Disney finally sees huge abuse of the GAC

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My biggest problem is knowing if we have the chance to return to WDW is the fact that I will need a GAC even though I will not look like I need it.
Since March 2011 I have had 4 operations that has left me unable to stand or walk for any lenght of time. If I do then I'll start having back spasms so bad that I can not stand without help and will fall and there is nothing I can do about it.
So for those here that have had this problem tell me what is the best way to handle it.

There is a lot of walking between attractions. The average WDW guest walks eight miles a day. Even if a GAC helped you with lines, you would still need a wheelchair or ECV to get around the park.
Looks like this thread is starting to drift off topic. I don't think it's a question of whether or not kids with ASD should have a GAC, or if those with invisible disabilities should have a GAC, or if guests with disabilities should even be at WDW.

The questions are: does GAC abuse happen and is it a problem for Disney? And if it is a problem, what is the best way to handle it? . And sorry to the one or 2 posters who blithly proclaim that they don't let anything worry them when they're at WDW- living in your own private bubble doesn't mean a problem doesn't exist, and certainly doesn't help to make the problem go away.

Obviously the problem exists. So how can Disney solve it? Demanding medical proof of disability in order to get a GAC cannot and will not ever happen until somebody in Washington manages to change the ADA laws. And I seriously doubt that that is going to happen any time soon. So those of you blaming Disney for not doing this- stop it, it's not legally possible. Under the current laws, cheaters have no difficulty getting a GAC if they have even half a functioning brain cell.

Since it's not possible to stop cheaters from getting the GAC, then the alternative is to make the GAC less appealing. And what would make it less appealing? Any measures that don't give GAC holders FOTL access. Implementing the measures currently being used in Tokyo and Paris, where return times are given according to the current standby times would seem to be one answer, since it is taking away the main "plus" wanted by the cheaters. I can't imagine anyone with an actual need for the GAC having any problem with this. It can be done with cards or fastpass +.
I agree completely!

I would have NO problem at all with presenting my daughter's GAC card and receiving a fastpass ticket for the ride she wants to experience.

Who's writing the letter to Disney to suggest it? ;) Although if that's the way it's done in other Disney parks, I'm sure word of it has been received at WDW.
minnie mum said:
Since it's not possible to stop cheaters from getting the GAC, then the alternative is to make the GAC less appealing. And what would make it less appealing? Any measures that don't give GAC holders FOTL access. Implementing the measures currently being used in Tokyo and Paris, where return times are given according to the current standby times would seem to be one answer, since it is taking away the main "plus" wanted by the cheaters. I can't imagine anyone with an actual need for the GAC having any problem with this. It can be done with cards or fastpass +.

This is what is being done at DL....
I think it is fair and for those kids with ASD or other issues like my DD can be taken somewhere else ( parents choice) who can not handle being in line....
The only problem I see with this is happens when they return?
Are the forced to wait in FP line, ( which means now you ended up waiting twice) or go through to exit and get on the ride?

Which seems fair?
I am handicapped and have my own EVC that I take with me. Have to ---can't do anything without it. Two years ago we took our grandchildren to Disney. At TSM they sent us through the fast pass line. TSM has a separate line for handicapped.

We were there December 2012 and TSM had changed the way they handle wheelchairs. You were to use the standby line and that line was at 90 minutes. The CM said they used to send EVC's through the fastpass lane, but could no longer do this.

This shows that Disney is already making changes.
I am slightly confused and a little worried at the same time. We have taken notes from our Drs for both boys. One with Aspergers, the oldest with Autism and other various issues. Now we are adding a Service Dog to the mix for the oldest.

We use the GAC for most rides they will do. The part I am wondering about is given a FP time to come back. That will lock us into a set time to return in the near future that is non-predicatable. With both having issues, a SD and tending to the various degrees of uncertainty this could not go well for us. This is why we do not even make dining plans much anymore.

We bought DVC for the Magic they have shown us for the past decade.
But just sentences before it said that that's not how the GAC is supposed to work.

IMO, this is Disney's problem, and Disney's solution shouldn't be obvious to anyone else. If they want to keep groups from doing this, then never ever allow the GAC to work in any way like a FOTL pass. It should always work the way it's supposed to work. If it's not, then that's on the CMs.

I think it's funny...how the people around here and that I know who have bonafide reasons for a GAC almost never experience something similar to front of the line...but the tour groups mentioned in the article, and various people relating stories of acquaintances who abuse it somehow DO manage to experience "no" line. Weird how that works.

