Losing weight for Mickey

I did well today. I ate bran cereal breakfast and a healthy lunch from home. (trying to stay away from fast food places.) and a good dinner. I didn't take the ice cream after either! this right now is the hard time. I just feel I could snack and snack. But I am remaining strong and envisioning a thinner me on the teacups.

I know it sounds crazy, but, it usually works for me. When I want to eat something I know I shouldn't, if I brush my teeth, I won't eat it because I don't want to mess up that nice, clean feeling!
OK, I'm getting really upset - My back is still KILLING ME, though I am able to move today. I still can't get on the treadmill, which is really depressing me. Hopefully eating well will help me get to that 50lbs mark, because it seems like exercise ain't on the menu this week!!!
Hi fellow DIS'ers!

I am new to this thread and am hoping to find some motivation and support.

I have struggled with my weight for the past 15 years. I am 5 feet 3 inches and weigh 188lbs (WOW...only you and my Doctor know that!).

Speaking of doctors, I went last week and got on the scale and the nurse says, "You really carry your weight well." Translation: You are much fatter than you look. I've heard it before but it really struck a nerve this time. I am sooooooo depressed with my body/weight/looks. Some days I don't even want to get out of bed.

I am a single mom of 2 sons and work full-time.

PLEASE don't tell me I just need to eat better and exercise more...NO S%#T Sherlock! I know what I need to do but I have ZERO motivation or self discipline.

I stand on my feet 9 hours a day so the LAST thing I want to do when I get home is exercise. I own a great treadmill that is currently acting as a secondary closet. I did Weight Watchers a few years ago but fizzled out after a few months.

One of my biggest problems is eating after I get off work. I eat quite healthy during my lunch and breaks at work but I am starved when I get home and tend to graze until bedtime and often get up at 3:00 am with the most intense sugar craving imaginable!! I also have an intestinal disease which prevents me fromt eating raw/fresh veggies and nuts...UGGH!!

Thanks for listening to me.

It is quite possible you and I are twins - I am 5'3" but I weight 179 (as of this morning)

I understand the intestinal disease (not exactly but I understand what you can't eat)Is it ALL veggie and nuts or only certain ones......the ones with "shells".................. I would suggest you up your protein intake and add some good fat (i.e Olive oil, avacado.....) combined these keep you full longer since it takes your body longer to break down the protein. String cheese (or any kind - keep it about 2oz)Yogurt (I use LF or FF Vanilla and add frozen fruit to it), at least 3 glasses of milk (LF or FF)

WW is a great program - it works for LOTS of people, did not for me - I was becoming obsessed with food - "how may points for this" "If I eat half of this and spread only 1 tsp of this it would be XX number of points" I was getting out of hand - but even to this day I can rattle off points of most food (Yeah I know everyone has that "special" talent - I am so lucky to have gound mine - LOL )

I won't recommend any specfic diet to follow - I just know the formula is simple - EAT LESS MOVE MORE!!! I know I know "No S**T Sherlock" - But I will always stand by this statement -"YOU CAN DO ANYTHING FOR 10 MINUTES" including walking on the treadmill - BABY STEPS - It is a Marathon - not a Sprint!!!

Good Luck to you -

For those of you who are "losing weight for Mickey" make sure that is the secondary reason - Only losing weight for yourself will you be successful!!!

Best of luck to everyone!!!

Sharp Mom - Take care of your back - the two things we will miss when they are gone as we get older - our back and our knees!!! Besides the meds - try ice and heat - ice for 20 mins, heat for 10 - 2x's a day!! Be well!! BTW - You can ignore the 10 mins thing!! You need to take care of your back!! Excercise will ALWAYS be there!!
Yay I finally found a weight loss thread on Disboards. Is it ok if I join? I sure hope so.

I too am trying to lose weight, and this has been the norm my entire life. At age 30 I really need to get to my goal weight of 140. Right now I'm at 157, but that is a long way from my heaviest of 260. Yes 260lbs at 5'4", yikes! But that was over 2 years ago and this has been a long hard road with several bumps along the way.

My current goal is to weigh 150 at the time of my WDW trip. So I have about 9 weeks to lose 7 more lbs, totally doable, but if I don't make it I'm not beating myself up. I'm currently following Weight Watchers, but I don't attend meetings. And I know some of you are going to throw stuff at me for this one, but I am a city carrier and I walk around 17 miles a day. Now you ask how can I be overweight? Well it's as simple as more calories in then out. For me WW works, so that's what I do.

