i'm starting a 100 day exercise challenge. anyone want to join me?

People are trying to help you understand why you are not losing weight. You can't drink soda and lose weight. You can't eat fat and lose weight. You have to exercise hard to get results. That is the truth. Listen to people who have lost weight and have kept it off. No sense coddling an adult.

I would suggest seeing a dietician and a trainer at a gym. I had one for a long time and let me tell you, he let me know my excuses were just that and wouldn't have any of it. Truly, you have to work hard to achieve your goals. Or you can just give up and feel sorry for yourself but people who know how to work hard and keep off the weight are not going to join you in a pity party.

What you're saying really isn't true, you can have soda/fat and lose weight. It's all about calories. If soda is something a person deems as a treat it can be worked into a weight loss program the same with chips, ice cream, cookies, beer, etc. That's why counting calories, at least in the beginning, is very important. Once you get the hang of portion size, calories in things it becomes more natural.

I agree with the exercising. Doing the same thing all the time won't have nearly the impact of switching it up. Muscle confusion is the fastest way to see results.

OP, I workout hard 5-6 days a week. Up until a few years ago I could eat whatever I wanted and maintain my weight. Sadly that isn't the case now that I'm in my 50's. I have to really watch what I eat or the weight will creep on. I'm battling 10 lbs right now and it stinks but I want to be trim and athletic so I'm really being careful.

Only you can decide what you really want but it's going to take hard work and perseverance. I wish you the best.
what does everyone else eat on a daily basis?
how much weight did you lose thus far on this challenge?
how long each day do you exercise?
if i can hear something POSITIVE from others that will go a lot farther for me then hearing "change this change that do this don't do that"

you can attract a lot more flies with honey.
I am doing weight watchers and keep my points at about 26-28 a day. Once you record everything you put in your mouth you see where the empty calories are. The way I was drinking my coffee used about 6 points a day. If I had two cups in the morning I would use 12 of my 26 points a day on morning coffee. I knew that had to change and I changed it to 3 points per cup and one cup a day. It's all about balance and choices and if you have a hard time actually knowing the calorie content of what you are eating, then join weight watchers online. It is an eye opener.
actually tzatziki is greek yogurt, little pieces of cucumber, and garlic so i don't see how thats all that unhealthy.

the thing is... over the years i have tried countless different exercises and it would appear that none of them work for me.
and after 2 days of walking i'm already getting shin splints.

when i push myself the hardest is when i give up the fastest so i don't think thats a good option for me.

i appreciate the response but i almost feel more defeated listening to people tell me what i'm doing "wrong". (just talking in general not completely directed at you or anything)

You have to know what you are doing - just because you think it's healthy doesn't mean it is. That's what we are trying to tell you.

Your tzatziki yogurt is 30 calories for 2 tablespoons. So how large is your serving size? A Chobani is 300 calories for an 8 ounce serving, Fage is 190. That's a big difference. A small McD's hamburger is 230 calories. So you can eat one of those instead of the Chobani and eat less calories.

It's not the exercising. You have to know about the calories and serving sizes.
People are trying to help you understand why you are not losing weight. You can't drink soda and lose weight. You can't eat fat and lose weight. You have to exercise hard to get results. That is the truth.

May be true for you, but not across the board for everybody. I don't deny myself 'anything' - just watch the portions, figure in the calories and make some treats more occasional, than everyday. If I say 'no' to 'any' food, I will just crave it!! LOL Have to play mind games with myself, and yes, 'reward' myself with 'food'!!!

Also, exercise is 'not' required to lose weight, 'but', it is necessary to firm up and lose inches. Also, regular exercise does 'rev' up the metabolism and make weight loss somewhat faster.

I'm with you on most but there's nothing wrong with fat or sugar and while I'm a big fan of excercise you do not need to kill yourself working out to lose weight. Telling someone they can't eat the things they love only scares them away, when all that is needed is to eat less of those things.

Completely agree!! Main thing is to exercise consistently.

I keep my calories at about 1500 a day. However, I know everyone says a calorie is a calorie, but that's not always true. Personally, I MUST balance my carbs and proteins or I don't lose at all.

This may be true for you, but not for me, and most others.
I do eat a mostly balanced diet, but 'if' I'm 'needing' a big piece of chocolate cake, or a small chocolate, I eat it without a qualm, but count it in the total daily calories. I don't miss out on my sweets, or fats. That would definitely be a 'downfall' for me. :(
I 'do' try to keep my calories between 1,200 - 1,500 per day though. At my age, even with regular exercise, my metabolism is not what it used to be unfortunately.

What you're saying really isn't true, you can have soda/fat and lose weight. It's all about calories. If soda is something a person deems as a treat it can be worked into a weight loss program the same with chips, ice cream, cookies, beer, etc. That's why counting calories, at least in the beginning, is very important. Once you get the hang of


And, OP, please don't get discouraged by all the posters that are coming down so hard on you. I just recently lost 30 lbs. and it was not easy, but am so happy with how I feel and look in my clothes now - have kept the pounds off for 6 months and I know that my eating habits and exercises are a 'way of life' and 'not a diet'.