"the large amount of annual pass holders utilizing GACs created a reduction of fast passes available "


The article says things like "blatant abuse", but doesn't give anything more than anecdotal info about it. Some CM has noticed blatant abuse; prove it, random CM. Explain how GAC use reduced the FPs available.

I know that I have never noticed anyone around me abusing a GAC or wheeled conveyance (OK wait I knew one person, but that person did have need...the person was also just really odd about it), and I wouldn't care if they did. If someone lives their life in such a way where they are comfy with the karma of telling someone there's some challenge they face that requires a card, etc when there's no such thing happening in their life, it doesn't mess with my head or life at all.
I saw someone using one in a way that it wasn't intended. I was in the line for Toy story mania when a woman with a boy asked a family how many in their party. She took that family in with her and her boy using the GAC card. I am sure it wasn't intended to be used by someone to take a strangers family in with them.
This thread is the Carousel of No Progress. I've never read the same thing so many times.

People need to start worrying about themselves, and quit worrying about what other people are getting that they somehow missed out on. If it ruins your trip to watch someone zip past you in line, whether disabled, cutting or whatever, try focusing on your own family and friends instead of someone elses so much.

(That doesn't mean you budge in front of me and my kid when we're watching the parade though, dangit! ;))

Excellent point.couldnt agree more..worry about Yourself..have fun relax
I am slightly confused and a little worried at the same time. We have taken notes from our Drs for both boys. One with Aspergers, the oldest with Autism and other various issues. Now we are adding a Service Dog to the mix for the oldest.

We use the GAC for most rides they will do. The part I am wondering about is given a FP time to come back. That will lock us into a set time to return in the near future that is non-predicatable. With both having issues, a SD and tending to the various degrees of uncertainty this could not go well for us. This is why we do not even make dining plans much anymore.

We bought DVC for the Magic they have shown us for the past decade.

Perhaps in cases like this, they could provide open-ended FPs. You are given a FP for a later start time, but can be used anytime after the start time. Similar to when they didn't enforce the end times of FPs. You wouldn't be locked to a specific time frame.
I saw someone using one in a way that it wasn't intended. I was in the line for Toy story mania when a woman with a boy asked a family how many in their party. She took that family in with her and her boy using the GAC card. I am sure it wasn't intended to be used by someone to take a strangers family in with them.

The GAC card is supposed to be for the recipient and if it still holds, up to 5 additional people in their group not random park guests.
Emagine said:
I am slightly confused and a little worried at the same time. We have taken notes from our Drs for both boys. One with Aspergers, the oldest with Autism and other various issues. Now we are adding a Service Dog to the mix for the oldest.

We use the GAC for most rides they will do. The part I am wondering about is given a FP time to come back. That will lock us into a set time to return in the near future that is non-predicatable. With both having issues, a SD and tending to the various degrees of uncertainty this could not go well for us. This is why we do not even make dining plans much anymore.

We bought DVC for the Magic they have shown us for the past decade.

I think if they do adopt DL way.. They will have some leeway, so needs can be met..
I thought my DD would be ok using regular FP when we wen to DL last sept.. Boy was I wrong! a VERY nice CM came over when my DD started having a meltdown over being bumped, and the person who bumped her was sweaty..

After i explained she has sensory issues... He handed us a new written fastpass to be used later on.. And walked us down to city hall for a GAC.. It was a god send..
I think if there is an problem the CM at the head of the line can use there best judgement and change the time given on the original GAC time..
However I'm sure they are only given a small amount of those blank " fill in" passes.. So they will not be given out to every GAC user, should they miss their time to return..
Perhaps in cases like this, they could provide open-ended FPs. You are given a FP for a later start time, but can be used anytime after the start time. Similar to when they didn't enforce the end times of FPs. You wouldn't be locked to a specific time frame.

And what is to stop anyone from making the same claim and returning after the parade or fireworks, as was the reason the old FP system started enforcing return times...?

Reasonable accommodation - not custom fit for every scenario in the world.

Quoth Dreamgirls...

Effie: I got pain!

Deena, Curtis, C.C., Lorrell, Michelle: Effie, we all got pain.
This is what is being done at DL....
I think it is fair and for those kids with ASD or other issues like my DD can be taken somewhere else ( parents choice) who can not handle being in line....
The only problem I see with this is happens when they return?
Are the forced to wait in FP line, ( which means now you ended up waiting twice) or go through to exit and get on the ride?

Which seems fair?

