Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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My daughter, an ICU RN who has been caring for COVID19 patients, gets her first vaccine tomorrow. My GD tested positive yesterday. She was at her Dad’s. She seems to be handling it pretty well. Hoping her Dad doesn’t get it or if he does it’s mild. I woke up with “cold” symptoms today. Since I work from home and we haven’t seen people since December 6th when I last saw GD I hope it’s just a cold. No fever. If I still don’t feel well tomorrow I will try to track down a CoVid test.
If I’m offered, I’ ll take it in a heartbeat! I’m not religious, but I can have you all with my good thoughts! Believe in science! I‘m an engineer and I research and read about everything that is progress and good for humanity. It is very unfortunate that we have so many conspiracy theories that we are losing the real marvel of science that was achieved with this vaccine and I couldn’t been more proud that was done in USA! From the methodology and new technology used for this vaccine I expect many other medical advancements in treating and cure of other illnesses. It is amazing!
Our hospital just started vaccinations today. When it’s your turn, they will send an email with a link to make an appointment. I’m an RN working in a clinical consulting position. We see anywhere from 15-25 patients per shift, often spending 30 minutes or more in close bodily contact at a time. I have no idea where my department will fall in the schedule. Because we’re consultants & nobody in administration actually knows how we do our jobs, I’m afraid they have no idea how physically close we are much of the time. I know I’ll get it eventually, but I expect if it will be mid January.

Our county only got a few thousand doses & we have 7 major hospitals. And nursing homes are supposed to start next week too. No idea how this is all going to work. All’s I can say is I better not see athletes & celebrities start getting vaccinations before health care & essential workers.
I had a fever, muscle aches and fatigue for about 48 hours. Still would get it again in a heartbeat.
I had my vaccine at 0700 Wednesday morning. At 0100 Thursday I woke up with chills. I went to work at 0700 Thursday. It turns out one of my best work friends who'd also had the shot on Wednesday also had chills and felt bad overnight. The funny thing is we both had Covid in July (ER nurses). Our docs think that it's because we already have antibodies so our first shot was like a second shot to someone who hasn't had the virus yet. By mid afternoon Thursday I felt better and today I'm totally fine. I get my second injection on January 8th.

I wanted to add, that most of the people I know who had the shot on Wednesday felt fine except for site tenderness. Lots of sore arms.
WV teachers got a survey to fill out to indicate if they want the vaccine. It had to be returned by today. I signed up. The teachers are in phase 1-D of the vaccination plan with priority given to those 50 and above.
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