I know who the tag fairy is!!!!!

Ahhh the wonders of cyberspace! Of course you'll look MAHvalous in the suit!:)

If I can wear it, anybody can! :D
Well.... I actually know too. I guess I was speaking largely for the general population, and that we aren't "supposed" to know. Of COURSE the Tag Fairy Patrol knows!!!!
Still waiting for that green magic marker to fill in those "stripes" Benett!!
Who’s Benett?

Next time you're making beverages don't forget Evil Emperor Zurg- Fashion Stylist for the TP Protection Patrol. Not only can he rat out the TF but also he controls your clipart.

Zurg was kind enough to ad a cocktail glass this time but next time - who knows?
:earseek: OMG!!!!! I LOVE the addition to our clipart!!!!! HA HA HA!!!! You guys are a riot!!
Wrrrrrrrrr.....Dream is whipping up a batch of duct tape patrol cocktails...on the house!!!:D Please excuse my sticky fingers...duct tape you know.
You are welcome Bennet!

:eek: Dream whips out her duct tape and not so gently slaps a big strip onto the mouth of the Evil Emperor Zurg!!! How dare he threaten the tfs AND their protectors! We will not bow to threats from the likes of you Zurg!! Better watch your back...there are more where I came from! Keep your eyes on this one DVC...he sounds devious! Good thing you are incognito ! Dream sounds the duct tape patrol general alarm and takes the cb to security level lime green!!
Gentle reminder to Dream: cease and desist from pointing out the undercover agents to the enemy! And.... for that matter, what are you doing mixing up cocktails for someone that's threatening our security??

I am a little concerned that Dream may be imbibing while on duty. It seems to be affecting her judgment. Dream has been a good leader in days past so that is being taken into account. However, I would be remiss in my duty as undercover agent for the Protectors if I did not take some action at this point. Dream is hereby placed on lenient temporary Probation! Drinking with the enemy must cease immediately (unless for the purposes of covert action, which constitutes an extenuating circumstance in the line of duty). She is also instructed to switch to fruit smoothies while on duty, as her cocktails have proved lethal, not only to Dream but to others in her line of command.


DVC signing off. :cool:
NO, NO....I can explain!! Dream clasps hands together and falls to her knees in begging position. NO I did NOT fall to my knees because of Imbibation!
What you saw is a glitch in computer technology! Zurg and I were typing in at the same time and the conversation sequence got out of order. When I made him drinks I did not realize it was Zurg...he was posing as Bennett! I threw him off guard by being polite and saying "you are welcome" to his thank you for the drinks and then I craftily slapped the duct tape on him!!I do hang my head in shame at my past errors of drinking on the job. Honestly...one drink leads to another and then another and before ya know it ...boom...it's outa control! I am back in control now but I do accept DVC's temporary lenient probation. I must earn your trust again! Dream borrows blanket and pillow from Lucy and dejectedly walks to the corner. Sorry tfs and Lucy...it's gotta be smoothies tonight! Wrrrrrrrr......yummy fruit smoothies being delivered to Dream's pm box for tfs to enjoy in annonimity and one to you too Lucy. Better DVC?

(Is she gone yet? GOOD! Dream sneaks jiggers of the "good stuff"into the fruit smoothies. Dream is not on duty so this is ok and shouldn't violate my probation. Kama...you up? Watch out for Zurg tonight ok? DVC put me in the corner until !morning
OMG! I leave you guys for one afternoon and look what happens!! Our stylist threatens to rat out the TFs and do bodily harm to our clipart if we don't behave!?! :earseek: Our fearless leader is put on probation for imbibing (I think we better place each and every one of us on probation in that case) and ya'll got COOL new TF protection patrol tags without me!!! See if I go car shopping again... you guys get to have all the fun!!! Actually DVCajun, I think I see Dream's strategy... those drinks of Dreams, as we know are killer cocktails. I think her plan is a brilliant one. She plans to put Bennet/Zurg out of commission so that he's no longer a threat to us, to Wonder Woman or to our precious fairies. By now she has probably cut a small hole into the duct tape that she placed on his mouth, and as we speak, has lulled him into a false sense of security by offering him a drink. He thinks she's being kind, but in all actuality, she has laced the drink with ENORMOUS amounts of Absolut.... I think it's safe to say that Zurg won't be a problem for a very long time.

