Marching Our Way to a Healthy Lifestyle ~ March 2016 WISH Challenge

Question of the Day - Thursday, March 3rd:


Several floats in the Main Street Electrical Parade feature characters from the Disney animated film Alice in Wonderland. While Alice is in Wonderland, she find treats that say “eat me” and have magical effects – like making Alice grow larger or smaller.


We all have foods and drinks in our lives that seem to scream “eat me.” Some of these foods/drinks are good for us, while others can lead to setbacks in our diets. For today’s QOTD, let’s discuss those foods.

What foods and/or drinks tempt you even though you know you shouldn’t have them? What strategies do you use to stay away from these foods?
What about healthier food – what healthy foods scream “eat me” to you? Does incorporating more of these foods help you stay away from the not-so-healthy “eat me” foods?
Good morning friends! Off to work in just a few minutes.... working as a one-on-one to a new student in 1st grade, so no computer time today probably. I was hoping to be able to answer the QOTD before I dashed, but I'll do it when I get home.

4Mickeys..... prayers for you today. I'm sure it is absolutely NOTHING to worry about, but I understand your worry, nonetheless.

I think you will all chuckle a bit about this..... my step goal for March was/is going to be 15K/day x 5 days week (at least). Well.... I kind of forgot about it yesterday with all of my fairly sedentary activities around the house.... and at bedtime I was still at less than 10K steps! So there I stood, next to my bed in my pajamas, marching i place... and the MINUTE that stupid Fitbit buzzed, I collapsed into bed! I didn't hit 15K yesterday, but I didn't feel right going to bed under 10K steps!

Off to work. BBL to chat.................P
Question of the Day - Thursday, March 3rd:

Several floats in the Main Street Electrical Parade feature characters from the Disney animated film Alice in Wonderland. While Alice is in Wonderland, she find treats that say “eat me” and have magical effects – like making Alice grow larger or smaller.


We all have foods and drinks in our lives that seem to scream “eat me.” Some of these foods/drinks are good for us, while others can lead to setbacks in our diets. For today’s QOTD, let’s discuss those foods.

What foods and/or drinks tempt you even though you know you shouldn’t have them? What strategies do you use to stay away from these foods?
What about healthier food – what healthy foods scream “eat me” to you? Does incorporating more of these foods help you stay away from the not-so-healthy “eat me” foods?

Things I should not eat or should at least LIMIT ..... that list is pretty long.... but the things that tempt me are light beer and tortilla chips. We do keep them in the house and I limit them to an occasional weekend splurge. Beer isn't something I ever thought of as a "week-day" food (well..... maybe in college.... :rolleyes1 ), so Sun-Thurs nights I don't really even think of it! And the tortilla chips I keep in the house because they are a favorite of DS..... but I know better than to even have ONE.... because it is impossible to stop!

Healthier foods that I love to eat...... roasted sweet potatoes, oatmeal, hummus, smoothies with lots of greens...........and as long as I am eating PLENTY of these delicious healthier foods, I am less likely to end up with my hand in the chip bag!

Okay.... gotta dash!...............P
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Question of the Day - Thursday, March 3rd:


Several floats in the Main Street Electrical Parade feature characters from the Disney animated film Alice in Wonderland. While Alice is in Wonderland, she find treats that say “eat me” and have magical effects – like making Alice grow larger or smaller.


We all have foods and drinks in our lives that seem to scream “eat me.” Some of these foods/drinks are good for us, while others can lead to setbacks in our diets. For today’s QOTD, let’s discuss those foods.

What foods and/or drinks tempt you even though you know you shouldn’t have them? What strategies do you use to stay away from these foods?
What about healthier food – what healthy foods scream “eat me” to you? Does incorporating more of these foods help you stay away from the not-so-healthy “eat me” foods?

Baked goods kill me. I just crave them and I know. I shouldn't eat a lot of them.
Question of the Day - Thursday, March 3rd:


Several floats in the Main Street Electrical Parade feature characters from the Disney animated film Alice in Wonderland. While Alice is in Wonderland, she find treats that say “eat me” and have magical effects – like making Alice grow larger or smaller.


We all have foods and drinks in our lives that seem to scream “eat me.” Some of these foods/drinks are good for us, while others can lead to setbacks in our diets. For today’s QOTD, let’s discuss those foods.

What foods and/or drinks tempt you even though you know you shouldn’t have them? What strategies do you use to stay away from these foods?
What about healthier food – what healthy foods scream “eat me” to you? Does incorporating more of these foods help you stay away from the not-so-healthy “eat me” foods?

