It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Needs An Eyepatch - A Dec TR Complete 8/31

Just came across your TR, it's great! I am jealous that your family likes to do Disney trips together, I'd love to do that with my siblings. (Maybe if I followed your example and offered to pay for the rooms.... :) And also jealous of your stay at Animal Kingdom Lodge. You have a great writing style, and it looks like your family has fun together. Looking forward to reading your other trip reports!
Excellent point. I'm not sure how long I can keep DH hostage in any park, but that might be my best shot! I planned "lupper" at 3:30 to get out of the heat. (Hoping for heat, anyways!) *repeats mantra - Must let hubs set the pace, must let hubs set the pace...*

:laughing: Yeah, it can be hard when you are chomping at the bit and the others are not quite at the same level of excitement. If DH likes animals AK is definitely a good park to test out his willingness to be a "hostage" in the park since there are all the animal trails and you can take AC breaks in the shows like Festival of the Lion King.

Just came across your TR, it's great!

Welcome! Thanks for reading and commenting!

I am jealous that your family likes to do Disney trips together

Yep, I'm pretty lucky that my mom and brothers live Disney too and that we have been able to go on as many trips as we have together.

I'd love to do that with my siblings. (Maybe if I followed your example and offered to pay for the rooms.... :)

:laughing: You never know, it might work!
I love Animal Kingdom and it's proximity to the Animal Kingdom Lodge makes it a multiple day park for me. I haven't seen the Wild Dogs yet but hopefully in March when I am there.

Your brothers look like they are so much fun to travel with.

Another detour on the way to Africa, photopass! This photographer was a lot of fun. I love when you get a photopass photographer who has fun with their job. You end up getting better and more varied shots than those who just do the standard two snaps and their done.

The safari went well, we saw lots of animals. Here are a few shots.

I LOVE this series of photographs! How fun! And I cannot wait to see the nocturnal animals when I go in October...great picture of the African wild dogs.

Your brothers look like they are so much fun to travel with.

Yep, they are definitely entertaining.

I LOVE this series of photographs! How fun! And I cannot wait to see the nocturnal animals when I go in October...great picture of the African wild dogs.

It was nice to see something new and different on the safari. I also loved how active they were.

I love the photopass photos :)

Thanks Jo. :goodvibes
GREAT Safari shots, Lessa. And super fun PP ones too; your brothers crack me up. How cool that so many animals were so close to your room! What a treat to wake up to. I"m pretty sure we're gonna have a parking lot view, but still ok. We'll just have to get up a teensy earlier to see them. I'm ok with that! Love early morning walks around the resort.

Working a long string of night shifts... ick! Glad you can have those days off coming up. Or maybe you've already started that time off. Enjoy!!! Nights are so hard.
This photographer was a lot of fun. I love when you get a photopass photographer who has fun with their job. You end up getting better and more varied shots than those who just do the standard two snaps and their done.
I agree! I don't seem to have the best luck with PhotoPass photographers (a lot of them act really lost and weirded out when presented with a solo person to photograph! :confused3), but when I get a good one, it's AWESOME! And they get the best photos too, you're so right!

Oh man, this picture... :rotfl:

Apparently she hates snow, even the snow on Main St. Shocking! :eek:
I hate snow, too! The only use I have for snow is for it to look pretty on my Christmas cards! However, I don't mind Disney "snow." (Or "snope" as it's apparently also called, which I just learned this morning from @Chicago Mo !)

Our guide told us about the father who came to AK 2 years ago and has had seven kids so far "He really likes it here!".
I bet he does! :laughing:

Thought these rhinos looked like conjoined twins.

OMG, you're right, they so do!
I'm so with you there. I bought some stuff when I was there and loved it so much I ordered more online later. And still may order some more...

How was the shipping cost to Canada? I would love to order online if the cost isn't too much extra.

I"m pretty sure we're gonna have a parking lot view

You never know, I am pretty sure i read about some standard rooms at AKL that have an obstructed view of the Sunset Savanna.

I hate snow, too! The only use I have for snow is for it to look pretty on my Christmas cards! However, I don't mind Disney "snow." (Or "snope" as it's apparently also called, which I just learned this morning from @Chicago Mo !)

I enjoy snow when it is all pretty and white and I am looking at it through a window while all cozy inside. When i have to shovel it or walk around in it that is another matter. Snow on Main St I love though.
Great PhotoPass pictures. It's really nice when the photographers have you do different poses!

Glad the safari line was quick! Love the pictures - especially the baby giraffes!
That Christmas gift wrapping is amazing. How long does it take him to do that?? I need to up my wrapping game!!

Your safari pics are fantastic!
After the safari we made our way through the Pangani Forest Trail as is our tradition. We always seem to follow the same touring pattern when at Animal Kingdom.

We were blessed with some good animal juju this day. The zebras were being feisty and playing/fighting/trying to mate? Two of the zebras kept jumping at each other, butting heads, kicking each other. It was pretty entertaining.

The meerkats were next to the zebras and they were watching the zebra antics closely.

Here's a video I took of the zebras. I didn't manage to get the best of the "fight" but it will give you an idea of their antics. It is not long, 30 seconds, and the best part is at the very end.

After watching the zebras for quite a while we moved on to the gorillas were we just about died from cute overload. There were two baby gorillas! They were adorable! We saw them ride around on their mother, snuggle with their mother and then they were rolling around playing with each other. Made my day watching them.

Of course I had to take a video of them playing! The video is better than the pictures.

After a good 15 minutes I would say we moved on as we had monopolized our great viewing location long enough.

We had to go see big papa gorilla before leaving the trail.

If you are visiting Animal Kingdom in the next little while make sure to visit these cuties!
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Joining in! I'm enjoying your report. It sounds like you had a great time with your family. Thank you for sharing all the photos from AK. It looks like a lot of the animals were pretty active when you were there. I saw the baby gorilla in April and I can't believe how much they've grown. Loved the video, thanks for sharing!
What a great time on the animal trails! Feisty zebras and adorable baby gorillas - life doesn't get much better than that!!
Just wanted to say hello, from a fellow Canadian :)

Enjoying your report. Love the AKL pictures. It's on my Disney "bucket list", maybe someday. I have never gone up the Pangani Trail but it looks like it's worth the time!


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