Gabby Petito

An acknowledgement that implicit bias exists is not a point of view.

Technically, “implicit bias exists” may not be a point of view, but saying that implicit bias (which can be almost ANYTHING, from babies preferring the sound of their mothers’ voices to people picking mates based on height, to the more racially-centered topics) plays a major role in the news coverage of missing people absolutely IS.

The fact is that very few true missing person cases (ie, not found quickly, not elderly) make the news, PERIOD, regardless of race. Maybe POC are more likely to go missing from cities and the circumstances aren’t as surprising or shocking as, for example, Gabby’s. Maybe more missing POC are poor - and you’ll notice that poor white POC are also not exactly flooding the airwaves. People are making a big deal about the three missing black MEN that haven’t been splashed across the media. When’s the last time you saw a missing white man publicized, unless he was wanted for some crime? I can’t remember a single one.

I just don’t think that some sort of racism is at play here. Frankly, money, is a much larger determiner of what gets covered, and you could possibly make a case that race and money go hand in hand, but it’s still not cut and dried. That’s why this is ALL OPINION.

And seriously, this needs to stop being a subject of discussion in this thread. START A NEW THREAD if you want to discuss it, and stop risking this one being shut down if people start becoming more political.
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Meh, the news will report what people want to see / hear / read, and reflects inherent biases in society. This is why immigrants that commit violent crimes are big news stories, and the same crimes committed by others are not.

A big reason for this case being in the news is the wealth of evidence / video bites available through the social media posts, etc. Without this media goldmine, we don't hear about this case.
Yes, and that look (young, thin, balding with beard) is SO common. I'm really surprised there haven't been more false "sightings."

We went out to dinner tonight and I saw him at least twice!
This is true. I only have 8 employees and two of them have the same look.
That is the viewing at the funeral home, where friends and family (and anyone, I guess) stop in to pay respects. They usually run around 4 hours and often on 2 consecutive days (at least here on LI).
We call it “the wake”. Used to be the day before but most times now it’s the day of the funeral.
Really? It’s never done the day of the funeral here. In the past it was always 2 days, 2 hours - break 2 hours, but now it’s normally 4 hours one day no break, and then the next morning immediate family and close friends go to the funeral home for a small service, then to the church for funeral Mass (anyone can attend), then go the cemetery for a service, then to the repast.
Really? It’s never done the day of the funeral here. In the past it was always 2 days, 2 hours - break 2 hours, but now it’s normally 4 hours one day no break, and then the next morning immediate family and close friends go to the funeral home for a small service, then to the church for funeral Mass (anyone can attend), then go the cemetery for a service, then to the repast.
I find every funeral I go to these days is different. It really depends on the funeral home, religion, family preference, etc….. There doesn’t seem to be any hard and fast rules like I remember from years ago.
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