Marathon Weekend 2018

2018 Marathon Weekend DIS Goals from February

Well since we're less than two weeks from the start of the 2018 Marathon Weekend I thought it would be as good a time as ever to dig this up! So way back on February 15th, 2017 (right after registration day) I posed the questions as to what your Marathon Weekend Goals are:

So, here we are now two weeks to go! So how do your goals from February compare now to your goals with only days remaining?

@PrincessV @mbwhitti @FelisLachesis @rteetz @camaker @Barca33Runner @jeanigor @Simba's Girl @ZellyB @mslezalie @TeeterTots @michigandergirl @bryana @Z-Knight @BuckeyeBama @baxter24 @GollyGadget @kywyldcat03 @JeffW @Sailormoon2 @pixarmom @whaler8 @princess_jamie @steph0808 @Princess KP @CherieFran @BikeFan @Chaitali @Nole95 @bananabean @AbbyJaws2003 @DVCFan1994 @Dopey Devon @DisneyRay @IamTrike @team weasel @croach @Baloo in MI @Dis5150 @PCFriar80 @Aspenmarie82 @LindseyJo22 @cavepig @ChipNDale86 @Dis_Yoda @drummerwife @drummerhusband @jmasgat @OldSlowGoofyGuy @sourire @Keels @FFigawi @LadyDi13 @hauntedcity @bellanotte10 @metluver @Davidg83 @jAcKs_x0 @Diskidatheart @slp1650 @RENThead09 @courtneybeth @Anisum @Jescue @cburnett11

My goal back in February was to make it to Marathon Weekend uninjured and able to fully enjoy running the weekend after being limited to interval running due to injury in my previous two weekends. I set up my training to focus on the upcoming weekend and forewent a fall marathon in an attempt to meet the goal. At this point, knock on wood, it looks like I'm going to be able to meet that goal!
So how do your goals from February compare now to your goals with only days remaining?
My goals were to finish the half strong, potentially PR and not be injured and healthy going into it. So far *knocks on wood* I am coming into the race healthy and injury free, so a total win there! I think I am in a pretty good spot to run strong and have fun doing it. A PR might be far fetched but never say never!

So I wasn't going to run outside this weekend due to the sidewalks and crazy cold temps and all that, but the snow storm never came and it will be a balmy 17 degrees tomorrow so I am going to do a recon tonight in my car to see how the further out sidewalk look (ones around the house are pretty clear) and I might just go out tomorrow for one more longer run. I don't need those miles, but I would like to have them so we will see! But, going along with the goals, no injuries so if the sidewalks are not good I won't even try it.
I am from Wisconsin too! And although the Florida weather has thinned my blood, I still think the ideal marathon running temperature is 45-50 degrees. However, I'd rather run in 37 degrees over 60 degrees any day.
I prefer 50s to low 60s...70s sap all desire to run a good pace, but honestly going down to Florida from Michigan in January, I'd rather not bring my weather down with me. I'd rather have it warm than cold, I can do cold runs at home, give me a change.
2018 Marathon Weekend DIS Goals from February

Well since we're less than two weeks from the start of the 2018 Marathon Weekend I thought it would be as good a time as ever to dig this up! So way back on February 15th, 2017 (right after registration day) I posed the questions as to what your Marathon Weekend Goals are:

So, here we are now two weeks to go! So how do your goals from February compare now to your goals with only days remaining?

Mine haven't changed any!

5k - pictures? check
10k - group costume? check. Two beers? check, if @Dis_Yoda is going to be operating her stop along the BW loop
half - not between BC, Epcot, and MGM? check, if the weather cooperates
full - photos, beer, and rides? check. Add in french fries? check, right @Keels?
You still put your code in for each race. Then after they show up you can download them, it's the same as when you buy Memory Maker.

I’m AP. Am I able to enter other family member bibs on my memory maker or just mine? Right now we are able to get photos of others in my family at the parks without them being AP holders, just by them being linked to me and scanning their MBs. Just wondering if I can get their race photos too in some fashion without watermarks.
2018 Marathon Weekend DIS Goals from February

Well since we're less than two weeks from the start of the 2018 Marathon Weekend I thought it would be as good a time as ever to dig this up! So way back on February 15th, 2017 (right after registration day) I posed the questions as to what your Marathon Weekend Goals are:

Not looking too bad
1) Finish our 4th Disney 5k as a family - On track
2) Run with my 12 year old son for his first 10k - On track, he's been training!
3) Finish my first Dopey (and in the process, my 4th Goofy) - (knock on wood) all looks to be on track for this
4) PR the marathon in sub-3:40 (admittedly this is lowest priority since it'll be a challenge as part of Dopey) - I'd give this at best a 50/50 chance, my training paces didn't quite hit expectations. Looks more like 3:45-3:50 depending on the weather (see how I spun that back to obsessing about the weather?!)
5k and 10k to run them with my DD26 and just have fun.

Half to take it super easy and stop for all the characters!

Full to finish in 5:30 or under. This is a very ambitious goal for me as it will require a 45 minute improvement in time. I plan to spend this year getting faster. :eek:

Edited to add: DATW again on Monday. Was great meeting a few of y'all this past year in Epcot and hope to do it again this next year!

