Last Trip? It was until we met Food & Wine -- Recap 2/12

Mark got a part time job today. After we sat down and talked, we decided he would NOT seek out a full time job. He has been doing this for 35 years and with us hopefully moving to Florida in 21 months or so, why start a new full time job.
Glad he found some work. Hope it is something he likes or at least can tolerate for a couple years.

Finally, we were "home." Well, it's not our home, but it would be for three nights thanks to a friend at work who owns DVC and sold us her points for $5 a point. Yep, I said $5 a point. She was originally going to sell them to us for $8 a point and then she found out about Mark losing his job and insisted on selling them to us for only $5. I was flabbergasted (and got her a really nice gift to bring back to her from Disney).
That was so nice of her. Honestly, if you are able to rent points for $8pp, you should just continue doing that. No need to try to buy DVC.

After blowing Jon a kiss and telling him that he was my all-time favorite CM ever, Mark and I walked back to the car and moved to the parking garage and got our luggage to take upstairs.
Wow... talk about the hookup! Hopefully I get to meet Jon someday. :rotfl2:

I immediately ran to the patio and after dropping everything and telling Mark NOT to touch anything to see what I could see. And this was our view:

So...ummmm... you got a view of a giraffe's butt? :bitelip:

I went back in the room and took pictures so my DIS friends wouldn't get mad at me.
Is this a 1 BR? It seems much smaller than the 1 BR we had at BLT.

And the reason I always want a one-bedroom villa at AKL--MY BATHROOM
Thanks for answering my question. :rotfl2:

After seeing all your pictures, I can see why some people don't like AKV. The room does seem very dark with all the wood tones.

I just love the lobby at AKL.
I'm so glad Mark's found a job! He is so sweet and he (and you) deserve the best.

Thanks, Laura; he is excited he got something.

I'm sorry that Alisha's going through what she is. Such a shame. I can't believe her mother told her there was no such thing as depression. At least she has wonderful in-laws and brother in law and a loving husband supporting her.

Alisha's mother is a piece of work and that is the only thing I am going to say on that for now. ;)

:cool1: On the good news on the job front.

Thanks, Pat.

Jon sounds like the experience you needed right then, an extra dose of pixie dust pixiedust:

Jon was out of this world.

AKL...Kidani Village...aren't they just wonderful! We have never stayed at Kidani, well not yet;) Love the one bedroom, it's gorgeous and to have 2 balconies...heaven!!! I don't think there is any better sight than waking up in the morning or coming into the rooms in the afternoon and seeing giraffe's....LOVE IT!

Jacquie, I've never stayed at Jambo. This is our 3rd time at Kidani. Two balconies is out of this world. Absolutely nothing better than waking up to that sight.

:wave2: Ms. Kathy! Trying to get all caught up everywhere and I knew it would take a while when I made it over here. Just glad I have been keeping up with everything you were also posting on FB, or I would have been :eek: :worried: :scared1: :sad: :eek: the whole time I was reading! Thankfully even though I haven't been around the DIS much lately, I have been able to read along and keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers!

Thanks, Marv.

Sorry to hear about your Mom, and hope Alisha gets the best possible news as she continues to run through testing! Have read up some on the FB posts and links about Andy's friend! That is always so sad at any age, but when you add in how young he is, his wife and new daughter, that just breaks the heart even more! :sad: I agree with everyone who has already said it.....cancer SUCKS!!! And of course, thoughts and prayers for Nicki and Todd with the loss of her Grandmother! I've been thinking about them ever since you first posted about it. :hug:

They are moving in the right direction with Alisha. Mom's test keeps getting postponed due to other things but hoping they do it today.

Congrats on the Grand Niece! What a beautiful baby! Hope all is well there! And :woohoo: on Mark's part time job! Sounds like the perfect fit, and hopefully it will continue after the holidays!!! :thumbsup2

Isn't she, though? They are doing great. Mark is very excited about this new job.

Kidani looks like a super place for you guys, one of my favorite resorts and it looks like you got the perfect room location for seeing your beloved giraffes! Aren't one-bedrooms just the best...... and with your "mini-me" Cookie holding a prominent place in the room! :goodvibes So happy that with everything going on all around you lately that you two had such a great experience with Jon and so much pixie dust related to the room!!! I have always had a great experience with the CMs at Kidani! :love: Can't wait to visit it again through your TR! :banana:

It's definitely in my top three (OKW still gets the top notch though). I do love those one-bedrooms. I love my mini-me Cookie. Jon was the best ever.

