Have you ever been evacuated from a ride?

We were evacuated from Splash Mountain on the incline up to the big drop after a long jam. We were taken around to the back where all the warehouses and dumpsters are. I remember seeing the "double" of Casey being painted. Of course, no pictures allowed, but it was cool to see. They gave us fastpasses, too.
Last December, we were evacuated from Toy Story, after we got our final scores but before we reached the end. A CM was sent to escort groups out, with the warning not to take any pictures. We got a FP, which we used the next night, during the New Years Eve festivities. It worked out great for us.
When I was in high school I was evacuated off Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland. Funny story - I was riding with my best friend who always tried to convince me that she was psychic. Right before we got on she said to me "Wouldn't it be cool if this ride stopped in the middle?" I was like yeah, right whatever. Then, the ride stopped in the middle. Freaked me out so much that I smacked her arm! We had to climb up a flight of steps to get to the top of one of the peaks in order to get out.
Back in 2011 Dinosaur broke down. We were in front of that huge last dino. Kinda scary, VERY cool. Thankfully it wasn't moving and the sound shut down. When the lights went off you could see it's just that, a dino head. Was told to not take pics. In 15 minutes the CMs came with ladders and got everyone off the ride. LOVED IT!
Many over the years. People Mover was the most interesting evac.

oohhhh I wanna know about this one......which part were you stuck on? I was stuck in the DARKEST part of it one time with my friends for about 20 min, right after you enter Space, far enough in that you can't see the outside and not too far that you see any of the ride or signage......it was a lot of darkness.....we were the only ones on our train, so we took flash pictures of ourselves in the dark to see what we looked like candid haha
Space Mountain or as the cast calls it, Dust Mountain.


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oohhhh I wanna know about this one......which part were you stuck on? I was stuck in the DARKEST part of it one time with my friends for about 20 min, right after you enter Space, far enough in that you can't see the outside and not too far that you see any of the ride or signage......it was a lot of darkness.....we were the only ones on our train, so we took flash pictures of ourselves in the dark to see what we looked like candid haha
It was dark outside, and we were just past Buzz. They walked us out along hundreds of feet of the track, and then we exited from one of the support coulmns that has hidden stairs within. They gave us paper fast passes when we came out of the stairs. This was about 18 months ago.
We've been evacuated from Big Thunder Mountain, Ellen's Energy Adventure and the Monster's Inc ride in Disneyland. We have also been stuck on Splash Mountain and It's a Small World. I also rode Space Mountain with the lights on. I won't raise my hands on that ride to this day.
We were evacuated from the Carousel of Progress once, sometime last year. I think we were on the second to last scene, and people in other sections kept standing up at the end of that sections performance and of course they can not rotate the theater when people are standing. We know this because they made announcements saying so. Apparently they also can not pause the performance, so three times we listened to the same section because people kept standing up! Finally when it started playing a fourth time a CM opened up the door and handed us all a paper fp as we walked out and around. We didn't get to see anything since our section was facing the park. We sure were frustrated and grateful for that fastpass.
It was dark outside, and we were just past Buzz. They walked us out along hundreds of feet of the track, and then we exited from one of the support coulmns that has hidden stairs within. They gave us paper fast passes when we came out of the stairs. This was about 18 months ago.

so cool!
We've been evacuated from Big Thunder Mountain, Ellen's Energy Adventure and the Monster's Inc ride in Disneyland. We have also been stuck on Splash Mountain and It's a Small World. I also rode Space Mountain with the lights on. I won't raise my hands on that ride to this day.

I have a vague memory of this....a lot of feeling like I should be ducking....
Man I was wishing I would be evacuated from HM the other day. After 6 rounds of sudden stops and having to keep hearing "playful spooks have interrupted our tour" and "unavoidably detained by playful spirits" I was more than ready for them to come and get us!

I think Haunted Mansion has to be stopped everytime because wheelchairs guest have to be loaded with a stopped doombuggy.
I was! When I was younger, we were stuck for just under two hours on It's a Small World. They told us the belt that moves the boats broke and they were having issues fixing it. Eventually they pushed our boats to emergency exits within the ride scenery and helped us climb out! They couldn't turn the music off either because they said it also played on the outside of the ride and they had to keep it playing. I happened to be wearing my bathing suit as a tank top that day with my shorts and threatened to swim for it! (Not that I really would have haha just wishful thinking!) We had really nice people in our boat so that made it bearable.

We got to jump ahead of the line in the Lion King show/attraction that had just premiered because of it! I remember that had a very long wait too, but once it was explained why we were being let ahead, everyone was pretty sympathetic!
We weren't evacuated, but on Space Mountain in DL the block brakes kicked in and the lights came on. The CMs had to come manually release the break and push the cars down the next drop (starting at the bottom of course). We were allowed to just stay on and ride through again. I must admit, I was a little scarred by the experience, finding out we weren't actually in outer space and all.
At DL we were on Space earler this year. Something really must have gone wrong during our ride because the loading area was completely empty of guests when we came back, which is only a couple minutes later. The ride vehicle stopped very briefly at the platform then took off again. A woman behind us started screaming bloody murder, she did not want to ride again! The vehicle did not stop for the safety bar check (but they hadn't unlocked.) They threw the brakes on, however that works, and the ride stopped just before you turn to the lift hill, under where the mission control looking guys sit. They backed the vehicle onto a side track off to the left and brought out a ladder to get us off. Then we exited through a backstage area and were given anytime FP's. It was handled quickly and kinda exciting though not a true evac experience.
On our last trip in February, we were evacuated off BTMR. My kids and hubby were so excited; we were about halfway up the big hill when we stopped and then waited a bit before the CMs came out and helped us all down. We got to go through the mountain and see all the underworkings of the ride which was totally cool.
Maelstrom, walked along the scene, out a door to backstage (was awful to see it) then a walkway through a gate to the front. Given nothing.

Pirates, fun. Our boat was just ready to go off the big drop and front was already hanging out over. They took forever to bring rope to tie our boat tight to one of those stalagmites. Once secure we were all helped off, through a door in the wall and out through back stage with a fastpass in hand.

Plenty of other sitting still forever before we finished. So in all not bad.
I get so claustrophobic when a ride stops because I don't want to be stuck for hours. The most I've ever been stuck was maybe 10 minutes on Buzz, Test Track, and Pirates. My family got stuck for like 20 minutes right at the beginning of Space Mountain once, but we were still in the loading area and I was able to get out leave. Love Space, but not enough to sit there for that long!

An evacuation sounds cool, but how long did you guys wait until you were eventually evacuated? Minutes or closer to like an hour??
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