Do you ever feel looked down upon when staying at FW?

OH WOW this was shocking for me to see as I think Fort Wilderness and the whole idea is AWESOME....though we have never done it. BUT I am curious do people fly to Orlando and tent camp? I always wanted to do this but the travel with ALL THAT STUFF seems hard. I'd love to hear more about how this all works for do you get the tent, sleeping bags, pillows, luggage etc to ORLANDO by plane? THANKS this is something I would LOVE to do....but it never seemed like a good idea again b/c of the stuff. THANKS FELLOW DISERS! :thumbsup2
Disney has always been our vacation home since we live in Florida. We go there all the time. I'm in my 30s and when we started going the contemporary was $49 nite and the campgrounds $8 for a site! I've stayed in all the hotels on their property. I am not a tenting person. We did have an rv and are planning to get another one. Anyway, the cabins are a great way for a family to stay at Disney in comfort. Lets say you rent the cabin AND get a golf cart like we do, well you could get a ROOM at most of the pricer disney resorts. However, you probably wouldn't even have a mini frig and you probably would have only one TV. The cabins give you alot of privacy and for those NOT in the know like those peeps, the cabins are considered a home away from home resort, which means PRICEY in disney terms. Like others mentioned, go to disney after Nov and check out all the million dollar plus RV rigs. I think you'll find more humvees at FTW than the other hotels that time of year.
I work in wealth management and have known some insanely wealth clients. Just like everyone else some are nice some aren't. In general though there IS a category of wannabe's in today's society. Maybe, they do have some money, but they want to have more and want everyone to see it. These are probably the kind of people who will select a resort on what other people think and not what they really want or really can afford.
Anyway, these peeps who make neg comments are pretty ill informed considering the kind of money thats involved in rv-ing.
(FOr the one poster, I think you can rent tents at disney, at least you can in group camping. Considering people lug huge golf club sets around on airplanes, I wouldn't be shocked at anything tourists bring down here!)
We own DVC so stay at "Deluxe Resorts" most of the time. Prior to buying DVC we always stayed in the cabins at FW for all the reasons mentioned here.

Even though we own DVC our goal for retirement is to buy a 5th wheel and "live" at FW for Jan, Feb and Mar each year to escape the cold north land.

Guess that just shows what we think of FW :thumbsup2
We have been staying at Ft Wilderness since 1998. We usually go about twice a year and stay for a week at a time in our RV. I recently thought I would like to stay in the Grand Floridian but the more I thought about it, No Way!. I can stay at Ft Wilderness for about 8 weeks compared to the cost of 1 week at the Grand Floridian. Wouldn't stay anywhere but Ft Wilderness. Ah!! the joy of decorating the campsite, enjoying nature, talking with other campers...
If folks are looking down at me for camping they're staring at my toes. :lmao:

Granted, I don't ever think I've stayed at Ft.W, but one of my best childhood memories was camping at "Jellystone Park" not too far from there and seeing the park (only MK was open then).
WDW LOVR said:
We own DVC so stay at "Deluxe Resorts" most of the time. Prior to buying DVC we always stayed in the cabins at FW for all the reasons mentioned here.

Even though we own DVC our goal for retirement is to buy a 5th wheel and "live" at FW for Jan, Feb and Mar each year to escape the cold north land.

Guess that just shows what we think of FW :thumbsup2

same here! for us though, my DH's retirement is in 3 weeks and we are seriously considering selling most of our DVC in the fall (after this summer's vacations are done) and buying our RV so that we can take extended WDW vacations at the fort. Now, i wonder if the school will let my son out for 3 mos, lol. :teacher:
I am so jealous that you all get to camp at Disney. We are from Washington State, so it's a little too far for us to bring the RV! We love camping in our 25' trailer and do so year round. Even though our friends think we are crazy to go camping in the rainy cold winters here.

My sister lives in Florida and was talking about buying an RV. I'm doing all I can to encourage her -- then I can come for Spring Break and borrow her RV and go camping at Disney! Woo Hoo! :banana: :woohoo:

We went to the Hoop De Doo Revue dinner last year and got to drive past the rv spaces. I thought everyone's lights looked awesome and wished I were there!

