In the Kitchen with Donald

Good Morning
So going with what I have and it's not much....... I don't even have an electric hand mixer,,yeah love baked goods just don't usually make them myself. I do come from a long line of great bakers,,my mom and Nana.
What I have on hand.....(Mickey Mouse hand wisk ,Mickey Mouse measuring cups, bowl,,bake sheet, muffin tins ,Mickey Mouse measuring spoons). I am missing my morning McDonalds muffin,,yep I am a muffin a day girl!
We have everything I need to make these.
I'll give it a go tomorrow and report back on my success or failure.
Thanks for sharing everyone!
If you're wanting to jump on the band wagon and bake some bread the recipe i shared for no-knead Crusty Bread doesn't require a mixer -- wooden spoon is my utensil of choice for that!

I have a TON of good muffin recipes i can dig out if'n you'd like :D
My mother in law has a great recipe - it makes a huge batch and is a refridgerator recipe where you make a huge tub of it, store it in the fridge and bake as you want them. I forget how long it lasts but it was quite a while. I'll find the recipe in a bit and post it. Great way to use up sour milk too.

Ohhh yes, this kind of sounds exactly like what I am looking for!
@alohamom here you go : )

Bran Muffins

5 tsp baking soda
add 2 cups boiling water
add 1 quart buttermilk

cream 1 cup Crisco
add 2 cups sugar
plus 4 eggs and 1 tsp salt

Pour first mixture into second and mix. Add 5 cups flour and 4 cups natural all bran and 2 cups raisins.

Let stand 24 hours before baking (in fridge). Bake at 400 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes (recipe said 10 but I had a note that it took 15 in my oven). Mix will keep in the fridge for 2 weeks.

(Great place to use up slightly outdated milk instead of the buttermilk).

Pro tip - use a big bowl.... (learned this one the hard way).
I think it's time for a truly decadent ooey-gooey chocolate recipe! This goes from the intense desire for a warm gooey chocolate dessert to a bowl in front of the tv in under an hour (less if hubby doesn't think he needs to help :P ) It's almost like a lava cake that goes really well with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

OOOH, yeah, it's a mix-in-the-pan recipe, the mess is minimal !!!! I have found it bubbles over at times so you might want to put a cookie sheet under the pan.

One Pan Chocolate Pudding Cake
Servings: 6

  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 2/3 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder sifted (divided)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup mini dark chocolate chips (or whatever scraps of chocolate bars you have hiding around!)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 1/4 cups very hot water (not boiling)
  1. Pre-heat oven to 350°F (180°C)
  2. In a 8x8 inch square cake pan, stir together flour, white sugar, 1/4 cup cocoa, baking powder and salt. Add milk and oil and mix well.
  3. Sprinkle on top first brown sugar, then cocoa (remaining 1/4 cup), then chocolate chips.
  4. In a medium bowl add vanilla to the hot water and pour directly over mixture without stirring (this gives it more pudding)
  5. Do not stir the hot water into the mixture, it must sit on top.
  6. Bake for approximately 30 minutes, just until the sides start to pull away from the pan and the top starts to crack slightly, the middle will be a little jiggly. Enjoy!
Bread by the Duck! *** I don't have a bread machine so have no clue how to use one or what you need to use, I'll let others give tips of that :P

Few pointers about yeast - Keep the opened jar in the fridge and it should be good to go for 6 or more months.

You can find several different types of yeast in the grocery store, If you don't want to bother with "Proofing" or even dissolving it, grab the quick-rise or instant and just add it in with your dry ingredients - just like it sounds, it will take less time for your dough to rise .
View attachment 482151
Traditional Yeast, just a tad slower off the mark
View attachment 482152

You can use either in any recipe, just swap 1:1> If the recipe calls for "yeast" it's assuming the traditional, go ahead and use the rapid but DON'T dissolve it! If it calls for "instant/quick" and you only have traditional, go ahead but DO dissolve it first.
Trouble measuring it if you are using an old recipe that says __ of envelopes?
View attachment 482156

I appreciate everything on this thread, but tonight I especially appreciate this post, donald!

I made some rolls to go with supper. I only had traditional yeast and the recipe calls for instant, but thanks to you I knew how to adjust and keep going :)
I think it's time for a truly decadent ooey-gooey chocolate recipe! This goes from the intense desire for a warm gooey chocolate dessert to a bowl in front of the tv in under an hour (less if hubby doesn't think he needs to help :P ) It's almost like a lava cake that goes really well with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

OOOH, yeah, it's a mix-in-the-pan recipe, the mess is minimal !!!! I have found it bubbles over at times so you might want to put a cookie sheet under the pan.