Ohhhh the pictures are STUNNING. I really hope I can save enough money to stay in AKL one day. It's just BEAUTIFUL, and Squeaks' favorite animal is a Zebra. :D

Thanks, Amanda. I am telling you the way to go is to rent points (obviously it won't be $5 a point, but when we do the regular going price, it still comes out cheaper sometimes than the moderates. Squeaks would love it!

I'm so glad that it was one of your best trips, after all you've been through this year. :) We just decided our dates for next year and I am so happy to have something to look forward to... if I'm not in a straight jacket by then. LOL

When are you going next year?

Awww. Please don't feel badly about making me cry. :hug: I still cry over him every day at some point. With all that's happened this year it's overwhelming and his absence (and Holly's) makes for some very lonely days. Hopefully trip planning will keep me preoccupied. I sure know that learning about magic bands and fast pass+ stuff will keep me busy as I know NOTHING about any of it and I am not a fan of change! :rotfl:

I find myself every once in a while still tearing up. They are so much a part of our lives. Yes, Disney has made quite a lot of changes, but in the long run, I like the bands and the FP+.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend with Alisha, Mark, and Rolo. We had our Thanksgiving dinner today. Feeling most thankful that mom was able to be there with us. :cloud9:

They actually just came in for the day on Sunday as Mark had some recruiting to do and Rolo and Alisha came along for the ride. Alisha and I did some shopping and we ended up keeping Rolo since they had to make two more trips to Mayo.

Next update please. :beach:

I'm hoping to get it done today.
I'm so glad to hear about Mark's new job! Hopefully that good news will be the start of a trend for your family.

Thanks, Mary. I sure hope so.

Loving the report! We've never stayed at AKL, but I've visited the resort. Your view was spectacular! And what a great CM at your check-in. Mostly all CM are great. But when you have that one who goes that little extra it's even more magical!

AKL is stunning and we really love it there. I could not believe the pixie dust bestowed on us that afternoon.

Can't wait for the next report; I need s Disney fix!

If work would leave me alone and if Rolo would stop wanting to play in the evening, I could get it done (oh, Rolo is Mark and Alisha's dog and he is staying with us for a bit while she keeps going up to Mayo for her appointments). This is my grandpup:

He's gotten very big and he loves his grandpa.

Hi Kathy! Yay for Mark getting a job!!! :dance3: That is wonderful news!

Thanks, Lauren. It is exciting; it will help with the holidays coming up until he can file for his Social Security in January.

Your pictures of AKL ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! How amazing that you can see all of those animals at your resort. Makes me sooo much more excited to stay there someday!

I think everyone should stay there is just breathtaking.


Thanks again.

Wow what a view from your room!! :cool1:

Megan, isn't it great? I was in heaven.

And Jon seems like the best CM ever, pixie dust is awesome!

Absolutely the best ever!

Really happy that Mark got a job, you must all be happy! :thumbsup2

We are all very happy. I went out and got him his red polo shirts for work when Alisha and I were shopping on Sunday.

I somehow missed that you had updated. I'm sure that Mark is happy to be working again. Even if it is part-time, it's like you said, he can get out of the house and gets out of doing more work around the house. ;)

Lisa, no worries. I got so far behind again. Yep, part-time is better than no time and he is happy he doesn't have to paint for awhile.

It sounds like they are narrowing down what they believe are Alisha's issues. If part of it is mental, I know that you and Mark will do your very best to be there for her and help her through. As you know, John's family situation isn't the best (and I haven't even revealed the worst parts of it) and it's tough but with a good support system, you can get through it. As for the physical aspect, hopefully, they can figure out what needs to be done and work out a plan for her.

They are getting there. I'm just happy that so far all the serious stuff has been ruled out. The last big hurdle is whether she has Crohn's Disease.

Now, on to the Disney part of the update. Holy crap! $5.00 a point? That's incredibly generous of your friend! How amazing that the CM was able to schedule more FP for you! This is turning out to be an awesome trip.

Yes, our friend Mary was VERY VERY good to us on this trip. It really was a great start for sure.

Congrats to Mark on the new job! I hope he enjoys it. I've always said I wouldn't mind being a Wal-Mart greeter in my retirement.

Thank you...he is very excited. He said the same thing too about Wal-Mart except neither one of us will step into the one by our house.

Hopefully, things will be better for Alisha soon. How is your mom doing?

Supposedly Mom is having her biopsy today (it got delayed until they could rule out TB and now she is having additional heart issues. I am hopeful we have answers soon.

