Geriatric mm warriors (12/30/09)

Hi everyone!! :wave2: I hope everyone is well!

We're just ending up another rained out weekend here, our second in a row. Why is it that on the weekends that hubby isn't working and can help me outside, we always get rained out!?! Grrr! The only good thing about all this rain is that it sure makes weeding a tad bit easier. I did make it to the nursery today and got my favorite snap dragons and flowering moss. I'm so excited over it, I usually can't find either of them around here.

Lisa, so glad you had a good time on your vacation, the pictures are fantastic! I love the hacienda look of where you stayed. I've seen some cacti in my day, but that one Tom was standing next to beats them all...cactus tree? ;) Have you started checking out gyms yet?
Did you decide to return to Step I? I don't start at Curves until tomorrow morning. Something's got to give here, I'm stalled at 165, I'm hoping it has to do with my workout routine, I've even upped my milage on my bike. Nothing seems to be doing the trick at this point, in the back of my mind I secretly know it probably has something to do with the stress of having the two grandkids several days a week. I may have them only five or six hours at a time, but I find I'm well into the next day before my nerves are settled and am back into my routine..sheesh, I'm getting old! :laughing: Things are now set that I'll have them only in emergencies...we shall see.

Robin girl! You stay here with us so we can keep track of you! :laughing: Hear me? We need to hear that you're okay.

Diane your walking sounds absolutely wonderful! That is so nice that you found group to walk with, keeps you honest doesn't it? We have quite a few walking trails around here that I need to explore. My DH laughs at me everytime I say, "I need to drive over here and walk sometime." ;)

Kathy, I miss your daily morning and evening posts so much. If you get back into the routine of posting, I promise to post daily too! How's that? Did I talk you into it? lol I hope your yeast issues subside soon. I haven't had any trouble with that for years, (knock on wood) but oh how troublesome it can be! I've relented once again and am fully into Step I, would you like to join me?

Good to see you Cindy!!

Jocelyn, NO, for some reason I can't find Dianes facebook page where she's answering questions. She said it's the one with the question mark icon. I've searched several times with no luck. Awesome that you're swimming once again! I bet things are just beautiful over there.

Okay, all yapped out for now. I'll check back in tomorrow morning and let you know what I think about my Curve experience.

Have a wonderful rest of your evening everyone!!
Here is the link to Diane's ? page.

The 75th birthday party we went to yesterday was quite a bash. It lasted 4 1/2 hours with 8 courses of food plus cake for desert. There were scallops, crabs, sea bass, chicken, lamb, stuffed duck, and on and on. There were 3 tables of 10 and the platters of food they served were huge. I had a little bit of rice and no noodles, but the scale was still up this AM. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the amount of wine I drank - it flowed like water!!!!:confused3

We then all recieved a present for being part of the party - a beautiful candle holder with a battery operated candle from Nieman Marcus. The wife is Chinese and this is typical of the way they do things. I guess there we 100 people for his 70th birthday. We didn't know them then. This was considered a small gathering.

It poured rain today. Diamond Head was even covered by a cloud - most unusual.

Kathy, I keep getting a notice that you have posted something on my wall of FB, but when I go there it says it has been removed. I am not very Facebook savy so don't know what I am doing. We saw on McLaughlin on Friday night that the founder of FB is worth 4 billion$$$. We should all have dropped out of Harvard!!!!!

We had taco salads tonight. I think I could eat them all the time - so easy and filling.

I used to love to garden, but am not sure I miss it anymore. I do love looking at a beautiful lawn, but we are glad we don't have to maintain one any more. Glad your knee is holding up, Lisa.

I hope everyone has a healthy and productive week.

Hugs to ALL :grouphug:
Hi Diane. Sounds like a perfect day to me!! We took the dogs to a small fishing lake on Saturday and they were sooo hot. Mike found a friend and starting talking, so Alyssa and I went over to the shade to hopefully cool the dogs off. I poured a bit of water on their bellies to help. After he was done talking (almost an hour!) we went over to the spill way and let them walk around in that water. Then we were about 1/2 mile from the van and they walked around in the creek. They were beat when they got home LOL. I was starting to get a horrible headache from the heat.
Sounds as though your hike was paced just right to enjoy and get a little information on the vegetation and such. And a picnic by the lake sounds so nice and peaceful. I can picture it in my mind.
Sometimes you need something like that to restore your soul a little ;)
Sounds like me. I have been holding pretty steady at 165. I go up to 167 but go back down to 165. I know I'll feel better when I get back on track.
Just a quick note because I'm running way behind LOL.

