Don't bother going to any fast food restaurants

That's not really responsive to sam's point. Why should we all stop going to any fast food places because you had one bad experience?
I'm sorry you and "Sam" took my title so literally.

If I edit it would it make you feel better?
Im willing to bet this happens a lot more often than you think. I mean, this is a fast food restaurant, operated by relatively low wage earners. They got a lot going on. They're not going to get everything perfect. Think 'fast food' and set your expectations accordingly.
This is my point, but why bother? This place does nothing but jump on posters for the stupidest of reasons.
This is my point, but why bother? This place does nothing but jump on posters for the stupidest of reasons.
If you explained this situation in person I would have the same advice to give you. If we want more compliance we at least should do more than just complain about it (and I don't mean that rudely) otherwise you're complaining about avoiding an entire industry off of an experience that you haven't attempted to do anything (at least none of your comments have said anything) about. I would expect people in general to bring that up by that I mean you complaining to complain or you complaining because you want to know how to alert someone to see if that issue will get least that's how conversations go in my circle :)
I'm sorry you and "Sam" took my title so literally.

If I edit it would it make you feel better?

Send me a PM with your suggested edits and I'll get back to you. ;)

No biggee--I've been eating fast food fairly regularly since all this went down and no Covid (yet--knock on wood).

However, I take everyone's point that eating fast food can be gross and we probably don't want to know what goes on with much (most?) food prep.
In my neck of the woods there is a coffee shop that is actively and openly disobeying the local country (and now statewide) inside mask mandate. They not only refuse to allow their employees to wear masks but they also posted a sign than masks were not allowed for customers either. The health department has fined them, but has not pulled their licence ... yet.
Then that's a problem with your health authorities, isn't it? The problem with making laws is enforcing them. I'd be on the phone with whatever city or state department has the jurisdiction and complaining every single day. Here we used to (and maybe still do, I haven't heard about it for a while) a "rat line" and municipal by-law enforcement and Occupational Health & Safety were as serious as a heart-attack.
I'm sorry you and "Sam" took my title so literally.
I'll bite... why should someone NOT take the title literally?

If I edit it would it make you feel better?
I don't really care whether you edit the title or not. But just know I (and apparently some others) understood you to say we should all avoid fast food. Now, is that a problem because we took the title "so literally", or because you didn't present your views/opinion the way you wanted to? Based on multiple people reading it the same way, I'm guessing the latter.

And you know what, that's fine. I know there are times I've typed things and didn't get my point across.
I'm sorry you and "Sam" took my title so literally.

If I edit it would it make you feel better?
Literally, yes, but more accurately: at face value. It's impossible to read this command figuratively, or any way other than the directions.
Then that's a problem with your health authorities, isn't it? The problem with making laws is enforcing them. I'd be on the phone with whatever city or state department has the jurisdiction and complaining every single day. Here we used to (and maybe still do, I haven't heard about it for a while) a "rat line" and municipal by-law enforcement and Occupational Health & Safety were as serious as a heart-attack.
The owners are a real piece of work. The health officials went to the coffee shop to speak to the owner and he called the police on them! The police, obviously, declined to ask the health department to leave.

No one wants to shut a business down, especially with the hit that a lot of businesses look with Covid. They are trying to work with the coffee shop to get them in compliance and that can be a slow process.
I wear my mask whenever I enter a drive thru or business. However, I 100% don't care if anyone else does.
I wouldn’t harass a minimum wage worker for not harassing a customer.
I just saw a video of a harassed customer pushing an elderly transplant recipient (who had harassed her) ending with the elderly woman falling and breaking her leg.
A dollar store employee was shot dead after such an interaction.
People are nuts on both sides. Just wear a mask and avoid people. All people.
If you’re determined to interact with the nuts, be kind, not aggressive. They bite.
I don't think reminding people to put on a mask is "harassment". But, once the request has been made, and the customer doesn't comply, (if it were me), I'd be talking to the boss/manager and request they handle it, or call the police. I've read that non-compliance can get you a trespass charge in some places.
You're only going to get a trespass charge if you're told to leave, you don't, and police get called and show up. It doesn't matter why you don't leave.
Yes, the trespass charge would be because, when asked to use a mask or leave, and they don't leave.
I’m not really concerned at all if my food prepares/servers are wearing masks. I’ve eaten out many many times over the past 5 months. Some wear them, some don’t. Our state/county does not have a mask mandate. Several stores have their own mask requirement, several stores do not. I shop at both, I eat at both. I haven’t had any issues.

My teenage son works at Walmart. They have a mask order but they have been told not to approach someone who isn’t wearing one. There is someone at the door telling you as you come in you need one. I far as I can tell almost everyone complies. I have seen a couple who take it off after entering. I believe the stores mentality is that if someone is that dead set against wearing it that they’ll take it off after entering they are also probably the type who will make some big scene if confronted. Believe me the teenage workers stocking the shelves are not about to risk their lives over a couple of people not wearing masks. These tend to be the types who are going to start yelling and possibly throwing punches or forcibly coughing , all of which will spread possible disease far more than if they were just left alone and shopped and left. One lady I saw take it off after entering was in scrubs!
I don't think asking your $9 per hour employees to enforce mask policies is good practice. If you want enforcement then pay people to enforce it.

With that being said, it should be enforced. Every now and then people get on airplanes and get this weird idea in their head that they are in control. A few people have tried that with masks recently and the airlines haven't been playing...they've been diverting and preparing the latex gloves for arrival.
I don't think reminding people to put on a mask is "harassment". But, once the request has been made, and the customer doesn't comply, (if it were me), I'd be talking to the boss/manager and request they handle it, or call the police. I've read that non-compliance can get you a trespass charge in some places.
You don't call the police in my area. In fact they tell you not to do that. The police aren't enforcing the mask mandate. That is for those in the consumer fraud department. The only time police will get involved is if the person who wouldn't be wearing a mask refuses to leave and the business is the one calling NOT a citizen who simply sees someone not leaving they don't have the authority to do that only a business has the authority to force someone to leave and if they aren't then yes they can involve the police but it's not for not wearing a mask, it's for not leaving the premises when asked.
The owners are a real piece of work. The health officials went to the coffee shop to speak to the owner and he called the police on them! The police, obviously, declined to ask the health department to leave.

No one wants to shut a business down, especially with the hit that a lot of businesses look with Covid. They are trying to work with the coffee shop to get them in compliance and that can be a slow process.
Honestly, this sounds crazy. Would they be doing the same with other types of health violations? Like say for instance if the fridge isn't cold enough, or they find cross-contamination or a rat infestation? It's kind of scary, really. I don't want to be eating at a "work in progress" as far as health compliance goes.
Well, we can't go into restaurants here. We have utilized the drive through a couple of times, at some places, with no issues. My son works at a place that is no longer dine in, but does do carry out for pizza. Everyone there has to wear a mask. Well, that's how it supposed to be all over our state. It appears that your state isn't as strict about such things.
We have been allowed to eat inside of restaurants since May. Except fast food places it take out only


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