AKL is just lovely! Great pictures! How nice of your friends to be so kind and give you such a great deal! CM John sounds like a real sweetie.

CM Jon was very sweet. I just adored him even without the extra FP+'s. He was just a lot of fun to work with.

Hey there!!!
Back Dis-ing this morning. I will say it here too CONGRATS on the target job! i am sure he will love working there!

Thanks, Mo. I should show Mark your pictures and tell him what he might have in store for him while he is working with other families. :rotfl:

I have to say I just fell in love with AKL.. I was never a fan. Until you just posted those pictures. O.M. LOVE that is one BEAUTIFUL room! the view the BATHROOM! all of it is beautiful!!!

Looks as though i might have to save up for a stay there...:scratchin

It's hard NOT to fall in love with AKL. It suits us perfectly as we both love animals and the rooms are gorgeous as is the view.
I'm here and caught up...thanks to the handy dandy index on the first page! :thumbsup2 OMGEE...Major pixie dust on your first day of the trip!!! :woohoo: And the number of animals you were able to see from your balconies!!! :dance3:

I am so glad to hear the you and Mark have a solid plan in place to get you to retirement. After so many years of faithful service to your jobs, you deserve to enjoy these last few years of employment. :goodvibes

I will keep Alisha in my prayers!! ::yes::
Hi Kathy! Still sending over those healing vibes for Alisha. Hopefully you guys hear some good news soon!

Casey, thank you. I just spoke to her and she misread her one appointment and doesn't go back until next Thursday. So she gets a rest for the rest of this week.

Congrats for Mark on the Target gig!! So awesome that he will have some work and still be able to coach! As a coach myself I know how important that is, so I am overjoyed for you guys!

It will be nice for him to get back to work. He doesn't coach, he umps, but he loves it and does not want to give it up.

I really have to get over to AKL this trip to check it out! That view... :lovestruc I've only ever seen pictures on the DIS so I need to make sure to get over there and check it out in person!

You have never been to AKL? You must go to Jambo House as their lobby will wow you.

John the CM sounds wonderful!! I'm so happy for you that he was able to provide you with all the pixie dust that you guys DESERVE!!! :wizard:

Can't wait to read more!

Jon was out of this world. Thank you so much.

First of all, great news on Mark's job! I think your rationale is very good; why start a brand-new full time job with a Florida move in the not-too-distant future. Sounds good to me! :thumbsup2

Thanks, Katie. I think the plan we came up with is the best for all of us.

You did get cast member gold with Mr. Jon! Awesome!! And your room is the BEST. Love that view. I love AKL anyway but the bathrooms in those rooms are the best in DVC, I think.

Jon just blew me away with his friendliness, his humor and his pixie dust. AKL is the only place we've had a one bedroom, but I can't imagine any of the others living up to it.

Your Mara meals look very good! I've always been very happy with that I've gotten there, they have a good selection. Yum!

I want to go back and have Mark try that African stew that someone else mentioned.

Congrats to Mark on his new job! I'm glad he found something that will work well with his umpiring work in the summer.

Thanks, Andy. I think it is a perfect fit for him.

I hope that Alisha gets some answers and gets everything straightened out soon.

Me too; she was fine with me on Sunday, but I know it is bothering her until she gets answers.

As for the trip... yeah, you definitely had some pixie dust. After my FP+ frustrations and ranting, I almost feel bad. Almost. Any chance Jon might be working at AoA in December? :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Ummmm...I don't think so. I thought he had told me he had been at AKL for two years and had no intention of ever leaving there!

I'm glad that you were well cared for on check in, and of course, got to see your giraffes.

We would see lots of giraffes are few days there. :goodvibes

That is great news about Mark's job!

Thanks, Sarah.

How awesome about the bonus FP+s! Lucky you!!

It truly was quite lovely.

What a great view you had, and that bathroom does look awesome!

It really is; that jacuzzi is so relaxing.

HI there! I'm new but and jumping in to say that I am loving your TR so far! Also, Im sorry for the struggles you have gone through recently! I'll keep you in my thoughts! :)

:welcome::welcome: Karli. Thank you so much for joining. And thank you even more for your good thoughts.
Hopefully, once a year has passed, it won't be so bad when I think of him. Right now, it's just too fresh, especially since losing both of them in less than two months, you know?