I have no problem with letting those with ASD or other sensory issues using fotl access.i Would rather let them go to the fotl then have what they hâve or be thé parent of a Child with this, they deserve to be in front.
And what is to stop anyone from making the same claim and returning after the parade or fireworks, as was the reason the old FP system started enforcing return times...?

Reasonable accommodation - not custom fit for every scenario in the world.

Quoth Dreamgirls...

Effie: I got pain!

Deena, Curtis, C.C., Lorrell, Michelle: Effie, we all got pain.

This is what concerns me aside from our issues. People abuse, though I have never judged someone else with a GAC. Heck my hands are full already to do that. Someone though will always abuse a system. But for those who need something, will suffer at the hands of this.

It will also become such a pain to have to discuss infront of your already low esteemed child over and over to a CM in hopes they understand.
mousermerf said:
And what is to stop anyone from making the same claim .

This is what disney is fighting... Anyone can claim they NEED a GAC..

But how do you deal with it..
Asking for proof is not going to happen... And even if it did.. There are always people who will scam the system..

They are trying to make FP more appealing...
We were at DLR for 4 days this summer, just days after the opening of Carsland (we arrived on Father's Day). When we went to DCA, we got in the standby line for Radiator Springs Racers and there was a line *almost* as long as the standby in that Fastpass queue...and yet the fastpass machines HAD NOT BEEN TURNED ON YET! We waited SO long for that ride as a result. It was the ONLY time we were able to get on that ride the whole trip.

We also happened to be in guest relations when a perfectly average girl came in with a large group of her friends asking for a GAC and I heard her stammer and stumble while requesting one "I, um, have, uh, anxiety" (and one of her friends said "Yeah...that's a good one!" in what he thought was a quiet voice but ALL of us heard) They gave her the card and no joke after walking out EVERY member of that group started high-fiving each other. Cast members rolled their eyes and told us that they didn't have a procedure in place to deal with this legally yet and how they hated that their hands were tied knowing that the group of 17 & 18 year olds who had just gotten a pass for the whole group didn't actually need one.

Obviously they need to do *something* to handle the GAC problems - not only does it make standby longer for those of us who don't need them, but it also makes the wait longer for those who DO need them. Hopefully this will be a good start in that direction - I'm sure it won't be perfect, but even a little bit better is better, right?
brucerob62 said:
I have no problem with letting those with ASD or other sensory issues using fotl access.i Would rather let them go to the fotl then have what they hâve or be thé parent of a Child with this, they deserve to be in front.

Thank you for that.. However FOTL access would be horrible for all GAC users, b/c the amount of abuse would go up...

The sad thing is at least with us, if people I line would stop pushing or crowding my DD I don't think we would need to use the GAC as much..
My DH and I do our best to put DD between us and DH will not move up until DD is ready to.. Why i stand in front... This give DD the space she needs..
However people behind him Do not understand this... And have threatened him!! If he didn't move..

And after that we felt is was better to use a GAC, for our safety...

However there are still lines like TSM that she really can't handle it.. the space issue going up And down the stairs is bad every time.. We alway use the wheelchair area for boarding even though the wait is always longer do to having to pull an extra car aside..
Thank you for that.. However FOTL access would be horrible for all GAC users, b/c the amount of abuse would go up...

The sad thing is at least with us, if people I line would stop pushing or crowding my DD I don't think we would need to use the GAC as much..
My DH and I do our best to put DD between us and DH will not move up until DD is ready to.. Why i stand in front... This give DD the space she needs..
However people behind him Do not understand this... And have threatened him!! If he didn't move..

And after that we felt is was better to use a GAC, for our safety...

However there are still lines like TSM that she really can't handle it.. the space issue going up And down the stairs is bad every time.. We alway use the wheelchair area for boarding even though the wait is always longer do to having to pull an extra car aside..

Side note:

You wont ever want to go to DL Paris then. People push and shove to an absurd degree there. With two gal-pals I was designated rear person in queues so they'd not to get bumped and grinded on by random people. No, I had to endure it :P Literally a lot of bracing yourself between the pole and occasionally shoving backwards hard to get them the heck off you.

This wasn't a random single queue or one off trip - was a DLP AP holder for a while living in Paris.
I think the answer of whether there is abuse of the GAC is pretty much undeniably yes, there is. But I don't know what the ratio is of abusers to genuine users who need accommodations. Or what Disney should do about it. It's a tremendous help for people with genuine needs for a GAC. I'm okay if some abusers get through the system if it means the system is there for people who have genuine need.
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