Heard of another shut down happening

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Yes to the task force mentioning it as a possibility. I think more in regards to a national strategy where if a set number of criteria are met, then certain levels of shut down occur, which, IMO, is how things should have been done all along once we knew what was going on. No, the federal government can't make states do it, but the federal government has many sticks and carrots they can use to make states decide it's in their best interest. Consider the speed limit or drinking age.
We have guidelines for our state but local areas aren’t following them. It’s quite frustrating
He said it during his campaign in his commercials. (sorry, went a bit political. not an opinion just stating a fact).

Okay, well I never saw them. I do see a couple "fact check" sites saying that opposition ads for him incorrectly stated that he said that and took some of his statements out of context. But if you literally saw him say that, I suppose I can't argue it. Everything he has said and done that I've heard is that he is not for a lockdown. And as others have said, I don't think he could pull it off anyway without buy in from the states.
Well look at California. A strict state on shutdowns and their covid is high. Of course they have a lot of people but it’s still high going by population. In Orange County California . Waxes could be done outside lol. Come on ladies don’t be shy come get your Brazilian wax outside.
Covid remains just as highly contagious of a disease as it was in March/April. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to follow the obvious recommendations (i.e. wear mask/wash hands/social distance....etc.) to limit the virus spread. Some people clearly don't grasp the serious nature of this pandemic and will likely continue to engage in risky behaviors regardless of what state/federal govt officials have to say.
He said it during his campaign in his commercials. (sorry, went a bit political. not an opinion just stating a fact).
It would be a great help if either you or the original poster can direct us to what made you believe Biden wants to shut down the country for up to 6 weeks.
i cannot find the commercial or the statement. Help me. Thank you.
So I heard that Biden wants to shut down for another 4-6 weeks. What's your thoughts on this? On if it will happen? What's the possibility of it happening? Are you in favor of shutting down again or against?
Please see my post above, #25. Thanks.
I have heard of this happening where people live close to another state. If there state has a curfew or has stopped indoor dining, they just drive to another state. People will find a way around the rules. Always have. I wonder if this is why a country-wide shutdown would be a possibility. I don't think it would happen, but maybe they are talking about it.
In this case people are flocking there out of support for the business owner for standing up for freedom. They are also contributing to their legal fund, which I find humorous because the restaurant is raking in the money from the increased business. He was on Fox News talking about it.
i don't believe he has the power to do it-the 10th amendment is pretty clear on fed vs. state rights/powers.

that said-from a logistical perspective i think it would be a nightmare. when i worked for dshs there were a handful of natural disasters in different california counties over my years there that created a surge in applicants that was such that those counties reached out to other counties to get staff loaned to help out (in california dshs wasn't state run-individual counties all had their own employees). even with massive staff loan outs from across the state events like the loma prieta earthquake had application processing backed up for months. shutting down the entire country would create such a mass influx of unemployment, public assistance, food stamp, medicaid applications...that people will be waiting eons for help. food distribution lines are already insanely long in some areas-add in everyone in the united states who doesn't have a sufficient emergency fund to tide them over?????? it would lead to mass hysteria, and i fear-increased violence.
It would be a great help if either you or the original poster can direct us to what made you believe Biden wants to shut down the country for up to 6 weeks.
i cannot find the commercial or the statement. Help me. Thank you.

They can’t because it doesn’t exist. At most, some opposition ads took other statements completely out of context, making it sound like he was saying that when it wasn’t the case at all.
Could someone please define "lockdown" as it is being practiced in the USA? Even in the early, very dark days of this pandemic when comparatively little was known about this virus, I am not sure we EVER experienced a true lock down. Big box stores, grocery stores, pet stores, gas stations, home repair/improvement stores, clothing stores, restaurants, bars, fast food places, drive-thru places, banks, etc... all were open and doing business. There were limitations on hours, on # of people allowed in at one time, on method/style of doing business (so take out/curbside only, for example), etc., and some chose to close as the limitations DID hurt their business, but in our area very few places were actually "dark-by-demand," completely shut down. In fact, I was appalled at the number and types of establishments that were considered "necessary." I said then that there was far too much "laxness" in the guidelines and the worst thing that could happen would be to be in a similar situation in November as we were in March-May, and yet, here we are...