I'll post everyday, I promise. I am waiting for my Jorge Cruise book. I am going to try to do a little of each and see how it goes. I have been watching better the last couple days.

I didn't post anything on your wall. I actually had a couple notifications like that. I say the guy who "invented" FB should share his good fortune with everyone who belongs to FB LOL.

Ok, got to go. I'll check back in when I eat lunch.

Have a great day!!
Good day everyone! :wave2:

Ah ha! It's great seeing new posts once again! Yay! :yay:

I just returned from Curves, oh, I'm so going to love this!:goodvibes They have a "help wanted" sign posted on the door, I'm dying to apply! They had asked me all sorts of questions, very personal as a matter of fact, during my intial consultation. I told them about finding MM on line after loseing on my own, and how it worked true miracles for me. When I went in today the instructor asked to have a word with me about my loss, wanting further information on MM. She said she has a client that has lost over sixty pounds following a program (sounded like Atkins) a dietician set her up on, but has stalled, and is now starting to gain pounds back all while sticking completely on plan. I had to laugh, that is exactly what happened to me. I gave her the name of the book, how to find it online and added both my phone numbers if she wanted to contact me about it. She asked me for a "before" photo, and if I had taken an "after photo" yet, I told her no, it's not "after" yet. ;)

I also have my son's mother in law, reading the book. She's all of thirty five years old, has type two diabetes and I couldn't guess how much weight to lose, close to a hundred pounds or more. She's so complimentary of my success, I just had to offer her my book. She asked if I would go grocery shopping with her one day this week, of course I agreed. I love being able to witness to this program. My original excitement over MM has returned, can you tell?:laughing:

Jocelyn, thank you so much for the new link to MM facebook, it worked! I love that format! I see where Diane stated the cook book is due out sometime this fall, I need it to hurry!

Off for yet another hair-do with my daughter, you all have a terrific afternoon!
Diane - thanks for the link to the article. I read some of the comments and came up with a link to Gary Taubes article that is a condensation of his book - GOOD CALORIES - BAD CALORIES. The article is 12 pages long, but I'm going to read through it. I listened to a good lecture by him that can be found on Jorge's site.

I have been sweetening my MIM's as I call my breakfast muffin with a bit of Xylitol sweetened maple syrup that Jorge recommends and there is no bitterness at all. It is Nature's Hollow and I get it at Whole Foods. A bit pricey, but really good. I think I will try using that as a sweetener for a while and see if it helps.

No diet sodas for the past few days. That is soooo hard for me to give up, especially when it is hot outside.

Off to make my muffin and pick up a few things.

Hi gang!
Pam - Why don't you apply at Curves? You'd get to go for free! (and make a little extra money too!) How is your son's mother in law 35 yrs. old? They must be a very young married couple!

Jocelyn - Thanks for the article link. That was so interesting and it confirms what we're all trying to do. I wish I could give up diet Pepsi. I did for a couple of weeks 7 yrs. ago when I stopped smoking. They went hand in hand and I couldn't do one without the other. Unfortunately, I gave in and had one and haven't stopped since. I guess it could be worse if I still smoked too. I tried the stevia sweetend cola and root beer - yuk! What a terrible aftertaste!

On mother's day my son & I will hike to the top of Mt. Beacon. We did it last year and I needed a lot of breaks. At one point I wanted to turn back, but he wouldn't let me. When we got to the top I was so happy that I made it. It's going to be different this year, because I think I am in better shape. We'll see....

It's still hot today. I'm going to get Boston Market for dinner, so I don't have to cook. Which reminds me, How's the grill, Lisa? I wish I could cook outside!
Hello Ladies, Just a quick check in, sorry I cant post replies to you all individually right now, but I look forward to being back to somewhat more regular posting soon!

Kathy - quick question...what exactly are you doing for your adrenal fatigue these days? I know Jorge is definitely anti-splenda, and I have gotten similar information from sparkpeople, and also through woman to woman's site, which definitely doesnt recommend it either...OMG, so what are we supposed to do? stay away from artificial sweeteners and just go for a smidge of regular sugar? I drink a fair amount of decaf coffee and dont think real sugar is a good idea for me...and no way I can drink it black! And of course our davinci syrups are splenda based....and maybe the atkins shakes too? :confused3 I know I have all the signs and symptoms of severe adrenal fatigue, so I guess the trip to the endo is the only thing I can do at this point...just wondered what you were up to.

