Lindsay and Chris PJ! WP/Italy Isola/AAR...Disneyland Paris Honeymoon added 7-19

Wow you are at only a few months left how awesome!!! Good luck w. the run and have a great time at the ps and take tons of pics!
Thanks girls! It seems like it's flying by! I almost can't believe it, but at the same time I'm so ready for it to be OVER!

I just got a call from Diane asking to move our tasting session from 11am to 9am. That's fine by me.... more time to digest before the run on Sat!

I've put most of my inspiration pictures in my binder to bring with me... so I'm organized on that front.

Caryn and Mark are arriving on Thursday with the invitations. We're going to stuff them and mail them while they are here.

Mom emailed to say that the shower invitations are being mailed this afternoon.

So far our schedule is:
Caryn and Mark get her on Thurs evening. We'll have dinner and watch Grey's.

We're going to leave the house EARLY friday morning (like 6:45 :scared1: ) To run over to ASMovies (I think... it's either that or music.... I should check that) and check in and then run to Franck's to meet Diane.

After the tasting we'll do the rest of the PS.

Then we'll go to bed, and wake up at the obsene hour of 3am so that we can catch the bus for the half.

We'll (hopefully) finish the half and then go nap and take a bath for Saturday afternoon.

We have ressies in Canada that night and then Crystal Palace for Breakfast Sunday morning.

Then we'll head home and stuff invitations, watch Rock of Love 3 and I'll bring Caryn and Mark home Monday morning.

My first dress fitting is Jan 18!

I'll be sure to do a PS TR probably by Tues!
Lindsay, I hope you have the best time on your PS! And I hope you and Caryn have a great race. Good luck!! :wizard:

Looking forward to the TR :yay:
Hi, Lindsay Hope you have a great visit with Caryn & Mark. Good luck on the run. I have a suggestion - why not wear the butterfly veil when you run? It will be perfect with the Minnie Dot running skirt. Everyone will notice you!

Can't wait to get our invitation. (We are invited, right? :thumbsup2) We'll arrive in Florida a week early to take a cruise and get back the day of the wedding. So glad you're going to be a Disney bride like Caryn (we love to visit there:cheer2: ). Can we force Megan to do the same thing???

Take care
Nana Katzprincess:
Lindsay I just caught up and it sounds like you have have a fantastic weekend planned with Caryn and Mark. Its about 5pm on Saturday so I am sure your race is over, I hope it went well! Can't wait to hear all about your PS!
Hi everyone. We are back from the PS and the race. Caryn and I (almost) completed the invitations last night. We only need to stamp the response cards and mail them! I just dropped Caryn and Mark off at the airport. We successfully completed our race and we have the medals to prove it! I have pictures, but they aren't uploaded yet. I'll get them uploaded and start a TR soon!
Hi Lindsay

I am glad you all had a great time in Disney! I can't wait to see your pics you took at the PS. :banana:
Yeah for completing the race! That is awesome! Can't wait to see pictures from your PS!
I've never really done a TR before, so please bear with me...

PS TR Day 1 Thursday Jan 8.

Caryn and Mark were arriving early Thursday evening. They called me at work aT 4:45 to say that their plane had landed. I had not left work yet to go get them... Caryn was supposed to check a bag because she had her bottle of saline that she needed for the race. So I thought I was going to have a little extra time, unfortunately, Caryn didn't want to pay the $15 bag fee at Continental so she carried her bag on. She texted me before the plane took off and told me that they confiscated her conditioner and she was MAD. :headache: So, I was going to be a little late getting Caryn and Mark from the airport.

I let my boss know that I was leaving a little early. :surfweb: I reminded her that I would be out of the office on Friday and told her that if she needed me she could call me on my cell.

I picked Caryn and Mark up and we stopped at Publix to get some wine (we need wine, especially after work:drinking1 ) and a few things for the weekend... and of course, some conditioner for Caryn. Chris made dinner :stir: and we all relaxed and ate and watched Grey's. I reminded them that we were leaving early the next morning and everyone needed to get some sleep.

Day 2 Friday

The alarm went off at 6am because all 4 of us needed to be up dressed and showered. We left the house at 7am. Now, for those of you that have never travelled with Caryn and Mark... well.... it's quite the experience. They are quite a pair. We stopped at Dunkin' Donuts on the way because we desperately needed some coffee. The cashier at Dunkin' Donuts looked at us like Caryn and Mark had two heads, they were acting like such weirdos. Caryn actually showed the girl her "glitterized Vaseline bottle". :confused3

We got to ASMovies at around 8:30 and quickly checked in and then ran right back to the car and drove over to Francks. We got to Francks and I took this wonderful picture of Caryn.

