How are you handling rising food and energy costs?

Our Kroger has better fried chicken than KFC at a much more reasonable price.

the BEST deals on supermarket fried chicken around us is if you can hit the store at around 4 p.m. because the deli is power making friend chicken and chicken strips for the dinner rush they take the pieces in the hot box, package them and put them in the cooler at half price :thumbsup2 now, the packs can get odd-all dark meat or a 'frankenchicken' (equivalent to a whole chicken piece wise but 3 breasts, 1 thigh, 3 drums , 1 wing-whatever they toss together). i've also gotten 2 piece packs for less than $2 each (freeze up fine-great for easy grab and go lunch). i've noticed they do the same thing with their premade deli sandwiches-go after the dinner hour and they have that day's on sale for half price while they are making up the next days to put in the cooler for the morning staff to set out.

pricing now is so strange-some things i never would have thought to not make from scratch, if i time it out at some stores i can get it for much less.
I wound up doing an online/pick up grocery order yesterday since it was cold and rainy out. I hadn’t done one in a long time, probably at least a year. I mostly ordered the same things I ordered on previous orders there. I used to spend around $260. Yesterday, for almost the same things it was $320 before the fee, even after I took a few things out of the cart. Service was impeccable, though, and everything was double bagged with like items, so putting everything away was easier than usual. It was also ready before the order time, which was nice. Eggs were $5.99/dozen, store brand. Yogurt had gone way up. All I got for meat was 1.5 lb hamburger for soup, and 1lb of a sale meat. Fortunately I won’t need to do another big order for a couple of weeks, probably, except for a few items here and there. We can absorb it but it would be tough for a young family to experience this type of cost increase regularly.
cow set for slaughter on February 8th, which we will be getting 1/8th of so should be all set for beef for a long time. Big up front cost but excellent meat.

Yesterday I received the largest gas and electric bills I have ever received living at this property for 10 years. Like a lot higher, ouch. Will see what February brings.
Where the heck are you shopping? Those items shouldn’t cost more than $20 in any supermarket, and probably less.
The only grocery store I have. I've always mentioned the cost of food when people start complaining about their costs raising past about half of my cost. Have several posts above. It's outrageously expensive to eat where I am and no one believes it.
The only grocery store I have. I've always mentioned the cost of food when people start complaining about their costs raising past about half of my cost. Have several posts above. It's outrageously expensive to eat where I am and no one believes it.
OK. I suspected you might live in a food desert area. Sorry to hear this.
The only grocery store I have. I've always mentioned the cost of food when people start complaining about their costs raising past about half of my cost. Have several posts above. It's outrageously expensive to eat where I am and no one believes it.
I believe it. From reading here over the years, it’s amazing how different things can vary depending on where you live.
OK. I suspected you might live in a food desert area. Sorry to hear this.
There are lots of places that people live other than big cities. I am in more areas that have one grocery store or one chain of several stores more than I am in any area that has multiple.

However, I did happen to be on the other side of town the other day and noticed that the Friedman's grocery store still has one left (Foodland franchise.) I didn't know that. It will be an extra hour or better out of my short evening after work, but I'm going to go see what it's all about. It's not as large of a store as the main ones.
I have my dairy delivered by a local farm and have not looked at that section of the grocery store in over a year (when I signed up for my dairy delivery)

I read this thread and was shocked by the price of eggs at the grocery store.

I went to the grocery store this morning. Eggs were $4.99 a dozen for store brand and $7.99 for Eggland. I was at a smaller grocery store not a shoprite or stop and shop (the two bigger ones by me) I’ll have to check Costco on my next trip.

How are you handling rising food and energy costs?​

By paying more. I need my eggs! I dish out what it takes to get them, and I always try to buy the organic ones.

It's that or I resort to making scrambled Kinder Eggs every morning.
By the way...
For the past week or so, most of the bagged dry cat food at Wally World is sold out. Is this the case for anyone else too?

I've had to grab some mini bags from the Dollar Tree, and the occasional packs of Sheba tender cuts (which the cats absolutely do NOT hate).
By the way...
For the past week or so, most of the bagged dry cat food at Wally World is sold out. Is this the case for anyone else too?

I've had to grab some mini bags from the Dollar Tree, and the occasional packs of Sheba tender cuts (which the cats absolutely do NOT hate).
Pet food has been an issue on and off throughout the pandemic. The costs are also way up. The wet cat food is now full price at $1.19 although often on sale for $1.10 per can. The dry food IF I can get it (because ideal weight/healthy metabolism variety is less well stocked) $31.38 regular price for 16 lb bag. It wasn't all that long ago it was low $20s. One time though we had to pay more than $42-$43 but every retailer seemed to have that price must have been very hard to get at that time supply-wise.

The times I've gone down the cat aisle at the Walmart here they haven't been stocked that much maybe 1 or 2 bigger bags per variety with usually at least 2 or more varieties completely out.
Pet food has been an issue on and off throughout the pandemic. The costs are also way up. The wet cat food is now full price at $1.19 although often on sale for $1.10 per can. The dry food IF I can get it (because ideal weight/healthy metabolism variety is less well stocked) $31.38 regular price for 16 lb bag. It wasn't all that long ago it was low $20s. One time though we had to pay more than $42-$43 but every retailer seemed to have that price must have been very hard to get at that time supply-wise.

The times I've gone down the cat aisle at the Walmart here they haven't been stocked that much maybe 1 or 2 bigger bags per variety with usually at least 2 or more varieties completely out.
My daughter had a covid exposure the Thursday before Christmas so quarantined. Fortunately she didn't get covid, but we picked up some groceries for her while she was staying home. She feeds the feral cats at work and I bought the big bag of Iams cat food and it was $33!
My daughter had a covid exposure the Thursday before Christmas so quarantined. Fortunately she didn't get covid, but we picked up some groceries for her while she was staying home. She feeds the feral cats at work and I bought the big bag of Iams cat food and it was $33!
I just wanted to say, what a nice person your daughter is to feed hungry feral cats. I am an animal lover too, but have never had the oppourtunity to do that. You raised her right:)
Walmart has been sparse for cat food since the pandemic began. Yet for the most part my local supermarkets no longer have that problem.

I haven’t seen disposable hot coffee cups in Walmart for the longest time either.
With all the egg talk, it really isn't all that bad. If you bake, that's not really a necessity and that's just luxury money being spent. $5/dozen eggs and a $5 loaf of bread, thinking at least 20 slices of bread, that gets you 2 over easy eggs on 2 pieces of toast for breakfast for only $1.34. Pretty cheap breakfast still.
Walmart has been sparse for cat food since the pandemic began. Yet for the most part my local supermarkets no longer have that problem.

I haven’t seen disposable hot coffee cups in Walmart for the longest time either.
The whole entire paper plates, plasticware, and cups are empty and has been for quite some time. If there are paper plates, they are ridiculously prices.
With all the egg talk, it really isn't all that bad. If you bake, that's not really a necessity and that's just luxury money being spent. $5/dozen eggs and a $5 loaf of bread, thinking at least 20 slices of bread, that gets you 2 over easy eggs on 2 pieces of toast for breakfast for only $1.34. Pretty cheap breakfast still.

I agree. I mean, even at $8/dozen, that's less than a dollar an egg and 2 eggs is a decent protein side to a meal or even a meal in itself). It's cheaper than most meats, per serving.


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