Healthy Living around the World Showcase ~ June 2016 WISH Challenge!

Just a quick stop in here for me. Sorry I've been so MIA, but my head is in a weird place. This week has been kinda off, and my weight is up a bit. The good news is that I've been getting better about the "me time," so I am making progress.

I've been kinda avoiding the newspapers lately because I have enough going on in my life that I don't want to worry about the world's problems most days (I know, it sounds really selfish), but ... I think I have a date with my newspaper tonight. No idea what this will mean for the world, but I know it's a game changer. Definitely thinking of my friends in Europe who are most likely to be affected by this.

Anyway ... I gotta go clean the bathroom. I'll try to stop by later to check in again!
Question of the Day for June 24:

Morocco has a wonderful shopping district, an oriental bazar.


So, it is time for another shopping question and since it is the weekend: a fun one!

What is your favourite Disney souvenir?
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first of all.... DS got an email yesterday that he has received a $4,000 scholarship!!!!!!! We are BEYOND delighted! This was the scholarship I thought he was going to get a few weeks ago on Scholarship Awards night at school.... plus it is DOUBLE the amount we thought it might be!

THIS IS AWESOME NEWS. A big congrats to you and your family on his amazing accomplishment. Woohoo!!!

we woke up living in different world in Europe today. Interesting and scary times. We were in shock to be honest glued to the news

I was going to ask our EU friends how things were going with this. I am not familiar with this at all, so hopefully you can share what this means to us who don't "get it".

Have a good weekend everyone. I will try to stop in as I can this weekend.

Good luck with your busy weekend. :)

I agree. I am sad and scared and worried as to where this will lead us. I know that for you in Ireland this has even more of a relevance
I thought of you in Germany when I heard the news. Not really sure how this will change things, so as I told @HappyGrape - maybe you can clue me in since I don't "get it".

So average of 0% and 100% is still 50%.
everything is a process. Glad that you're not too bummed :)
Question of the Day for June 24:

Morocco has a wonderful shopping district, an oriental bazar.

So, it is time for another shopping question and since it is the weekend: a fun one!

What is your favourite Disney souvenir?
For probably six years I had the Norwegian flag Mickey antenna ball on my car, which they stopped selling pre-conversion to Frozen. So I switched to the Mickey bar with the bitten ear and won't you know it I couldn't find my car. Somebody stole it, no great loss hope it works better for them than it did for me, so now I've got a Zebra stripe Mickey... At least it's the same shape. I also have a Tinkerstinker window decal on the passenger window where I see it every time I get into the car. Other than that I'm not a huge shopper and rarely come home with much of anything.
What is your favourite Disney souvenir?

I forget when it started, but one year my kids bought me a couple tsum tsum's for a gift and since then I always get at least one from them for Father's Day, my birthday, Christmas... I think I have about 18 of them now and I keep them in my classroom (my students like them too). They are probably my favorite Disney souvenirs.


I did my run this morning and I ended up going ten miles (my longest run to date). Feeling a little sore in the lower legs, but not too bad. When I got home I hopped on the scale - I know it's not real weight because I probably sweated a couple pounds off during the run, but I weighed in the 220's - 229 1/2 lbs. Even though I know I'll be more than that tomorrow, it was nice to see me in the same ballpark to my my goal weight when I started of 220 lbs. I can't wait to get to that magical 100 lbs lost number!!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Question of the Day for June 24:

Morocco has a wonderful shopping district, an oriental bazar.

So, it is time for another shopping question and since it is the weekend: a fun one!

What is your favourite Disney souvenir?

Every trip to Disney I get a keychain ... but I always get a keychain everywhere I go.
When Disney released their first Pandora beads a few years ago, I started collecting those - I get a new bead every trip, and I have the Disney Parks exclusive bracelet with the castle on it. That's a fun souvenir ... even though its a little expensive.
I did my run this morning and I ended up going ten miles (my longest run to date). Feeling a little sore in the lower legs, but not too bad. When I got home I hopped on the scale - I know it's not real weight because I probably sweated a couple pounds off during the run, but I weighed in the 220's - 229 1/2 lbs. Even though I know I'll be more than that tomorrow, it was nice to see me in the same ballpark to my my goal weight when I started of 220 lbs. I can't wait to get to that magical 100 lbs lost number!!!!

Congratulations on the distance increase. Make sure you stretch and foam roll because otherwise you will be super super sore in the morning. Isn't it crazy to think that all you had to do was another 5K and you'd have run a half marathon!? :D You're going to be so fast when we do our half together YAY!

When Disney released their first Pandora beads a few years ago, I started collecting those - I get a new bead every trip, and I have the Disney Parks exclusive bracelet with the castle on it. That's a fun souvenir ... even though its a little expensive.

