Looking For Control Freaks & Worry Warts - We're still here!

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Are you girls the ones who told me how I could change sounds on my computer to Disney ones????
Them's fightin' words!

How freakin' cute is this? (Joe, not the kid!;) )


Also, what that site where you can see the plane on a map when you are tracking it?
I have started Christmas shopping out of need not out of want. I hate the thoughts of it. I am almost done with Luca and will move on to everyone else now too.

We have decided to do a big family grab this year $20 and everyone is included. I will buy for my siblings and Mom and step dad but that is it Mike and I are buying a small TV for our bedroom. Also I buy for my dear friend and that is it. I am afraid we will only be giving one toys for tots gift and I am giving away our old coats for the coats for kids campaign. My charity will have to end there. Oh Well next year will be better.
HI girls! Just a quick Happy Saturday!

Cammie - how did the wedding go? You probably had a good time after all!

Debbie - glad you liked the movie - now quit scaring the Newbies!

Hey Newbies - she really isn't always like this ;) :rotfl2:

Kara, you are quiet today.

Renee, how is Nicholas doing?

Jillian - you are already shopping? I just realized there were 59 days left last night! :eek: Hadn't really thought about it, however I shop in my own store for all of the adults, so not too bad.

Tina - did you start shopping?

Hi everyone else! Myles is carving a pumpkin - I have to go take pics!
HI girls! Just a quick Happy Saturday!

Cammie - how did the wedding go? You probably had a good time after all!

Well, I'm home and no, I didn't! I feel bad saying that because she really is a good friend but it just completely SUCKED being there without a date! After the church ceremony, I invited one of the couples over to my house (I'm friendly with the girl - we sometimes get together and her son goes to Amanda's school) Anyway, we had a few hours to kill before the reception so they came over for a glass of wine and cheese and crackers. It was good to follow them into the reception and to have someone to hang with but I really did feel like a third wheel. I was seated at a table with four other couples and a gay guy -- and even he was married but his husband just didn't come!

I stuck it out through dinner and would have stayed for cake; but, after cutting it at 8:45, it still had not been served by 9:30! I was out of there! I had a half hour drive home and it's really rainy and windy. Felt bad because I didn't say goodbye to the bride but she was having a blast on the dance floor and I know she would have given me grief so I just snuck out. Oh well - I'm glad it's over with. Now I'm COMPLETELY focused on Disney!:yay:
Hi all,
I saw the HSM3 posts and had to tell you something funny.
I took my two Girl scout troops to see it this morning. We had 23 people, my troops are 1st grade and 3rd grade. I made treat bags for each girl which I can't believe I was able to sneak in (they were the large plastic handle bags with the HSM characters on them that they sell at Walmart for $.50 as Halloween goodie bags.) I had run off coloring pages and activity pages (because we got there an hour and a half before the show to make sure we all got seats together.) So those were in there, crayons, lots of candy (including HSM3 chocolates and HSM cheese and crackers) a bag of popcorn, a drink and lots of other candies and stuff. I walked in with 19 bags like that, I can't believe they didn't stop me. Anyway, the kids were coloring and having fun, then the previews started. They were excited to see Zac and Ashley Tisdale have new movies coming out. They thought it was soooo funny that I could not stop laughing at the new Adam Sandler movie that comes out at Christmas (the one girl said to my DD, I think your mom is crying, my DD said, yeah, it's just cause she's laughing (like "she always does that". So anyway, the funny part...
The one part when Troy walks into the lockerroom at night and takes his shirt off (you see it from behind, a back shot), behind me I hear my DD6 say
"Woah!" Everyone around me is laughing, I'm like "where does she get this???" SHE'S SIX!!! (Course DD9 has had the same "boyfriend" since she was 6, so I guess she's starting about the same age as her sister. Anyway, it was soooo funny. To hear her say what all the girls (and some moms) were thinking was funny.
Anyway, we had fun. It was fun to go with a big group like that. We are going again on Tuesday, my DH got free tickets so we are going to take them. He said he could sit through it once, and going with a group of a dozen and a half little girls wasn't the show he'd pick (plus the other show is free!!!) The kids don't know we are going again, just in case they have a ton of homework or something.
So, on top of having a lousy evening - now I don't feel good; something I ate is upsetting my stomache. And I have a stuffy nose! (insert violin music here please!:charac2: )

I guess if there is no one here to play with, I'm going to head up to bed!
So Lauren tells me last night that her friend (the one who I think acts WAY older than she is) is dressing up as a "sexy" referee for Halloween! What the heck is that? And why does a 12 yr.old have to dress up as a "sexy" anything? She showed Lauren a picture of herself in costume on her cell phone - she's wearing a black mini-skirt and a cropped striped shirt. Again, I'm shocked her mom is letting her dress up like that! Last year, they came trick-or-treating with us in our neighborhood; DO NOT think I'll be inviting that along this year!:sad2: And to illustrate how wide the gap is between this girl and Lauren: Lauren and her Barbie-loving friend and her sister are going as the Jonas Brothers. Lauren's costume consists of skinny jeans, button-up shirt, converse sneakers and a guitar! :cutie: And, this is the friend who has now been giving Lauren a hard time about those lunch cards I was putting in her lunch box. Lauren wouldn't take them and show anyone but she said it made her smile just to see one in there; now she doesn't want me to do them anymore because she's afraid this friend will find out and make fun of her. God, I really hate how she just can't be comfortable liking what she likes and just not caring what a "few" people would think!Middle school!:headache:
Girls are so mean! I dread when I have to REALLY deal with it. I mean let's face it, it's starts immediately!

Just catching up a bit.

