~*~ Dream ~*~ Believe ~*~ Achieve ~*~ (Comments Welcome)

Great job on strength training. My goals for strength training this week have not worked out like I had hoped.
12/03/18 - 12/09/18
Coach warned me that these next three weeks were going to be hard. I think I did okay though! This was also the second week of single parenting. Rob did not fly home from Maine with us. He had to travel for work then went back to Maine because his dad was having surgery. Everything went well and FIL is home recovering! I’ve been working really hard on nutrition training. I had been using tailwind and eating a Huma gel (thanks @KSellers88 for mentioning these somewhere on the boards!) or a Honey Stinger waffle every 4 miles. Even with a good meal before I ran I was still getting hungry on my runs. My stomach would literally be growling LOL! I’m still using tailwind, but now I’m eating something every three miles and it seems to be working. I’m not so hungry and my energy level towards the end of my run is better.​

Monday - Nearly face planted because a neighbor ran an electrical cord across the sidewalk. It was a dark green cord and taped down with two pieces of black electrical tape. Their sprinklers had just run so that made the sidewalk dark and it wasn’t completely light out yet. I didn’t see it until my toe caught it. If my neighborhood wasn’t awake they were now after my shouting and cursing. I politely posted to our neighborhood Facebook group and the cord is now gone.

Running: Daniels T + I paces today! I walked a little bit between the I intervals, but not as much as last week! These workouts really kick my butt!
  • Plan: 1mi WU + 3 x 1mi @ 9:35 w/ 2min RI + 3 x 4min @ 8:44 w/ 4min @ WU + 1mi CD
  • Actual: 7.29mi @ 10:57
  • Splits: 12:50, 9:29, 9:31, 9:30, 8:45, 8:49, 8:43, 12:20
Strength Training: squats, bench press, seated row, supersets of close grip dumbbell press & barbell curls, core work​

Running: Easy A
  • Plan: 3mi @ 12:25
  • Actual: 3mi @ 12:11
  • Splits: 12:15, 12:11, 12:07
Running: Marathon Tempo
  • Plan: 1mi WU + 6mi @ 10:21 + 1mi CD
  • Actual: 8mi @ 10:57
  • Splits: 13:04, 10:24, 10:23, 10:22, 10:22, 10:19, 10:21, 12:17
Strength Training: The legs were so tired and I had squats and deadlifts on my plan for today. I decided to skip. I don’t want to risk injuring myself from over training!
Running: Easy A
  • Plan: 3mi @ 12:25
  • Actual: 3mi @ 12:14
  • Splits: 12:17, 12:14, 12:11
Friday - Rob came home!

Running: Easy B + Strides. I had a tough time meeting prescribed pace today. I was too fast.
  • Plan: 6mi @ 11:36 + strides in the last mile
  • Actual: 6mi @ 11:09
  • Splits: 11:30, 11:27, 11:24, 11:30, 11:23, 9:38
Strength Training: squats, deadlifts, overhead press & lat pull downs. I pulled 5x145lb on my deadlifts today!
Saturday - Running & a lunch date & Christmas shopping.

Running: Progression Miles. I thought this run went so very well. Only had two hiccups. One was where I stopped at a park to use the bathroom and it was closed! I was almost home so I filled my water bottle and kept going. The second one was during my last progression mile. I hit two very long lights so I feel like I cheated with having two rest breaks during that mile. Also during warm up and cool down I’m on a stretch of road with no sidewalks. Speed limit is 40 & 45mph, but people drive so much faster than that. I tend to get nervous and run way too fast on that stretch of road. Sorry coach.
  • Plan: 2mi WU + 9mi Progression (11:30, 11:15, 11:00, 10:45, 10:30, 10:15, 10:00, 9:45, 9:30) + 2mi CD
  • Actual: 13mi @ 10:57
  • Splits: 12:24, 12:31, 11:26, 11:14, 11:00, 10:39, 10:30, 10:14, 10:04, 9:44, 9:29, 11:54, 11:07
Sunday - woke up with a cold. Blah. We were supposed to go to Disney Springs to check out the Christmas tree trail. Ended up not going and watching cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies all day