I got one of the Pandora bracelets for Graduation and I know what you mean. All of the cute charms are $60-80! I only have three charms at the moment and am pacing myself... slowly. :(
Question of the Day for June 24:

Morocco has a wonderful shopping district, an oriental bazar.

So, it is time for another shopping question and since it is the weekend: a fun one!

What is your favourite Disney souvenir?

Is it too cliche and silly to say that the memories are my favorite souvenir? So many amazing milestones happened while at Disney parks for my husband and I -- especially since that's where we spent our first date. We took the 'big sis' and 'big bro' to Disney World over Christmas and it really made our friendship closer as we celebrated 5 amazing nights of "Epic Sleepover". Sharing a special dinner, meeting princesses, walking around the castles, etc.... it's really about the feelings and memories for me.
I feel horrible for her. This is what she really wanted to do. Had I listened to her about it hurting and taken her back to the ortho sooner we may be in a different spot.

:hug: you have a lot going on with your daughter right now. I can feel that mama guilt in your post - I just want to say I get it. Here's what a Mum friend said to me once when I was feeling bad about missing a medical thing with my son " you did the best you could with what you knew at the time" - and I think you did to. You had her checked out - the medical team couldn't pick it up at first either. You are doing everything you need to now and making a sensible plan for her return to gymnastics. Being a parent is hard - putting pressure on ourselves to be the perfect one just makes it even harder - I know because I do that too .... I try to make up for the person that isn't in their life that should have been by being the perfect mother.

What is your favourite Disney souvenir?

I have a Mickey keychain with my name on it that I got at my very first Disneyland visit about 19 years ago now - I still use it everyday on my car keys! Apart from that it is probably our personalised mouse ears.
Is it too cliche and silly to say that the memories are my favorite souvenir? So many amazing milestones happened while at Disney parks for my husband and I -- especially since that's where we spent our first date. We took the 'big sis' and 'big bro' to Disney World over Christmas and it really made our friendship closer as we celebrated 5 amazing nights of "Epic Sleepover". Sharing a special dinner, meeting princesses, walking around the castles, etc.... it's really about the feelings and memories for me.

No - because as I was thinking about my souvenirs and writing my post the thing I was thinking about the whole time was my memories of being their - already last night I was feeling like I needed to watch our photo movie I made of our trip - so now I will definitely be doing that this weekend!
No - because as I was thinking about my souvenirs and writing my post the thing I was thinking about the whole time was my memories of being their - already last night I was feeling like I needed to watch our photo movie I made of our trip - so now I will definitely be doing that this weekend!

You should totally do it!!!

One of the best things we did was get a photo book made from the Memory Maker photos. It sits out on our tv cabinet and when i have a bad day I can pull it out and look at it -- suddenly feeling so much better!!!!!
Pamela congrats on son's scholarship. That is a nice amount to help him along.

My favorite souvenirs are probably all the Christmas ornaments we get. We do get one each time we go down even though dh says we have enough. We have them going back to the 80's. The one I bought on our honeymoon broke a few years ago which is all the more reason to go back on our 40th.

A couple of years ago the Disney store was having a sale and I was on buying things. Ds's were here and Christmas ornaments were on sale. So ds1 picked out a couple from Nightmare Before Christmas for him and his gf. Ds2 picked out one for himself and for his gf he picked out a Steamboat Willie one. When they came the Steamboat Willie came in with a porthole in the back broken off. I sent it back and when the second one came the porthole again was broken. I called and they sent me a new one without having to send out the second one. The third one final came unbroken just a couple of days before Christmas.
I was super tired yesterday and we were glued to the screens all. For first day in long time I didn't do even 10 000 steps. My calories were also little high but not dramatically and not terrible choices either.

I need to organise myself better for next week but plan to visit my new favourite spot (the gym) again for swim today & bodupump class tomorrow

Ladies, can I ask you to share some photos of your theme park looks & outfits with me? I may do some sales shopping this afternoon and looking for inspiration
maybe you can clue me in since I don't "get it".

UK Voted to leave the European Union.

London city voted remain, and as such a big multicultural city reliant on multicultural companies & jobs it may not be seen as attractive location for international, educated work force that the companies need. Companies most likely will move head offices to other EU cities to have access to EU market and what may be seen as more tolerant environment

Yong people voted remain, and are upset as they see themselves as part of Europe. This will impact their ability to move to different countries. Locations where the density of educated people is high voted remain.

Over 1.3 million brits live in EU outside UK, in Spain alone about 800 000. Many retire in Spain. They were not allowed to vote. Currently as part of EU they have access to medical care and may find themselves in position that they are not entitled to it

Scotland voted Remain. They had independency vote while back and voted to remain part of UK so they can stay in EU. Now they don't want to be forced to leave European Union and want to have another independency vote and remain in EU independently. Meaning more uncertainty for UK

Ireland is Republic of Ireland, part of EU and independent of UK but small part North of Ireland is actually part of UK. People now work on one side and live on other, shop in the other part often - there is actually no boarder. EU can insist on boarder with UK which will be vey sad for years of peace negotiations and scary prospect for people on both side of the boarder.

