Don't bother going to any fast food restaurants


<font color=green>Have you met the Monsters of the
Nov 28, 2001
Tonight I went to my first fast food restaurant in several months. (Don't judge, I try not to make a habit of it). Anyways, of the six visible employees walking around the food area, one of them had no mask on, while another had his mask doing nothing but dangling off one ear. So naturally I'm thinking, if this is what I saw the one and only time I visited, can't I assume it's this way pretty much every day?

I realize mask wearing is a polarizing topic in this country (it shouldn't be) but is it too much to ask that employees AROUND FOOD wear them? Jeezus no wonder the numbers are not getting any better.
Tonight I went to my first fast food restaurant in several months. (Don't judge, I try not to make a habit of it). Anyways, of the six visible employees walking around the food area, one of them had no mask on, while another had his mask doing nothing but dangling off one ear. So naturally I'm thinking, if this is what I saw the one and only time I visited, can't I assume it's this way pretty much every day?

I realize mask wearing is a polarizing topic in this country (it shouldn't be) but is it too much to ask that employees AROUND FOOD wear them? Jeezus no wonder the numbers are not getting any better.
Where are you? Here you cannot be inside a dining establishment at all. And can only be served outside, if you wear a mask (except for when you are actually eating). And the servers must always be wearing a mask.
Places aren't all like that. I've been to a few places that have handled things very well. Most fast-food places still aren't allowing dine-in, but some sandwich places are and I have found them to be very responsible for the most part.
I realize mask wearing is a polarizing topic in this country (it shouldn't be) but is it too much to ask that employees AROUND FOOD wear them? Jeezus no wonder the numbers are not getting any better.
If you were in a city where masks are required in businesses, you should report this situation to the Board of Health or similar.
If you were in a fast food restaurant where masks are required, you should talk to the manager. If the manager is one of the employees wearing a mask improperly, you should contact the company.

That said, after six months there's still no evidence COVI19 is or can be spread via food.
If you were in a city where masks are required in businesses, you should report this situation to the Board of Health or similar.
If you were in a fast food restaurant where masks are required, you should talk to the manager. If the manager is one of the employees wearing a mask improperly, you should contact the company.
It was a Wendy's in Orlando. I plan to contact them tomorrow.

That said, after six months there's still no evidence COVI19 is or can be spread via food.

And there's certainly no evidence that it isn't.

I would think a food handler, infected and without a mask, could absolutely spread it through food because the virus can remain in the air for up to 3 hours, and we all know how badly food is exposed in fast food restaurants.
Tonight I went to my first fast food restaurant in several months. (Don't judge, I try not to make a habit of it). Anyways, of the six visible employees walking around the food area, one of them had no mask on, while another had his mask doing nothing but dangling off one ear. So naturally I'm thinking, if this is what I saw the one and only time I visited, can't I assume it's this way pretty much every day?

I realize mask wearing is a polarizing topic in this country (it shouldn't be) but is it too much to ask that employees AROUND FOOD wear them? Jeezus no wonder the numbers are not getting any better.

Here in my neck of the woods in Arizona, ALL restaurant employees are wearing masks. Including fast food places.
That is a broad statement made on a single experience.
Like I said in the original post, I gave it one chance, and 33% of the employees were not wearing masks. When I feel like wasting my time again, maybe I'll give it another chance.
There are 2 places in my area where mask compliance is 100% all the time: CFA and Raising Canes. Everywhere else, good luck. Didn’t trust them before and definitely don’t now.
It doesn't give me much confidence. Have you had better experiences?
Well, we can't go into restaurants here. We have utilized the drive through a couple of times, at some places, with no issues. My son works at a place that is no longer dine in, but does do carry out for pizza. Everyone there has to wear a mask. Well, that's how it supposed to be all over our state. It appears that your state isn't as strict about such things.
It was a Wendy's in Orlando. I plan to contact them tomorrow.

And there's certainly no evidence that it isn't.

I would think a food handler, infected and without a mask, could absolutely spread it through food because the virus can remain in the air for up to 3 hours, and we all know how badly food is exposed in fast food restaurants.
This is a respiratory illness NOT gastro-intestinal. Unless you're inhaling your food, this really isn't an issue. The virus needs to enter your respiratory tract - not your digestive tract. Wash your hands after opening the package and don't rub your eyes while you're eating. Believe whatever you want but you simply will not contract covid by ingesting it. And FTR, this doesn't negate your concern about un-masked employees but you're focusing on the wrong thing.
I would think a food handler, infected and without a mask, could absolutely spread it through food because the virus can remain in the air for up to 3 hours, and we all know how badly food is exposed in fast food restaurants.
There's no evidence that Covid-19 spreads through food. The concern I would have is that it might spread through contact with hard surfaces, but that requires a bit more to transmit such as rubbing one's eyes/nose after hand contact with a contaminated surface. The big worry should be with contact with an infected worker at the point of delivery. I've been going to fast food places. Many have gone to drive-thru only and go as far as to separate the contact of food or cash on trays or bowls rather than direct hand to hand. I've also done curbside delivery where I don't recall any employee who didn't properly wear a mask of some kind.

It seems likely that main method of spread is directly from the infected person to another via droplets.
Well, we can't go into restaurants here. We have utilized the drive through a couple of times, at some places, with no issues. My son works at a place that is no longer dine in, but does do carry out for pizza. Everyone there has to wear a mask. Well, that's how it supposed to be all over our state. It appears that your state isn't as strict about such things.

I've seen some places that have set up outdoor dining areas, including taking up what would normally be parking spaces. Even on public streets.
Call the corporate 1-800 number too. I work for one (not Wendy’s) and it’s SHOCKING how many of the calls I get of guests calling to report employees aren’t wearing gloves or masks. Some people truly are clueless.

Looks like the number is 1-614-864-3100 then option 1.
Call the corporate 1-800 number too. I work for one (not Wendy’s) and it’s SHOCKING how many of the calls I get of guests calling to report employees aren’t wearing gloves or masks. Some people truly are clueless.
Can you tell us what happens then? What exactly do you do (or can you do) to resolve the customer concern?


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