Running: Off
Looking Ahead
Another tough week on the plan, but I’m looking forward to the challenge.​
  • Daniels T + I
  • Easy A​
  • Marathon Tempo​
  • Easy A​
  • Easy B + Strides​
  • Blind Run​
12/03/18 - 12/09/18
Coach warned me that these next three weeks were going to be hard. I think I did okay though! This was also the second week of single parenting. Rob did not fly home from Maine with us. He had to travel for work then went back to Maine because his dad was having surgery. Everything went well and FIL is home recovering! I’ve been working really hard on nutrition training. I had been using tailwind and eating a Huma gel (thanks @KSellers88 for mentioning these somewhere on the boards!) or a Honey Stinger waffle every 4 miles. Even with a good meal before I ran I was still getting hungry on my runs. My stomach would literally be growling LOL! I’m still using tailwind, but now I’m eating something every three miles and it seems to be working. I’m not so hungry and my energy level towards the end of my run is better.​

Monday - Nearly face planted because a neighbor ran an electrical cord across the sidewalk. It was a dark green cord and taped down with two pieces of black electrical tape. Their sprinklers had just run so that made the sidewalk dark and it wasn’t completely light out yet. I didn’t see it until my toe caught it. If my neighborhood wasn’t awake they were now after my shouting and cursing. I politely posted to our neighborhood Facebook group and the cord is now gone.

Running: Daniels T + I paces today! I walked a little bit between the I intervals, but not as much as last week! These workouts really kick my butt!
  • Plan: 1mi WU + 3 x 1mi @ 9:35 w/ 2min RI + 3 x 4min @ 8:44 w/ 4min @ WU + 1mi CD
  • Actual: 7.29mi @ 10:57
  • Splits: 12:50, 9:29, 9:31, 9:30, 8:45, 8:49, 8:43, 12:20
Strength Training: squats, bench press, seated row, supersets of close grip dumbbell press & barbell curls, core work​

Running: Easy A
  • Plan: 3mi @ 12:25
  • Actual: 3mi @ 12:11
  • Splits: 12:15, 12:11, 12:07
Running: Marathon Tempo
  • Plan: 1mi WU + 6mi @ 10:21 + 1mi CD
  • Actual: 8mi @ 10:57
  • Splits: 13:04, 10:24, 10:23, 10:22, 10:22, 10:19, 10:21, 12:17
Strength Training: The legs were so tired and I had squats and deadlifts on my plan for today. I decided to skip. I don’t want to risk injuring myself from over training!
Running: Easy A
  • Plan: 3mi @ 12:25
  • Actual: 3mi @ 12:14
  • Splits: 12:17, 12:14, 12:11
Friday - Rob came home!

Running: Easy B + Strides. I had a tough time meeting prescribed pace today. I was too fast.
  • Plan: 6mi @ 11:36 + strides in the last mile
  • Actual: 6mi @ 11:09
  • Splits: 11:30, 11:27, 11:24, 11:30, 11:23, 9:38
Strength Training: squats, deadlifts, overhead press & lat pull downs. I pulled 5x145lb on my deadlifts today!
Saturday - Running & a lunch date & Christmas shopping.

Running: Progression Miles. I thought this run went so very well. Only had two hiccups. One was where I stopped at a park to use the bathroom and it was closed! I was almost home so I filled my water bottle and kept going. The second one was during my last progression mile. I hit two very long lights so I feel like I cheated with having two rest breaks during that mile. Also during warm up and cool down I’m on a stretch of road with no sidewalks. Speed limit is 40 & 45mph, but people drive so much faster than that. I tend to get nervous and run way too fast on that stretch of road. Sorry coach.
  • Plan: 2mi WU + 9mi Progression (11:30, 11:15, 11:00, 10:45, 10:30, 10:15, 10:00, 9:45, 9:30) + 2mi CD
  • Actual: 13mi @ 10:57
  • Splits: 12:24, 12:31, 11:26, 11:14, 11:00, 10:39, 10:30, 10:14, 10:04, 9:44, 9:29, 11:54, 11:07
Sunday - woke up with a cold. Blah. We were supposed to go to Disney Springs to check out the Christmas tree trail. Ended up not going and watching cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies all day

Running: Off
Looking Ahead
Another tough week on the plan, but I’m looking forward to the challenge.​
  • Daniels T + I
  • Easy A​
  • Marathon Tempo​
  • Easy A​
  • Easy B + Strides​
  • Blind Run​

Huma gels are so good! What flavors are you using??