By the way: Anybody own a Toyota Solara? I test drove one today. I think I'm in love. :D

PS Stripes huh Zurg?? I see. :rolleyes:
Don't you worry Dream... I've got'cha covered. :cool: We'll get you out of that corner in no time! ;)
Good morning everyone! I'm feeling so, well, "chipper" is simply the only word that fits today! It's amazing the difference in how I feel after drinking fruit smoothies last night instead of those killer cocktails! I feel refreshed, invigorated, regenerated, enlivened.... well, you get the idea. Ahhh..... (streeetch)....

Now. Back to business. You may come out of the corner, Dream. Thank you for accepting your probation. Your humble attitude has convinced me that you were indeed looking out for the tfp in making that cocktail for Bennet. I am certain you will be a little more cautious in the future, and quicker on the uptake when a threat is made to our precious Tag Fairies. Besides, you are a goddess with the blender-- we can't do without you!

I'm sorry that I had to be the tough guy last night. The line of duty and all. You know. I mean, we're all still friends, aren't we? I don't want to give the impression that I don't like to party with the rest of the gang. Ha ha. I'm a big believer in having fun!

Well, back to work. Covert operations underway on other threads.

! It's amazing the difference in how I feel after drinking fruit smoothies last night instead of those killer cocktails! I feel refreshed, invigorated, regenerated, enlivened....

I want some of that!!!! ROFL then again after reading all the posts since the last time I was on yesterday, you guys cracked me up already so early in the morning!!
Ok now I'm the official Duct Tape Vigilante ( thanks TF's ) and watch it Bonnie, if you ever cross and go to the dark side there will be serious repercusions ...ROFL.
<bgsound src=" am zurg supreem.wav" loop="1">
<img src=>

…I did not realize it was Zurg...he was posing as Bennet…
Ha Ha Ha Zurgs identity is well hidden, in a place you TFPs would never look – HIS TAG!!
Is it any wonder your pitiful attempts to constrict ZURG with Duct Tape are meaningless!

The TFP would be well advised to show the Evil Emperor proper respect, we wouldn’t want those ‘stripes’ to get any more revealing would we?
Zurg was kind enough to add a cocktail glass this time but next time - who knows?

I like the cocktail glass. Thank you Bennet aka Zurg!:D

At least it wasn't his bucket!!
WHOA!!!!! Dream races out from the corner in pursuit of the Evil Emperor Zurg!! Little does Zurg know, but the tfs have equipped the patrol with intergalactic duct tape, strong enough for even the most powerful evil!!! Rrrrrrrippppp.....rrrripppp.......rrripppp.....Dream needs some back up.......see Dream wrapping intergalactic strength duct tape around and around and around the evil Emperor Zurg!!!! Now for the mouth!!! Dream leaves a verrry small hole in the duct tape, just big enough for rapid infusions of cocktails!! Wrrrrrr.....Dream quickly whips up a BIG batch and forces Zurg to drink!!!! Take THAT you evil villian!! There...that should take care of HIM for awhile! Dream now staggers towards the coffee pot after being so quickly awakened by the booming voice of Zurg!!
Whew...what a way to start the day! I forgot my alarm clock in the corner last night and overslept. I heard that voice and thought I had been transported to the Buzz Lightyear ride in the MK!!! Thanks for the backup last night Kama! We missed you yesterday! New car huh? Cool! Thanks for releasing me from the corner DVC and understanding my plight yesterday. All of this division in our forces is, of course, the workings of the Evil Emperor Zurg! We must "stick together" (sorry) and not let evil cause dissention in our ranks! MsKanga...keep an eye on Zurg and if that tape starts to get a little loose, use some of this....Dream tosses a roll of intergalactic duct tape to MsKanga! Sound the duct tape patrol alarm if you need backup! Dream moves to other threads to protect the magic of the cb!

Duct Tape has no meaning to Zurg!

Little green men, little green women makes no difference, Zurg will prevail.
Whooo....Whoooo...Whoooo...SOUNDING THE DUCT TAPE PATROL ALARM!!! Zurg must have overtaken MsKanga (in the kindest sense of the word...ok?) and we now need the help of the patrol to control this evil villain. Kama....get out of the car lots man and HELPPPPP!!!!:eek: Dream sets off in pursuit of Zurg! Tag Fairies....what else ya got in your arsenal? The sound of loud running is heard as Dream exits, hoping the rest of the patrol will help out soon!
Zurg, methinks that you are trying to distract our Tag Fairy Protection Patrol from their official duties!! An evil plot perhaps, distract them and unmask the TFs? :smooth:


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