DH & I plan on taking an early retirement, selling the house, buying an RV and just taking off into the wind! We are saving as much as we can in our 401K and IRA and hope to retire by our mid 50's. We aren't rich, but as long as we can get enough money saved to make it through until Social Security kicks in we are happy! We have watched our parents with deteriorating health problems and are determined that we will see this beautiful country and travel as much as we possibly can before it happens to us!

I can hardly wait and I know that FW will be one of our many stops!
auntie said:
It is not only rude...because they are assuming that it costs less to stay at FW...but it's really very ignorant. They are showing their stupidity. The cabins cost more than the rooms at the WL...and there are a bunch of folks in their fancy rigs that could likely buy and sell those booking a room at the Lodge for a week. They just don't have any knowledge regarding RV'ing and assume everyone staying at FW is there to save a buck...which is possible by the way..there is NOTHING wrong withthat. Only there are likely a whole lot more staying there because camping is a lifestyle...Jeeze...although it probably it is better that they don't know what they are missing! Personally, I don't know if I'd keep too quiet if I were to hear someone making those sort of negative comments after reading this thread.
While this is true (that people probably assume campers are cheap/poor), it just makes me more angry to think about it! If someone can't afford the Grand Floridian, does that mean they are any less of a person than someone who can? Even if the cabins were cheaper than Pop Century and the campsites were $2/per night (+$1 if you bring a pet), those staying at FW should be treated the same as those staying anywhere else on property.

Really, we should just all be nice to each other. Then threads like this wouldn't exist. :cloud9:
Just wanted to say I LOVED LOVED LOVED the FW Cabin we stayed at last time. Only reason we're not going back is because my mom's not coming along this time and we decided to get lazy and opt not to cook, lol, so it seemed like a waste to have all that space and a kitchen when we're not gonna use either. However, with this trip, I kept apologizing for staying at a value... "Oh, we're just staying at Pop..." Or at least, I DID. Then I called for an extra ressie at 'Ohana and the CM asked where I was staying and I said "Pop Century" and he was all "Oh, fabulous choice! You'll love it there!"

That's the thing really. Any resort is the perfect choice, as long as it's right for your family. So pooh-pooh on those who would say otherwise.
I stayed at the FW homes (?) not sure if I'm using the right words back in the 1980's when my dds were little. It was an awesome experience and a terrific place to stay especially when we all started to feel a little overwhelmed by everything Disney. We went horsback riding, did the dinner show and the campfire. I don't have an RV and have never slept in a tent since being a girl scout and that was like 100 years ago :)

I am totally confused though, I can never seem to find out anything about staying in a cabin at FW... :confused3 am I missing something ? every time I go the the main Disney site to book lodging I can't seem to get info for a dog allowed to stay there? or is that only allowed when you have a RV or something else? All info/assistance would be greatly appreciated...thanks!

Now I am confusing myself even more as I read the threads further :confused3 are the FW homes one in the same as the FW cabins? I THOUGHT there were other cabins that I could never find info about with less ammenities (sp?) you know not a large kitchen or a seperate bedroom, or am I just dreaming this whole thing up ??

Thanks again Ruthie
I always thought people who camped liked camping.
Ive always wanted to pack my tent and camp out for a night or two.
Luvchefmic said:
Now I am confusing myself even more as I read the threads further :confused3 are the FW homes one in the same as the FW cabins? I THOUGHT there were other cabins that I could never find info about with less ammenities (sp?) you know not a large kitchen or a seperate bedroom, or am I just dreaming this whole thing up ??

Thanks again Ruthie

Homes and cabins are one in the same, full kitchen and separate bedroom.
The "homes" of the 80's were infact Fleetwood Trailers. Park Models..only they didn't like to refer to them as trailers..because some folks have the wrong impression of that word. We stayed in them in the early 90's. They were eventually replaced by the now "cabins"..which are also modular homes with cabin exteriors. The cabins are very nice..with raised decks. Very cozy looking interiors.
Disneefun said:
On our last trip we were waiting for our table at Boma and got to talking to another couple in the lobby. They asked if we were staying at AKL and we said no, FW. They then looked at us kind of down their noses and said "Oh, well, I guess if it's the best you could do it's not so bad." Needless to say, the conversation ended right there. I would have loved to have told them that staying in my MH beats any hotel room (my germs, my dirt, my dog, more space) and that the cabins cost more than their room at AKL, most likely. And that I've seen some tent and pop up setups that rival some deluxe resorts. And that camping is fun. It's not the "best we can do" but for us it's the best, period.