Those are some tough workouts. Well done on getting those suckers done. Those progression runs look really tough. I think Coach was going to put some of those in my next training plan. :scared1:

Those are some tough workouts. Well done on getting those suckers done. Those progression runs look really tough. I think Coach was going to put some of those in my next training plan. :scared1:

This last progression run was a killer! I’ve done two others, but with less overall mileage. I think they are a lot of fun!
12/10/18 - 12/16/18
I was sick all week with a cold and nasty headache. I was supposed to strength train on Tuesday and Thursday this week, but I decided to keep my germs at home and rest instead. I watched a lot of Hallmark & Netflix Christmas movies. I’m hungry all the time. I’m so mentally beat up too. I’ve seriously contemplated all week about dropping out of Dopey and maybe just running Goofy and possibly just the marathon. I know it’s just nerves and that stupid self doubt showing her face.​

Running: Daniels T + I and I did not walk at all between the I intervals. Progress!
  • Plan: 2mi WU + 2 x 1.5mi @ 9:35 w/ 3min RI + 3 x 4min @ 8:44 w/ 4min @ WU + 1mi CD
  • Actual: 8.53mi @ 10:57
  • Splits: 12:20, 12:46, 9:35, 9:29, 8:41, 8:38, 8:46, 11:57
Running: Easy A
  • Plan: 3mi @ 12:25
  • Actual: 3mi @ 12:10
  • Splits: 12:12, 12:10, 12:09
Wednesday - not sure where that 9min mile came from? My watch said I was in the 10:16-10:26 zone the entire time???
Running: Marathon Tempo
  • Plan: 2mi WU + 7mi @ 10:21 + 1mi CD
  • Actual: 10mi @ 10:58
  • Splits: 12:47, 12:54, 10:25, 9:10, 10:23 10:25, 10:18, 10:23, 10:22, 12:37
Thursday - Wednesday night my groin and inner thigh started hurting. I had no issues during the day or run so it was just really strange. The pain would wrap around to my quad, hip and glute. It felt just so super super super tight. I spent the day foam rolling, stretching and icing and did not run.

: Easy A
  • Plan: 3mi @ 12:25
  • Actual: 0
  • Splits:
Friday - I was feeling better so I went out to run. Didn't make it very far due to the lingering pain from the day before. I thought I was going to miss the rest of the week :( When I was doing some hip stretches later something popped and twinged in the area where the hip, quad and groin meet and I had instant relief. Very, very weird. I was able to run today's miles with zero issues and I've been fine since.

: Easy B + Strides
  • Plan: 6mi @ 11:36 + strides in the last mile
  • Actual: 6mi @ 11:17
  • Splits: 11:28, 11:23, 11:27, 11:27, 11:30, 10:23
Saturday - Running then went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra! It was 3 hours long, but just absolutely fantastic! Finished out the night with Mexican food. I inhaled a huge amount of guacamole & chips.

Running: Blind run (no looking at watch for pacing!). I'm so bad at these. I just can't get my training paces imprinted into my brain.
  • Plan: 8mi @ 11:17
  • Actual: 8mi @ 10:35
  • Splits: 11:24, 11:03, 10:42, 10:25, 9:54, 10:33, 10:36, 10:02
Sunday - Why is it I can never sleep in on my rest day? I was up with the birds this morning LOL! I booked a dining package for the Candlelight Processional for the family. Rob opted not to go and Nick had zero interest so it was just Eliana and me. We ate at Ale & Compass at the Yacht Club. Gary Sinise was the narrator and did a great job. I've always liked him as an actor and the work he does on behalf of our military veterans is awesome. His foundation brought over 1000 children who lost a parent serving our country to WDW this week.

Looking Ahead
This will be the highest mileage week on my plan.

Easy A
Easy B + Strides
Daniels T + I
Easy A
Easy B + Strides
Marathon Tempo + Daniels T + Marathon Tempo​
Ugh, colds and weird running pains and then self doubt.....I think we’re all there! It looks like you’re doing great with your training! You’ve got this!!

Looooove the transiberian orchestra! I’m sure it was amazing!

Candlelight processional is on my wish list.
So sorry you've been sick and I understand the self doubt, but you are going to do great and have a wonderful time.

I'd also love to see the Candlelight processional one of these days. It sounds like a great time.
I completely understand the self doubt too. Don't let your doubts keep you from doing Dopey though, you've worked so hard and I know you can do this!
Ugh, colds and weird running pains and then self doubt.....I think we’re all there! It looks like you’re doing great with your training! You’ve got this!!

Looooove the transiberian orchestra! I’m sure it was amazing!

Candlelight processional is on my wish list.

