How far do you stretch partaking in complimentary items?

I usually have a water with me, and my Subaru dealer doesn’t offer more than coffee. Sheesh.

If you go to Costco on a Saturday, it’s true- you can literally have lunch while you shop! They often offer samples of things we actually buy...Bonus!

I know someone who plans her Costco shopping in order to get a free lunch out of the samples. I'll try a sample if it's something I think might work for us and I want to know what it tastes like before I buy. I've figured out that one, maybe two samples is my limit or I wind up feeling sick. For me mixing more than two things leaves my stomach a wreck.
If I'm at a hotel, I usually will eat their free breakfast and drink their coffee. I like it when they also provide free bottles of water in my room because I hate tap water. I really like it when hotels have fruit infused water available in the lobby and I'll grab a cup of that whenever I walk by. The dealer I get work done on my car offers free bottled water, but I typically bring my own so I won't take theirs. Sam's Club, if it's something I like I'll take a sample, and if there's no line. Starbucks I almost always grab a free sample if they're offering, but only if I'm ordering something else also. I miss Teavana because DD and I would grab a sample there and have made several purchases after trying the samples. I will rarely grab something that's "free" if I don't plan on buying something else.

Our community has a Family Wellness Night every year where many local businesses come and set up booths. It used to be doctors/dentist offices, health clubs, and restaurants providing information on how to maintain a healthier lifestyle. Well, now it's turned into quite the gathering. The library now has a booth, the fire dept, hair salons, etc. And most of these booths have items to giveaway. In my opinion, you should talk to the people at the booth if you want the item their giving away. I went with my mother a couple years ago and she would just walk up to every single booth and take one of everything they were giving away - pens, frisbees, rulers, balloons, bookmarks, everything - without even making eye contact with the people at the booths. Oh it drove me crazy! Especially considering my mom has BOXES of pens, hasn't played with a frisbee in 30+ years, hasn't measured anything with a ruler for decades, never uses balloons, and doesn't read.
My husband will take a coke to go even at people's houses when we leave a party! It's so embarrassing. It's not like he is taking a can of coke out of their fridge or anything...he will grab it out of the cooler or bucket of ice as we are leaving. I guess it's there for the taking and really what does it matter if he stayed 10 extra minutes and drank it there or if he walks to the car before opening it, but it still seems uncouth to me!

We will grab a sample here and there at Costco, but I've seen entire families just standing in front of the poor sample lady waiting for food. I would never do that, and I would never let my kids do it either! My unspoken rule is, if you have to wait in line for a free sample, we aren't stopping for it!

Candy and done. Maybe 2.

Complimentary snacks, drinks, etc at events - take a polite amount, and leave some for others. Don't wrap up a bunch of cookies or a handful of chips in a napkin to take with you to eat later. The snacks are meant to be consumed then and there, IMO

My MIL will load her purse up with "free" goodies - she rarely will eat birthday cake or dessert when she is out somewhere there is free food, but will pack a ton of it away so she can eat it later at home. DS18's BFF has been with us many times when we've gone to football camps and clinics when they were teenagers, where there is ALWAYS a huge amount of free food and drinks. He would fill his pockets full of energy bars and other snacks. When he was with us without his parents there and I was in charge, I would tell him that he was allowed to take ONE with him, but clearly he learned that behavior somewhere!
My work has a kitchen stocked with food and drinks we are free to eat whatever and whenever we want: fruit, granola bars, oatmeal, frozen meals, ice cream, salads, popcorn, sodas, coffee, sparkling water, cheese, all kinds of things. Every once in a while I'll grab a snack. Some of the younger guys eat breakfast and lunch every day from there. It's a great perk.

DH used to work at Costco and they would do lunch runs through the samples.
I don't take anything to go. If I'm at the car dealer and the wait is long, I might get a cup of coffee or a bottle of water but I don't get one just before I'm leaving and take it with me. Normally, if I'm going in the morning I'll take a to go cup of coffee from home and I always have a case of bottled water in my car. I sat at the car dealership one day and watched a child take one of all the different offerings and put them in her bag. There were various chips, candy bars and cookies, soft drinks and water. Mom just kept saying "now don't do that honey" but watched her doing it anyway.
My husband will take a coke to go even at people's houses when we leave a party! It's so embarrassing. It's not like he is taking a can of coke out of their fridge or anything...he will grab it out of the cooler or bucket of ice as we are leaving. I guess it's there for the taking and really what does it matter if he stayed 10 extra minutes and drank it there or if he walks to the car before opening it, but it still seems uncouth to me!
I think that can depend on the relationship and directives of the owners of the home/host of the event.