I haven't near read this entire thread, but to the poor soul who started this thread and has now hurt her back, I am so sorry you are hurting. Do you have one of those exercise balls at home? If not you can get them for like $12 at walmart. Anyway, there are some very low impact exercises you can do with the ball laying flat on your back, so then maybe you could do a little exercise. I just thought I would suggest that.

Well I hope you all have a great night!
i 'm 35 and planning 1st wdw with df and dd(9)
I'm from the west coast.
my weight is mostly in my midsection. I could tone my arms and need to loose a few inches in my back. my legs are thin which i hate they look like drumsticks and i dont wear shorts beause i have a compex about my ankles -the area abiove it where one would hold the drumstick part. I dont share that insecrutiy with anyone.

My goal is to get down to 150. I want to wear a skitiny and take dd to wdw waterpark. I just need to lose the weight and workout my legs.
I'm going to do lowcarb since it has worked for me in the past. I just need to stay motivated and not fall off the wagon.
It is quite possible you and I are twins - I am 5'3" but I weight 179 (as of this morning)

I understand the intestinal disease (not exactly but I understand what you can't eat)Is it ALL veggie and nuts or only certain ones......the ones with "shells".................. I would suggest you up your protein intake and add some good fat (i.e Olive oil, avacado.....) combined these keep you full longer since it takes your body longer to break down the protein. String cheese (or any kind - keep it about 2oz)Yogurt (I use LF or FF Vanilla and add frozen fruit to it), at least 3 glasses of milk (LF or FF)

WW is a great program - it works for LOTS of people, did not for me - I was becoming obsessed with food - "how may points for this" "If I eat half of this and spread only 1 tsp of this it would be XX number of points" I was getting out of hand - but even to this day I can rattle off points of most food (Yeah I know everyone has that "special" talent - I am so lucky to have gound mine - LOL )

I won't recommend any specfic diet to follow - I just know the formula is simple - EAT LESS MOVE MORE!!! I know I know "No S**T Sherlock" - But I will always stand by this statement -"YOU CAN DO ANYTHING FOR 10 MINUTES" including walking on the treadmill - BABY STEPS - It is a Marathon - not a Sprint!!!

Good Luck to you -

For those of you who are "losing weight for Mickey" make sure that is the secondary reason - Only losing weight for yourself will you be successful!!!

Best of luck to everyone!!!

Sharp Mom - Take care of your back - the two things we will miss when they are gone as we get older - our back and our knees!!! Besides the meds - try ice and heat - ice for 20 mins, heat for 10 - 2x's a day!! Be well!! BTW - You can ignore the 10 mins thing!! You need to take care of your back!! Excercise will ALWAYS be there!!

I'm with the both of you! (Also in Oregon!)

I'm starting tomorrow. 34 years old, 5' 3" & 175 lbs. :scared1: Goal is 155 lbs by Oct. 30th (Day we leave!) I'll weigh in every Wednesday.....

Let's do it!:banana:
I will be posting my wiegh in on Mondays.

Currently I am 179 I really don't have w weight loss goal - I just know I don't want to be unhelathy any longer!!

Good luck all!!
I would love to join you! I have been struggling to find my motivation lately. I have a baby who is 7.5 months old. I have about 20-25 pounds to lose, but unfortunately most of that is NOT baby weight. I don't even have her to blame, just myself and my undying love of burgers, fries and chocolate!

Name: Jen
Age: 30 :-)eek: ...still not used to THAT number)
Location: Cincinnati
Diet: the WW plan (may go back to attending meetings after the holiday weekend)
Hurdles to overcome: Lack of motivation to move, eating late at night
Exercise: walk on the treadmill but am planning on a couch to 5K program and also use Core Secrets and free weights
Start date: 7/2/2008
Goal: 138
Weight at start: 158
Weight loss to date: 0

I also would like more defined arms and to run a 5K this fall with DH, who has run a marathon in the past.

I leave for the World on Oct 4 and would love to be down by then.

I usually weigh myself everyday (I know, not the best) but used Wednesday as my "weigh in" day. We are going to Lake Cumberland for the weekend, and I am packing carrots and a lot of fruit to munch on...it is so easy to eat bad down there.
OK, here is my info. I have been trying to lose for some time now, maybe since Feb?? I have been following Bob Greene's Best Life Book. I have lost 20 pounds, and would love to lose 20 more, but I would be happy with a bit less I think. I have been thin my whole life until now, and my weight gain is largely medicine induced, which is really hard to deal with. At 5'8 1/2 (the 1/2 makes me feel better;) ) I am now 157. My weight after I had my first child who is now 8 yrs old , was 133, which is also what I was before I had her BTW;) I don't know that I necessarily have to get back to being that thin, as I have been weight training and now have more muscle, but at least 140. We are going to DW in about 2 months, and I would love to be in the 140s at least by then. Wish me luck!!

