Jon and Kate Plus 8, Official Thread-Part 4

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People keep saying it's so sad, there are hopes they can work things out and get back together... I think it's good they're divorcing. They are dysfunctional as a couple and their kids are seeing that every day. If they can be happy apart, that is a much healthier thing for their kids to see.

As the child of divorced parents, I look back and am so very glad and grateful my parents split up.

I'm with you. I think, like Kate said, this would have happened with or without the show. She mentioned several reasons why they have been doing the show, not just to have a tape of their lives. I think this has been going on for a very long time, but I still think she would have liked to have tried to work it out. He won't talk to her. He sees the brass ring and a chance to get out from under 8 kids, and he's gone. Although I'm betting he'll still enjoy the money.

I just can't get past how excited Jon was..he almost forgot to add that it's about the kids, after he said he had to do what was good for him.
If she has decided to continue on with this show then she has clearly showed her priorities - and it's not the happiness and welfare of her children..

If Jon has agreed to it, he's no better..

I can't even believe what I am reading here that was aired for their children to see and hear from everyone and their brother.. You think the tabloids and such were bad before? Watch them now! And those poor kids will still be stuck in the middle of it..

I hope people will wake up now and turn off their televisions.. This is not a show that deserves to be on the air..

I agree. I did not watch tonight and do not plan to watch again. I am just disgusted in the two of them and can not believe that they can't see what they are doing to their children. It is disgusting. :sad1:
I really can't take her. She does not have those kids interests at heart. I would think that she would be devastated and the last thing on her mind would be filming. Silly me. I thought that just maybe for once she would put her children first. What was I thinking?:surfweb:

BTW- Am I the only one here who thinks she really does have something going on with the bodyguard?

The bodyguard is definitely a possibility. She's just very discreet.
For those of you who are offended and disgusted by the show, I'd suggest writing in to TLC. We all recommend it when something goes wrong at Disney so why not with this situation?
Don't leave us Madge!:flower3:

very sweet of you to say .. but I've found my closure, I think. Especially after the ridiculous commercial I just saw on TLC promoting next week's show. And especially after these people announced their divorce on national TV. that's just wrong, wrong, wrong. I don't give a flying flip what Jon and Kate do now.
Kate----I, me, my kids

Jon----us, we, our kids

if possible, I dislike kate even more she is self-centered and self absorbed i don't think either one of them did anything to fix the marriage, however if i, as no more than an outside observer, who is basing my comments upon what has been presented by j and k on thier tlc show, would have to say that kate is 90% to blame for this situation
And don't forget that the kids will also have all of these "happy childhood videos" to watch up close and personal - of their parents airing their dirty laundry on national tv.. I have no respect for these two people - none..:mad:

Are you kidding? That was the most telling thing he said. What I heard was RELIEF to be free from the noose and oppression she is around his neck, the domination, the criticisms, the fighting, etc. He gets to have his identity & self back again.

No I'm not kidding. Are you? I agree it was the most telling thing he said and I stand by my comment that he is a selfish man. How can he say that about this whole mess on camera?? Jon isn't innocent in this at all. But it's ok because he's excited about the new chapter in his life.:sad2: Sounds like a responsible father of 8 to me. :sad2: Imagine the kids watching that years from now...they get to hear their own father say that he's excited during the show where they announced their seperation. Very insensitive IMO. I guess his new identity is great then...cheating on his wife with a 23 year old girl who made a sex tape with her ex-boyfriend, who's brother has a horrible criminal record, spending time with this same girl in Utah on his wife's b-day and now Jon's dressing like a frat guy, pierced his ears, looking for apartments in NYC and so on. He is exhibiting the behavior of someone who wants to make up for lost time and sow his wild oats. That's my opinion anyway...:rolleyes1
-He's excited and she's crushed--

I think if I saw my parents saying this I would be mad - crooked houses or not. One thing I think is that while he may have been bossed around there are other ways of handling things like discussing it and working it out. I think he's immature and is showing it now. I like how he is also quick to jump from the "schedule" if he is offered a job and he is excited and such... what a loser. It seems like he is a-ok with this and let the party begin. I think she made her decision a long time ago what was important and maybe she had to step up to be the dominate one in the family because spineless couldn't... it went too far and she liked the attention she was getting and therefore the the show will go on. I also believe that all of her thoughts regarding walking the kids was teamwork and yada yada is a wee bit too late - sour grapes I guess.