Anyhow... I find the use of "lockdown" interesting. I learned from reading back in the spring and summer, in China the government welded shut the doors to residences, allowing the use of one monitored entrance only. In some European countries they monitored neighborhoods to make sure only one person from each establishment was "out and about" at any given time. (No I don't have references, but it's from reading the WaPo, NYT, Knowhere Briefing, etc). THESE are the kinds of things I consider a lockdown, a complete invasion by the government into how you live. Putting limitations on access, limiting business hours to reduce contact, requiring masks, etc., is not a LOCKDOWN in my book. We already haven't been very good at limiting our interactions and behaviors as a nation, and look where it's gotten us; we are so very much NOT "locked down" in most places.
I’m all for a national response to this mess. A National mask mandate would be a good start. If there is going to be a national lockdown, it has to be a strict one. Emergency essential services only. Police, fire, hospitals and similar. No Walmart. No Home Depot. No Auto Zone. With fines and possible jail time if you violate. Of course there would be a need for financial support through this similar to what the cares act provided. However, no one gets a windfall this time. The financial support is limited to your average weekly pay, up to say $1,200 a week.
I’m all for a national response to this mess. A National mask mandate would be a good start. If there is going to be a national lockdown, it has to be a strict one. Emergency essential services only. Police, fire, hospitals and similar. No Walmart. No Home Depot. No Auto Zone. With fines and possible jail time if you violate. Of course there would be a need for financial support through this similar to what the cares act provided. However, no one gets a windfall this time. The financial support is limited to your average weekly pay, up to say $1,200 a week.

Ridiculously too extreme. Stores can stay open with reduced capacity and mask requirements.
The statement was taken out of context and used by the other party. The interview was about him listening to the doctors and scientists studying the virus and whether or not he will follow their guidance. He has been asked numerous times since then if he said it and he adamantly clarified he will not shutdown the country and doesn’t have the authority to do that.
Emergency essential services only. Police, fire, hospitals and similar. No Walmart. No Home Depot. No Auto Zone. With fines and possible jail time if you violate.

the powers that be have started fining here-it's made no difference w/those businesses that chose to ignore the mandates. jail time isn't a tremendous threat b/c the courts are also largely on lock down so with the whole 'right to a speedy trial' concept the only cases being handled for the most part are violent offenses (and even those are suspect on meeting the 'speedy trial' criteria b/c citizens on lock down can't be herded into those huge jury duty cattle calls due to social distancing mandates).

Of course there would be a need for financial support through this similar to what the cares act provided. However, no one gets a windfall this time. The financial support is limited to your average weekly pay, up to say $1,200 a week.

financial support will do no one any good if they can't go to auto zone to get the part to operate their car in order to go out and get groceries (oh wait-walmart won't be open so we won't be able to get groceries?)
Ridiculously too extreme. Stores can stay open with reduced capacity and mask requirements.
There is no point to a lockdown if everything is open.

financial support will do no one any good if they can't go to auto zone to get the part to operate their car in order to go out and get groceries (oh wait-walmart won't be open so we won't be able to get groceries?)
So rent & utilities don’t need to be paid? Cars all of a sudden breakdown in a shutdown? Walmart is the only place to buy groceries?
Thats from August and the article quotes him saying ‘whatever it takes’. A quote of his mentioning lockdown is also listed, again from back in August.

I understand why people are concerned at the thought. Much has changed over the past 4 months and alot more will change over the next 2 months tho. Many leaders from both sides have met common ground, where understanding very broad lockdowns can cause more harm than good and severe situations warrant entertaining mandates to protect the community and healthcare infrastructure.

Really we need to see where the dust settles after new years. Going by recent conversations, it doesnt appear locking down the country for 6 weeks is the first plan of attack.
There is no point to a lockdown if everything is open.

So rent & utilities don’t need to be paid? Cars all of a sudden breakdown in a shutdown? Walmart is the only place to buy groceries?

Home depot, auto zone and the like are essential to other people's businesses.

You said only police, hospitals, etc., should be open. What do you mean by that?
There is no point to a lockdown if everything is open.

Cars all of a sudden breakdown in a shutdown?
Cars break down every day. Cars are essential to most people where public transportation is lacking.

Wear a mask. Socially distance. Stay open. I wish more people would do the first two things, so we can continue to stay open.
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