One Pan Chocolate Pudding Cake
Servings: 6

  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 2/3 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder sifted (divided)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup mini dark chocolate chips (or whatever scraps of chocolate bars you have hiding around!)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 1/4 cups very hot water (not boiling)
  1. Pre-heat oven to 350°F (180°C)
  2. In a 8x8 inch square cake pan, stir together flour, white sugar, 1/4 cup cocoa, baking powder and salt. Add milk and oil and mix well.
  3. Sprinkle on top first brown sugar, then cocoa (remaining 1/4 cup), then chocolate chips.
  4. In a medium bowl add vanilla to the hot water and pour directly over mixture without stirring (this gives it more pudding)
  5. Do not stir the hot water into the mixture, it must sit on top.
  6. Bake for approximately 30 minutes, just until the sides start to pull away from the pan and the top starts to crack slightly, the middle will be a little jiggly. Enjoy!
Ooh — this reminds me of the yummy chocolate pudding cake my aunt used to make! Hers didn’t have any chips...
Ooh — this reminds me of the yummy chocolate pudding cake my aunt used to make! Hers didn’t have any chips...
this recipe didn't originally either, we just decided to toss some in once and really liked it!
Here’s what I’m making for supper tonight:

I’ve used this recipe before. It’s straightforward and simple, as long as you have a bit of time to let the potatoes cook and cool. With dried pasta flying off the shelves, I bet I’ll be making this pretty often.

It’s one of those recipes where the final product and the effort are mismatched, but in a good way!

PS: jacqueline, does this fit your diet? I feel like you can have flour and potatoes, but I’m not sure bout egg.
Made another go-to Instant Pot meal for hubby last night. I found a massive package of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, plunked the Instant Pot on the counter, hit saute to get it hot, pulled on some gloves - sorry if that offends anyone who thinks i should be donating them but i break out all over just by touching that foul stuff (see what i did there :P ) - cut up the chicken and tossed it into the pot in batches, browning it up as i went. I portioned the cooked stuff into 3 meal-sized piles and then set to work making the "meal" The recipe is actually for Mushroom Risotto but no shrooms in the house right now, they are nice though.
It comes from THIS AWESOME COOKBOOK but I've altered it to our tastes and it works well.

Instant Pot Mushroom Risotto
Servings: 6

  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 2 cups sliced mushrooms
  • salt
  • 1.5 cups Jasmine Rice, rinsed
  • 4.5 cups broth (chicken works well)
  • ½ cup Parmesan cheese
  1. Heat oil in Instant Pot using Saute and once hot add mushrooms, stirring until they begin to brown.
  2. Add rice and stir to coat the grains, add the broth and deglaze the pot.
  3. Lock the lid, vent set to seal, and pressure cook on High for 8 minutes.
  4. Quick release the pressure and stir in cheese.
I added the chicken into the pot before i sealed the pot and cooked the rice. I also tossed in a healthy measure of frozen peas after I opened the lid - the heat from the risotto will defrost them in no time!
After he ate, i used the vacuum sealer to package up the remaining chicken and 3 servings of the finished meal. That gives me several more dinners for him with minimal effort, I just need to decide what to add the chicken to!
Made another go-to Instant Pot meal for hubby last night. I found a massive package of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, plunked the Instant Pot on the counter, hit saute to get it hot, pulled on some gloves - sorry if that offends anyone who thinks i should be donating them but i break out all over just by touching that foul stuff (see what i did there :P ) - cut up the chicken and tossed it into the pot in batches, browning it up as i went. I portioned the cooked stuff into 3 meal-sized piles and then set to work making the "meal" The recipe is actually for Mushroom Risotto but no shrooms in the house right now, they are nice though.
It comes from THIS AWESOME COOKBOOK but I've altered it to our tastes and it works well.