Please keep up your efforts and don't let 'slip ups' get you off track. Just think of how much your self esteem will be bolstered as you shed a few pounds and keep them off. The rewards are great. You can do it - I'll be cheering you on!! :cheer2:
But no one here has anything vested in this. You do.

Don't take the advice you've been given and YOURE the one stuck, not them. You're the one trying to attract the flies. Brushing off everyone's advice isn't going to leave people wanting to continue to help.

That analogy only works when the person you're using it towards wants something for themselves. As a pp poster mentioned, people who have already gone through this don't tend to coddle. Everyone's an adult. You don't get to have advice only the way you want it.

exactly you have nothing vested in this so i don't understand why you jumped in with no good advice for me.
i'm trying to get people that decided 50 some odd days ago to start exercising with me to share their expericence.
you did not join my band wagon so its not your "advice" i'm looking for.
exactly you have nothing vested in this so i don't understand why you jumped in with no good advice for me.
i'm trying to get people that decided 50 some odd days ago to start exercising with me to share their expericence.
you did not join my band wagon so its not your "advice" i'm looking for.
Wow--so you seriously only want to hear from the 2 yes and possibly the 2 maybes you got back when you started this thread? Nobody else can share with you about their own knowledge or experiences with weight/fitness etc?
I don'T know--that sounds rather rude to me. Lots of people are trying to help and share with you, and it IS a public message board. Heck, I did not see this thread the first time it was up--so now i am barred from participating, or at least you would like me to be?
exactly you have nothing vested in this so i don't understand why you jumped in with no good advice for me.
i'm trying to get people that decided 50 some odd days ago to start exercising with me to share their expericence.
you did not join my band wagon so its not your "advice" i'm looking for.

Wow! That is pretty rude. You haven't lost any weight. Shouldn't you want advice from everyone to help you in your weight loss journey?
Reading through this I was about to suggest water aerobics, or swimming as a good exercise for you OP--that should not put stress on your shins, etc but still provide you with some good, and much needed exercise.

I find that it helps to build up--so now you are used to walking, keep the walk and add in the swim as well if at all possible.

I find I do better if I eat more of my calories in the morning or midday and fewest at night (which is hard since DH always wants a big dinner if he is here). I try to make my main, hot meal be lunch and have more of a salad (watch what you put on it! I stick to just lemon juice or vinegar and a bit of olive oil). I especially do try to have fewer carbs when I will not be exercising/moving shortly thereafter to burn them off.

As you get into better shape, if the layout of where you live allows for this at all--one thing I find helpful is that i walk or bike nearly everywhere for transportation---so I am killing two birds with one stone, getting some movement/exercise in while running errands that need doing anyway. But I think you are a ways from that if a 2 mile walk is causing shin splints right now.

Keep working on slowly building up your stamina so that you CAN do more, and try to watch the food intake better (I agree the chicken helper is probably a lot worse for you than you realize, and you might be eating too much--I think one box is meant to serve 4--not a plateful at all, more a quarter or third of a plate with a salad and other veggie filling the rest (plus , how big are your plates? I know it sounds silly, but just having smaller plates helps too--it LOOKS like more food when the same amount is on a smaller plate and those little tricks do wonders, the mind is a funny thing).

thanks for the advice.
after 2 days of walking i don't think i'm "used to it" though lol. i will keep working on building it up more.
my area does not allow for walking as a main transport.
plus i'm visually impaired so i'm not a fan of crossing busy streets.
our plates are average sized but have a large rim on them so where you put your actual food is not all that big.
there were 5 of us eating the 4 serving size of chicken helper and we did have veggies with it.
exactly you have nothing vested in this so i don't understand why you jumped in with no good advice for me.
i'm trying to get people that decided 50 some odd days ago to start exercising with me to share their expericence.
you did not join my band wagon so its not your "advice" i'm looking for.
So we're not telling you want to hear (which is what?) and that makes us negative with no good advice? Clearly this is not something you want enough. There's a common theme among those of us who have lost weight and been successful: we eat less, we move a little more and we work damn hard at it. You don't want to do that? Then you will never get there, I can promise you that. There's no magic diet, no magic excercise, to lose weight you need to take in less than you burn, that's a scientific FACT and no amount of wishing and hoping will change that. You canNOT out excercise a bad diet, you just can't.
after exercising yesterday i decided that i would make a walking route outside. i drove it and it was 2 miles.

thanks for the advice.
after 2 days of walking i don't think i'm "used to it" though lol. i will keep working on building it up more.
my area does not allow for walking as a main transport.
plus i'm visually impaired so i'm not a fan of crossing busy streets.
our plates are average sized but have a large rim on them so where you put your actual food is not all that big.
there were 5 of us eating the 4 serving size of chicken helper and we did have veggies with it.

