In search of my body...not the one I ate!

Thank you E, I do have an opinion and a comment and you spoke for me. Thanks doesn't begin to describe my gratitude.:worship: I feel violated. The behavior was uncontionable (sp?) right inconceivable, I am so hopping dissapointed with this DIS place. I know that one individual can't come in and violate. I will get over it. But Thank you 3DK. THANK YOU! So proud of your shopping trip and outlook. You so toatally rock!!!

Snow- Have a great time at WDW!!


Sorry...I read your edited comment but that doesn't fly with me. You posted on a public forum, so if we choose to respond, we will respond. You had no need to post here in the first opened yourself up for a response. In fact, you are looking for responses otherwise you never would have posted here. That much is transparent.

Yes, I believe that there are two sides to everything. No doubt about that. But one thing people learn about me--and very quickly--is that I am fiercely loyal to my friends. I don't tolerate it when others treat them poorly or act inappropriately.

So I will very honestly say that--even though your side may have valid points--I don't care to hear what your side is. It doesn't matter to me. Dan came here for support and friendship. And he found it. And we will continue to befriend and support him in every way we can.

And for the record...he has shown a great deal of character in NOT maligning you publicly on these boards. Your post was unnecessary, but now we can see some things for ourselves.
I did talk to three...I complimented one Uber Mom's Lily Pultizer flats (they were adorable and so obviously Lily Pultizer).

Lily Pulitzer...:confused3 Isn't that some kind of award?

And I LIKE people, the people i like. Oh, you didn't all realize we were getting matching bracelets? Well, just you wait! (You too, Dan) :laughing:

YAY, matching bracelets...this is the first I have heard of this. Dan is definitely man enough to wear a babes' bracelet.

And this is the purse I am coveting right now. Erika and Kim, it's a vegan purse! No animals were harmed! How cool is that?

Vegan purse...I love it!! It can be hard to find animal free shoes and purses and you can be guaranteed you are going to pay out the butt for them when you do. I really like the shoes too

So, I've been trying like crazy to read and get all caught up here, before I posted. I was thinking there were like 100 or so pages. OK, I could manage, eventually. But now I see that there are 184?!?!:scared1: NO WAY am I gonna get caught up anytime soon.

So, here I am, following Dawn over from the BL4 thread. From everything I've read so far, y'all are awesome!!

Just some background on me: single mom, divorced 8 years, 2 kids (DD 12.5, DS11). DD is in special ed--Verrrrrrrrrrrry slow. DS has ADHD, ODD, and some emotional issues. We call him the terrorist (hey, it fits...) I had gastric bypass 7 years ago and lost 250#, then found 50 of those all over again in the past few years. So I decided to get the A$$ in gear and lose those 50, plus the last 26 that I never got around to losing. So, here I am, I've lost 40 of those 50, and have just 36 to go to get to my goal.

If you want lots of detail, you can read my blog--the link is in my siggie. In the meantime, I really am looking forward to getting to know you all!!

First, WELCOME!!! Second, OMG, 250lbs?!?! 36 wil be a breeze. YOu really have earned Goddess status already :worship:

Oh my goodness it has been a rollercoaster few days... We weren't able to get out to Minnesota, but Bruce's grandpa's funeral went really well, over 600 people showed up for the calling hours, over 400 for the actual service. I'm glad its over however and Bruce and I can return to our routine, makes things easier... I do however think i probably gained this week, which really bums me out, but hey, it's been super stressful, i'll just kick it into high gear for the coming week.

I've been reading through the last few pages of posts and it was like i wrote them. I never wear make up, my hair is ALWAYS in a pony tail, i only wear flats (in my defense, i'm already .5 inches taller than Bruce, so i think i started using that as an excuse to wear comfy flat shoes). I work in an office full of 23-35 year old women for the most part, and I definately feel like the chub, there is maybe 1 other person that is larger than a size 5, drives me crazy, and I always feel self-concious. I'm dreading buying clothes for the honeymoon, i hate clothes shopping, so i just don't do it, unless i literally NEED something, and i kick and scream the whole way. I always feel like people are looking at me going "what does THAT fatty think she is going to buy in HERE?" :mad: I need to change my attitude.