We are going August 29- September 5 but have yet to decide on the resort. He wants to stay a Yacht Club and I want to stay at Poly. Yes, I am lazy and shortened it. My bad. It just may come down to rock, paper, scissors. :lmao:

I sure hope Alisha gets some answers and relief. It's no fun being in chronic pain, I know. Enjoy your time with Rolo. He's huge! Looks like a little cuddle bug, too. Will patiently wait for your update. :)
Glad he found some work. Hope it is something he likes or at least can tolerate for a couple years.

Tim, I think he will do fine. He loves interacting with people in sales.

That was so nice of her. Honestly, if you are able to rent points for $8pp, you should just continue doing that. No need to try to buy DVC.

Yes, true. But I don't think that $8 is going to happen again.

Wow... talk about the hookup! Hopefully I get to meet Jon someday. :rotfl2:

Seriously; after the pixie dust of getting the original FP done, and then getting was just amazing.

So...ummmm... you got a view of a giraffe's butt? :bitelip:

I have more pictures of the giraffes; you know you always have to have at least one butt picture.

Is this a 1 BR? It seems much smaller than the 1 BR we had at BLT.

Yes it is. I can't respond to that as I've never been to BLT.

Thanks for answering my question. :rotfl2:

:lmao::lmao::lmao:my pleasure.

After seeing all your pictures, I can see why some people don't like AKV. The room does seem very dark with all the wood tones.

I don't find it too dark at all. I don't remember if I had all the drapes open when I took the pictures or not. But I find it no darker than CSR.

I just love the lobby at AKL.

It is stunning, isn't it?

I'm here and caught up...thanks to the handy dandy index on the first page! :thumbsup2 OMGEE...Major pixie dust on your first day of the trip!!! :woohoo: And the number of animals you were able to see from your balconies!!! :dance3:

:yay::yay: Connie is here. Welcome back from your trip. We did receive some nice pixie dust on that first day. The animals were plentiful this trip.

I am so glad to hear the you and Mark have a solid plan in place to get you to retirement. After so many years of faithful service to your jobs, you deserve to enjoy these last few years of employment. :goodvibes

Thanks; I think it is the one that works best for us with the plans we have (now for those plans to work out).

I will keep Alisha in my prayers!! ::yes::

Thank you very much...truly appreciate it.
Hopefully, once a year has passed, it won't be so bad when I think of him. Right now, it's just too fresh, especially since losing both of them in less than two months, you know?

Yes, I'm sure it is harder losing them so closely. :hug:

We are going August 29- September 5 but have yet to decide on the resort. He wants to stay a Yacht Club and I want to stay at Poly. Yes, I am lazy and shortened it. My bad. It just may come down to rock, paper, scissors. :lmao:

I've not stayed at the Yacht Club (can't afford it and they don't have DVC). I am assuming ALL of the construction will be done by then at the Poly? It is such a mess right now.

I sure hope Alisha gets some answers and relief. It's no fun being in chronic pain, I know. Enjoy your time with Rolo. He's huge! Looks like a little cuddle bug, too. Will patiently wait for your update. :)

I hope so too for Alisha's sake! Rolo has grown quite a bit since he was a puppy (I don't think he's 2 yet). He is a mixed breed of stuff -- they know Pit Bull and Greyhound and possibly German Shepherd. They think he may have something else in him too. He is a cuddler. Right now he is probably cuddling with Grandpa on the couch because Grandpa took him to the Bark Park for an hour.
I hope so too for Alisha's sake! Rolo has grown quite a bit since he was a puppy (I don't think he's 2 yet). He is a mixed breed of stuff -- they know Pit Bull and Greyhound and possibly German Shepherd. They think he may have something else in him too. He is a cuddler. Right now he is probably cuddling with Grandpa on the couch because Grandpa took him to the Bark Park for an hour.

If he has Greyhound in him, that explains why he is such a big boy! I can see the Pit Bull in him, but not Shepherd. He has beautiful colouring and sounds like they may both be cuddling/snoozing on the couch now after an hour of play!

I've seen pictures of how the Poly looks and agree it is a mess. I would think that in a year, some massive changes will have taken place and it won't be so torn apart. I just want the pool to be in place. Everything else is ok with me. I have a feeling we will end up at Yacht club, though. I really want BWV, but no deals for there. :( Another time.
So we had just finished dinner at Mara and went back to Kidani and got the car. We drove over to the Hollywood Studios (no picture as we entered as it was raining pretty darn good).

We got through bag check pretty quickly and Mark had to make a bio-break and then we cut through the stores for our destination since it was still raining.

Of course the first store we hit, Mark decides he needs to make our DIS friends happy.