If you ask me they are both at fault - him for not being man enough to stand up and say things have to change with how he was treated and her not being content with her most important role - being a mom to those kids that she holds over the reason for everything that they have done.

I bet if truth be known, I bet the kids would rather have two parents that work together and love each other instead of two monsters who have their own best interests, desires, and stupidity at the forefront.

I think this is best - and TLC needs to promote other shows because this one is a trilogy of what not to do in a marriage... so very very sad...

I feel for the kids, the little ones are just precious and darling, cara is beautiful and mady needs her knickers readjusted but she's cute all the same...

Just my opinion... signing off now.....
Ok, I may be nieve but is it really the show that has destroyed their marriage? I think not. Two absolutely mismatched people in what is already a stressful situation. I think that even if the show was over, they would be in the same boat. So, why not continue it? I doubt that the kids know any different now from a "normal" childhood.

Not like Jon had a fancy job at the begining of the series. In fact, hadn't he lost his job? Way to bite the hand that feeds you.

I wouldn't say it's all the fault of the show. I think a lot of the problem, besides the show, is the fact that Kate has acknowledged that Jon was very happy with the twins, but she wanted more, so they went ahead and got pregnant again. The demise of their marriage is strictly because Kate does what Kate wants and doesn't give a crap about what Jon wants, now or ever.
Ok, I may be nieve but is it really the show that has destroyed their marriage? I think not. Two absolutely mismatched people in what is already a stressful situation. I think that even if the show was over, they would be in the same boat. So, why not continue it? I doubt that the kids know any different now from a "normal" childhood.

Not like Jon had a fancy job at the begining of the series. In fact, hadn't he lost his job? Way to bite the hand that feeds you.

As I've said all along, I think this marriage has been over for ages. I wonder if Kate has been so hard on Jon because he really hasn't been there right along. He's been like a 9th child.

Jon also said tonight that they have a schedule all set up for the kids, but if he gets a job, that may have to be changed. Yes, he has checked out..and he's excited to do it. Do I think he's excited to be off the show? They say he'll still be on it. Do I think he's happy to lose the responsibility? You bet I do. He gets to shed any hard part of bringing up the family, and he knows most will blame Kate, so he's home free.

I do hope this is the last season, just because what else is there to show? That said, I think pulling the show out from under the kids right now would add more stress.

As for the crooked houses, even Jon admitted that was a much better place for them. The other spot was way too far from the house. I would have been afraid someone would have walked off with one of the kids. I wouldn't have let my kids be so far away from the house at their ages.
This has to be one of the saddest things I have seen. Like a fool, I said I didn't want to watch the show but I caught the last few minutes. I wish I would have stuck to my guns & not seen it. I feel so awful for those kids.
But it's ok because he's excited about the new chapter in his life.:sad2: Sounds like a responsible father of 8 to me. :sad2: Imagine the kids watching that years from now...they get to hear their own father say that he's excited during the show where they announced their seperation.

Where are you getting the idea he's going to be irresponsible regarding his chidren? :confused3 He's going to be there. KATE was the one running around the country, not being at home. :sad2: He get's to be free of the emotionally abuse ball and chain known as Kate Gosselin. Good riddance! :p

People keep saying it's so sad, there are hopes they can work things out and get back together... I think it's good they're divorcing. They are dysfunctional as a couple and their kids are seeing that every day. If they can be happy apart, that is a much healthier thing for their kids to see.