It will lead to some recession at least in UK, but as London is one of the big financial centres if this turns to financial crisis it can hit globally. However markets currently are calm considering all. This will probably become clear in upcoming weeks or months

European Union also is in situation where they need to pull together as loosing such big member imposes risks to the long term viability of the union

The leave campaign, was fuelled by we don't want any more foreigners taking our jobs, coming to our country, claiming benefits etc.

EU member state can live & travel & trade in the other European states freely. Opting out UK won't have access to sell their goods as easy so they need to figure out trade agreements. But alone - they are not really big market and won't be in such good position to negotiate terms. This will impact jobs and businesses.

UK politicians want to drag their feet with lengthily exit, but this risks contagion to other EU members and the other members wants speedy process. UK Prime minister resigned (well not with immediate effect). No other country have ever left EU. It's just a mess! Complete mess and upsetting for many Europeans

Their credit rating is already downgraded, meaning that it will cost them more to service their debts, which means more taxes, less spending.

Sorry for the long post!
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Question of the Day for June 24:

Morocco has a wonderful shopping district, an oriental bazar.


So, it is time for another shopping question and since it is the weekend: a fun one!

What is your favourite Disney souvenir?

Christmas ornaments. We buy one at MK Christmas shop every visit, and I found it so magic that it can feel Christmassy in August heat. One of them have picture of 3 of us in Epcot and we look so happy.

I can't wait to go again
Isn't it crazy to think that all you had to do was another 5K and you'd have run a half marathon!? :D You're going to be so fast when we do our half together YAY!

It is crazy for sure, although my run was pretty flat and I need to start preparing for hills over the next few months.

And you don't have to worry about the fast part - it's not happening! It's a pretty safe bet that you will be finishing in front of me!!!
:hug: you have a lot going on with your daughter right now. I can feel that mama guilt in your post - I just want to say I get it. Here's what a Mum friend said to me once when I was feeling bad about missing a medical thing with my son " you did the best you could with what you knew at the time" - and I think you did to. You had her checked out - the medical team couldn't pick it up at first either. You are doing everything you need to now and making a sensible plan for her return to gymnastics. Being a parent is hard - putting pressure on ourselves to be the perfect one just makes it even harder - I know because I do that too .... I try to make up for the person that isn't in their life that should have been by being the perfect mother.

Thank you. That made me feel better. It has been a rough couple of days with her. She really wants me to go to her 1st eye therapy appointment today but I have to work. She so nervous. Monday is the 1st PT for her foot.
UK Voted to leave the European Union.

London city voted remain, and as such a big multicultural city reliant on multicultural companies & jobs it may not be seen as attractive location for international, educated work force that the companies need. Companies most likely will move head offices to other EU cities to have access to EU market and what may be seen as more tolerant environment

Yong people voted remain, and are upset as they see themselves as part of Europe. This will impact their ability to move to different countries. Locations where the density of educated people is high voted remain.

Over 1.3 million brits live in EU outside UK, in Spain alone about 800 000. Many retire in Spain. They were not allowed to vote. Currently as part of EU they have access to medical care and may find themselves in position that they are not entitled to it

Scotland voted Remain. They had independency vote while back and voted to remain part of UK so they can stay in EU. Now they don't want to be forced to leave European Union and want to have another independency vote and remain in EU independently. Meaning more uncertainty for UK

Ireland is Republic of Ireland, part of EU and independent of UK but small part North of Ireland is actually part of UK. People now work on one side and live on other, shop in the other part often - there is actually no boarder. EU can insist on boarder with UK which will be vey sad for years of peace negotiations and scary prospect for people on both side of the boarder.

It will lead to some recession at least in UK, but as London is one of the big financial centres if this turns to financial crisis it can hit globally. However markets currently are calm considering all. This will probably become clear in upcoming weeks or months

European Union also is in situation where they need to pull together as loosing such big member imposes risks to the long term viability of the union

The leave campaign, was fuelled by we don't want any more foreigners taking our jobs, coming to our country, claiming benefits etc.

EU member state can live & travel & trade in the other European states freely. Opting out UK won't have access to sell their goods as easy so they need to figure out trade agreements. But alone - they are not really big market and won't be in such good position to negotiate terms. This will impact jobs and businesses.

UK politicians want to drag their feet with lengthily exit, but this risks contagion to other EU members and the other members wants speedy process. UK Prime minister resigned (well not with immediate effect). No other country have ever left EU. It's just a mess! Complete mess and upsetting for many Europeans

Their credit rating is already downgraded, meaning that it will cost them more to service their debts, which means more taxes, less spending.

Sorry for the long post!

Wow. This clears up a lot. This seems kind of scary.


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