When we go to my husband's grandmother's place she only buys pop for when visitors come. She fully 100% expects us to take one for the road. Same for my husband's dad's house. That's the way it is for holidays at my aunt's house too. My mom's house for Thanksgiving is a 'bring your own drink' these days anyhow.

Whenever someone has said "and here's some pop if you want some, etc" I don't think they really care TBH if you're taking one right then and there or if you're taking it for the road but totally some people might actually be that way and care. Now perhaps a 2 liter of pop where you pour it out might seem a bit more off than a can of pop.

When we host guests we just anticipate costs. It doesn't matter to us if a person took a can of pop home with them it's already been paid for with the intention of someone drinking it.
I think that can depend on the relationship and directives of the owners of the home/host of the event.

When we go to my husband's grandmother's place she only buys pop for when visitors come. She fully 100% expects us to take one for the road. Same for my husband's dad's house. That's the way it is for holidays at my aunt's house too. My mom's house for Thanksgiving is a 'bring your own drink' these days anyhow.

Whenever someone has said "and here's some pop if you want some, etc" I don't think they really care TBH if you're taking one right then and there or if you're taking it for the road but totally some people might actually be that way and care. Now perhaps a 2 liter of pop where you pour it out might seem a bit more off than a can of pop.

When we host guests we just anticipate costs. It doesn't matter to us if a person took a can of pop home with them it's already been paid for with the intention of someone drinking it.

I care! Once my party is over, I use the leftovers to feed my family the rest of the week! lol My hospitality only goes so far - when the party is over, get out of my house and don't take anything with you!:rotfl2:We have family that will literally clean you out of house and home if you opened up your fridge and pantry to them carte blanche

So there you you know someone who doesn't like people to pack up all of her leftovers "to go" without asking. And I reciprocate by not doing that to anyone else.

And I am kidding a little...while what I said above is true, I wouldn't be rude to someone who took something home with them...I would smile through and say of course! Take what you want!

I do pack up a bunch of stuff and send it with college-aged DS18 when he comes for a visit. But that's different...he's a poor college student, and my baby lol

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Even if you don't buy the product, someone does.

Free samples are not free. They are built into the cost of the item being marketed.

You mean it's not just the stores being super generous, trying to get us to come back and shop again?
I care! Once my party is over, I use the leftovers to feed my family the rest of the week! lol My hospitality only goes so far - when the party is over, get out of my house and don't take anything with you!:rotfl2:We have family that will literally clean you out of house and home if you opened up your fridge and pantry to them carte blanche

So there you you know someone who doesn't like people to pack up all of her leftovers "to go" without asking. And I reciprocate by not doing that to anyone else.

And I am kidding a little...while what I said above is true, I wouldn't be rude to someone who took something home with them...I would smile through and say of course! Take what you want!

I do pack up a bunch of stuff and send it with college-aged DS18 when he comes for a visit. But that's different...he's a poor college student, and my baby lol

YMMV. didn't mention 'without asking' part in your other comment so I wasn't even talking about that. Your initial comment spoke as if you were embarassed because your husband took a can of pop with him rather than drinking it right then and there. In that situation the can of pop was there for the event and if the people who were hosting expected that or made it clear it was there for others to use I personally don't see it as an issue if he took it with him. That's very normal for me and I'm talking about different families here different upbringing. Maybe it's the famous "it must be regional" lol. I do get it though if the hosts didn't make it clear that the pop was free for the taking if you will.

I phrased my comment Whenever someone has said "and here's some pop if you want some, etc" so yeah if your husband is rummaging through people's fridges that's different than already being told "here you go have at it" and your issue is more with the timing (at the house vs in the car on the way home).

As for the leftover comment. Again if people are rummaging through your fridge without your permission that's different than you buying pop for whatever event you've got going on.

But you and I seem to differ on the aspect of leftovers in general. I expect that with hosting what I purchased for the event/get together/whatever is for the event/get together/whatever. I don't expect to feed my husband and I with the leftovers. If there are for us to use later on great if not also great. But if I have purchased stuff for my own personal usage then yes that would be different if someone availed themselves to that. didn't mention 'without asking' part in your other comment so I wasn't even talking about that. Your initial comment spoke as if you were embarassed because your husband took a can of pop with him rather than drinking it right then and there. In that situation the can of pop was there for the event and if the people who were hosting expected that or made it clear it was there for others to use I personally don't see it as an issue if he took it with him. That's very normal for me and I'm talking about different families here different upbringing. Maybe it's the famous "it must be regional" lol. I do get it though if the hosts didn't make it clear that the pop was free for the taking if you will.