Last Saturday night we went out and my niece watched our kids. When we got home, they have made chocolate chip cookies. It was impossible for me not to have one. Impossible. The good news is I only had one and not the dozen or so that were left. Most foods I can stay away from, but fresh cookies not so much.

I do pretty well with healthier foods. I really love vegetables. We get rotisserie chicken and pull it apart when we go shopping and I’ll snack on the white meat if I’m really craving something. Also, having a hardboiled egg for a snack between meals has worked well.
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It's been a tough few days. We had a student where I teach take his own life Monday and it's been hard on everyone. The high school where I teach only has 390 students, so it's a small community. The student was a senior, well liked, played football and baseball... very smart and was going to study pre-med at Southern Illinois University. It really has shocked everyone.

Everyone is trying their best to move on. I think it's motivated me even more with the diet and exercise - helps to escape a little in the workout. I'm at the point now where I have to start buying some smaller clothes - I guess that's a woohoo, although spending the money isn't! I've been doing some 30 min workouts on the elliptical and I like the sweat I get out of it. I'm really trying to mix up the cardio. I’ve been thinking about trying to find someone to play some tennis with - I get bored with the treadmill after a while!

I'm so very saddened to hear this. It's just awful no matter who the student is or what kind of person they were. I'm sorry that you're dealing with this. On a positive note, congrats on needing to buy smaller clothes! I love that feeling!

I hope you get the job (but even if you don't, you have a great attitude about it!)

Thank you! I hope so too. I probably won't hear about it til the end of the month. The torture!!

What a great positive attitude - interviews and waiting to hear are so stressful - good luck I hope you get it.

Thank you!!

I started it with a panic attack - which I haven't had it quite some time. My triggers are something happening to me (healthwise) I think its related to being a solo mum and feeling the weight of the responsibility of being there for my kiddos there is not an ex in the picture to share care with so it is all me - I had what I thought was an insect bite of some kind near my jaw on Sunday and yesterday morning, it felt tender and then when I rubbed under my chin it hurt then I noticed a big lump under my chin. I had already dropped the kids at the bus by this time so was home alone when the panic attack hit - I was able to drive to the Drs using self-talk the whole way to calm down. He says the lump is the lymph node - he has swabbed what we think is a bite - still waiting for results. The lump is still there and I am still nervous about the whole thing. But I get so frustrated with myself when I have a panic attack like that. I also think its a sign that there are lots of other little stressors happening around me at the moment that are affecting more than I care to acknowledge.

I have had one panic attack in my life time and my trigger is also something happening to me healthwise. I had a medical event happen out of the blue about 3 years ago and it really rocked my world and has made me very "medically cautious" as I like to say (aka paranoid). Panic attacks are so scary! My DH was there but had no idea how to handle it. It was a rough night. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with them! You should not get frustrated with yourself. It sounds like you handled it really well! You were able to drive and remain somewhat calm which I think is awesome. I'm sorry your Wednesday wasn't a WooHoo day.
Question of the Day - Thursday, March 3rd:


Several floats in the Main Street Electrical Parade feature characters from the Disney animated film Alice in Wonderland. While Alice is in Wonderland, she find treats that say “eat me” and have magical effects – like making Alice grow larger or smaller.


We all have foods and drinks in our lives that seem to scream “eat me.” Some of these foods/drinks are good for us, while others can lead to setbacks in our diets. For today’s QOTD, let’s discuss those foods.

What foods and/or drinks tempt you even though you know you shouldn’t have them? What strategies do you use to stay away from these foods?
What about healthier food – what healthy foods scream “eat me” to you? Does incorporating more of these foods help you stay away from the not-so-healthy “eat me” foods?

Cheezits, cheetos, goldfish...anything cheesy and delicious! I'm a sucker for snack foods. Not so much chips (although if there's an open bag of doritos I won't shy away) but cookies, crackers and cheese, dips, etc. So to avoid these foods I don't buy them. Which means my "interaction" with them is at parties or social gatherings. And those I usually give myself a break because I know I'd be unhappy if I restricted myself to the point of not being able to enjoy those foods on the rare occasion that I can have them.

