Do you ever get disappointed when...

Ooooh....thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!! :bounce: *Kama happily hands green M&M's to all that want them*
I think you should file a lawsuit...

You could "settle" for a lifetime supply of M&M's in every color!!!!!!
babybelle, our gum drops are like gummy bears but they are just a tad harder. If they taste similar to gummy bears I am sure I'd love them!

Man you guys are too much!!! I go away for a short while to Target to get a few things and I come back to this???

C.Ann I love your idea!!!

Okay here's the deal! I went to Target for a few things and I just had to pick up my favorite Peanut M&Ms just to see if I was really cursed. Not only did I get green ones, I had SEVEN of them!!! :bounce: I'm happy now!!! :bounce: :bounce:
I just LOVE "happy endings.."

Course I'd still give the lawsuit a shot.. :)
Maybe I ought to delete that last message of mine and see how the lawsuit goes! I swear that was the first time in my life I didn't even get one green M&M.
I once bought a box of cracker jacks when I was a kiddie and did NOT find one peanut in the box!! I wrote a letter to the company with my complaint and would you believe they didn't even respond to me?

*still waiting for that letter.... some 25 years later!*

I once bought a box of cracker jacks when I was a kiddie and did NOT find one peanut in the box!!
I would've been in Heaven! I hate it that they put peanuts in cracker jacks!

I would've been peeved about no green m&m's.:mad: Green's my favorite color. They can take out more of those dark brown ones.
Based on your experiences with the Cracker Jacks ennazus, I think I'll save my time in writing a letter then ;)

According to M&M's website, in my peanut M&M's the break down of colors should be as follows:

20% each of brown, yellow, red & blue
10% each of orange and green :(

In regular M&M's (and the tiny version of the Baking Bits)

30% brown
20% each of yellow & red
10% each of orange, blue & green :(

Crispy, Dulce de Leche and Minis are very PC and have an equal split of 16.6% each of all colors

Almonds and Peanut Butter leave out the orange ones and have an equal split of 20% of each color (of course w/o orange that is)

I wonder what will happen to my poor green ones when they bring the purple in :(
Sheesh! Remind me never to try to take Elaine to court! This woman does her homework!! :earseek:

I wonder what will happen to my poor green ones when they bring the purple in
I'm eventually ridding the world of all green M&Ms....they're all mine, I tell you.. MINE MINE!!! ;)
Now Kim...haven't we already been through this "sharing" routine today??? Did you not learn anything this afternoon???

Aparently she didn't learn a thing :rolleyes:

Yes m'dear, I do my homework... and go to reliable sources for them. It used to be different when the tan was there as well, but I can't find any old info. I do remember though that green was always on the bottom :(
Oh alright! :rolleyes: You two are such party poopers! ;) I'm putting my green M&M factory up for sale... don't need the silly thing anyway. :)
Aw give up too what's next? You gonna put Apolo up on auction as well???:p:p:p
Originally posted by Beanie
Aw give up too what's next? You gonna put Apolo up on auction as well???:p:p:p
Now that's something I'd like to see! Heck I'd forget going to WDW in December if I could win him from Kim :)
so what's next? You gonna put Apolo up on auction as well???
What?! You GOTTA be kidding?! Auction this off? Ummmm... no. ;)

Heck I'd forget going to WDW in December if I could win him from Kim

Hey now what a second!! Is this the same woman that stated that he wasn't man enough for her?!?! Oh, I see... you don't want him... you just don't want ME to have him, is that it?? ;)
Originally posted by Kama89
Oh, I see... you don't want him... you just don't want ME to have him, is that it?? ;)
Yep :) You pretty much hit that nail on the head :)
I'm glad that you agree with me Jules! I can tell you this, I had to go out today and get more just to make sure it was a fluke (a sad one though all the same :() and it was... I got a fair amount of green ones in return :)


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