Thanks for whoever mentioned jumping rope! That sounds like a great cardio workout, I have been looking for something that I will do, I hate to run!! I don't even own one, I'll have to put that on my shopping list:goodvibes
I know I am late in the game, but I really want to join ya all!! I started my weight loss campaign last June and lost about 22 pounds. Over a few months, I put 10 or back on.:mad: But I am back on track again and have lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks. I belong to a weight loss group at our local fitness center and have a weight loss partner, but I love going online to see how my Disney friends can support me. I currently am 5'4" and weigh 202. I was down to 196 about 6 months ago, but I fell off the wagon. My first goal is to get to 180 and wear a size 14 and be comfortable. I'll set another goal when I get there. We are going to Disney in a few weeks and I hope to lose another 5 or so pounds before then. I am looking forward to reading the posts everyday! :yay:
I just wanted to point out how powerful communication can be when you are trying to lose weight, lose fat, tone up, get back in shape, whatever term you choose - it seems we have a great group started -

I also wanted to add that this weekend is great for over indulging which can lead to beating oneself up - Just a quick reminder that this is a MARATHON, not A SPRINT!!!!! Enjoy your weekend, watch what you eat - keep plenty of fruits and veggies on your plate, lots of protein and there is no sense in depriving yourself of anything, so if the Potato Salad that Becky down the street makes and it is over the moon best in the world Potato Salad, then by all means have a small spoon of it and savor every bite -

Have a wonderful 4th of July all!! Happy Independence Day!!!

Chat with you all on Monday!!!

Tkerbell I can't get the link to work, but it may be my computer. :(

So I'm back on this thread for day two. I guess I should've posted my info as the first posts did. So here it is.

Name: Erin
Age: 30
Location: Southern Indiana
Type of diet: WW
Excercise: Walking, jogging, ball exercises for abs.
Start date of diet: 10/06
Goal: 140
Weight at start of diet: 260
Weight loss to date: 103 lbs

Today was a good day for me eating wise. I went over my WW pts by 2 pts, but I just used them as my flex pts. I have 30 flex pts left for this week. Which I'm sure I'll use this weekend.

I have a whole plan for tomorrow. I have a 4th/college graduation HUGE party to go to tomorrow evening. So for breakfast I'm having 2 egg whites, lunch is a salad and will be very low pts, and then dinner is at the party. I will make good choices and try to fill up on veggies, then I will also be drinking light beer so I should be ok.

I have to work Saturday, boooo. So I'll do egg whites for breakfast again, salad for lunch, and then a sensible dinner. My bff is up from FL so we are going out Sat. night so I'm sure I'll be drinking my pts, again. Lovely no?

Yay I'm so excited. It looks like everyone is doing well.
Ughh... today has been a 'fat day'.
Is this something men experience, or do just women have 'fat days'?:laughing:
I'm from Paoli, a really small town! Most people know Paoli because of the ski resort that is here. Ever heard of it?

By the way I'm down another lb today. Woo hoo! Now I'm at 156, 6 lbs to lose before my Disney trip!
:goodvibes Hey! I too live in Southern IN! I am very close to Evansville, and have been skiing in Paoli:goodvibes

Wow that is neato. Did you notice our travel tickers? We'll be there at the same time!

I went to college at USI so I'm very familiar with E-ville and the entire area. But I haven't been down that way in several years, minus our two trips to Holiday World last week! We have season passes for HW and love it.
Thought I would check in. This has been a tough week. Started out losing 3 pounds and then promptly put them back on. Oh well, just got to keep going!!! So, unfortunately have not lost anything:sad2: Keep up the great work everyone! I would love to be down to 218 by the end of July, currently 223.

:wishsixty would love to change this to 70 lbs lost!!!!
Today i cheated. I ate way too much crap. Tomorrow is a new day though, Right? i have started moving more by walking more. and I have lost about a pound and a half. My goal is one to two pounds a week. I am hoping that is attainable. The trick is sticking to it and not having to many of these cheat days. Good luck everyone.
Everyone has cheat days. Gotta indulge sometimes, right?:laughing:
Unfortunatly, I had cheat week last week... trying to behave this week.


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