A banana is a healthy food that screams eat me! I love bananas. So to make it feel a little more decadent I add a little bit of PB and some mini chocolate chips. Still a healthy snack because I control the unhealthy stuff but then it feels like s sweet treat to me. I also love hummus and carrots, cuties, strawberries, asparagus. I'll happily eat those things.
Question of the Day - Thursday, March 3rd:


Several floats in the Main Street Electrical Parade feature characters from the Disney animated film Alice in Wonderland. While Alice is in Wonderland, she find treats that say “eat me” and have magical effects – like making Alice grow larger or smaller.


We all have foods and drinks in our lives that seem to scream “eat me.” Some of these foods/drinks are good for us, while others can lead to setbacks in our diets. For today’s QOTD, let’s discuss those foods.

What foods and/or drinks tempt you even though you know you shouldn’t have them? What strategies do you use to stay away from these foods?
What about healthier food – what healthy foods scream “eat me” to you? Does incorporating more of these foods help you stay away from the not-so-healthy “eat me” foods?
Oh wow - the list of foods that tempt me are long! The most dangerous of all are "handful" foods. Foods that you can grab a handful of and eat right out of the package. This includes virtually all crackers and chips, plus things like m&m's and chocolate chips. I always say - just measure it and then eat it, but 90% of the time I just grab a handful and then have no idea how much I just ate.

Other foods that I love, like pizza, ice cream, fancy alcoholic (or virgin) drinks I use the strategy of having a free day once a week. Has anyone ever read the book Body for Life? I read it years ago and followed the plan for 12 weeks and had great results (one of the few times of my life that I was at a healthy weight), but then in the middle of the next 12 weeks I got pregnant and sick as a dog! Now it doesn't really fit into my lifestyle since I'm cooking for a family. Anyway, he was a big proponent of a free day and it always worked for me. You can only eat so much in one day so it's not disastrous on all your excellent efforts during the week. If instead I had a treat or two a day, I think I would do more damage. Maybe it's mental, but it's easier for me to say no to the Starbucks mocha latte on Tuesday when I know I can have one on Saturday. Sometimes I end up having one, sometimes I don't, but the option is never more than 6 days away!

I don't know about the healthier foods. Nothing really screams "eat me". Not like unhealthy foods do. There are healthy foods that I enjoy, but it takes an effort to pick the apple as my side at Panera instead of the baguette or bag of chips.
Question of the Day - Thursday, March 3rd:


Several floats in the Main Street Electrical Parade feature characters from the Disney animated film Alice in Wonderland. While Alice is in Wonderland, she find treats that say “eat me” and have magical effects – like making Alice grow larger or smaller.


We all have foods and drinks in our lives that seem to scream “eat me.” Some of these foods/drinks are good for us, while others can lead to setbacks in our diets. For today’s QOTD, let’s discuss those foods.

What foods and/or drinks tempt you even though you know you shouldn’t have them? What strategies do you use to stay away from these foods?
What about healthier food – what healthy foods scream “eat me” to you? Does incorporating more of these foods help you stay away from the not-so-healthy “eat me” foods?

I have a few foods that I have a hard time staying away. Malley's chocolate is one of them. Thankfully they are not in the regular stores. They have their own and they are not around the corner from me. I only buy them at Christmas and Easter when I buy then for gifts for the kids. I did buy chocolate covered pretzels the other day when I got the kids theirs for Easter. I only eating a few at a time and sharing them with the kids so they will be gone quicker. I am also a big pop drinker. I don't drink coffee so pop is my caffeine. I stopped drinking it for a month + last year so I am going to try it again. They that I do this is my not buying it. I also love the doughnuts from a shop close by me. I take my kids on Sundays after church. I use it as an incentive for them to behave. I need to work just letting them pick out a doughnut and for me not too. I also love Chipolte. I used to go several times a week. I started to get a bowl since it is less calories and I only get the rice, steak, tomato salsa and a very little bit of cheese. It is only like 400 calories so I can make it work with my calorie without going over. However it is still not the best. I have not had it since the E-Coli out break and not sure when I will go back.
It's been a tough few days. We had a student where I teach take his own life Monday and it's been hard on everyone. The high school where I teach only has 390 students, so it's a small community. The student was a senior, well liked, played football and baseball... very smart and was going to study pre-med at Southern Illinois University. It really has shocked everyone.

Everyone is trying their best to move on. I think it's motivated me even more with the diet and exercise - helps to escape a little in the workout. I'm at the point now where I have to start buying some smaller clothes - I guess that's a woohoo, although spending the money isn't! I've been doing some 30 min workouts on the elliptical and I like the sweat I get out of it. I'm really trying to mix up the cardio. I’ve been thinking about trying to find someone to play some tennis with - I get bored with the treadmill after a while!