We checked in with the nice girl at the desk and she told us that Diane would be there in a few minutes and she told us to look around and have a seat. Caryn decided it was time for a self portrait.

Diane got there and we all drove over to Epcot. Our tasting was upstairs in AAR, which I thought was really cool. We took a mystery elevator upstairs to a mystery room. I know that I used to work at Disney, but I still get very excited when I go behind the scenes.

The room was very nicely set up with a table and a buffet
The Table

The buffet

Chris was in charge of napkin folds so I asked him to pick one out before we undid our napkins to eat. This is the fold Chris picked.

Then I realized that we were right by the AA Parlour so I took a pic of it.

Then we started the food.
The first thing we tried was the Garlic and Artichoke Flatbread. This was different than I expected. It was a pita with a dip. We all really liked it.

Then we tried the Mickey Roni and Cheese in a martini glass. We are going to do this as an action station and have it less cheesy and use a little more spice.

After that, we had salad. It was great. We tried two different kinds of dressing, rasberry vinagrette and balsamic vinagrette. We liked both.

Then she took out the bread tray. I love bread. Bread is my favorite food. I could never go low carb because I love bread so much.

After that we got to the main meal. Chris and I were served two plates, one with Parmesan Crusted Chicken, Asparagus, Carrots and Garlic Mashed Potatos. The second plate had Rosemary Mahi Mahi and Mushroom Risotto. Caryn and Mark got their chicken and fish on one plate. The chicken was SOOOOO good. I loved it. YUMMO! I don't eat fish, but Chris said that the Mahi Mahi was spectacular. Neither of us loved the Risotto so we aren't having that but we are keeping the mashed potatos.

Chicken plate

Chicken and fish plate

Then it was time for the Glass Slipper Dessert. I was really looking foward to this. I love berries.


We went back to Franck's to continue with our PS.
Coming up: Floral and Entertainment
WooHoo Lindsay! I love the start to your PS TR!! You and Caryn are so cute together, love the self portrait!

LOL, Caryn you glitterized you Vaseline bottle! That's a riot! :rotfl2:

Keep going, can't wait to hear more! popcorn::
to embellish the above story...

mark and i in the car on the way to the ps. it was way too early to be awake...

chris and i at the tasting

mark at the tasting (he had a great time)


mark and i at picture point in between the tasting and floral appointments...

lindsay and chris (we told them they weren't allowed to take pikz at picture point because they're not married yet but they wouldn't listen)

the food at the tasting was pretty good. the mickey roni & cheese was too thick, so they're going to change that. i'm also not a fan of the slipper desert. it's too expensive for what you get and i'm allergic to berries...but whatever bridezilla wants, bridezilla will get.

as expected, i really had to step in and take control of lindsay at the ps...she was out of control. more on that later though...

donalds girl-i've had that bottle for years. its my treasure...lindsay is SO jealous of it. you have NO idea.
WooHoo Lindsay! I love the start to your PS TR!! You and Caryn are so cute together, love the self portrait!

LOL, Caryn you glitterized you Vaseline bottle! That's a riot! :rotfl2:

Keep going, can't wait to hear more! popcorn::
Yes, she glitterized her vaseline. Someone has pictures of it somewhere... I think Caryn has one. Perhaps she'll post it.

the food at the tasting was pretty good. the mickey roni & cheese was too thick, so they're going to change that. i'm also not a fan of the slipper desert. it's too expensive for what you get and i'm allergic to berries...but whatever bridezilla wants, bridezilla will get.

as expected, i really had to step in and take control of lindsay at the ps...she was out of control. more on that later though...

donalds girl-i've had that bottle for years. its my treasure...lindsay is SO jealous of it. you have NO idea.

Caryn. We haven't gotten to picture point in the story yet. I was not out of control and please don't refer to me as bridezilla. I will smack you.

Yay for finishing!!! Love the pictures, the food looks delish!!!!
The food was super good!

Great now I want some mickeyroni. Thanks. :rotfl:

great start. I want to see more!
I'll mail you some Toni. Maybe I'll do a little kit complete with martini glass!

Part 2 starts in just a few minutes!


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