This isn't the only time this has happened. Once while waiting for the bus we overheard a group as they were passing by headed for the CBR bus say "Can you imagine having to stay at FW? I'd rather not come at all if I had to camp." What's that about? :rolleyes2 Other similar incidents also come to mind.

So I was just wondering if it's me -- do I attract these icky people somehow -- or do others feel looked down upon by small minded snooty people when staying at FW? Thoughts?

To be honest people like that aren't even worth the time and effort to worry about. It is usually those types of people that need to save and save to make the funds up to stay at Disney for a week in that accomodation then come on places like this and whine and complain about no codes and if I can't get a code I can't stay at Disney because I onjly stay at bla bla resort and so on. That or they go so far into debt with the credit cards that they are paying for years to get out of that holiday.
Hey there everyone....I am still waiting to hear if anyone camps at FW that FLIES to Disney. We do not own an RV but DO LOVE TO CAMP....just didn't know how I would manage to get all that stuff down there. Anyone? Anyone? The atmosphere of this resort really does appeal to me and it is something I would love to do but what do you do about getting tents, food, coolers, sleeping gear, clothes there????? :bounce:
ObsessedwithWDW said:
Hey there everyone....I am still waiting to hear if anyone camps at FW that FLIES to Disney. We do not own an RV but DO LOVE TO CAMP....just didn't know how I would manage to get all that stuff down there. Anyone? Anyone? The atmosphere of this resort really does appeal to me and it is something I would love to do but what do you do about getting tents, food, coolers, sleeping gear, clothes there????? :bounce:

Dont have that answer for you, but have you thought of driving down? you could still fly and stay in a cabin, not quite the camping experience you're looking for though. i'm looking forward to hearing how others do this too.
I have heard of people flying & camping. Tents & sleeping bags should be fairly easy to pack in duffle bags. I'm not sure about coolers or cooking stuff. If you rent a car you could probably buy styrofoam coolers at walmart.
We have rented an RV in the past and driven down, but if that is not an option for you how about fed ex'ing the things you don't want to carry. I have never done it but I have read about people sending down xmas gifts , so why not camping gear.
sameyeyam said:
Had a similar situation this year. Stayed at Pop Century. We went to dinner at Ohana at the Polynesian, took the bus back to Downtown Disney. We had lei's from our dinner and had dressed in Hawaiian style clothing. A couple (obviously staying at the Poly) commented and asked if we had just come from the Luau. I said no, just dinner at the Ohana. They asked if we were staying at the Poly, I said no Pop Century. Well that was the end of the conversation right there, they immediately looked away! They never said another word to us the rest of the way. Glad they didn't because those are the type of people I don't care to associate with.

By the way, we had dinner at several Deluxe resorts, so took numerous buses. I really thought the Pop Century bus was more fun than any others. People seemed very friendly and had lots of fun conversations. The worst bus ride was from DD to Contemporary & Polynesian. Stuffiest bunch of people I ever met. No friendly people, no laughing, sharing experiences. BahHumBug!

What makes this funny is that I work for an extremely wealthy family, I am the Chief Financial Officer and probably make more money than most of the people staying at the Deluxe resorts! Yet I chose to stay at Pop Century! In my 15 years experience working for a wealthy family, most people with money and powerful positions are very nice people. They don't look down on others. The one's that look down on other's are usually the Wannabe's. You find them in any economic bunch, they try to elevate their own status by looking down on others.

I would be camping at FW if I could, we live in Washington state and are a little too far to pull our trailer across the country!

So be proud of who you are, enjoy your camping and don't worry what anyone else thinks or says!
:) :) :)

:thumbsup2 I know exactly what you mean! We stayed at POP for our honeymoon. Not because we couldnt AFFORD to stay at GF, or Poly...but because we choose not to! Some people are so ignorant! It is amazing how people judge just by where you stay. I would just love to ask them how long they'll be paying that credit card bill to pay off their vacation!! Everyone chooses how to spend their $ differently. Just because I can afford the best doesn't mean I have the best! You don't get $ by blowing every penny you get, but I guess that is why people are so in debt to begin with. You are also right, they don't consider what the MH's cost to begin with. We use to have an RV but at 6 mpg... we could stay at a deluxe in what we'd pay in gas to get there :rotfl:


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