Lisa, Pam, Diane, Jocelyn, Cindy and anyone I might have missed....Love you guys and promise I will be back around more soon...

OMG, forgot to tell you guys I have been dating a great guy named Jim for about 2 months, almost 3 now....Ken has STILL not come back to the states and I think there isprobably an issue with him getting a work visa to return I am just mad and not speaking to him these days! All I asked for was the truth and he doesnt seem to be providing it, so I said forget it, I dont need this! Im pretty sure he knew before he left that he might be gone alot longer than he told me. Anyway Jim is retired military (airborne ranger), widowed 2 years, married for 27 years and just a really great guy. He is 55, retired, biker, lives an hour and a half away, but comes down almost every weekend...things are going well! :)
Hi guys!! Running behind, as usual LOL. I'll try not to forget anyone, and if I do, please forgive me.

Robin, first I must say I am so glad you found someone who is not only in the US, but close to you LOL. I really am happy for you. Sounds as though you two really hit it off. Biker, huh? Nice weather is here, do I foresee you two biking this summer? Wish I had a bike, even a pedal bike!!
As for the splenda thing, I am still using it a bit. Just in my coffee. I am trying to use truvia but it just doesn't like me much. I don't know if it's just the switching of products, or my body really doesn't like it. I know the people on the AF forum on FB say the truvia is the way to go. At least for now ;)
I highly recommend Dr. Wilson's book. I don't know if I gave you the links to some really good information on it or not. If you want them again, let me know. If you go to an endo, tell them you want the SALIVA test. It is more accurate than the blood work. A lot of people fall through the cracks doing the blood work type of tests. If you want any kind of info, just email me.

Pam, I also agree that you should apply for the job at Curves. I used to belong to one here, but the people didn't help us at all. We were left to figure out the equipment ourselves. No motivation or anything. It is now closed.

Diane, I think the hike with your son would be so much fun!! I know you'll enjoy it. I just hope it's not too hot out for you!!

Ok, have to get ready for work. I'll catch up later with you all.

Oh, I picked up Jorge's book yesterday at Wallyworld, so after work today I'm going to start reading it.

Later :grouphug:
Robin - I am happy you're dating a nice guy! That's great that you can see him every weekend! :love:

I applied for a job at an historic site that is part of the national park service. My boyfriend Vinnie grew up with George Pataki, who used to be the gov. of NY, and is giving him a call today to see if he has any connections. It's worth a shot. I also applied for the 15th time to a 2 new jobs at West Point, which is 30 minutes away. This time I cut the requirements out and pasted them into my resume. I don't know what else to do. I'm interested to see if I at least get the message that my resume was forwarded to the hiring official. I only got that twice before. And then I got the 'no'. :eek:
Hi, all! Glad to see the board hoppin' again! I had my face lasered again yesterday and my eyes are nearly swollen shut! I sure hope I'm pretty after this, lol!

I wanted to start Step 1 again today, but I needed a shake so I could take Advil this am and we are out of natural pb. Tomorrow, I promise. We have a wedding in a family of old friends in two weeks so motivated to fit into a new dress with a gorgeous huge hat, lol!

I'm going to have a bit of a harder time probably on Step 1 because I'm also trying to go a lot more organic and natural this time, which is always my preference. We had Lowe's put the grill together since it was free with a promotion so we pick it up after Tom gets off today. That is he picks it up. I would scare small children right now, lol!

More responses coming once I can see properly again. It sure is nice to look out over my tidy yard with all my lovely birds coming to visit. I can admire from the window but not go out til shade time this week. I did plant some snaps, coleus and sweet potato vines where I can see them out the window in two places. I have an English syle trough outside the kitchen window with lots of different coleus and trailing plants. It will be gorgeous.

Robin: We must be connected. I knew there must be a new man and I have to say, I'm thrilled for you. At least Ken taught you that you can love again. No experience is a waste, that's for sure.

Have a great day! We're cooking fish tonight I hope. Dad's been fishing a lot lately. His best friend died from liver cancer this week and he's very sad.