On the plus side, i had my first dress fitting for the wedding on sunday, and they actually had to take it in 2 inches on each side, cost a pretty penny, but i was excited!! When i bought the dress and brought it home in August it fit snugly!!!!

Well.. off to read the rest of the posts that i've missed in the whirlwind of the past several days...

I am glad to see you are back and to read that the service went well. I am sure it was very hard on you and your DF. At least now you can get back to some sense of normalcy.

There is no shame in wearing flats. Especially when your DF is shorter than you. MY DH claims he is 6' :-)lmao: ) when in everyone else's reality he is 5'9 on a good day. I am 5'8" so anything with a heel was out of the picture for my wedding. I was happy I got to be comfortable. I am completely with you on the shopping. When it gets really bad, DH buys clothes for me..:rotfl: WE have totally reversed roles.

Great job losing the 2 inches especially with all of the drama youhave had going on.

You guys are Killing me with your laze fair dress codes. Now I schlub around with the best of em. But not cause I want to. I'm fat. I don't have any other choice. It's a big Disney sweatshirt or a sweatshirt with kitties chasing butterflies. Take your pick.

:lmao: :hug:

I want to be the classy, well dressed woman who gets on the elevator at the Beach Club and has to use her key to the world to get to the concierge level. With her Italian leather loafers, sea foam blue capri pants (ideally size 6) and white, crisp Brooks Brothers button down shirt.

I would need to add winning the lotto in addition to the losing weight goal. Concierge level...:cloud9:

Do you guys like to shop? I LOVE LOVE LOVE SHOPPING. My favorite thing. I'm guessing no.

:sad2: not even a little bit. I wish I did. I am the worst shopper. I get all pissy after about an hour so nobody likes to go with me either.

[I DO. I love that newer Raspberry Burst Pattern. I don't have any VB, but I think I'm gonna have to get one. Maybe in a carryon.

Ok, I will admit that while I do not own any VB I do like the look of the bags. My DSIL and neice have a few and I like them. Maybe I will treat myself to one when I reach goal.

Had a good night. Business dinner. My whole family was showered, house was mostly organized and dh's work clothes were clean, all before 6pm tonight. That, my friends is a blessing. I came home and got to have "relations":rotfl: instead of barking orders and running for broke.

OK, I am taking advantage and going to bed before midnight.

See you all on the flip side.

One more thing, did you notice how full the moon is? It was glowing in my back yard. The very same moon we share. I thought of you. [/B][/COLOR]

Nice :thumbsup2

BABES % Lost # Lost
MunkyMe13 -1.96% -4.2
pixieshouse -1.00% -2.0
SeptemberGirl -0.76% -1.4
Chbc -0.76% -1.0
HockeyKat 0.00% 0.0
TOTAL Top 5 -4.48% -8.6
Average Wt lost per member -0.279#

PEEPS % Lost # Lost
UtahMama -2.94% -6.0
Disneyfreak92 -1.87% -3.8
Mousehouselover -1.85% -3.2
pjlla -1.29% -2.2
Disneylaura -1.12% -3.4
TOTAL Top 5 -9.07% -18.6
Average Wt lost per member -1.081#

Yeah yeah yeah the PEEPS won.....:thumbsup2 :cool1: :worship: :worship:

Way to go PEEPS!!!:cheer2:

Good morning, friends!

I am meeting the trainer today - last free session. Still haven't decided if I'm signing up for a (very) small package. I'd LOVE to, but the money...

I'm hoping to have a better day today! My daughter is singing "it's A Small World" and it made me think of all of you...

"It's a world of laughter, a world of tears, it's a world of hopes and a world of fears, there's so much that we share that it's time we're aware, it's a small world after all!"

Well, that's certainly true of us! And now you will have it stuck in your head ALL day. :rotfl:

I hope the meeting went well. Maybe they will cut you a break...:confused3
Thanks for putting that in my head. How about, "There's a great big beautiful tomorrow/Shining at the end of every day.... You're welcome :laughing:

I am having a bad day. I hate my job. I hate my life. I would look forward to Sunday but I am sure that is going to wind up messing something up somewhere.

