I have explicit instructions from GP...

***Dream rubbing her shoulder is just to fake Fishy out!!***


So you gonna DO somethin with that foo foo pink paintball young'un???? Or are ya just gonna stand there flappin your gums???

Go ahead....I DARE ya.....I DOUBLE DOG dare ya!!!!:p
Well, EVERYONE knows I NEVER give up a double-dog dare..... even if it means picking on a little old lady (or two).

*Fishy† sees Debster standing next to Dream and decides it's an opportunity too good to pass up. Aiming with precision she paints the two of them bright pink.*

Don't worry guys.... the sting lasts just a moment, and the bruises go away within the month. Gosh Debster, pink just isn't your color is it?? Next time I'll try neon green.

*Fishy† gives the nod to Michelle signifying the time has come to bring out the BIG RED ROTTEN FRUITS, while she loads the slingshot with shaving cream balloons. Once again her impeccable aim pays off as she dons her targets with brand new hairdos*

Oh Dream!!! Your hair is so........... *snicker*....... beautiful....... BWAHHHH.

*Fishy hides behind WillyJ and doubles over in laughter.
I'm telling!!!!!!! I swear, I'm telling.

Innocent bystander splattered with bright pink paint from a paintball gun no less. Sheesh

Where in the heck is Willy anyway???? I should think he would be here protecting us from the likes of Fishy†. But nooooooo, he's prolly too busy setting up the hottub for chat tonight.
Cmon Deb!!! We don't need a MAN to protect us!!! We take take this sweet young thing!!! (Besides...she's in trouble with GP now...NOT an enviable position to say the least!!!:p Chalk one up for Dream!!!:teeth:

****Dream pulls out the BIG guns!!! Ever shoot spitballs in school sweet Fishy?? Heh heh heh.....Dream soaks paper towels with...a liquid substance....and flings em expertly at Fishy!!!! SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT!!!!! PERFECT HIT!!!! DOes it feel....sticky Fishy???? Heh heh heh....THIS "Old lady" plays dirty!!!!****
OLD LADY!?!!!:eek: :p:p Dream-y I would NEEEEEEVER call you OOOOOOLD!!!:p:p:p

Originally posted by Dream

****.....Dream soaks paper towels with...a liquid substance....and flings em expertly at Fishy!!!! SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT!!!!! PERFECT HIT!!!! DOes it feel....sticky Fishy???? Heh heh heh....THIS "Old lady" plays dirty!!!!****
"a liquid substance?" That's skeeery.:eek: You know that Dreamy's been hangin' out at a ranch, don't you? ;)
Heh heh heh.:smooth:

Jeannie....old is Fishy's term for me. You're only as "old" as ya feel and honey....I'm not a day over 10!!!!:p
Well, I knew it had to be a term of endearment--you loveable, old bat.;):jester: :jester: :jester:
LOL! Well I don't know how "endearing" Fishy feels when she says it....usually she's flinging something at me! But I beat her flat out in a race with my walker once...it was sweet!
I couldn't let her be good the whole time GP was gone though....just HAD to get her in trouble!!! After 40 ya can say what ya want....but you sweet young things wouldn't know about that yet. You think you're on top of the world but Jeannie knows....she watches the "elders" in action enough. The best is DEFINATELY yet to be!!!!:p
I'm telling!!!!!!! I swear, I'm telling.
You big rat!!!

OLD LADY!?!!! Dream-y I would NEEEEEEVER call you OOOOOOLD!!!
Well I would!! She's older than checkers for Pete's sake!! If you think she's young, that must make you positively prehistoric..... I suppose you and GP both rode a Pterodactyl to school. Debster would have too, but all she could afford was a Triceratops.... slow as the dickens, those things were..... practically as bad as owning a Ford!!

*Fishy† wipes the mystery substance off her arm and makes a mental note NEVER to eat at Dream's house.*
No wonder the dogs cower when the left-overs are brought out!!

Oh, and Dream wouldn't you like to mention how you had Debster trip me with her cane THREE times during the course of that race?? Oh yeah, big win Captain Fraud!!!

*Fishy†, still wondering how she could possibly be in trouble when all she's doing is protecting the innocent, sneaks silently behind Dream and ties her shoe laces to her walker legs, before she lobs a couple of rotten eggs in Dream's direction with perfect precision, inadvertently :rolleyes: hitting Debster with one as well*
Oops..... so sorry!! :p

....My Office....NOW!!


:mad: :mad:

Neener neener neener--Fish-y's in trouble, Fishy-y's in trouble.

Hiya GP--glad to see you back :wave:
LOL! Don't ya mean great OLD minds Debbie? Hee hee!

Welcome home GP!

(Pssst....Debbie....wanna listen with my stethascope at GP's office door??? Here...you take this earpiece and I'll take the other!:p )
Who me????

BUT I ....... it.......... why me? :confused: .........I..........it was Dream......... I was just........ *sigh*


*Fishy† kicks Debster's cane out from under her on her way by.*

I didn't expect you back so soon Sir.
I tried to keep Heidi out of trouble GP. . but she just wouldn't listen. . :(


Oh yeah Willy....... you were a real deterent :rolleyes:.
I wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you supplying water balloons to your mistresses.
*Fishbone exits GPs office*

I'm being battered and fried!! :eek: :eek:
All because I defended the DIS against two ill-behaved prehistoric old bitties!!!! :mad: :mad:
I demand a retrial...... a recount...... a mistrial...... a hung-jury........ an appeal!!! This is an injustice!!! I was framed, setup, antagonized and egged-on!!! IT WAS SELF-DEFENSE..... I PLEAD NOT GUILTY!!!!!!!!

:p :p
Originally posted by Fishbone†
Oh yeah Willy....... you were a real deterent :rolleyes:.
I wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you supplying water balloons to your mistresses.
:earseek: :eek: :earseek: :eek:

I'm betting Saffron will have a thing or two to say about this... ;)

has anyone seen my cane??? Seems that some rowdie just stole it.


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