Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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If the first shipments are actually followed by incrementally bigger shipments, there could be alot of flexibility to adjust the math for second doses on the fly. They'd just need to reduce who's next on the schedule and pause them temporarily.
With smallpox vaccine starting in the late 1700's and polio in the early 1950's, there was no Internet to create and perpetuate all the many conspiracy theories that run amok on the Net. I recall getting my polio vaccination within a short period of time when it came out. 'Everybody' went to get it. Dr. Salk was a true national and worldwide hero.

I come a time when we still got the latest (freeze-dried and then reconstituted) version of the smallpox vaccine administered with a needle that scratches the skin. I still have a scar on each shoulder, although one is very apparent,

I think I ended up with maybe 4 separate polio vaccinations. Two were the Salk shots and the other two were the attenuated oral vaccine developed by Sabin. The latter was a lot more pleasant, although some came down with a mild illness. I don't believe the oral vaccine is very common in the US and Canada, but it's still pretty popular around the world.
If the first shipments are actually followed by incrementally bigger shipments, there could be alot of flexibility to adjust the math for second doses on the fly. They'd just need to reduce who's next on the schedule and pause them temporarily.
I mentioned the extra doses per vial. The FDA is saying it should be acceptable, although some are cautiously avoiding this because they're not sure if there might be guidance that it's longer acceptable when these locations get their supply for second doses.

The Pfizer vials are supposed to hold five doses, according to the labeling, but media reports said pharmacists had found a way for a sixth or even a seventh dose. Without clear approval from the manufacturer, the extra dose had to be discarded.​
“At this time, given the public health emergency, FDA is advising that it is acceptable to use every full dose obtainable (the sixth, or possibly even a seventh) from each vial, pending resolution of the issue,” an FDA representative said in an emailed statement.​
“However, since the vials are preservative free, it is critical to note that any further remaining product that does not constitute a full dose should not be pooled from multiple vials to create one,” the statement added.​

I'm curious why they can't be pooled if they're used quickly. I mean - they're dipping into the same vial for 5 doses. What's the problem with the 6th? Or just whatever can be drawn then go immediately to another vial? It doesn't sound like a big issue if they can combine doses from different vials.
I come a time when we still got the latest (freeze-dried and then reconstituted) version of the smallpox vaccine administered with a needle that scratches the skin. I still have a scar on each shoulder, although one is very apparent,

I think I ended up with maybe 4 separate polio vaccinations. Two were the Salk shots and the other two were the attenuated oral vaccine developed by Sabin. The latter was a lot more pleasant, although some came down with a mild illness. I don't believe the oral vaccine is very common in the US and Canada, but it's still pretty popular around the world.
My older bro & sis were born in the 60s, they have the scars. My other sis & I were born early 70s and got the oral. I can still remember getting it because my family never let me forget.

Sis is 2 years older than me. She was 4 and went first getting booster shots. Doctor turns to me and says now stick your tongue. I scrunched my eyes tight shut and stuck out the itty bitty tip of my tongue. Guess I was kind of willing to get a needle in the tongue? It was just the oral drop of Polio vaccine. I still earned that lollipop tho!
:rolleyes1Well, it may be a roll of the proverbial dice but "insane" is a bit extreme. The various Provincial health authorities in Canada are responsible for determining their own distribution protocols. Quebec, for example, is going to distribute their entire allotment at once and wait for more supply to use as 2nd doses. Ontario on the other hand is giving half and saving half. Those are the only two provinces I could find information on quickly. Overall, it does not seem like our Federal government does not have any lack of confidence that our supply will arrive on schedule.
Are Quebec & Ontario guaranteed the same number of doses per capita? This sounds like it could give Quebec an advantage, if the second shipment is less than expected. They're going to send it to the location that needs it to make sure people who already had the first shot are fully vaccinated.
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My older bro & sis were born in the 60s, they have the scars. My other sis & I were born early 70s and got the oral. I can still remember getting it because my family never let me forget.

