Disney Dream Murder Mystery the Game* NOW OVER *

I definitely want to be someone from Pirates, but I can't decide between Norrington (only Dead Man's Chest Norrington, though, he's hot XD) or Tia Dalma/Calypso. Slightly worried about her accent XD

Please be Tia Dalma/Calypso that would be a great character. Could you help me decide between Goob/Bowler Hat guy from meet the Robinsons or Mr. Waterduse from Monsters Inc.?

The last voting poll for this I chose Disneyland because it hadnt been donw before. I understand I wasnt chosen by a fair vote.....but (without causing drama) is it normal for someone else to be able to run the next MM or even be in the poll when it was my idea last time? I just dont see it being fair if they end up being chosen when it was my idea. I'm not trying to caus any problems but can someone explain to me how this usually works?
I am also going to post this in the voting thread.
well you didnt get into the poll so the way i see it its pretty much fair game and maybe they just had the same idea i was in the last poll and someone is useing the idea i had last time i think its fair i mean first come first serve and who ever wins wins that my way of looking at it


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