Thank you! This was TSO 20th year of touring. My DH and I have talked about seeing a show for at least 15 years and finally did it!

So sorry you've been sick and I understand the self doubt, but you are going to do great and have a wonderful time.

I'd also love to see the Candlelight processional one of these days. It sounds like a great time.

Thanks! I'm such an emotional mess right now. I don't cry. I cried last night during the candlelight processional. Training through the holidays is no joke and I'm so overwhelmed. I'll be the that person paying overnight shipping to get gifts to family in time.

I completely understand the self doubt too. Don't let your doubts keep you from doing Dopey though, you've worked so hard and I know you can do this!

Thank you! I keep telling myself I just have to get through this week and things will be easier as I approach taper. I have two rest days next week :cloud9:
I’m so mentally beat up too. I’ve seriously contemplated all week about dropping out of Dopey and maybe just running Goofy and possibly just the marathon. I know it’s just nerves and that stupid self doubt showing her face.
I felt that way last month during a very discouraging and pair of frustrating at wildly optimistic and disastrous in reality tempo runs.

I booked a dining package for the Candlelight Processional for the family. Rob opted not to go and Nick had zero interest so it was just Eliana and me.
Though I've only been able to experience it twice, I think Candlelight Processional is a must do for any Disney fan that also celebrates the religious aspect of Christmas. The narrator reads the account from the Bible and the music is almost exclusively religious in nature.

Candlelight processional is on my wish list.
So worth doing. I've seen it twice at Disneyland. Both times had John Stamos as the narrator. While I wouldn't have minded seeing another narrator the second time, John Stamos did a great job. Disneyland usually only does it on one weekend every year. One year, they decided to make it available nightly for about 20 days. It really brings the crowds in, so that's why they have to limit it. Standing room only crowds also make it trickier. I know Epcot has the space to not deal with that, but there's also something really special about how Disneyland does it.

I'd also love to see the Candlelight processional one of these days. It sounds like a great time.
It's really a beautiful experience. At Disneyland, the choir walks from Small World to the end of Main Street carrying candles and singing before the show starts.

I don't cry. I cried last night during the candlelight processional.
I don't cry either, but Candlelight really hit me. Disney does a wonderful job with it. I also love that it's a continuing Disney tradition from when Walt Disney was alive.
I felt that way last month during a very discouraging and pair of frustrating at wildly optimistic and disastrous in reality tempo runs.

Though I've only been able to experience it twice, I think Candlelight Processional is a must do for any Disney fan that also celebrates the religious aspect of Christmas. The narrator reads the account from the Bible and the music is almost exclusively religious in nature.

So worth doing. I've seen it twice at Disneyland. Both times had John Stamos as the narrator. While I wouldn't have minded seeing another narrator the second time, John Stamos did a great job. Disneyland usually only does it on one weekend every year. One year, they decided to make it available nightly for about 20 days. It really brings the crowds in, so that's why they have to limit it. Standing room only crowds also make it trickier. I know Epcot has the space to not deal with that, but there's also something really special about how Disneyland does it.

It's really a beautiful experience. At Disneyland, the choir walks from Small World to the end of Main Street carrying candles and singing before the show starts.

I don't cry either, but Candlelight really hit me. Disney does a wonderful job with it. I also love that it's a continuing Disney tradition from when Walt Disney was alive.

Thanks! This week is to just continue to put forth my best effort. I think being sick, worrying about every ache and pain and some hard workouts just did me in mentally.

This year celebrates 60 years of CP!!! It must be so special to see it in DL where Walt started it. It was crazy last night. We went to get in line 45 minutes before the show and finally found the end of the line in Morocco. Our seats had a tree partially blocking our view, but at least we had a clear line of vision of Gary Sinise. We went for the first time last year and brought my MIL. I took some video and put it on her Facebook. She loves to watch them!
Thanks! This week is to just continue to put forth my best effort. I think being sick, worrying about every ache and pain and some hard workouts just did me in mentally.
I got really sick in December while training for the Star Wars Half in January one year. As everything cascaded the illness and a family vacation meant I had to cut the longest run out altogether (14 miles) and I wound up cutting the 12.5 mile run short too although in hindsight, I really should have cut it a lot shorter than I did. I was moderately worried about how the race would go, but then I went out and ran a then character stop PR.