I am sorry Kat. I really hope things start looking up for you.:hug:

Erika How are you doing today? If you posted this morning I somehow missed it.
Mad Lib-complete (thanks for playing with me Kat (the great:lmao: )

as taken from Glamour/May 2008/pg 270 (Fergalicious, "it's hot, hot")

Face it, KATHRYN, you are about the greatest thing since RARE STEAK. No one else can ALLOW like you can. Your best friend says you are the YELLOWest person in the world. Sure, you once WENT INTO THE MEN'S ROOM BY MISTAKE, but you also DIDN'T SEND THE F*** OFF EMAIL YOU WANTED TO THIS MORNING.

So, HONEY, today is the day you're going to stop beating up on yourself for being VILE and start loving yourself for being NICE, SWEET and INTELLIGENT. And if people give you a MORONIC time, just tell 'em they can take their CAT and UNDERSTAND it up their LEG!
At least you caught that it was a joke, DWD! :lmao: I was'd she miss that??? :rotfl:
OMG, that was funny! :lmao:

Wow, it's a weird day. Home and here!

I will catch up later, just reading now and so much to say (so much to say...anyone a Dave Matthews Band fan?)

Okay, maybe I will make a Board Mix and get bracelets! Oh, and you ladies have not escaped the tiaras. Bwahahaha! Goddesses have to wear their crowns, no? ;)

In short:

likes how she looks! :thumbsup2

Kat is smoking hot. :cool1:

Liz is my shopping buddy AND catches the jokes! ;)

Kim is Hi LAR IOUS and coming to the VB dark side. :lmao:

We are waiting on the lovely Paula's pics. :banana:

Dan, don't go! :grouphug:

What did I miss?

And you know the SECOND song Emily was singing today? "It's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow!" I kid you not. Do I have her brainwashed or what?

Okay going back to mom-ville. Will reply properly later!
There is no shame in wearing flats. Especially when your DF is shorter than you. MY DH claims he is 6' :-)lmao: ) when in everyone else's reality he is 5'9 on a good day. I am 5'8" so anything with a heel was out of the picture for my wedding. I was happy I got to be comfortable. I am completely with you on the shopping. When it gets really bad, DH buys clothes for me..:rotfl: WE have totally reversed roles.

Great job losing the 2 inches especially with all of the drama youhave had going on.

I am sorry Kat. I really hope things start looking up for you.:hug:

Erika How are you doing today? If you posted this morning I somehow missed it.

Thanks!! I am also 5'8" and Mr Kat is about 5'10", so I wore flats on my wedding day too. I wear heels now! :laughing:

They are coming... I just need to write the message during my next break in the action...

Dan - you know we love you here. It won't be the same without you, but I respect your decision.

3DK - I am so completely thrilled for you... There is nothing better than that boost of self confidence that a great shopping experience can bring (OK - so there are many more things out there that are better, but for a dieter there is nothing better...) Congratulations!!!!

Kat - I may not understand all of the backround that people are alluding to, but hang in there. You fill find the peace you are looking for. I know it... Hockey players are to strong and too determined not to.


You have a PM Paula. Kim, I can send you one too. I can't post everything here for security reasons. :tiptoe:

OMG, that was funny! :lmao:

Wow, it's a weird day. Home and here!

I will catch up later, just reading now and so much to say (so much to say...anyone a Dave Matthews Band fan?)

Okay, maybe I will make a Board Mix and get bracelets! Oh, and you ladies have not escaped the tiaras. Bwahahaha! Goddesses have to wear their crowns, no? ;)

In short:

likes how she looks! :thumbsup2

Kat is smoking hot. :cool1:

Liz is my shopping buddy AND catches the jokes! ;)

Kim is Hi LAR IOUS and coming to the VB dark side. :lmao:

We are waiting on the lovely Paula's pics. :banana:

Dan, don't go! :grouphug:

What did I miss?

