I know who the tag fairy is!!!!!

Ooooh! Gimme that drink Dream! That clipart is HISTORY!! :D

SOMEONE PLEEEEEEEEEEASE HELP US!!! Where's a good and kind clip art guru when you need one?!?!

Oh tag fairies... we beesech you, help us find a way to show the world that we are your good and faithful servants, ever vigilant, and always ready to take on the evil doers that strive to expose your identity. Help us if you can!
Dream joins Kama's plea for help with a new identity! :) sweet and innocent smilie to hopefully gain the assisitance of a clipart master! Proud of ya Kama....I knew you could ditch that clipart! Fie on you Zurg....you have no power here!!!
Well this is getting better and better everyday.....I'm soooooooo afraid of Zurg.....he lives near me and he can come and get me.....I'm getting out the extra strength super duper mega long rolls of duct tape just in case, Zurg is not invencible.....and my sis is sending me other weapons to defend myself and the TF's that I will use appropriately....so here....come and get me Zurgggggggggggg!!!!!!!!! ROFLMBO
CarolG! Quick!!! Ditch the WW clipart!!! It is controlled by the evil emperor ZURG!!! If we ditch the clipart he has no further control over us and is no threat to the tag fairies! As you can see from last night, he was full of nasty threats and accusations. Did you not notice last night that our clipart would change from wonder woman to ZURG?!? Hmmmm....Dream is beginning to wonder about CarolG. We have put out a plea to other clipart techies on the DIS to help us in our hour of need and make a new clipart for us but so far noone has stepped forward. Perhaps they are intimidated by Zurg? Be brave DIS techies!!! If we stick together evil will have no power here! So push that delete button CarolG!!! We will think of something!
Dream, please don't wonder about me! I wasn't online last night and missed the schizophrenic clip art! I've changed my signature -- will this do until we get something new?;)
I don't believe all of you are tempting Zurg like this!!!!!

I Know the Tag fairy will protect us all.

I believe int the tag Fairy, I believe in the tag Fairy!!!!!
Way to go CarolG!!!:D Tempting Zurg????? BAH HA HA HA !!!! He has no power over the tf's or their protectors!!!!:D
our magic is stronger than the evil Zurg....so, not a chance!!!! But I still have my duct tape handy!!! ROFL
Zurg, duck tape? What is happening here!!!!!!! LOL Its been a long time since I have seen this much happiness on the boards. Keep it up guys, I love it!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Originally posted by pokiemomo181
LOL Its been a long time since I have seen this much happiness on the boards. Keep it up guys, I love it!

Now that make me smile too pokie :)
This is truly the most enjoyable, funny thread we've been treated to in a long time!

I agree with Pokie and Patrick IL. (who incidentally MUST be a great guy, since he shares a name with my DH :D )
Dream tiptoes nervously onto the thread.....Hellooooo......Zuuuurggg ....Helloooo....Zuuurg? HOORAYYYYY!!!! We have defeated the Evil Emperor Zurg!! He has not shown his evil personage all day! (Hope he's not on the car lot with Kama!) So Zurgee Baby, we found your achilles heel by deleting your clipart did we? That will teach you to fool with the duct tape patrol! Now we are ready to call a truce and accept you as one of our own on a probationary type basis. But you first have to prove yourself worthy. Your mission....should you choose to accept it....is to design a new clippie that meets the approval of the patrol. Are you up for it? Do you need some inspiration? Wrrrrrrrrr......Dream whips up a batch of cocktails and walks to the center of the screen, holding a "glass of peace" out to the no longer evil Emperor Zurg......
Along with the normal hostile take overs, planet conquests etc Zurg has been in the 1880. Homesteading in Montana. Al Gore hasn't created the internet yet.
Zurg is one busy conquering dude...is there anywhere you don't go Zurgyboy?
Well, tell Albert to get with it would ya... we have TFs to protect! Will you come join us in our efforts to protect our fairies, or will you be leaving us in your quest to take over Montana?
Well patrol, I must have screwed up again and made that cocktail a little on the STRONG side? Since we have received no transmission from Zurg I can only assume that he grabbed the drink and ran and is now sound asleep somewhere out there in cyberspace. Let's hope his global positioning unit is functional when he awakes! I must go now and get my beauty sleep. I wil check back with you guys in the morning and hopefully we will have heard from Zurg about his choice between good and evil! I sure am missing having a duct tape patrol clipart! Good night patrol...good night tag fairies. All you late night patrollers....carry on!
Good morning duct tape patrol, tag fairies and you too Zurg....whereever you are! Sorry about the cocktail last night dude....I didn't make it that strong on purpose...honest!;) Hope you find your way back to our galaxy without too much difficulty. Dream walks to the center of the screen and holds out a glass of water and a couple of aspirin for Zurg....he's gonna need em!
Kama, CarolG, DVCajun, MsKanga, Jiminy102, Kidzmom3...any sign of Zurg this morning? I have been patrolling the cb and have not noticed any infractions lately...GOOD WORK!! Dream checks to make sure she has plenty of duct tape to last the day and moves on to other threads. Have a great day everybody!:)
Good morning Dream! It appears that you and I are the only agents on board this morning. All has been quiet lately.... could it be that we have sufficiently accomplished the task of warding off any potential TF squealers?! Oh no.... tell me it isn't so... is there no longer a need for the Duct Tape Patrol? Well, quiet or no I will always be keeping a watchful eye, and the duct tape is on my belt and ready to do it's job at a moment's notice. Maybe the duct tape patrol should broaden the scope of it's duties within the CB now that all seems quiet on the TF tattling front. It seems that Zurg has surrendered and doesn't seem to be taking us up on our offer concerning the clipart. Guess it's time that I put a picture back in my sig. :) I guess I'll have to go incognito like DVCajun. :D
Well, I'm off to drive a duct tape cadet to his duct tape patrol training facility, then it's over to the duct tape gym for a strenuous workout (d.t. agents must stay in shape you know.... especially if in case they ever get their spandex uniform!) then soon after, I should be back on the CB beat watching for violaters and as always.....protecting our beloved TFs. :)
Carry on ladies!
Perhaps you are right Patrol member Kama. We will always "be prepared" to protect our beloved tag faireis should the need arise, but it all seems under control for now! Job well done! I will go incognito as well....not hard since I never HAD any clipart to begin with! I will see you around the CB! This is Dream...over and out.


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