Last Trip? It was until we met Food & Wine -- Recap 2/12

Looking good Mark!

We continued through the stores as much as we could until we reached our destination (again no picture of the sign, but see if you can guess where we are?).
Seems like rain was a theme of this trip. Oh wait, you just started. I should just keep my mouth shut. :upsidedow

If you guessed the Tune In Lounge, you are correct.

We really enjoyed the Frozen Fireworks and so glad that our friends suggested it.
We liked them a lot too... I'm glad you got to see them.

It was Cynthia and Jeff (eandesmom).

Awesome meet up! Glad you got to see them!
YAY! Update!!!

Ohh a Dis meet!!! #1. because i am sure i will lose count at some point! :rotfl2:

I have never been to 50's. we have always done Sci-fi. so your pictures are fun to see it's a different aspect!!

How fun you did get that drink good people and awesome fireworks!!! aren't they beautiful?! Loved them!

as always you and your family are in my prayers!! :littleangel:

Hoping things are getting a bit easier!

Need to do boo at the zoo soon. :thumbsup2
Fireworks and Pina Coladas! I want to vacation with YOU! I love your bracelet, what a lovely gesture!

Also, I award you the imaginary star of Bravery: white pants in the rain. Kudos. You pulled it off with far more grace and poise than I'd have managed. Thanks for reminding me to pick up some of those $1 ponchos to put in my backpack! <3
Hi Kathy! :wave2: Great update. I love that you were able to have a fun meet and enjoy the fireworks despite all the rain!

I'm really hoping that they decide on something a little more permanent for Frozen (and not Norway) because it is a movie that Sken actually likes and I would love to do something Frozen related when we go in March!

Hoping the family is well and hoping your trip dries up a bit for you!
I thought I had replied earlier.. I know I've read, but must not have replied...

I'm so sorry to hear of the health issues going on in your family. It's never easy. I'm wishing the best for all.

Your new great-niece is adorable!

Glad to hear that Mark got a part time job. Sounds perfect for your situation!

Love the pixie dust at check in! Sounds like a super CM. I love the AK 1BRs. That bathroom.... I've never stayed in one, but we did see one when doing a DVC tour. I LOVE that bathroom.

Looks like a fun DIS meet!

Looking forward to more.
Glad things worked out with meeting up with Cynthia and Jeff and you had a good time together - and the Frozen Fireworks are pretty darn cool - glad you had a good view and that they went off despite the rain. Did they still do the snow effect?

Sounds like a fun time with the Bartender as well. Do the bartenders at Tune In Lounge act the same as the servers in Prime Time Cafe or was she just a hoot in real life? :rotfl:

Nice hat pic of Mark. I know for some places they offer posters that are like "The doors of Dublin" or wherever ... you should put together one that is "The hats of Mark" :thumbsup2
Yay for a great Dis-meet!

Nice fireworks pictures! Now I know what the fireworks I could see from our GFV balcony were. After Illuminations I saw more fireworks and was so confused...thanks for solving that mystery for me!
What a wonderful DIS meet, even with the rain! That Pina Colada looks delicious, and your firework photos are fantastic.

Your bracelet is gorgeous, I wouldn't take it off either! :goodvibes
We love the Tune in Lounge! I have only grabbed a drink while waiting for lunch there but the theme is just way to cute in there. Reminds me of my great aunts house growing up, totally retro! I am so glad you went and saw the Frozen fireworks, not sure if they are still happening but would love to see them in December. To top if off a great Dis meet!! I am excited to have my first San Antonio Dis Meet next week with a fellow restaurant board poster. Turns out we live 5 minutes from each other, small world :)
I'm glad that you were able to meet up with Cynthia (again) and Jeff! Drinks, fireworks and Dis Meets are worth standing out in the rain for!
Sounds like a great night! Nice to have such a fun DISmeet! The Tune Inn is a fun place too! :thumbsup2
Sounds like some good news on Mark's job! That's great. Target is one of my all time favorite places, I could spend all day in there. :) It will be a great mix of some work and baseball for him.

My dad is in the same boat. He's 61, so he should be retiring in the next few years. He lost his job in February. He's found something, but it's just not what he had hoped!

I am so glad you had so much pixie dust.. You totally deserved it. I am so glad Jon was such a wonderful CM!! :thumbsup2 pixiedust:

Those Frozen Fireworks sounded so great - we missed them during our trip! Glad you got to meet up with some DIS friends and enjoy some pina coladas.. YUM!
Ooh, I just realized that I was there that night too for the fireworks. I almost watched from near where it appears you were (near Echo Lake?) but I eventually moved out to Hollywood Blvd. Yeah in the rain. :(

I so agree, the fireworks with the Frozen soundtrack are pretty spectacular.

Awesome to have a DISmeet on the first day!!! But just so you know Kathy, this isn't a competition, lol!! :laughing:

Overall, sounds like a wonderful first day, despite the stupid rain. But surely that would be the end of the rain that week... :rolleyes1
My turn to fall behind my friend :hug: I wish Alisha didn't have to listen to garbage, but she IS your girl and is SO lucky to have you and Mark as her parents now :thumbsup2

LOVE the hat, thanks Mark :goodvibes

Great DISmeet and fireworks! I remember the FB pics, so much better on my laptop, and I LOVE that bracelet, I am sure you do too!!!! :flower3:
Of course the first store we hit, Mark decides he needs to make our DIS friends happy.

This makes me happy!!

This makes me happy, too!!

My goal is to have at least two DIS meets in April. I've technically had one, but there was no picture. I saw Jenseib on the bridge from England to France with her daughter in her Mary Poppins outfit and shyly said hello. I think she was taken aback and I didn't stay long.:goodvibes

Congrats to Mark on the job!!
We got the results of the biopsy. She has Stage 4 Lung Cancer. The doctor truly believes with her heart condition and everything else that she will not be able to handle chemo and if they did chemo the cancer would come back. She will be coming home in a couple of days once a hospital bed is brought to her home. Your prayers and good thoughts are truly appreciated.
We got the results of the biopsy. She has Stage 4 Lung Cancer. The doctor truly believes with her heart condition and everything else that she will not be able to handle chemo and if they did chemo the cancer would come back. She will be coming home in a couple of days once a hospital bed is brought to her home. Your prayers and good thoughts are truly appreciated.

Kathy I am so sorry, :grouphug:
We got the results of the biopsy. She has Stage 4 Lung Cancer. The doctor truly believes with her heart condition and everything else that she will not be able to handle chemo and if they did chemo the cancer would come back. She will be coming home in a couple of days once a hospital bed is brought to her home. Your prayers and good thoughts are truly appreciated.

Hugs!!! Tons of loving thoughts are being sent your way!
(((( big hug)))! I am so sorry, Kathy. Hospice is a blessing. You and your family are tucked in my heart and prayer. xo


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