And you know the SECOND song Emily was singing today? "It's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow!" I kid you not. Do I have her brainwashed or what?

Okay going back to mom-ville. Will reply properly later!


And thanks!

I am feeling much better now. Had an afternoon vent session w/ some of the sysadmin guys.
Kat, I am so glad you are feeling better.

Okay, DMB on the Body Board Mix!

And I can't believe I forgot to tell you! Guess who joined WW today??? Miss Jealous! I almost fell over.
Get. The. F. OUT!!!

I KNOW! She told me this morning. Actually, last night she asked about it. Apparently, she is really feeling her weight gain and I think she is sort of shocked that I got on with it, you know? I was always heavier than her and now we are the same size and only 10lbs difference. You can't have your chubby friend slim down and not lose, too! Especially if you feel like the chub in the room, which she does. But she could always be smaller than me, cold comfort but true. Not anymore!

Poor thing. I'm going to support her like crazy!
Mad Lib-complete (thanks for playing with me Kat (the great:lmao: )

as taken from Glamour/May 2008/pg 270 (Fergalicious, "it's hot, hot")

Face it, KATHRYN, you are about the greatest thing since RARE STEAK. No one else can ALLOW like you can. Your best friend says you are the YELLOWest person in the world. Sure, you once WENT INTO THE MEN'S ROOM BY MISTAKE, but you also DIDN'T SEND THE F*** OFF EMAIL YOU WANTED TO THIS MORNING.

So, HONEY, today is the day you're going to stop beating up on yourself for being VILE and start loving yourself for being NICE, SWEET and INTELLIGENT. And if people give you a MORONIC time, just tell 'em they can take their CAT and UNDERSTAND it up their LEG!

That was awesome.... Thanks DWD for the mad libs... they celebrated 50 years you know....

Thanks!! I am also 5'8" and Mr Kat is about 5'10", so I wore flats on my wedding day too. I wear heels now! :laughing:

You have a PM Paula. Kim, I can send you one too. I can't post everything here for security reasons. :tiptoe:


And thanks!

I am feeling much better now. Had an afternoon vent session w/ some of the sysadmin guys.

Kat - thank you for sharing. I wasn't trying to pry. I just wanted to be supportive, but thank you for trusting me. You will get through this period, I know it. Like I said before, you are too strong not to...

Get. The. F. OUT!!!

What she said.... Septgirl - I knew you were an inspiration to us, now you've gone and done that with little miss green... you go girl... I think you have earned your goddess status for the day.... :worship: :worship:

Paula, you are very sweet. I will wear my tiara proudly!

Okay, so already Greenie has given me a funny story. She has no patience at all. She just wants to get on with it already! So she signed up online for WW, but the membership that has you go to meetings. And, as we all know, whenever you start something you have to take the time to figure it out. Well, she is already complaining that she doesn't have time to go to a meeting - there is one at 530pm and she wants to meet me out at 6pm. I was like, just go and take your time! I'll meet you at 7pm. Because she needs time to be able to be at the meeting, to ask questions. But no, she is going to speed outta there.

So then she starts counting points and she claims it doesn't work online. So I am on the phone trouble shooting and I realize finally that in her haste, she has signed up for the program where you don't count points! She can switch, of course, but she was going so fast she didn't even read the descriptions. God bless her, I can see she is going to be asking "How long will this take" while looking at her watch! If only weight loss was measured on our watches, and not on our life-long planners. :)
As promised…. Here are the photos…

Let’s start back in Spring, 2006. This was the first picture I posted and probably one of the first few images where I knew I needed to do something about my weight. This is probably the biggest I have ever been and it scared me…


OK – the last straw was when I saw this picture from my vacation in the fall of 2007. Something had to be done…


So – this was taken last night. My makeup had had it so I am a little off in terms of my face, but you get the idea… I can definitely see a difference, but it is not as dramatic as I would have hoped. It is a progress shot and I have some incentive now to keep going…


OK – and for the final image… my shoes…. I just love them…


So - there they are... I am getting there, and Erika - you will like this part. Looking at these photos has convinced me to get out and exercise... I am signing up for a spinning class to see if I would like it...