5k & 10k same except we are walking them
Half same except DD28 is doing this one with me too
Full hmm we will see. Idk if it is possible, so if it looks like I'm going to be super far off I will start stopping for all the character pics. :)
DATW - sadly we won't have park tickets so won't be able to participate.
See everyone is watching Orlando weather. The only thing I care about is my local weather and making sure I can get to Orlando! Everything after that is all good. :)

LOL me too! coming from the midwest, making sure no snow. Layover in Atlanta, checking theirs as well making sure no ice storm. And, hopefully no power outage again, but no way to monitor that.
I’m AP. Am I able to enter other family member bibs on my memory maker or just mine? Right now we are able to get photos of others in my family at the parks without them being AP holders, just by them being linked to me and scanning their MBs. Just wondering if I can get their race photos too in some fashion without watermarks.
Yep, you can put other people's bibs in, they don't even have to be linked to your MDE. I think it's up to 5 bibs per race (but could be wrong on that but I always see people saying 5)
See everyone is watching Orlando weather. The only thing I care about is my local weather and making sure I can get to Orlando! Everything after that is all good. :)
Exactly! My co-worker was supposed to fly out to Orlando from Toronto this morning but his flight got cancelled due to weather. I would be freaking out because I would just want to be at Disney! :mickeyjum
2018 Marathon Weekend DIS Goals from February

Well since we're less than two weeks from the start of the 2018 Marathon Weekend I thought it would be as good a time as ever to dig this up! So way back on February 15th, 2017 (right after registration day) I posed the questions as to what your Marathon Weekend Goals are:

So, here we are now two weeks to go! So how do your goals from February compare now to your goals with only days remaining?

My goal of arriving at the start line uninjured is slightly askew at this point. I have a weird quad strain that came out of nowhere-while I wasn't running--but I'm hoping taper time will fix that. In the pool for me. I can run with it, so not too, too worried yet.

My goal of just finishing is a question, in that I didn't do my fall race as planned. So I may try to run the marathon for a time goal, but will decide based on how I feel then.

The goal to avenge my 2013 Goofy is still intact!
So, here we are now two weeks to go! So how do your goals from February compare now to your goals with only days remaining?

As everyone know, I have some stuff going on.

Right now, my goals are:

Do not DNS (sorry for the double negative. I guess that means Start)
Do not DNF (unlikely if I manage to start)
Meet @DopeyBadger in person and thank him for creating the plan that got me a 35 minute PR and sub 4. (God, I love typing that!)
Meet the rest of the wonderful DISers that have been so supportive.
Escape from reality for a couple of days.
I didn't think I could set the bar any lower than last year's "just finish Dopey", but here I am with: All 4 races actually happen, with me in them. Okay, I was silly in the other thread, so I'll focus and get serious here. ;) Training: get it done, no injuries, no heat stroke 5K: all the FUN, all the silly pics with friends! 10K: last year's 10K goal was to make sure I took in my surroundings and that was really nice, so maybe that again for 2018. 13.1: um, I really just want it to happen this time. That would be cool. :) 26.2: I think I'd like to aim for an improved time this year, but reserve the right to decide midway to bag that and stop for pics and such. Overall: Last year I had a goal of a jumping pic in each park during the full, which I accomplished, but PhotoPass lost my MK castle one. :( I think for 2018 I'll aim for a different jump in a jumping pic in front of Spaceship Earth in each race!
TBD - here's hoping! So far I've managed to avoid heat stroke, so that's a start... ;)
So, here we are now two weeks to go! So how do your goals from February compare now to your goals with only days remaining?

My goal was to "Beat the Badger"


My training has significantly improved in that I can now run an 8:00 min/mile for 10 miles on a regular basis...but since my long run training has not been good I dont expect a good Marathon time. So revising my goal to just "See the Badger" and hopefully improve on my previous years' runs when I was hurt.
Marathon Weekend Goals: I don't remember what I wrote back in Feb. if I wrote anything. I do know that I wasn't going to run Disney at all this year, until I discovered it was the 25th anniversary of the marathon and I HAD to do it. And since I was going, why not Goofy? My primary goal this year was a marathon PR, which happened. I wish I was perfectly healthy for Goofy, which I'm not, but I'm running the half with all 3 of my kids, and I just want to finish the full, which I think I'll be able to do... so I think I can reach my goals.
2018 Marathon Weekend DIS Goals from February

Well since we're less than two weeks from the start of the 2018 Marathon Weekend I thought it would be as good a time as ever to dig this up! So way back on February 15th, 2017 (right after registration day) I posed the questions as to what your Marathon Weekend Goals are:

First, thank you @DopeyBadger this is really cool! As for the goal: I said I would focus on enjoying the 5K with my daughter and enjoying the overall trip with my family. This is a tough time of year to go to Florida because the girls miss school and 9th/5th grade is a lot different than it used to be when in was say 4th grade/Kindergarten. So this may be the last year we can do this as a full family for awhile. This will be my biggest goal - be in the moment and enjoy this family time. My running goal was to run the 10k, half and full faster than I ran the Goofy in 2015. I am still going to try and make that happen. Although I have noticed that my focus this past year on ultra's had made my endurance very strong but I think I could have done with more speed. It will be a good challenge.
2018 Marathon Weekend DIS Goals from February

Well since we're less than two weeks from the start of the 2018 Marathon Weekend I thought it would be as good a time as ever to dig this up! So way back on February 15th, 2017 (right after registration day) I posed the questions as to what your Marathon Weekend Goals are:

So, here we are now two weeks to go! So how do your goals from February compare now to your goals with only days remaining?

Planning all the character pics and signed up for DATW so everything is in order. :)
I think my goals are the same. I'm just more confident that I'll finish and still hope it's in the upright position. As for DATW, unless a snowstorm hits I don't think it will work out. :(


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