Instant Pot Mushroom Risotto
Servings: 6

  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 2 cups sliced mushrooms
  • salt
  • 1.5 cups Jasmine Rice, rinsed
  • 4.5 cups broth (chicken works well)
  • ½ cup Parmesan cheese
  1. Heat oil in Instant Pot using Saute and once hot add mushrooms, stirring until they begin to brown.
  2. Add rice and stir to coat the grains, add the broth and deglaze the pot.
  3. Lock the lid, vent set to seal, and pressure cook on High for 8 minutes.
  4. Quick release the pressure and stir in cheese.
I added the chicken into the pot before i sealed the pot and cooked the rice. I also tossed in a healthy measure of frozen peas after I opened the lid - the heat from the risotto will defrost them in no time!
After he ate, i used the vacuum sealer to package up the remaining chicken and 3 servings of the finished meal. That gives me several more dinners for him with minimal effort, I just need to decide what to add the chicken to!
I LOVE risotto and making it in the Instant Pot is so easy! I hate the time it takes, not to mention the fuss, when making it on the stove. I have a mushroom risotto recipe from a cookbook called The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook.
Love my Instant Pot!

Off topic--How do you link the webpage putting in a name? Hope that is clear. My links are always from the page itself but it would be easier to do like you did.
Made another go-to Instant Pot meal for hubby last night. I found a massive package of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, plunked the Instant Pot on the counter, hit saute to get it hot, pulled on some gloves - sorry if that offends anyone who thinks i should be donating them but i break out all over just by touching that foul stuff (see what i did there :P ) - cut up the chicken and tossed it into the pot in batches, browning it up as i went. I portioned the cooked stuff into 3 meal-sized piles and then set to work making the "meal" The recipe is actually for Mushroom Risotto but no shrooms in the house right now, they are nice though.
It comes from THIS AWESOME COOKBOOK but I've altered it to our tastes and it works well.

Instant Pot Mushroom Risotto
Servings: 6

  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 2 cups sliced mushrooms
  • salt
  • 1.5 cups Jasmine Rice, rinsed
  • 4.5 cups broth (chicken works well)
  • ½ cup Parmesan cheese
  1. Heat oil in Instant Pot using Saute and once hot add mushrooms, stirring until they begin to brown.
  2. Add rice and stir to coat the grains, add the broth and deglaze the pot.
  3. Lock the lid, vent set to seal, and pressure cook on High for 8 minutes.
  4. Quick release the pressure and stir in cheese.
I added the chicken into the pot before i sealed the pot and cooked the rice. I also tossed in a healthy measure of frozen peas after I opened the lid - the heat from the risotto will defrost them in no time!
After he ate, i used the vacuum sealer to package up the remaining chicken and 3 servings of the finished meal. That gives me several more dinners for him with minimal effort, I just need to decide what to add the chicken to!

That seems like a lot of broth! Can't wait to give it a try.
That seems like a lot of broth! Can't wait to give it a try.
The liquid to rice ratio is definitely different for the IP than on the stove top and Risotto is supposed to be more runny/smooth. You also need to take into account that it's different for each type of rice as well. As i mentioned, I've altered the recipe for us since we only use Jasmine rice. It calls for Risotto which was hard to source and we found it too goopey for our tastes - ratio for that is 1:3. Jasmine is 1:2
I LOVE risotto and making it in the Instant Pot is so easy! I hate the time it takes, not to mention the fuss, when making it on the stove. I have a mushroom risotto recipe from a cookbook called The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook.
Love my Instant Pot!

Off topic--How do you link the webpage putting in a name? Hope that is clear. My links are always from the page itself but it would be easier to do like you did.
Here's a really quick lesson on creating fancy-pants links -- someone else taught me eons ago over in the AM thread but i forget who it was! My colour and font are the characters you have to use and the red words are my description of what to do! ***No spaces between characters so get all those things in purple squooshed together!!

[ url =
cut and paste the entire URL here ] Type whatever you want to have the link called here [ / url ]

Let me know if it's not clear.
Here’s what I’m making for supper tonight:

I’ve used this recipe before. It’s straightforward and simple, as long as you have a bit of time to let the potatoes cook and cool. With dried pasta flying off the shelves, I bet I’ll be making this pretty often.

It’s one of those recipes where the final product and the effort are mismatched, but in a good way!

PS: jacqueline, does this fit your diet? I feel like you can have flour and potatoes, but I’m not sure bout egg.

@marchingstar - thanks for sharing this. We made gnocchi a few years ago and it was great. Haven't take the time since then but since my agenda is a whole lot of nothing right now, I am going to try this again.
On my next shopping day I will be making some...(I need to pick up some light fruit pectin crystals).
I have everything else. I make the Strawberry Pineapple one.I use frozen strawberries.
Sorry it's an old recipe,,pics not the greatest.


I usually make this in the Fall time but hey when you've got extra time.....



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