Talk to you soon,
As promised…. Here are the photos…

Let’s start back in Spring, 2006. This was the first picture I posted and probably one of the first few images where I knew I needed to do something about my weight. This is probably the biggest I have ever been and it scared me…


OK – the last straw was when I saw this picture from my vacation in the fall of 2007. Something had to be done…


So – this was taken last night. My makeup had had it so I am a little off in terms of my face, but you get the idea… I can definitely see a difference, but it is not as dramatic as I would have hoped. It is a progress shot and I have some incentive now to keep going…


OK – and for the final image… my shoes…. I just love them…


So - there they are... I am getting there, and Erika - you will like this part. Looking at these photos has convinced me to get out and exercise... I am signing up for a spinning class to see if I would like it...

Talk to you soon,

PAULA! you look GREAT! (and those are some HOT shoes!)
I feel sad and feel it is time to take leave of the board. I may someday come back but for now it is a better idea that I not participate. This is not a woe is Dan just a personal decision I need to make.

I will make sure Dawn has the spread sheet.

Good luck everyone. :thumbsup2

I agree with everyone else, please don't feel like you have to go, or that it would be inappropriate to stay. But you know we all respect your feelings and decisions, and even if you have to go for a while, we'll be here waiting for you to return! :hug:
I was so excited to hear i'm not the only one shackin up with a shorty ;)

I love the fact that i can't wear heels for the wedding, now i get to wear crocs :lovestruc

Weigh in didn't go great this morning, i gained, but only .5 lb, so considering the drama of the past week or so, i suppose i can't beat myself up too much over it! I'm really looking forward to this weekend, i have NOTHING to do! It's great! no wedding stuff, no errands, not even LAUNDRY :cloud9:

Can anyone share some of your packable lunch & snack ideas? I bring my lunch everyday and have been reduced to eating a lean pocket everyday, and since that isn't uber exciting, it has caused me to want to go out to lunch with the girls at work alot more. And Bruce is a snacker, so i need some ideas to mix it up so we don't resort to crap. What can i say, it's taking longer than we thought to kick our college eating habits... (2-3 yrs? Ooopps)

As promised…. Here are the photos…

So - there they are... I am getting there, and Erika - you will like this part. Looking at these photos has convinced me to get out and exercise... I am signing up for a spinning class to see if I would like it...

Talk to you soon,

OMG! I definitely see a difference! A great difference! You have made LOTS AND LOTS of progress! Seriously....very impressive! And of course, you have earned goddess status! :worship:

I really like your whole outfit, hair, etc. Definitely look pulled together!

As for spinning...I am SO PROUD of you for getting back to working out! :cool1: But I caution you about spinning. I wish Nancy was here, but she is in WDW...she really likes it. Me? I had a TERRIBLE experience. This was a couple of years ago. I was in OK shape...not great, but certainly not sedentary. So I thought I would try a spin class. The good thing is that you are in charge of making it as hard or as easy as you wish (you control the tension). So I figured that was good...if it was too much, I would just release all of the tension...and no one in the class can tell how high you have the tension on your own bike.

Well, workout has ever HURT me like that one. And I don't mean a "good hurt" from working out. I mean injured for like 10 days hurt. I could not walk down stairs for over a week without significant pain after that one class. Whatever that did to my Ouch.

Additionally, there are .... ummm...issues with the seat. People who spin a lot have their own special cushioned seats that the bring with them...because otherwise, well, how to put this delicately...your pink parts will never be the same! :eek:

Believe it or not, I am not trying to talk you out of spinning. Many people love it and are addicted, so my experience must not be the norm. Maybe it is just the way my body is put together....that spinning is just a torturous activity. :confused3 But definitely talk to the instructor beforehand. Let her know that you have never done it before and that you are new to fitness, etc. and see what she recommends.

I would recommend the elliptical for you...great work out and no impact. The most important thing, though, is that you are back in the game! (And lookin' SMOKIN" hot, I might add! :smokin: )


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