I phrased my comment Whenever someone has said "and here's some pop if you want some, etc" so yeah if your husband is rummaging through people's fridges that's different than already being told "here you go have at it" and your issue is more with the timing (at the house vs in the car on the way home).

As for the leftover comment. Again if people are rummaging through your fridge without your permission that's different than you buying pop for whatever event you've got going on.

But you and I seem to differ on the aspect of leftovers in general. I expect that with hosting what I purchased for the event/get together/whatever is for the event/get together/whatever. I don't expect to feed my husband and I with the leftovers. If there are for us to use later on great if not also great. But if I have purchased stuff for my own personal usage then yes that would be different if someone availed themselves to that.

yup, YMMV
I do not. I keep a pretty tight reign on my calorie count and that would be eating just for the sake of eating. Ninety nine percent of the time I have a 40oz Hydroflask filled with water and a protein bar in my bag to tide me over if things go long. If I get tied up well beyond that I’ll accept an offered water. If there’s some left when I’m leaving I’ll take it with me but I wouldn’t grab one to go.
I care! Once my party is over, I use the leftovers to feed my family the rest of the week! lol My hospitality only goes so far - when the party is over, get out of my house and don't take anything with you!:rotfl2:We have family that will literally clean you out of house and home if you opened up your fridge and pantry to them carte blanche

So there you you know someone who doesn't like people to pack up all of her leftovers "to go" without asking. And I reciprocate by not doing that to anyone else.

And I am kidding a little...while what I said above is true, I wouldn't be rude to someone who took something home with them...I would smile through and say of course! Take what you want!

I do pack up a bunch of stuff and send it with college-aged DS18 when he comes for a visit. But that's different...he's a poor college student, and my baby lol

Guest: Can I bring anything?
Me: Bring what you guys want to drink.
Guest shows up empty handed: Oh we’ll just drink water! *drinks most of DH’s beer, most of my Diet Dr Pepper and the kids Gatorade and juice bags*
Me: It was great to see you, have a good night!
Guest: You too! *grabs my last soda while their kids grab the last of my kids juice bags*
Me: o_O
Guest: Can I bring anything?
Me: Bring what you guys want to drink.
Guest shows up empty handed: Oh we’ll just drink water! *drinks most of DH’s beer, most of my Diet Dr Pepper and the kids Gatorade and juice bags*
Me: It was great to see you, have a good night!
Guest: You too! *grabs my last soda while their kids grab the last of my kids juice bags*
Me: o_O
That would annoy me. Luckily though haven't encountered anyone who would do something like that :)
Guest: Can I bring anything?
Me: Bring what you guys want to drink.
Guest shows up empty handed: Oh we’ll just drink water! *drinks most of DH’s beer, most of my Diet Dr Pepper and the kids Gatorade and juice bags*
Me: It was great to see you, have a good night!
Guest: You too! *grabs my last soda while their kids grab the last of my kids juice bags*
Me: o_O

Exactly!! DH and I have huge families - 25+ in just sisters/brothers and their spouses, and their kids, on EACH side. Too many family parties end like that. Now I'm stingy at the end of my parties lol
Guest: Can I bring anything?
Me: Bring what you guys want to drink.
Guest shows up empty handed: Oh we’ll just drink water! *drinks most of DH’s beer, most of my Diet Dr Pepper and the kids Gatorade and juice bags*
Me: It was great to see you, have a good night!
Guest: You too! *grabs my last soda while their kids grab the last of my kids juice bags*
Me: o_O

Whoa, that's so rude! I do send a lot of leftovers home with people after parties, but not that kind of stuff, and nobody even asks about stuff like that, just the homemade foodstuffs.
Taking food/drink on the way out of a party or event: only if the host has said, ("please) take some ___."
Taking "extra" when leaving somewhere that provides courtesy refreshments: no, because it's there while you are actively their customer.
Making a meal out of Costco et al samples: yes, of course - but to eat while in the store.
The free samplings at Costco are all you can eat. Although why I'd wait in a Saturday line over and over and over again when I can just go buy a cheap hot dog for a couple of bucks, I really don't know. And yes they do work. If they didn't, nobody would be paying to do them. Free Samplings of one pizza variety increased sales by 600%. And yes, some people abuse the hospitality. There have been cases of someone dumping the whole tray into storage containers and the like and then into their purse. The employees are instructed not to stop them. How much does this really cost you in the price of the product? On a nationally distributed product: Not much. It's a lot of bang for not much buck. Even some supermarkets have picked up on the sampling trend. Publix does Publix Aprons for example. It's a new meal every week for which the recipe is on a card and ingredients are stocked right around the corner from the sampling station. They will even sell you a binder to hold all your Aprons recipe cards.


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