtual hug (even if I can't compete with @courtneybeth's Baymax hug!)!

This week I started out my new week on a good foot though!

Well done!!

But until I look in the mirror and am comfortable with what I see, I will never be healthy.

I agree so much!!

If you get moving and take some small steps with good action strategy you will immediately feel better about yourself because you will know you are improving yourself. Even if you don’t notice the small body changes that take place from one workout to the next you will feel better, just by taking a step in the right direction. Action cures allot of problems

I loved your quote and this spoke to me very much! Also your point in the other post about making an effort now to do something with yourself. I find that when I take more care with my appearance, it is so much easier to stick to my healthy plans.

My woohoo for the week is running 10k yesterday :earsboy:

I am impressed!!!

Speaking of my walk on the beach the kids and I went and even played a little beach soccer while we were there .... here is a pic we tried a different beach to our usual one today....


This is so beautiful!!! You really are lucky to live in such an amazing place on earth! And I love it that you are taking advantage of it regularly with getting out to the beach!

March is almost done everyone - A BIG THANKYOU to Sarah for being a fabulous host party:

Yes, thank you @SarahDisney, you did a fantastic job with March!!!!

I am kind of hating myself for agreeing to stick with the pre-planned Star Wars theme for next month! While I have seen every movie (most of them several times) and would consider myself a minor fan, I am STRUGGLING to link them to health and exercise and weight loss! I have just a few QOTD written, but that is enough to get us started, right??! I am going to try and get the April challenge posted here right after work today because I have to head back to the high school for a spring sports parents' night for 7 pm.

I am sure that everyone understands if you draw just a very loose inspiration from the Star Wars theme. And maybe we can help out with some ideas. I am going to put my thinking hat on!


I can't believe March is nearly over already. I forgot to step on the scale today, but I am afraid that the result will be horrible as my weight on Tuesday was up 5 pounds form my last weigh in. I know it is water as I can feel how loated I am currently (thanks to women issues...). So, I am not sure if I even want to step on the scale tomorrow to have a proper end/start weight. It might be just to depressing.

The weekend will be a challenge as I am in Lisbon for the weekend with my parents. They go on a cruise from Lisbon to Amsterdam and I am helping them to get there without problems as my mother is having quite a bit of issues with memory loss and it is getting stressful for my father to take care of everything, especially since getting to Lisbon includes getting on a plane and staying the night there. I am really looking forward to seeing some of Lisbon as it is supposed to be a beautiful city! But I am always bad with self control when I am travelling! Hopefully for a short trip it will be easier...

However, I am very pleased with myself that I managed to finally get a green bar for my calorie intake in my fitbit app yesterday! That means that I hit my goal! I have been in a calorie deficit for the last week, but below my 750 kcal goal. So, it feels great to finally get it right again! And today is a super warm and sunny day, perfect spring weather and I was able to go out for lunch with colleagues and sit in the sunshine... So wonderful, gave me so much energy!!!!
The month is almost over – what is your swan song for the month of March? Is there a song (Disney or otherwise) that you feel sums up your journey this month? Do you have a song that will keep you energized and on track to finish the month strong?

Well it has been quite a ride this month and for some reason when I read your question - I thought of 'Topsy Turvy' from the Hunchback of Notre Dame - Kind of fitting given that tomorrow is April Fools day and it is about the Feast of Fools celebration and it has certainly been a topsy turvy month for me and others base on our conversations. This also has a link to a small parade I saw in Disneyland back in the late 90's my first ever visit to DL in my early 20s - The Hunchback of Notre Dame was a small weekday parade then and I just loved this song as part of it. The bigger parade that week was Hercules. I don't have any digital photos of it or I would have shared.

Hey friends.... I'm on, but with just one minute to say hello! I am kind of hating myself for agreeing to stick with the pre-planned Star Wars theme for next month! While I have seen every movie (most of them several times) and would consider myself a minor fan, I am STRUGGLING to link them to health and exercise and weight loss! I have just a few QOTD written, but that is enough to get us started, right??! I am going to try and get the April challenge posted here right after work today because I have to head back to the high school for a spring sports parents' night for 7 pm.

Gotta go wake DS and hang a load of jeans on the line and dash!.....................P

May the Force be with you and provide you with inspiration :darth::chewy: have a great day.
This is so beautiful!!! You really are lucky to live in such an amazing place on earth! And I love it that you are taking advantage of it regularly with getting out to the beach!

