Gabby Petito

I find every funeral I go to these days is different. It really depends on the funeral home, religion, family preference, etc….. There doesn’t seem to be any hard and fast rules like I remember from years ago.
I live in a very Roman Catholic area, we have two funeral homes in town, the irish one and the Italian one. There are three Catholic Churches in town (3 miles), Irish, Italian and polish (it’s a mix now, but when folks came over the pond, different nationalities lives in different parts of town). Death is pretty old school here.
And a 5 hour service?!

I’m familiar with a wake, viewing, visitation, whatever you want to call it. I’ve attended them before for my own extended family members’ funerals. The news article didn’t say wake/viewing/visitation. It said that the funeral services were going to be 5 hr long. That’s a heck of a long funeral service.
I’m familiar with a wake, viewing, visitation, whatever you want to call it. I’ve attended them before for my own extended family members’ funerals. The news article didn’t say wake/viewing/visitation. It said that the funeral services were going to be 5 hr long. That’s a heck of a long funeral service.
I'm assuming the reporter didn't have exact chapter and verse on the plans. Their daughter is dead. However they choose to say goodbye is more than ok.
I’m familiar with a wake, viewing, visitation, whatever you want to call it. I’ve attended them before for my own extended family members’ funerals. The news article didn’t say wake/viewing/visitation. It said that the funeral services were going to be 5 hr long. That’s a heck of a long funeral service.

Gabby's father said "services" will be held from 12-5. It's obvious what that means- wake, memorial, visitation whatever you choose to call it.
Gabby's father said "services" will be held from 12-5. It's obvious what that means- wake, memorial, visitation whatever you choose to call it.
I agree, the wording is just off, there is usually some kind of service at wakes/visitations, 15 - 20 minutes.
Meh, the news will report what people want to see / hear / read, and reflects inherent biases in society. This is why immigrants that commit violent crimes are big news stories, and the same crimes committed by others are not.

A big reason for this case being in the news is the wealth of evidence / video bites available through the social media posts, etc. Without this media goldmine, we don't hear about this case.

Agreed. I couldn't have said it better myself.
I'm sure the receiving line could be very, very long. Especially since it is public. They probably are just allowing time for people to pay their respects. I'm not sure why it matters how long it is. This is a terrible mess. All of it. I'm sure there are plenty of other cases out here that are also a mess we never hear of and go unsolved regardless of color and whom is involved....

Part of the reason the media has picked this case to use, is it 'seems' cut a dry. Just look at how much attention it has just on the Disboards! Alot of missing person cases unfortunately are not that way. So much unknown.

I feel for everyone involved. It's just so sad. Hopefully something positive can come out of it. Mental health issues are a major problem. I am not sure the answers. But even if those cops had locked her/him up, the chances they got right back together again are probable. It seems as if they were co dependant.
“We’re not wasting our time” says man taking leisurely stroll through a park.

Dog the Bounty Hunter joins the cause and spends five minutes knocking on the Laundries’ door.

Failing to successfully hunt or forage and being so ill-prepared that you have nothing to eat but crackers for six weeks now qualifies one as a “wilderness survival expert.”
“We’re not wasting our time” says man taking leisurely stroll through a park.
The Lieutenant from that small department apparently didn't know not to talk about search warrants being issued by other agencies and what they were looking for. MAJOR FAIL.

Dog the Bounty Hunter joins the cause and spends five minutes knocking on the Laundries’ door.
Silly publicity stunt.
So do we think his parents are going to be investigated further in the meantime? I read that they were trailed to their appointment over 100 miles away with their lawyer, including a stop before hand at a library where they waited inside for half an hour without looking at any books. Planning to meet someone there maybe?
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That’s a weird thing to do when FBI agents are literally standing over your shoulder. I assumed a less nefarious reason like maybe waiting for the lawyer who was stuck in traffic to call and say, “Okay, I’m at the office now, head on over.”

We were saying maybe that was the intent before they realized they were being followed.


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