Has anyone been 'kicked out' at closing time?


Splash Mountain Addict
Aug 6, 2011
I keep seeing people mention that they can wander around the parks after closing time, and not be confronted by any CMS. Obviously, the rides are closed... but is there a certain point where the CMs DO start walking around, telling everyone it's time to get going? Has anyone had an experience with this? Not planning to do this myself, I'm just sort of curious! lol
I would be curious about a related question: has anyone ever been kicked out of a theme park table service restaurant due to closing? Or are you free to eat as long as you get in before they close the doors?
That's a good question, too^

I know it's most people's dream to be locked in Disney and have the place all to yourself, but is that actually something that could happen? lol
I keep seeing people mention that they can wander around the parks after closing time, and not be confronted by any CMS. Obviously, the rides are closed... but is there a certain point where the CMs DO start walking around, telling everyone it's time to get going? Has anyone had an experience with this? Not planning to do this myself, I'm just sort of curious! lol

Eventually they will begin preventing people from going deeper into the park and gently guiding people toward the exit.

I would be curious about a related question: has anyone ever been kicked out of a theme park table service restaurant due to closing? Or are you free to eat as long as you get in before they close the doors?

You will always be able to finish your meal.

Please remember that the CMs are regular people and they do want to go home to their families. Don't try to keep them there longer than necessary just to see how long you can push it.
Once it's closing time, they won't herd you to the exit, but they won't let you move any deeper into the park. You have to be moving toward the exit, but they don't require a certain pace.
We got prevented from going deeper 1 minute prior to close, was within 1 minute of haunted mansion and security told us to go the other way. So much for 1 last ride.
Eventually they will begin preventing people from going deeper into the park and gently guiding people toward the exit.

You will always be able to finish your meal.

Please remember that the CMs are regular people and they do want to go home to their families. Don't try to keep them there longer than necessary just to see how long you can push it.

We got prevented from going deeper 1 minute prior to close, was within 1 minute of haunted mansion and security told us to go the other way. So much for 1 last ride.

Very, very, unusual and not something I have ever experienced or witnessed, in person or on these boards.
I remember one night we managed one last ride on BTMRR. We were still in the queue at closing. By the time we got out, and I had snapped a few photos if BTM and Splash M, the place was pretty deserted. We slowly went down through Adventureland, and there wasn't another guest in site. When I glanced behind us, there were 3 or 4 CMs walking abreast, about 20 feet behind us. They didn't say anything, or approach us to hurry us along, but it was obvious they weren't going to let any guests past them.

Something similar happened at Epcot. We had late dinner reservations at Rose & Crown. Our desserts weren't served until after Illuminations. Our server told us not to rush, so we lingered a little while over our after dinner drinks. The crowds were pretty much gone from WS by the time we left, a little after 10:00.

Again we saw CMs out, standing on the bridge to France - you could exit through IG, but couldn't go further into WS.
Ohhh, interesting :D Has anyone every been caught trying to hide somewhere in the park? XD Like hiding in a trash can, or something?
Usually not (especially if you are near a gift shop). But one time we did get rushed. We had just missed Expedition Everst by about 2 min on an early AK close night. We decided to take a few pictures right by the big drop when a CM pointed us to the exit and told us to move along. It was maybe 5 min after closing. But then we could hear a large group, and about 100 people from the NY Film School (or similar name) were ushered into the queue line for a private ride. Once we got to the hub around the tree, no one was in a hurry to push us along.
I've been there pretty late. I have this one panoramic photo I took of main street. To one side in it is an embracing couple who had no idea we were there or that I was photographing. I think the four of us were the last people in the park that evening.

Ohhh, interesting :D Has anyone every been caught trying to hide somewhere in the park? XD Like hiding in a trash can, or something?

Yes, it's happened. Actually, I think one boy died once after he and his brother successfully hid out on Tom Sawyer's Island then couldn't swim to shore. That was Disneyland, but still...

In the summer of 1973, 18-year-old park visitor and his 10-year-old brother managed to achieve the common dream of hiding out in the park past closing time by stowing away on Tom Sawyer Island. Instead of asking cast members for help off the island several hours later, they decided to swim off the island across the Rivers of America to avoid detection. Being an accommodating older brother, the soon-to-be drowning victim pulled his younger brother along on his back through the river, but grew exhausted and drowned. His brother managed to stay afloat by dog paddling and was eventually rescued by cast members, but by then, his older brother was nowhere to be seen and was found dead the next morning.​

Last year we were in HS at closing (after frozen fireworks). DD needed to use the restroom so we headed towards the nearest, on Sunset Blvd near the row of stores. CM saw us walking towards her and said we should be exiting. When I told her our destination (and pointed to the entry 30 feet away) she firmly told us no, please exit the park... there are restrooms by the exit. :confused3
Ohhh, interesting :D Has anyone every been caught trying to hide somewhere in the park? XD Like hiding in a trash can, or something?

I'm sure people have tried. And been caught. It's not as if they turn out the lights and everybody goes home! The whole park is crawling after hours with workers doing maintenance and re supplying all the stores and restaurants.
Every time we've been to MNSSHP we sit and watch the CM's trying to herd non-ticketed party goers toward the exit. Its interesting to watch people's (both the CM's and the patrons), reactions. Every year we see lots of guests get REALLY testy.


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