Yes I do know that we live in a beautiful spot - I am certainly enjoying being out in it the last couple of months and plan to keep doing so luckily we have pretty mild winters and so a walk on the beach even in winter is quite nice really - sometimes we get into the rut of work, school, housework, shopping etc and don't get there very often. The other day when paddling in the morning we had paddled across to a sand bar/island and were doing some stretches/ab work and I ended up just laying there for a while gazing at the blue sky and the white clouds floating by - nice way to start the day I have discovered.
haha - I joined late! next month better

Winnie The Pooh - Up Down And Touch The Ground

Up, down, up

When I up, down and touch the ground
It puts me in the mood
Up, down and touch the ground
In the mood for food

I am stout, round and I have found
Speaking poundage wise
I improve my appetite
When I exercise

I am short, fat and proud of that
And so, with all my might
I up, down and up and down
To my appetite's delight

I have not really put music and this journey together. I have listened to the Dis podcasts and read the boards while I was on the treadmill. Disney seems to keep me going though. I am really hoping to look better for our next trip. This trip was booked on a bounce back but we were not sure if we were going to go. We have just decided we will go and not cancel it. Now I need to kick into high gear If I could lose just 10-15 pounds by the trip will be happy. However I seem to be stuck at 144. I have not been lower then that since last year. I keep getting to 144 and then I gain a few. I need to get over this hump. I ended this month with losing 3 pounds. I gained a pound maybe a little less over the holiday weekend.

@SarahDisney Thank you for the challenges. I had a great time. You did a great job. I am really glad that I found this at the beginning of the month. It has really helped me.
haha - I joined late! next month better

Winnie The Pooh - Up Down And Touch The Ground

Up, down, up

When I up, down and touch the ground
It puts me in the mood
Up, down and touch the ground
In the mood for food

I am stout, round and I have found
Speaking poundage wise
I improve my appetite
When I exercise

I am short, fat and proud of that
And so, with all my might
I up, down and up and down
To my appetite's delight

AAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. This is the BEST. I can't come up with anything more accurate.
ok I am so disappointed yet again we've run into an obstacle with getting a loan.. this time it's because our park doesn't offer a 30 year lease , for Maine State housing if you have a 30 year loan which is what you must have for a brand new mobile you must also have a 30 year lease - our park only does 5 year ones! so I told the mortgage lady to run our credit and let me know what we could do for a stick built loan with Maine State housing. so we will see.. I also have been in touch with a local place about modular homes (I don't really know what the difference is between modular and mobile maybe its just a fancier name for the same thing) but I found a plan I liked, got a quote then the girl was SUPER helpful and gave me the price for the site work (septic/well/ electrical/slab/driveway etc.) so when bank comes back to me I can then deduct those two cost to have what is left for land.. let's hope I can find that pretty reasonable.. I am also having the modular lady give me quote and a smaller home.. The one I gave her first would be the "in a perfect world" I could have (3 large bedrooms, a sunroom/study/scrapbooking spot, kitchen w/dining area, living room, 2 bathrooms and utility room for the washer/dryer) I could do without the sunroom if the master is large enough for my 8 foot scrap table. LOL .. so we will see .. more to come.. trying my best to not eat my feelings - so far so good ..

UGH so since this post we had some news.. I have to vent, I'm sorry to load this on you all but I've got to get it out..

GOOD - we were pre-approved for 100K on a move in ready stick built home (on Monday 4/21) YAY !!!
BAD - nothing in our immediate area or within 25 miles of where we work now.. BOO
GOOD - Found some decent ones in outlying towns further south or north so instead of 20 miles from home it could be up to 35 miles but all highway so timing is only about 10 mins longer of a drive, that will only raise our monthly payments by most of $250 (for our fave one but down to low as only $100 on our third choice ) very doable.. YAY!!!!
BAD - my biggest supporter my Mom - is being a Debbie downer right now.. she thinks I should wait till next year till my bankruptcy falls off and get a bigger loan for newer/nicer/more expensive house which I do NOT want to have a larger house payment because I like the fun stuff my hubs and I can afford to do now so we don't want to be trapped by a large house payment again - I've lost one house that way already in my life and don't plan on letting that happen again! WORSE - I'm a stress eater so because I was do disappointed by my mom's reaction to the very nice houses I sent her that I eat every single bad thing in my house last night (chips, candy, crackers, ice cream cones!!!!!) BOOO BOOOO BOOOOOO

anyhow the ones I am looking at are all at least 3 bedroom places so that means my DD (boyfriend and doggie) can move back in with me YAY and get away from her wicked stepmother and spineless dad (he never stands up for my kids - he just blocks out the witch and lets her run the house meaning my DD gets the brunt of it mostly) I assume my DS will still stay with me one week and my Ex one week but we'll see what he decides - his drive to school will be the same no matter what house he picks..

here are the pics I sent my mom. this is my 1st choice .. It has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths this one has had lots of updates new flooring, new paint, new appliances, new window, new insulation
178 EAST Ave.jpg

this is choice number 2.. It has 3 bedrooms and 1 bath - it's my DD and Sisters fave.
402 Court St.jpg

and this is number 3 .. its the one that cost the least but still has 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths42 FERN.jpg

anyway thanks you ladies for listening to me today.. I'll be back at lunch time.. Hugs and best wished to all. Michelle


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