Wow--so you seriously only want to hear from the 2 yes and possibly the 2 maybes you got back when you started this thread? Nobody else can share with you about their own knowledge or experiences with weight/fitness etc?
I don'T know--that sounds rather rude to me. Lots of people are trying to help and share with you, and it IS a public message board. Heck, I did not see this thread the first time it was up--so now i am barred from participating, or at least you would like me to be?

as you can see that post was not directed at you.
that poster just came on my thread was said i was a baby and gave no help.
why would i want to hear from them?
Wow! That is pretty rude. You haven't lost any weight. Shouldn't you want advice from everyone to help you in your weight loss journey?

again. that post was not direct toards you.
it was directed towards the poster that just judged and did not give advice.
although now you are not giving advice but just judging as well.
Couple things:

Threads here are for EVERYONE to participate on. No one can dictate who can respond to them.

Did you know we have a forum here specifically for fitness and weight loss? It's the W.I.S.H. board. We're Inspired To Stay Healthy. You can find lots of discussion about various eating and exercise plans, and talk to and encourage others on this same journey!

I'm going to move this thread to the W.I.S.H. board. OP- good luck with your weight loss and fitness efforts!
So we're not telling you want to hear (which is what?) and that makes us negative with no good advice? Clearly this is not something you want enough. There's a common theme among those of us who have lost weight and been successful: we eat less, we move a little more and we work damn hard at it. You don't want to do that? Then you will never get there, I can promise you that. There's no magic diet, no magic excercise, to lose weight you need to take in less than you burn, that's a scientific FACT and no amount of wishing and hoping will change that. You canNOT out excercise a bad diet, you just can't.

again... was that post direct at you?
did i say you did not give good advice?

i have cut what i eat in half and have doubled my exercise so basically now you are telling me i need to cut that amount of food in half and double that exercise and i'll see results?
doesn't seem very practial but i'll do it.
Your post specifically said: "get people that decided 50 some odd days ago to start exercising with me to share their experience" It's pretty clear that those are the only ones you want to hear from. No matter who you quoted when you wrote it.

Pay attention to labels, less processed food, count calories, move more. You seem to be moving more but haven't made any real food changes. 80% of weight loss is in the kitchen, the other 20% is exercise. Paying attention to what you eat will be a big difference maker. Write it down, track calories, pay attention to serving sized....those are key.
I haven't seen your shin splints addressed. You should get fitted at a walking or running store for shoes with a proper fit. Proper fitting shoes and adequate stretching are absolute musts to avoid shin splints. It will make a world of difference, trust me.
again... was that post direct at you?
did i say you did not give good advice?

i have cut what i eat in half and have doubled my exercise so basically now you are telling me i need to cut that amount of food in half and double that exercise and i'll see results?
doesn't seem very practial but i'll do it.
I'm saying be honest with what you're eating, track it so you KNOW how many calories you are eating, find your deficit and go from there. Going at it blindly is not helping. And I'll tell you something, excercise is a wonderful thing but it doesn't create near the deficit people think it does. According to my Charge HR I burn about 164 cals for a very intense, Jillian Michaels, 30min workout. Last week I got 184 cals for that workout but my body is now more efficient for that so I burn less. Neither of those are big burns. If I drink an 8oz chocolate milk which is recommended after intense exercise that's about 215 cals so not only am I wiping out the deficit I created but I'm also adding 51 more calories. See where I'm going here? You would need to exercise A LOT, a good part of the day to create a proper decficit. The solution to this is to eat less. The best way to figure out how much less to eat is to first figure out how much you're eating and subtract from there. Or go to MFP or a similar site, plug in your stats and eat what it tells you.
again... was that post direct at you?
did i say you did not give good advice?

i have cut what i eat in half and have doubled my exercise so basically now you are telling me i need to cut that amount of food in half and double that exercise and i'll see results?
doesn't seem very practial but i'll do it.

Something isn't working which is why people are giving opinions. The bottom line is this - if you don't see results you will give up. It's human nature. Why make life harder if there's no benefit to it? People are trying to give advise so you see some results so you continue this journey.

If you've cut portion control in half that is great. Now look at WHAT you are eating. Many prepared foods are very high in sodium which is also not beneficial to weight loss. I know you said you ate oatmeal. Was that flavored in an envelope? If so ditch that and look online for some "scratch" recipes. There's tons of them that you can make in bulk overnight in a crockpot then portion out for the week for a quick morning meal. When it comes to prepared foods you like look for copycat recipes where you can tinker and control the fat and sodium content. Watch carb intake. If you have oatmeal for breakfast, pea soup for lunch and a packaged meal with rice you ate carbs for all three meals. See if you can balance that out to only have carbs one meal or make a goal to have at least one meal a day with no carbs at all.

It's so hard and so many understand which is why so any are on here trying to help you figure out why you are not getting results.

I myself got a fitbit a few months ago and have lost 30 lbs. I shirked exercise, hate getting sweaty and smelly but I am competitive and I'll be damed if I am going to come in last place on a fit bit challenge. That was my starting goal. I haven't come in last once. I haven't come in first either but I try my best every day, I track my steps, I have a daily goal set and I push myself every day to meet that goal. My goal started as 8,000 steps per day. The first week I didn't get there at all. Then the next few weeks I would get there but it would take all day and I just wouldn't go to bed till I hit 8,000. Now I hit it every day by 4pm and I keep going. I'm not quite ready to up my daily goal to 10k but I am thinking I may push it to 9k next week. :)


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