My heart goes out to your community. What a tragedy-- I can't even imagine.

Regarding tennis though: my cousin is always trying to get me to be her tennis partner. She loves it saying that its fun and social and a good work out. I can definitely see that being a great mix up when going solo on the treadmill gets boring!

My woohoo is that all of the thin mints are finally out of the house (though they may possibly in my stomach....) and I'm not allowing anymore to be bought!

LOL! Good for you for getting them out of the house, but I must confess, I'm a little jealous--- there is a dark part of me that is quite upset I didn't see ONE table set up selling them this year outside the grocery store. They didn't get to tempt me, but by golly, I sure looked at both entrances every time I went to the store hoping to get some thin mints!

What foods and/or drinks tempt you even though you know you shouldn’t have them? What strategies do you use to stay away from these foods?
What about healthier food – what healthy foods scream “eat me” to you? Does incorporating more of these foods help you stay away from the not-so-healthy “eat me” foods?

All the cookies, all the cakes, all the bread, all the pastas. I wish with all my heart I could have the same feeling I have about bread about vegetables instead. *sigh* I don't have a strategy to stay away, but I am looking for loopholes to keep them in diet... So far, that has been allowing myself a sugar-free cookie or two at night if I have the calories available. No loophole on the bread yet, although I have been reading about this cloud bread phenomenon I may have to try. But I learned a good trick from Blue Apron last week to help me cut back my pasta portion. They had us add sliced cabbage to the pasta mix and it served the purpose of a secondary noodle almost. So it seemed as if I had a big bowl of pasta to eat, but in reality it was about half noodles, half cabbage. I was super full and didn't feel like I had missed out on the pasta portion at all. So this can help me moderate my pasta intake in other dishes.

I think you will all chuckle a bit about this..... my step goal for March was/is going to be 15K/day x 5 days week (at least). Well.... I kind of forgot about it yesterday with all of my fairly sedentary activities around the house.... and at bedtime I was still at less than 10K steps! So there I stood, next to my bed in my pajamas, marching i place... and the MINUTE that stupid Fitbit buzzed, I collapsed into bed! I didn't hit 15K yesterday, but I didn't feel right going to bed under 10K steps!

Hahaha! Good for you though! That is true dedication!
Question of the Day - Thursday, March 3rd:


Several floats in the Main Street Electrical Parade feature characters from the Disney animated film Alice in Wonderland. While Alice is in Wonderland, she find treats that say “eat me” and have magical effects – like making Alice grow larger or smaller.


We all have foods and drinks in our lives that seem to scream “eat me.” Some of these foods/drinks are good for us, while others can lead to setbacks in our diets. For today’s QOTD, let’s discuss those foods.

What foods and/or drinks tempt you even though you know you shouldn’t have them? What strategies do you use to stay away from these foods?
What about healthier food – what healthy foods scream “eat me” to you? Does incorporating more of these foods help you stay away from the not-so-healthy “eat me” foods?

I forgot the healthy foods. I love salads, cucumbers, celery, peppers (any color), carrots, broccoli and asparagus. The problem with them is I have to prep them. I can't just grab and go. I am horrible at prepping for the week. Something my husband and I are working on. Some weeks are better then others.
ut I learned a good trick from Blue Apron last week to help me cut back my pasta portion. They had us add sliced cabbage to the pasta mix and it served the purpose of a secondary noodle almost. So it seemed as if I had a big bowl of pasta to eat, but in reality it was about half noodles, half cabbage. I was super full and didn't feel like I had missed out on the pasta portion at all. So this can help me moderate my pasta intake in other dishes.

So you just cooked the cabbage in with your pasta? I've never heard of that. What kind of dish was it that you made?
Question of the Day - Thursday, March 3rd:


Several floats in the Main Street Electrical Parade feature characters from the Disney animated film Alice in Wonderland. While Alice is in Wonderland, she find treats that say “eat me” and have magical effects – like making Alice grow larger or smaller.


We all have foods and drinks in our lives that seem to scream “eat me.” Some of these foods/drinks are good for us, while others can lead to setbacks in our diets. For today’s QOTD, let’s discuss those foods.

What foods and/or drinks tempt you even though you know you shouldn’t have them? What strategies do you use to stay away from these foods?
What about healthier food – what healthy foods scream “eat me” to you? Does incorporating more of these foods help you stay away from the not-so-healthy “eat me” foods?

