Disney Parks Moms Panel 2015

I remember when I made it to R2 two years ago, several people posted links to their videos on the Moms Panel thread here on the DIS. In a way, it makes you more anxious, but by the same token, you see that you're probably no worse or no better than anyone else. So, on the FB group, are people posting their essay question answers, too, or just their videos?

Yes, the Facebook site also has essay submissions. It's great to see so many different perspectives to the same questions!

I refuse to look at the videos or post mine. I am not going to put myself through psyching myself out like that. I am mostly happy with what I submitted to the committee. I was sick when I did the video, and I do wish I had waited 2 days before filming. I think I could have sent something I'm totally happy with as opposed to mostly happy with. On both of the sample questions, there were other things I would have liked to have included. However, with very restrictive word counts, decisions had to be made. I can honestly say, other than waiting 2 more days to film, I did everything I could do. I poured my heart and soul into it, I've not noticed any glaring mistakes, I like what I wrote even more every time I read it, and I'm at peace. I'm either right for the panel or I'm not. I don't believe I did anything to shoot myself in the foot. Do I think I'll advance? I don't know. I go back and forth between "there is no way" and "it could be possible." The great thing about this competition is that we are only competing with ourselves. It's completely up to each of us to make it or not. If I don't make it, it won't be because someone else was better. It will be because I was not what they were looking for. I am not going to destroy what peace I have with my submission by comparing myself to others, when I truly believe it's irrelevant.

I find it not to be a competition at all but a fun way to share the experience and show support for one another. It certainly takes discipline to not allow anyone else's submissions to validate your own. It's a great forum to wait out the rounds, but certainly not for everyone.
OK, the watching bug has caught me! I am now getting excited to see how the selection process proceeds!

So two questions;

1) When were/are the R2 submissions due?
2) When do you anticipate R3 invites (or whatever comes next)?

Thanks, and good luck!

Hi Doug!

R2 consisted of some questions and a video. They were due this past Monday.

We don't have a date yet for R3, but we are thinking about three weeks. The waiting will probably kill about half of the field lol :)
Add WDW for me.

This is my first year and I have watched others videos on the Facebook group, but haven't posted mine. All it demonstrated was mine was about the same as everyone else's. The essay questions and their different answers surprised me. I really enjoyed reading other people's ideas!
Thanks from me, too, for keeping track of everyone! I applied for WDW as my specialty.

Good luck, and I wish us all a whole lot of patience as we wait for Round 3 news!!! :scared1:
DVC Round 2 here as well. :lovestruc

I wish everyone luck!! I check my email a million times a day even though I know it will probably be a couple more weeks until we hear anything. :scared1:
Did someone say there is a Round 4?? Round 3 is an interview but what is Round 4?

Reading more and more about how wonderful everyone is and that there are over 500 Round 2 people is making me sad. I'm proud of what I have submitted but still want it so badly. This is my third time making it to Round 2. I'm so hopeful but feeling less confident now.


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