Jillian...How did I miss your pix???? Everyone's talking about them but I can't see any.

MickeyMomOfThree...Your HSM time sounded AWESOME! Glad we didn't scare you away. Great job with the bags!

Cammie...I'm here what are you talking about?!
BTW I took that pic with the display at the theater!:rotfl2:
So, on top of having a lousy evening - now I don't feel good; something I ate is upsetting my stomache. And I have a stuffy nose! (insert violin music here please!:charac2: )

I guess if there is no one here to play with, I'm going to head up to bed!

Sorry you don't feel good!:guilty:
Yeah, they had a lot of fun. I told them last year we'd go see it when it came out so they were excited to go with a bunch of friends. They were all decked out in HSM attire, mu girls had earrings, hairbows, neclaces, bracelets, shirts, coats, jeans and socks. They even wore their HSM perfume, not that anyone would notice!:lmao: But they knew...
Newbie here :goodvibes

I just finished reading through the thread, and now I'm itching to take DD to HSM3. She'll hardly follow the plot, but she'll enjoy the music. And as for me... I'm sure I'll find some way to survive... :rolleyes:
So I've picked up a few outfits for the girls for Christmas, but nothing formal. I picked up a cute apple theme outfit at Gymboree for DD6 - I found it on the sale rack - top, pants and socks for under $20. DD9 wants an mp3 player and DH and I are discussing what kind to get. I just don't want to spend her entire budget on one thing and then she'll have nothing else. However I don't want to buy toys this year - they have so many toys. I think they're going to get bean bags (we just separated their rooms last month and they want 'sitting areas'). DH is getting the the Wii so I don't think they anything else. They've been making 'lists' and every second commercial something is added to it, but honestly I'd rather save for a Disney trip then buy them stuff they won't play with.

We haven't seen HSM3 yet, we're getting a group together to see it on 11/1 as a big group. LOVE the pictures of Zac!
Cammie...I'm here what are you talking about?!
BTW I took that pic with the display at the theater!:rotfl2:

Just a quick post - I'm out of coffee and DESPERATELY need to go out and get some like - NOW! But, Debbie, just wanted to mention: first - that's hysterical that you bought your camera to the movies to get that picture; and second - do you know you could probably ask the theater for that cardboard display when they are done with it? The summer Pirates 3 came out, my girlfriends and I had been to the movies and they still had the displals for the movie out. I was staring at them and drooling over Johnny when the theater manager said I could take the thing because they're just going to throw it out soon. He said I just need to find a way to fit it into my car. Well, I had the mini-van so that was no problem! So yeah, picture me and my two girlfriends carrying this 8-foot cardboard cutout of Johnny, Orlando, and Keira through the parking lot!:laughing: The girls were so psyched I got it and it now is proudly displayed in our basement!

Maybe you could get the Zac one for your bedroom?;) Just an idea girlfriend!
Ok - back with my coffee........:cloud9:

We're seeing HSM3 tonite at 7pm. Going to dinner first, then movie. I make these choc.-covered pretzels that Lauren and her friend love; so I'm decorating them with red & white sprinkles (Wildcat colors). I'll bring my extra-large purse to see sneak them in!;)

Debbie - I thought you had photoshopped yourself into a picture of Zac!:rotfl2: See? I just accept your obsession and think that naturally you would do something like that!:laughing:

I don't see Jillian's pictures either; didn't know what everyone was talking about.:confused3

God, Christmas shopping!:scared1: Don't even want to think about it. The ex informed me that he is NOT getting an end-of-year bonus this year. Granted, I live my life based on his monthly support payments; that bonus was just always used to help pay down some credit cards or used as "emergency" money in case something came up throughout the year. Not happy that I won't have that now. Yet, when I mentioned my $5000 worth of dental work that needs to be done, he doesn't bat an eyelash and tells me he'll definitely help me with that. I'm really relieved but am now wondering how can he just pull out money to help me? I swear, I think he's got a secret stash somewhere but I'm not going to get all worked up about it. When things come up and I need extra money, he gets it to me. The day that stops happening though -- watch out!

Well, I've got things to do around the house before the girls get back later. And it is a beautiful fall day today. Will check back in later!
Good morning girls..
OK I will chill today with my inappropriate crush......
Welcome LisaMommy! Feel free to hang out with us anytime! We try and keep it light here - nothing too heavy. We don't care if you lurk or chime in a hundred times a day. We are a friendly CRAZY bunch!
Cammie...I think you are REALLY lucky with the ex in regards to money. I NEVER hear stories like yours. It's always the complete opposite. Including my SIL who has had to get a job and feels like she can't afford radiation treatments via cream for her skin cancer. She brought a lot of money into the marriage and he's a well to do contractor. They have 3 kids (one independent now and the other 2 are teenagers) and I DO NOT GET why she doesn't get more financial help from him. I am just dumbfounded. He left her and she would have stayed married to him. VERY SAD!
Have a good one girls. I MUST DO PHOTOPASS TODAY!
Hey, did I miss where Kara is?
Hey Debbie - Kara is at an airshow today. And she saw HSM3 yesterday. I think she's just been running around all weekend.

And, I agree, looking at the big picture, I am very lucky. Although I don't know if that's the way I want to put it. Afterall, he did walk out on us and is really not a part of the girls' day to day life anymore. And he knows darn well that I can't get a job because I'm Amanda's full-time caregiver. I think he wants to keep me healthy because he knows if something happens to me, that will be the end of his footloose and fancy-free way of living!:laughing: My lawyer always told me that he thought my ex had a tremendous amount of guilt about what he did -- and that I should use that to my advantage when necessary!;)
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