There are lots of foods I know I shouldn't even start eating because I won't want just one serving! I'm hoping that I won't always feel that way, but for now, they are just easier to completely stay away from. For me at this point, they are things like cheez-its, ritz crackers and a good dip and other things like that. I sometimes feel like I could eat a whole box of them, and I know that is just ridiculous!

As far as healthy foods, I'm just getting started on my new way of eating, so haven't gone too far away from the basics, but one thing that I discovered that I'm loving is a homemade egg sandwich. I was eating one of the frozen jimmy dean delights breakfast sandwiches each morning for breakfast (I know, not the best, but better than what I had been eating lol). I got out my pampered chef egg cooker and now use it each morning to cook one egg and put that with a slice of cheese on a thin bagel. I love it - I feel like I could eat it for breakfast and lunch each day, but I'm not sure what the whole dieting stance is on eating eggs now, so I figure one a day is plenty lol! But, it's cheap, quick and filling, so for now, it's my go-to breakfast.
Good morning friends! Off to work in just a few minutes.... working as a one-on-one to a new student in 1st grade, so no computer time today probably. I was hoping to be able to answer the QOTD before I dashed, but I'll do it when I get home.

4Mickeys..... prayers for you today. I'm sure it is absolutely NOTHING to worry about, but I understand your worry, nonetheless.

I think you will all chuckle a bit about this..... my step goal for March was/is going to be 15K/day x 5 days week (at least). Well.... I kind of forgot about it yesterday with all of my fairly sedentary activities around the house.... and at bedtime I was still at less than 10K steps! So there I stood, next to my bed in my pajamas, marching i place... and the MINUTE that stupid Fitbit buzzed, I collapsed into bed! I didn't hit 15K yesterday, but I didn't feel right going to bed under 10K steps!

Off to work. BBL to chat.................P
Ha Ha... yes, that's one of the first signs of FitBit obsession. When you find yourself refusing to move while it's charging (because if you aren't getting credit, what's the point), you'll know you are really hooked.
Oh wow - the list of foods that tempt me are long! The most dangerous of all are "handful" foods. Foods that you can grab a handful of and eat right out of the package. This includes virtually all crackers and chips, plus things like m&m's and chocolate chips. I always say - just measure it and then eat it, but 90% of the time I just grab a handful and then have no idea how much I just ate.

Other foods that I love, like pizza, ice cream, fancy alcoholic (or virgin) drinks I use the strategy of having a free day once a week. Has anyone ever read the book Body for Life? I read it years ago and followed the plan for 12 weeks and had great results (one of the few times of my life that I was at a healthy weight), but then in the middle of the next 12 weeks I got pregnant and sick as a dog! Now it doesn't really fit into my lifestyle since I'm cooking for a family. Anyway, he was a big proponent of a free day and it always worked for me. You can only eat so much in one day so it's not disastrous on all your excellent efforts during the week. If instead I had a treat or two a day, I think I would do more damage. Maybe it's mental, but it's easier for me to say no to the Starbucks mocha latte on Tuesday when I know I can have one on Saturday. Sometimes I end up having one, sometimes I don't, but the option is never more than 6 days away!

I have had that same idea for a while now.... if I want ice cream/beer/chips (whatever) on Tuesday, I tell myself that I can have it on Saturday. Sometimes on Saturday I still want it, but often times I don't. If I want it, I have a weighed/measured portion and MOVE ON!

I don't know about the healthier foods. Nothing really screams "eat me". Not like unhealthy foods do. There are healthy foods that I enjoy, but it takes an effort to pick the apple as my side at Panera instead of the baguette or bag of chips.

(Expand quote to see my other comments.) Usually whatever I am eating at Panera is enough of a treat that I can remember not to have a "treat" with my treat! Just wish they offered more than a small (sometimes mushy) apple as the fruit side. A clementine or banana would be nice!

All the cookies, all the cakes, all the bread, all the pastas. I wish with all my heart I could have the same feeling I have about bread about vegetables instead. *sigh* I don't have a strategy to stay away, but I am looking for loopholes to keep them in diet... So far, that has been allowing myself a sugar-free cookie or two at night if I have the calories available. No loophole on the bread yet, although I have been reading about this cloud bread phenomenon I may have to try. But I learned a good trick from Blue Apron last week to help me cut back my pasta portion. They had us add sliced cabbage to the pasta mix and it served the purpose of a secondary noodle almost. So it seemed as if I had a big bowl of pasta to eat, but in reality it was about half noodles, half cabbage. I was super full and didn't feel like I had missed out on the pasta portion at all. So this can help me moderate my pasta intake in other dishes.