As the child of divorced parents, I look back and am so very glad and grateful my parents split up.
Yes, this is exactly what I mean. Sometimes the best RESPONSIBLE thing you can do for your children is to GET divorced. End the dysfunction, the stress, the arguing, the abuse, the traumas EVERY SINGLE FRIGGING TIME THE PARENTS ARE TOGETHER. :sad1: :headache:

Actually, AFTER divorce, when the parents no longer have failed expectations of each other that they keep hurting each other over, and if they can come to a place of peace, the kids do so much better, than in a marriage where the parents just stay together becasue of the kids but keep hating each other.
People keep saying it's so sad, there are hopes they can work things out and get back together... I think it's good they're divorcing. They are dysfunctional as a couple and their kids are seeing that every day. If they can be happy apart, that is a much healthier thing for their kids to see.

As the child of divorced parents, I look back and am so very glad and grateful my parents split up.

I'm with you. I think, like Kate said, this would have happened with or without the show. She mentioned several reasons why they have been doing the show, not just to have a tape of their lives. I think this has been going on for a very long time, but I still think she would have liked to have tried to work it out. He won't talk to her. He sees the brass ring and a chance to get out from under 8 kids, and he's gone. Although I'm betting he'll still enjoy the money.

I just can't get past how excited Jon was..he almost forgot to add that it's about the kids, after he said he had to do what was good for him.

I totally agree. Jon seemed like he couldn't wait to jump out of that chair and "get on with his life." --- and the money. I notice he said he will probably still do the show. If it wasn't so sad, I would have laughed when he said he might get a job offer. I bet he's hoping for his OWN show "Jon on His Own" or "Just Jon" or something. :sad2:
I am so sad to her that they have filed for divorced, thought I am not surprised.

Kate had a breast lift when they did her tummy tuck, but I haven't noticed anything different recently :confused3


Nope. She asked that one be added into her free tummy tuck but was told to "no." She's had one recently I believe.
I am sick and disgusted by what TLC just did.

Are they seriously going to continue filming while these poor children have to go through the agony of their parents' divorce??? :scared1:

I'm done with the show!:mad::sad2:
The only thing that was missing was TLC having one of the kids say "Next on Jon & Kate + Eight, Mommy and Daddy make their tearful announcement!" It was rock bottom.

There's nothing left to see here people... time to move on.

"Television ate my family!"
- Lance Loud, star of An American Family, PBS, 1973

"Television ate my family!"
- (Pick one) Gosselin, Jon & Kate Plus 8, TLC, 2009
OK. I'm watching Cake Boss. And there's a commercial for next week's Jon & Kate. No surprise in that .. I knew there was a show planned. But, OMG. OMG. Peppy music, cheerful announcer talking about looking back from the very beginning ... :confused: These people just announced that they're ending their marriage and THIS is what TLC has come up with to promote next week's show? Are you kidding me? These people are ALL crazy :headache:

With any luck, this backlash from this "announcement" will come back to bite them ALL in the butt and the show will tank.. Of course it's up to the viewers.. Keep watching and they'll keep filming - because it's for sure that the so-called "parents" aren't going to pull the plug..

I'm with you C.Ann. I am so done with this show. I am mad at TLC, Jon and Kate. I know everyone is blaming Kate but Jon is one of the parents. If he truly felt strongly about his kids not doing this show there are definitely legal avenues he could pursue. All he would have to do is get a child psychologist that specializes in divorce to go to court with him. Do you really think that TLC would want a court battle over this??? They would let these people out of their contract in a heartbeat if this threatened to blow up. Just imagine the bad publicity it would generate for TLC.

I'd rather watch Bridezilla and Cake Boss. I know those shows are scripted but who cares as they don't have minor children being harmed!!!

Exactly.. I can't imagine anyone who cares about those children thinking it's still a good idea to watch this show after what Kate & Jon just did to their children tonight..

I agree. I did not watch tonight and do not plan to watch again. I am just disgusted in the two of them and can not believe that they can't see what they are doing to their children. It is disgusting. :sad1:

What's even more disgusting is now that they have "aired" this, the paparazzi are going to go NUTS and there will be NO escape for those children.. They will see and hear everything..:mad:

Looks like another letter writing/email campaign for me and mine tomorrow.. TLC first and foremost - then I'll google who the sponsors were for tonight's episode..

Oh good grief! I don't believe this!! I just turned on Cake Boss and they are going to rerun tonights episode at 11 pm!! I really don't think they can sink any lower..:mad:
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