Sis is 2 years older than me. She was 4 and went first getting booster shots. Doctor turns to me and says now stick your tongue. I scrunched my eyes tight shut and stuck out the itty bitty tip of my tongue. Guess I was kind of willing to get a needle in the tongue? It was just the oral drop of Polio vaccine. I still earned that lollipop tho!
I only remember one time I got it. I didn't close my eyes and it was pretty apparent to me that it was an oral liquid. The assistant just twisted the cap on the plastic vial and dropped a reddish liquid that tasted like sugar water. Way better than a shot. Still - it's no longer used in more affluent countries because of the risk of actually coming down with polio. But the numbers work out in countries where polio is still a serious risk.
Are Quebec & Ontario guaranteed the same number of doses per capita? This sounds like it could give Quebec an advantage, if the second shipment is less than expected. They're going to send it to the location that needs it to make sure people are fully vaccinated.
Our first allotment hasn't been distributed strictly proportional to population. Ontario got 6,000 doses and Quebec got almost 4,900. Ontario has almost twice the population but maybe it makes sense because Quebec has had far-and-away the worst Covid outcomes in Canada. If anybody needs an advantage, it's them. :flower3: (This is all Canadian Covid deaths since March 15, 2020):
Unfortunately here in Florida, they are giving out the first doses as we speak to healthcare workers, but they’re unsure when Florida will get more doses from Pfizer. The state is not expecting to receive anymore for the next 2 weeks. So there could definitely be issues in this state with people getting the second dose on schedule. This is why I was asking earlier about how will people know when they should get their second dose, and whether they will be getting same brand of vaccine. Florida could wind up having a bunch more Moderna, but the initial Pfizer people could be out of luck for their second dose. Getting scary already.
Our first allotment hasn't been distributed strictly proportional to population. Ontario got 6,000 doses and Quebec got almost 4,900. Ontario has almost twice the population but maybe it makes sense because Quebec has had far-and-away the worst Covid outcomes in Canada. If anybody needs an advantage, it's them. :flower3:
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That makes sense. I can see why they want to start vaccinating as many people as they can, while expecting the second shipment as promised.

TBH, I don't know how they're distributing the vaccine in the US either. We're so far down the list that I don't expect to need to look into it, until next Spring. :(
Here'e the FDA guidance on using extra doses available from the same vial. They're advising not to use an incomplete dose from one vial with that from another. I'm wondering if there might be some syringes that don't get a complete dose and are tossed as a precaution.

Unfortunately here in Florida, they are giving out the first doses as we speak to healthcare workers, but they’re unsure when Florida will get more doses from Pfizer. The state is not expecting to receive anymore for the next 2 weeks. So there could definitely be issues in this state with people getting the second dose on schedule. This is why I was asking earlier about how will people know when they should get their second dose, and whether they will be getting same brand of vaccine. Florida could wind up having a bunch more Moderna, but the initial Pfizer people could be out of luck for their second dose. Getting scary already.
As a Florida resident, I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. :sad2:
I remember polio very well. I was very young, but I remember seeing the pictures of people in iron lungs. It was very scary. One of my parents friends had polio. She did not have to be in an iron lung, but she lost the ability to walk for several years. My parents did not hesitate when the vaccine became available. We received our vaccination via an injection. Eventually, they started using sugar cubes. After seeing what life was like for many who contracted polio, getting the vaccination wasn't a difficult decision for my parents.
My uncle had polio as a child. I have seen the way it has affected his adult life, mostly with his gait as one leg is now shorter than the other. It’s not something I’d wish on anybody.
I’m a frontline worker (currently working as a Level II nurse in our COVID ICU). Scheduling appointments for our vaccine went live on Sunday. Last night was my first shift since scheduling went live (first appointments are this Friday). I took the next available appointment and it’s January 8th! Apparently, I should have rope-dropped my appointment scheduling :-)
Actual Report
My son got his first vaccine yesterday in Suffolk County, NY
He filled out appropriate paper work. There were not many waiting.
After the shot he had to sit with the rapid response nurses for 15 minutes
His arm hurt immediately at the injection site.
He was given a card as proof of vaccine and will go back in 3 weeks for 2nd dose.
So far his only complaint is pain/soreness at injection site.
I’m a frontline worker (currently working as a Level II nurse in our COVID ICU). Scheduling appointments for our vaccine went live on Sunday. Last night was my first shift since scheduling went live (first appointments are this Friday). I took the next available appointment and it’s January 8th! Apparently, I should have rope-dropped my appointment scheduling :-)

our scheduling went live last night and apparently there was so much demand that the scheduling app crashed. Back online today and just got an email that all slots are full. I didn't schedule as I have not received clarification from my supervisor if I am Wave A or Wave C but now that they're full I guess I'm waiting lol
I went to sign up for the vaccine and my hospital system said I have to wait 90 days after having covid. I had covid last month so if I decide to get it I have to wait until February.
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