Do you ever get disappointed when...

Well I have noticed in the peanut M&M's (I only eat those or Peanut butter ones... no real nuts and I hate plain chocolate) at least that there are usually very few green ones. I save those until the end. I was actually thinking lately how much I miss the colors I had as a kid. I remember when there were two browns and no red or blue. Then they brought the red back and I think they should have stopped there. Even though I like the color blue a lot I eat them first because I don't like that color as M&M's... anyway now to the important stuff.

I would be perfectly happy with a bag full of just green M&Ms :)

Thank's Beanie... I will gladly blame everything on Kim now :p

Oh Kim... can't you just ZIPPIT for once in your life :rolleyes:
Am I the only female in the world that doesnt like chocolate (yet is still overweight- must be all those glasses of white wine)

Not sure about chocolate but I hate when I am eating anything while paying attention to something else, dip my hand in the bag to get another and realise they are all gone!!!!

Or the worst ever... (for all those UK posters out there) when I am eating my fish n chips - always leaving my pickled onion till last - DH steals my pickled onion!!!!

Sorry for digressing - its good to get that tension out the system!
Why pay £000's for therapy sign on a board, be prompted into a little rant and heh presto its gone;)
Nope. Sorry can do. Not until she apologizes over on the that OTHER thread.

Elaine, you can have some of MY Green ones!! I know how to share unlike <i>some people</i> on this board!!!;)

<b>Beanie passes Helenabear a great big dish of Greenies!</b>

<b>Beanie sticks her tongue out at Kama89</b>

MY ENG buddy is turning against me!!!! Oh~No!! :teeth: Oh, now Miss I Have To Have Green Ones has more than she can handle...I just gave her some in good faith after she so "sweetly" :rolleyes: apologized over on Apolo. Sheesh...the things SOME women will do for a picture. Not me, of course...
babybelle, I am actually not too fond of chocolate. That is why mine have to have peanuts in them or peanut butter. I can't eat plain chocolate at all anymore. It is okay in small quantities but I don't crave chocolate ever! I'd sooner be happy with a big bag of caramels over chocolate any day!

Oh thanks so much Beanie!!! *Elaine give Beanie a big hug* I knew there were nice people out there unlike some people on these boards.

Kim... zip the lips... and do it now!
LOL Kim...Now play nice with the other board members, okay? Cuz if you don't, I might have to get one of my CB Mod friends to come and edit out all of Apolo's pictures everywhere!! ;):p:p

ROFL! :) You guys are too much fun today! :)

Originally posted by helenabear
babybelle, I am actually not too fond of chocolate. That is why mine have to have peanuts in them or peanut butter. I can't eat plain chocolate at all anymore. It is okay in small quantities but I don't crave chocolate ever! I'd sooner be happy with a big bag of caramels over chocolate any day!

Oh thanks so much Beanie!!! *Elaine give Beanie a big hug* I knew there were nice people out there unlike some people on these boards.

Kim... zip the lips... and do it now!

Thank you! I am a sucker fo r things like Nacjos and Dips etc, to give an example of how much chocolate I can eat (which is difficult cos US candies are differnet from UK) I could only eat about half a Snickers (MAX!), half a hersheys max and about 3 M&MS.

Now Wine Gums are a different matter - do you have Wine Gums (semi-solid Jello like candy) over the pond?
LOL Kim...Now play nice with the other board members, okay? Cuz if you don't, I might have to get one of my CB Mod friends to come and edit out all of Apolo's pictures everywhere!!
ACK!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! Man... Beanie's pulling rank...that's not fair!! :mad: What a major jip! I'll play nice with any and all other board members... but not Elaine. I need at least one to torture... come on, be a pal. ;)

babybelle, It sounds like you have candies over there, that we don't have. Either that, or the names are just different. Wine gums sound a little like what we'd call gummies... :)
babybelle, well I think I do a bit better with the chocolate than you do. I can eat a whole Snickers, but I cannot eat any plain M&M's (maybe one if I am lucky) and on a good day one "square" (or should I say rectangle) of a Hershy's bar. I'm not sure if I have seen Wine Gums before, but they sound similar to our gum drops here and I do like those!

Originally posted by Kama89

I tried that once. I almost exploded.
Now can someone please tell me why I am not shocked to hear this???

Originally posted by Beanie
LOL Kim...Now play nice with the other board members, okay? Cuz if you don't, I might have to get one of my CB Mod friends to come and edit out all of Apolo's pictures everywhere!! ;):p:p

ROFL! :) You guys are too much fun today! :)
Do it Beanie!!! I'd love to see that happen, but be sure that your CB Mod friends know the difference between Antonio and Apolo :)

Glad you think we are fun... I guess this is what you get when you have two naturally nutty ladies talk to each other :teeth:
Oh Elaine, I could NEVER mistake Antonio for Apolo!!! That would be...well, that would be CRIMINAL!!! Yikes!!!

Kim, are you going to play nice now or do I have to pull out the big guns?? ;):D


I lost all of my pictures when my hard drive fried this week... don't dooooooooo it Beanie!! *Kim frantically starts doing searches on Apolo pictures to save*

Sheesh!! Steal... er, I mean... BUY one little green M&M factory, and everyone turns against me.

Ok ok, I'll be nice. Although I don't see what fun that'll be.
Um,'re not going to cry now, are you? :p

LOL...I love being a little devil!! :D

<b>This space for rent!</b> Ha ha Kath!
You know it really isn't nice to threaten people with us sweet little cb mods. Be nice, Bean, you just don't know what could happen, otherwise :)
Now Kath, lets not have a Battle of the Mods here...that wouldn't be proper on the board!! :) You know I am sweet and would never *intentionally* hurt someone...Kim is just...well, just too easy to pick on!! :) Besides, I wouldn't want to have to call on kronky boy to come and rough you up!!;) :p

As for that Apollo picture...good thing I like him or you would be in big trouble!! ;)
Yeah, what Kath said!! Neener neener neeeener!! Kama runs around behind Kath and hides from Bean.

I'm always nice Bean... you know that! Can I help it if I own the only Green M&M factory in the world?! Come on, you know I have to keep a constant supply... they're my favorite!! I promise to share with all my CB buddies though...especially those that post such BEAUTIFUL pictures!!! ;)
Well Kath, since I like you so much...truce!! :D

And Kim...Just for you...



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