We continued through the stores as much as we could until we reached our destination (again no picture of the sign, but see if you can guess where we are?).

If you guessed the Tune In Lounge, you are correct.

When we got there the place was packed (dinner ADR's and everyone hiding from the rain). We stayed as close to the bar as we could until two seats opened up which they finally did (we figured when our friends got there, Mark would give up his seat for the lady and the guys could stand).

We ordered drinks as our friends were running a tad behind (we were texting back and forth on where they were, when they'd be there, etc.). Mark ordered

and I ordered a

We had a blast with the bartender...she was a hoot. Friends of hers came in and sat next to us when another couple got up and left, and it was his birthday (if I recall he was celebrating his 60th) and we all sang to him.

This is our bartender...wish I could remember her name (she reminded me of an old friend of ours who now lives in Vegas)

Some of the people still waiting to sit down

Our friends arrived and Mark gave up his chair and I ordered another Pina Colada and our friends ordered their drinks (I don't think Mark ordered a second). We sat and chatted until we knew we had to go to find a spot for the fireworks which we were told would still go off despite the rain.

We ended up being to the left of the hat and it wasn't a bad spot at all.

I used my new camera and did NOT take a ton of pictures because of the rain, but here's what I got:

I have to say, despite the rain, we really enjoyed the Frozen Fireworks and so glad that our friends suggested it.

Oh, I suppose you are wondering who these friends were that we were meeting. :rotfl:

It was Cynthia and Jeff (eandesmom).

I met Cynthia last year when she came to Chicago for a business meeting and we had lunch. I had not met Jeff, and Mark had not met either of them. When we found out our trips were overlapping a bit, we knew we wanted to get together. The hard part was finding the time as they were cruising, etc. We had not intended to go a park on arrival day, but when Cynthia suggested we get together for a drink when we found out they extended the Frozen Fireworks for the weekends, it was a done deal. The guys had a great time talking, and Cynthia and I had so much fun catching up. If you ever have a chance to meet them or run into them at the park, they are wonderful people and a whole lot of fun. Cynthina came bearing a gift for me which I have NOT taken off since she gave it to me.

Mickey, the Castle and a coffee cup...Cynthia and I do love our Starbucks.

Thanks again, Cynthia. And I hope it is not too long before our paths cross again.

We parted ways as they still had not had dinner and it was still raining and it had been a busy travel day for us. We walked to the car and drove back to AKL where I proceeded to take a picture of our room number so I wouldn't forget where we were.

Up next, our first full day and we're not going to a park until when?
So great that you were able to meet up with Cynthia and her hubby. Looks like you had a lot of fun!

I love Mark in his hats! So fantastic! :cool1: Sometime (if you haven't already) you should do a photo book of just Mark and his Disney hats. I bet you could fill quite a few pages! :wizard:
When we got there the place was packed (dinner ADR's and everyone hiding from the rain). We stayed as close to the bar as we could until two seats opened up which they finally did (we figured when our friends got there, Mark would give up his seat for the lady and the guys could stand).

We ordered drinks as our friends were running a tad behind (we were texting back and forth on where they were, when they'd be there, etc.). Mark ordered
Our friends arrived and Mark gave up his chair and I ordered another Pina Colada and our friends ordered their drinks (I don't think Mark ordered a second). We sat and chatted until we knew we had to go to find a spot for the fireworks which we were told would still go off despite the rain.

We ended up being to the left of the hat and it wasn't a bad spot at all.

I used my new camera and did NOT take a ton of pictures because of the rain, but here's what I got:

I have to say, despite the rain, we really enjoyed the Frozen Fireworks and so glad that our friends suggested it.

Oh, I suppose you are wondering who these friends were that we were meeting. :rotfl:

It was Cynthia and Jeff (eandesmom).

I met Cynthia last year when she came to Chicago for a business meeting and we had lunch. I had not met Jeff, and Mark had not met either of them. When we found out our trips were overlapping a bit, we knew we wanted to get together. The hard part was finding the time as they were cruising, etc. We had not intended to go a park on arrival day, but when Cynthia suggested we get together for a drink when we found out they extended the Frozen Fireworks for the weekends, it was a done deal. The guys had a great time talking, and Cynthia and I had so much fun catching up. If you ever have a chance to meet them or run into them at the park, they are wonderful people and a whole lot of fun. Cynthina came bearing a gift for me which I have NOT taken off since she gave it to me.

Mickey, the Castle and a coffee cup...Cynthia and I do love our Starbucks.

