Has anyone been 'kicked out' at closing time?

We got prevented from going deeper 1 minute prior to close, was within 1 minute of haunted mansion and security told us to go the other way. So much for 1 last ride.

I've never heard of this either, and we've been in the parks after close many, many times.

We were asked by security to start wrapping it up in the Arrowhead Stadium parking lot about an hour after the Rolling Stones concert last Saturday, but that's a different topic.
That would end in a lifetime ban from the parks. I don't recommend trying it.

In the past, Mickey would let Pluto loose to hunt down any remaining guests. His services are seldom required now that you can be tracked via your magic band. So if you do try to hide out, I suggest you take it off and throw it in someone's stroller or toss it on the train.
Back in 2007 we had a group of about 12 kids with 3 adults. We were in line for the Aladin ride. It was about 10 minutes before they closed. We were the only one in line so they let us ride it for the whole time. When they ended the ride they let us take our time out of the park. The kids also got free popcorn and when the kids were singing and dancing going though the park. Several CM came over and started singing and dancing with the kids the whole way out of the park. Never rushing us. It was a family trip with 48 people and our first night. Out of the 12 kids only 3 had been there before so what a great way to start a wonderful trip. We had many magical moments the whole week we were there.
A couple of yrs ago, we got on space ship earth about 1 min before the end of EMH ( this might have even been with 3 hr EMH), when we got off, we started walking toward the international gateway because we were stay at BCV. No one stopped us or said anything. But a good deal of Christmas decoration lights were off. Like they didn't want to give you a reason to hang around.
The only time I have felt 'rushed' out of a park is after MNSSHP because the stores and restaurants close right at 12:00. However, CM's weren't rushing us out...I had just wanted to shop at the end of the night and didn't realize that they do close right when the party ends. I assumed it would be like every other night, but now I know that is not the case!
When I worked in the Magic Kingdom I was on second shift most of the time (or as close as they had to second shift with people coming on and off the clock at all hours), and our crew used to walk through the park when our shift ended a couple hours after closing because it was shorter than walking under or driving around to get to our clock-out point and at that point it didn't matter if we were walking across the Hub in costumes that were out of theming. Sadly, I worked backstage so I can't really tell you firsthand how late-stayers were handled, but in training I was given the impression that the park wasn't technically "closed" until all the guests were out, and that that was...well, kind of up to the guests. I'm sure there's a hard limit at some point, because there's a lot of work to be done after closing. It's not very romantic or magical once all the guests are out, I'm afraid; it's a time for all the nitty gritty work of cleaning and maintaining a theme park. I will say that I sincerely doubt the parks are ever actually empty of people altogether; there were nights when I left at four in the morning and there were still cast members hard at work.
We had a Spice Road Table reservation for Illuminations in May and didn't order dessert until after the show was over. Our waiter encouraged us to take as much time as we liked. We walked out of the park about probably around 10 and there were still a few people slowly making their way out. We got some great pictures in front of Space Ship Earth all lit up with no one around. We didn't encounter one CM pushing people leave.
One time about 10 or 15 years ago we stayed for the Kiss Goodnight. While we were waiting, they were gathering all the abandoned strollers at the hub. Afterwards we walked down Main Street, the Emporium was just closing.
I have done MK and HS and Epcot on EMH....so MK was 3am....by then my niece and I were dragging and were headed out probably about 2:45, but took us 20 minutes to get out anyways. HS I was on RnR and then ToT and finished on ToT barely, had 4 minutes to spare and got inline, by the time I got back to the resort it was over an hour later, but people were stopped in the shops still when I left. Epcot it's all Future World, that I know of never went into WS, but after TT they were showing you where the exit was.
Every time we've been to MNSSHP we sit and watch the CM's trying to herd non-ticketed party goers toward the exit. Its interesting to watch people's (both the CM's and the patrons), reactions. Every year we see lots of guests get REALLY testy.

Oh my parents and I were guilty of this after we got ice cream on Main Street. We KNEW we had to leave, but had a pushy CM literally escorting us to the exit. My dad gave her a piece of his mind, but seriously we KNEW we had to leave, but were inline for ice cream before 7:00!
We sat after Illuminations once and let the park empty and then walked throug an EMPTY WS to the IG. It was eery and beautiful. A random CM or two would pass by and wish us a magical night. One small group of them went bolting past us, laughing and goofing around and waving enthusiastically at us. It was adorable and fun. Totally would do it again.
I keep seeing people mention that they can wander around the parks after closing time, and not be confronted by any CMS. Obviously, the rides are closed... but is there a certain point where the CMs DO start walking around, telling everyone it's time to get going? Has anyone had an experience with this? Not planning to do this myself, I'm just sort of curious! lol

You may not be "kicked out" of the park, but the attractions will start closing. Please don't be that person that lingers 2 hours after closing time.
We've been the last guests swept out of the park. Usually 90 minutes to two hours after official park closing. My husband is a photographer and he loves those "empty park" shots.

I think I have seen a picture of you and your husband on his blog in a photograph of the two of your under a clock on Main Street USA that read 3:00am....just to show how late you were there. Is that you!?!
Back in 2002 on a senior week trip with a group of about 14, we had the last reservation available in one of the Epcot restaurants in Italy. With 14 of us, it was not a particularly quick meal, but they did not rush us through. At one point a CM came in and asked us and the couple other guests which resorts we were staying at. We were the last to finish but it was nearly 11 by this point and the CM came back and escorted us out of the park - but not before park management met us by a souvenir cart and allowed us each to pick something since we were the last guests in Epcot that night. So we were definitely herded to the exit but not at all in a mean way, it was pretty awesome for us. They had a bus waiting to take us back to CBR as well. I thought they handled it pretty well.
I would be curious about a related question: has anyone ever been kicked out of a theme park table service restaurant due to closing? Or are you free to eat as long as you get in before they close the doors?

We had a late BoG reservation. Party of 4 and we had 3 courses plus coffee and had a bottle of wine to finish, we were not rushed once. In the end just us and another part left in the ballroom. After we ate we got photos in the West Wing and the Rose Gallery. All CMs were very friendly, even after a hectic dinner service :)
We recently at Chefs de France and were in the restaurant until close to 10:00 pm that evening. When we left to head to the entrance, we were not even close to the last people out of the restaurant or the park for that matter. However, we tried walking around towards the Mexico side of World Showcase and ran into the CM's, "sweeping" the park of guests.

We just turned around and headed the other way. I really enjoyed this as we were able to get get some really cool night shots with no one in the frame, as others have mentioned. At no point were we ever rushed or even spoken to by CM's we passed on our way out. They just said good night or gave us a quick wave and went about their duties.


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