This year celebrates 60 years of CP!!! It must be so special to see it in DL where Walt started it.
One mistake that some people make is to believe that because Disneyland is smaller, it's somehow less magical. In reality, Disneyland has a unique charm and warmth to it. Experiencing Candlelight Processional in a way fairly similar to how Walt Disney did it is truly special. There's something about seeing the train station suddenly transform into the choir and "living" Christmas tree with the narrator right there. Hours earlier you could walk in that area, and now it's something completely different. It's a similar idea to how Fantasmic works at Disneyland.
12/17/18 - 12/23/18
Peak week has arrived! I ran a total of 43.10 miles! Corrals for race weekend were released. I will be in D for Dynomite (said in JJ's voice from Good Times).
Monday - I still wasn't feeling 100%. Kept the weights light at the gym today and cut my workout short.

: Easy A
  • Plan: 5mi @ 12:25
  • Actual: 5mi @ 12:16
  • Splits: 12:21. 12:06, 12:25, 12:17 12:12
Strength Training: Squats, Bench Press, Seated rows
Running: Easy B
  • Plan: 6mi @ 11:36 + Strides
  • Actual: 6mi @ 11:23
  • Splits: 11:37, 11:35, 11:36, 11:32, 11:34, 10:24
Wednesday - I canceled personal training today. I was just so worn out after my run.

: Daniels T + I Paces
  • Plan: 2mi WU + 2mi @ 9:35 w/ 4min RI + 2 x 5min @ 8:44 w/ 5min @ WU + 1mi CD
  • Actual: 6.79mi @ 11:19
  • Splits: 12:57, 12:40, 9:40, 9:31, 8:42, 8:40, 12:38
Thursday - I was supposed to volunteer for RunDisney for race prep, but nasty weather was making its way into Central FL today complete with tornado warnings. I opted to stay home, but got my run in before the weather got really bad. I don't really enjoy running in rain, but figured this would be good training in case it rains marathon weekend.


: Easy A
  • Plan: 3mi @ 12:25
  • Actual: 3mi @ 12:03
  • Splits: 12:02, 12:02, 12:06
Friday - Wow was it windy today! There were times that I felt like I was running in place and even moving backwards because of the wind gusts.

: Easy B. completely forgot to do strides. I was in a zone listening to Christmas music.
  • Plan: 8mi @ 11:36 + strides in the last mile
  • Actual: 8mi @ 11:35
  • Splits: 11:39, 11:38, 11:36, 11:40, 11:39, 11:27, 11:33, 11:33
Personal Training: My legs were so fatigued so my trainer had me only working upper body --> Overhead Press, Bench Press, single arm seated cable rows, supersets of single arm tricep cable pushdown & dumbbell bicep curls
Saturday - This run had me nervous all week. I kept wondering how I was going to get through it when my legs were so dang tired. My alarm went off at 5:30 & I just laid around in bed for another hour procrastinating. We have some really nice running/bike paths that run through my county that I had yet to visit. They were AWESOME and I can't wait to run them again! And I have no idea why I was so afraid of this run. I felt so strong the entire time and could have kept going. I also got some porta potty training in LOL!!! I tested eating a peanut & chocolate protein nut bar during this run. OMG it was so freaking yummy. The salt from peanuts hit the spot.


Running: Marathon Tempo
  • Plan: 3mi WU + 8mi @ 10:21 + 1mi @ 9:35 + 1mi @ 10:21 + 1mi CD
  • Actual: 14.26mi @ 10:54
  • Splits: 13:12, 12:57, 12:49, 10:20, 10:16, 10:14, 10:21, 10:19, 10:15, 10:10, 10:24, 9:30, 10:15, 11:30, 11:05 (.26mi)
Sunday - Today was my rest day, but not much resting got done! December is usually a month long food fest cooking and baking things we don't have very often. I had done nothing all month so I made up for it today. I made peanut butter fudge, Christmas Crack, Italian Butterball cookies, sugar cookies for decorating and a mincemeat pie (this was for me. nobody else eats it). I fizzled out after making the crust for the key lime pie so I'll finish that on Christmas Eve. I also made a traditional French Canadian meat pie called Tourtiere. It's a mixture of ground meat (I used pork), potatoes and spices cooked in a pie crust. My MIL makes these every year at Christmas and it's been years since we've had one so I decided to tackle it. Rob said it was the best Tourtiere he has ever had (shhhh....don't tell his mom!).


Looking Ahead
It's time to head into taper and celebrate Christmas with my family! Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!
Wow! What a strong week! Great job with your baking! Rest, relax and enjoy Christmas and your taper!


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