Thanks again, Cynthia. And I hope it is not too long before our paths cross again.

We parted ways as they still had not had dinner and it was still raining and it had been a busy travel day for us. We walked to the car and drove back to AKL where I proceeded to take a picture of our room number so I wouldn't forget where we were.

Up next, our first full day and we're not going to a park until when?

We had SO much fun with you guys. I am sorry we were so late. It was SO wet we took the boat instead of walking and I swear that added almost 30 minutes to our trip. :worried: thank you for your patience, it was so lovely to hang out, just not nearly long enough.

I am so glad you like the bracelet :goodvibes I hope it isn't too long before our paths cross again as well.
Luvin Mark's hat picture :thumbsup2

boo to all the rain.

The bracelet is gorgeous. :goodvibes
That was a double treat, the Frozen Fireworks and a Dismeet with Cynthia and Jeff. :). We got a chance to see the fireworks too, but without the rain. :)

I love the views of the animals at AKL. I would think that having a car when staying there really helps.
It’s great that things worked out for Mark… Loooove Target.

What a kind friend, AKL is such a beautiful resort. Would love to experience that place some day. And wow! on the FP+ pixie dust, so special.

Mark and his hat pics….too cute.

Sounds like a great plan for your DISmeet. The Frozen Fireworks were pretty cool. (We got to watch a proposal while waiting for the show last month.:goodvibes)

So sorry to read about the health problems that your mom and Alisha are going through. As a new graduate nurse (May 2014, at 52 years old), this is very interesting to me. Hope answers and comfort are found soon.
So glad you finally made it by to do replies! I was worried that you were so shocked I came by and posted, they had to admit you to the hospital or something.............. :rolleyes1 :blush:

Of course the first store we hit, Mark decides he needs to make our DIS friends happy.

Great Job Mark! I really like that one! :thumbsup2

We continued through the stores as much as we could until we reached our destination (again no picture of the sign, but see if you can guess where we are?).

If you guessed the Tune In Lounge, you are correct.

50's Prime Time is my favorite DHS restaurant, so that was an easy one! :love:

and I ordered a

Mmmmmmm! :drinking1

Our friends arrived and Mark gave up his chair and I ordered another Pina Colada and our friends ordered their drinks (I don't think Mark ordered a second). We sat and chatted until we knew we had to go to find a spot for the fireworks which we were told would still go off despite the rain.

Oh, I suppose you are wondering who these friends were that we were meeting. :rotfl:

It was Cynthia and Jeff (eandesmom).

You're such a tease!!! :rolleyes:

If you ever have a chance to meet them or run into them at the park, they are wonderful people and a whole lot of fun. Cynthina came bearing a gift for me which I have NOT taken off since she gave it to me.

Mickey, the Castle and a coffee cup...Cynthia and I do love our Starbucks.

Thanks again, Cynthia. And I hope it is not too long before our paths cross again.

Cynthia is just the absolute best isn't she!!!!! How thoughtful coming up with such a perfect gift for you! :)

Up next, our first full day and we're not going to a park until when?
One day I can hopefully meet up with you, Mark and Jeff (and Cynthia again of course) at Disney and be able to post pictures of our get-together for proof! :goodvibes
Fireworks looked great in the rain! :) That bracelet is gorgeous!! No wonder you havent taken it off!
Kathy I am finally caught up on your report and other news. I hope Alisha gets answers. Glad Mark got a job to tide him over. Many years ago when I was laid off from a job I loved, I took a part time job like that, it gave me time to recover and then after about a year I started a totally new career and bad that job for 14 years before I retired. Anyway I haven't been around due to a couple of personal issues. I have been diagnosed with glaucoma and will have laser surgery Nov. 4. Meanwhile we were in Boston last week for four days when my grandson Cody had a cardiac ablation. It went well and he is doing well. So hopefully things will be more normal now.
First off, yay for Mark getting a job! I'm so happy for him.

Mark should have totally gotten those ears. :rotfl2:

I knew who the friends were the whole time! :goodvibes That's so awesome you guys got to meet again. Cynthia is so awesome.

What a thoughtful gift!
I am here.
Vinny knows the feeling of losing a job for that long, he was with his for 34 years and they let him go.
Very nice of her to sell them to you for $5.
I think next year we are staying at AKL but we will be doing Jambo House and am excited unless I can get a resort by Boardwalk area.
Very nice about the fp+
Nice villa.
Love his C-3PO hat.
Nice fireworks pics. Nice you saw Cynthia and Jeff.
I am caught up, thanks for the links.


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