I LOVE that idea.... but of course, I love cabbage so it sounds delicious to me! DH has only ONE food that he says absolutely NO to.... and that would be cabbage.

I have added zucchini/summer squash noodles to my pasta dishes before.... but now I use just the veggie noodles and usually skip the pasta all together! Love to hear more about your Blue Apron meals. I'm considering giving it as a gift next Christmas to my DBrother's family.... they DEFINITELY need to eat healthier!

Hahaha! Good for you though! That is true dedication!

(Expand quote to see my other comments.) Thanks!!

I forgot the healthy foods. I love salads, cucumbers, celery, peppers (any color), carrots, broccoli and asparagus. The problem with them is I have to prep them. I can't just grab and go. I am horrible at prepping for the week. Something my husband and I are working on. Some weeks are better then others.

If you don't eat the veggies because you cannot get around to prepping them, I would splurge and buy the more expensive veggies that are ready to eat....our market sells baby carrots, celery sticks, and baby cukes that are ready to eat..... plus you could buy some already prepped stuff from the salad bar. It is more expensive, but hey, if you get more veggies into your diet it would be worth it, right????

I need to back in this but my schedule is just insane.
I need some mini challenges to get back on track, anyone have any suggestions?

Hi friend!!! Our hostess for March (Sarah) said she would be posting some mini-challenges, so I think you found the right place!! If I don't see you around when the first one gets posted, I'll send you a PM or find you on the Budget Board!! Do you have a Fitbit? I know some of the folks here are "friends" on the Fitbit challenge!.............P
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QOD: Who's screaming "Eat me!"

Basically anything sweet is calling my name, but ice cream is my particular downfall. Ice cream with something crunchy in it, like Chocolate Chip Mint or Rocky Road. I can eat an entire quart in an evening... and having to run up to the grocery store to get it won't slow me down. In the past two months I've only had ice cream once - a small single serving container of strawberry. I knew I was hooked when I walked past the ice cream freezer at the store and I knew I would eat whatever went home with me so that was my "control" mechanism, and it worked because I don't particularly like strawberry ice cream or the only brand that was available in the single serving size so I had no desire for more.

Healthy foods that scream at me...none that I can think of, unfortunately. Oh, wait, for some reason I get cravings for cashews which could be considered healthy if you don't over do it. But I will. So I'll get a baggie with just half a cup of cashews from the bulk section and then eat them all, in one sitting, usually in the car on the way home.
What foods and/or drinks tempt you even though you know you shouldn’t have them? What strategies do you use to stay away from these foods?
What about healthier food – what healthy foods scream “eat me” to you? Does incorporating more of these foods help you stay away from the not-so-healthy “eat me” foods?

Any sort of snack food or sweet treat -- just not having them in the house is good for us.

It's employee appreciation week at work and every day has been a candy desk drop. I've had to throw the candy away in the trashcan in hopes of me not eating it. But yesterday was bad and I dug into the box of buncha crunch and I woke up this morning feeling a little guilty about it. Donuts are in the breakroom this morning and I'm doing my best to avoid them like the plague.

This week has been hard to not give into the comfort food feelings -- a bit of family drama and I think it's put me into a little bit of a depression. But the good news is that i have my personal trainer today and she'll get me on the path of working it out.

Healthier foods? I love snack-size portions of cottage cheese and yogurt. Much more manageable when taking them to work and preplanning all meals for the week.
Man Page 6 I'm late to the party (and my lunch isn't long enough today to read them all but I'll do it tomorrow) .. been sick and then catching up at work and now this week we are allowed OT till the 11th.. I am joining but my goal is just to maintain.. If you remember I am trying to purchase a new home and we've had some hurdles so I'm impatiently waiting for our CC to) show a zero balance on our credit reports (which should be soon!) I am Michelle, Mom of 2 grown kids (DD 22 and DS 19) both who live at home and go to college locally. I have a hubs - he's a chef, 12 yrs younger then me and has Epilepsy.. I have type 2 diabetes and in the last month started a new med that appears to help quite a bit - I saw 94 pre dinner for the first time ever (never have I been under 120! mostly I hover around 150 - 170 pre-meal time) You'll hear me mention Hunny quite a bit - she is our Orange Tabby rescue cat that is 5 and a total love bug now that she had good humans..
Welcome to the newbies and Hello to all my old friends.. PS love the intro on the first page.. Disney Parades are my favorite things!!


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