Lots of love! Where's that Kate?? I miss her!:grouphug:
Good afternoon everyone! :wave2:
I love that so many of us are back posting again! :grouphug:

Lisa, you're beautiful no matter what! You're making me want my face done sooo bad! Quit it! :laughing: Do they give you medication, some kind of cream to apply afterwards? I know I'd have to have an entire lift and that's just out of the question. The wrinkles that have formed with my weight loss is frightful, I guess I have to look at it as a trade off, for now.;) You keep reminding me how much I need a new grill! Enjoy your fish tonight, it sounds wonderful. Take care of yourself. :hug: I bought my first Step I turkey to bake today. I find it so handy to freeze that and baked chicken to pull out as I need it. Anyone else heading back to Step I again?

Ah ha haaa! Robin! I wondered too if you were otherwise occupied.;) So very happy for you!

Went to Curves this morning and the "Help wanted" sign was down. :confused3 Ohhh well! I was thinking that it would have been hard to apply then tell them that I'd be gone the entire month of August. Hubby said it would be silly for me to be job hunting now anyway. So this ol'gal won't complain. Kathy what a shame that the instructors ignored you! Oh, I'd be furious. I've gone two times now and my instructor has done the circuit full out with me each time, then stood and talked with me for at least fifteen minutes about progession afterwards. Everyone is so friendly and up all the time. I'm really enjoying this. I've been home for about an hour now and am still feeling the burn! Love it!

Diane, I wish you so much luck with your job search. I hope that this recession is ending as it's being predicted. I wish we had some great places to hike around here, your's sounds awesome. How are you doing with MM, any further loss?

Off to mow, and most likely fry in the sun! You all have a terrific rest of your day!
Pam: Wear your sunscreen! It's never too late. You could have Thermage or some other treatments short of a full face lift. I think lasers are just about taking the place of face lifts. Someday just go for a consultation. No medication, just very simple products until I peel. I bought a Clarisonic brush and it's my new best friend. I love it and use it twice a day, except right after the lasering. Tom got home so late we didn't grill but hoping to tonight. I look a fright still! :scared1:
This will be short as I am sitting at my desk top computer and the back is not licking it at all!!

I got a new computer - a Mac - and all my programs are being transferred by them so I will get it back tomorrow. YAY I think I will really enjoy it. It will be much faster than my old laptop and I will not have to deal with Norton Security scanning all the time whether Iwant it to or not.

Robin - how nice for you to have a new friend. I hope all works out for you. Amber on Jorge's program uses Suncrystals. They have a bit of sugar in them. I saw them at Whole Foods. There is another lady who still uses the Splenda syrups. They do not have the fillers that the powdered do. I have been using a xylitol flavored syrup for some sweetener. I don't drink much coffee here, but do when we are in cooler weather and when we travel. Amber has a great blog - Meandjorge and has really lost a lot of weight.

I'm not sure what plan I am on. I'm just watching the sugars as well as the kinds of carbs I eat. I think MM and Jorge really have a lot in commom except that a lot of the carbs she says to add back in have a lot of sugar such as crackers. I have found some with little or no sugar.

Lisa - I thought you skin looked wonderful when we met - so the new you must be stunning - (once the peeling is gone!)

Not being able to grill outside is the one thing I miss the most about not living in a house. We grilled everynight - rain or shine - when in California. Now we eat salads most of the time.

We went to Outback last night and had grilled ahi, broccoli and salad. Really yummy.

Take care everyone and I'll be back when I get the laptop back.

Ok, I did a post this morning and it's not here!! I know I hit the submit button too. UGGGGG
I have to head out to work. I'll catch up with you all later!!
Just really quick. They say the Splenda isn't good as your body still absorbs it and considers it sugar. I saw it online somewhere. I'll have to hunt it up when I get home.
Hi everyone! I wanted to make sure that I stop in and say Hi.

I too am not sure what plan I'm on. I follow MM for breakfast and dinner, but lunch is a tough one for me lately. I feel bored and want to treat myself - and my choices, although not terrible, are not low carb. I'm hoping all the extra exercise I've been able to do is helping to keep the pounds away. I know I have to weigh myself, but it can really depress me. I think I'll bite the bullet in the next few days and get on the scale. My clothes are fitting fine, so that's a good thing.

Pam - I'm glad Curves is fun! You're lucky to have such a nice instructor.

Lisa - Hope your face heals quickly! How many more treatments do you have?

Talk to you all tomorrow! Have a good evening!


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