disney at christmas

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My friend and I both agreed the Holiday Tour was great. We had a very perky tour guide and she was perfect. I didn't realize how much walking around we would do. She hauled us everywhere except Tomorrowland, I think, telling stories about DL and holiday traditions. The two kids on the tour (about ages 9 and 5) kept up well and made it even more fun.

The crowds were really getting thick so it was great to get on HMH and IASWH without waiting. I figure we would have waited about 1.5 hours combined for those rides alone.

Our parade seats were great -- sipping on cocoa and being close enough to the parade to take unobstructed pictures. Here are a few parade photos:

I was impressed that the toy soldiers were really playing the trumpets -- as a former brass player I can't imagine how hard it would be to march and play while wearing the blocky costumes.





That night we really got some extra pixie dust -- three times we went to use some hoarded FastPasses and the ride was temporarily closed (Space Mountain, Indiana Jones, Thunder Mountain). We would wander around for 15-20 minutes and then go back for one last try. Miraculously, ALL THREE times, the ride had reopened by then.

We will be on the holiday tour tonight! The parade seats look so awesome. Can someone please help me with seating for the fireworks at 7:30. We usually just plop down on the ground but my DMIL is with us and just had a knee replacement. Where is a really good spot to see the fireworks on a bench ? What time should we get there ! Should we just stay in our parade seats ? Thanks bunches !
So, out of curiosity I went to the Selma's website in hopes of being able to order some of those gingerbreads. No luck on that, but when I was looking around at what all they had...I have to say, it seems like Disney may be using more than just their gingerbread men. A LOT of the cookies and rice krispies look like the ones I saw in the parks.
I would have to say the flavor seemed more spearmint to me than peppermint. And you're right about texture playing a big role. Something else I will hesitantly mention about the peppermint fudge....My MIL likes to dissolve fudge in her mouth rather than chew it up. She said that she was left with a ball of waxy stuff that would not dissolve. She said that it is likey some sort of edible parafin that candy makers use as a filler, and that she was surprised because it is usually found in low quality candy. I threw the remainder of my peppermint out right then and there. :sick:

Personally, I *really* like it. The texture in my opinion is very tasty... though I'm going to have to check the toothpaste thing, its not that sugary, at least to me.

I tried the rolling it around in my mouth a bit and letting it disolve, and did not feel anything like a wax in mouth - not in texture or in flavor and all melted away... wait I better check that again. I chewed it a bit at first to break it down, but then all that is left is buttery sugary happiness. DH tried it too and thinks the same... and not spearaminty to me at all.

Of course the TSA screeners had to take a look at it to make sure it wasn't some sort of explosive, and they teased me about having to taste a bit (*VERY* friendly TSA staff at LGB).

that's my $.02
I would rather be here on the DLR side of the board than the WDW since you and all the other DISers are very friendly like I have said over and over again. It would be nice if WDW has something like this thread, right now they just have the MVMCP thread which is nice to understand all the tips during that exclusive event.

I just read Bumbershoot TR and looks like she is having a great time at the WDW resort. You are right that the resorts are so much fun you forget where you are during your trip. When I went to WDW for the first time in 96, the Contemporary hotel which I have stayed was so great and they had a lot of things to do instead of going to the park. The WDW hotels are very great but I got to understand where I am at and enjoy it more at the parks than at the hotel. But all the different activities at the hotels gets you occupied so easily. I really do enjoy all the three hotels at the DLR and it is so easy to access all three hotels at once than at WDW where you to different locations.

Bret - one problem with doing a "Resort Only" vacation at WDW is that all the hotels are not necessarily next to each other, correct? Some of them are close together but others are far apart, as I've heard. So it might require more time and energy getting from hotel to hotel to hotel than to just get from one park to another. At least at DLR, with the 3 little hotels we have, you can easily walk from one to another.

Sherry I hope whatever it was that tried to make you sick went away and stays away. We have had a nasty bug passed around up here in Nor Cal that hangs on and hangs on. I still have not found the Starbucks Peppermint Mocha ice cream they teased me with. :confused3 I know what you mean about spearmint and peppermint. I can't explain to a non-peppermint person at a coffee place that Creme de Mint is NOT the same as peppermint! :scared1: I am not a white chocolate fan and the peppermint fudge looks like that variety. If it was a dark chocolate with the peppermint then:woohoo: you would know where to find me! I am going to have to try the marshmallow stick with it rolled in the peppermint, though!

Sorry to ramble on but this thread gets me going! OK, off to work to earn a few more dollars to spend @ Disneyland!

SueTGGR - Don't worry about rambling! I think we all appreciate that anyone takes the time to write something thoughtful and detailed and actually pays attention to what's happening in the thread!:goodvibes

Thank you - I think I have warded off whatever it was that was trying to get me. But I know what you mean - there is something going around that is making people sick for weeks and weeks. Even when they think it's gone, it's not really gone.

I have a feeling my local Ralphs probably will have the Starbucks ice cream, but I have been avoiding the ice cream until after I get to DLR and back home - mainly because I know if I head to the ice cream section, I will end up buying the Dreyer's Peppermint Ice cream...and I want to wait and eat it in a chocolate sprinkled cone at DLR!! I would feel like I am cheating if I eat it before! But once I get home from DLR, I will raid the ice cream section of the store and load up on the Dreyer's and the Starbucks Peppermint Mocha!!

You're right - people get their 'mints' confused. I realize it is hard to explain to a non-peppermint person what the difference is, so then I break it down in colors! I tend to say, "When you think of spearmint, think of green. When you think of peppermint, think of candy canes and pink!":rotfl2:

I need real human confirmation on the weather because I'm starting to wonder what the heck are we going to pack?
Warmer weather means less clothes too launder... YES!!! :dance3:

Have a wonderful time there Sherry! Post pictures!!!

cseca - of course, you have a bit of time before you head to DLR, so you never know - the weather could change drastically again. This really has been one of the oddest weather years in SoCal that I've ever experienced. You may not get the toasty 80 degrees I am supposed to get on Sunday. You may get the 50's or 60's!!

I've been to DLR in December when it was literally so cold my teeth were chattering and I had to wear big, honkin' Mickey earmuffs and big, giant coats and scarves and gloves. Even in the daytime it was cold (but I loved it!). And I've been to DLR in December when I was wearing a t-shirt at night, with no jacket. In fact, one of our DIS'ers here - smiley_face2 - had a photo a while back in which she was wearing shorts in December!! I have also been there when it poured rain everywhere and I had to lug my umbrella around.

But for right now, the forecast for the next week - with the exception of one day that looked rainy - is supposed to be decent and kinda warm for December. And it feels warmer in my apartment now - it was beginning to feel too much like the Arctic Circle for a while....which I love, because I HATE heat!!! I am no hot weather fan, so I don't mind living on the frozen tundra.

I actually skipped the peppermint ice cream :eek: because I have some here and I was COLD most of the weekend! Lots of hot cocoa (Disney's is better then La Brea Bakery, we decided).

I liked the peppermint fudge on the Holiday Tour. I thought the regular fudge was OK, but the peppermint was better. Of course I think everything is better with peppermint, so I'm not the best judge.

OK, off to upload MORE PHOTOS!


Skipped the peppermint ice cream?:scared1::scared1::scared1: What on earth is the world coming to? Did you get to try the peppermint demitasse thingy? A peppermint mocha beverage, perhaps?

Thanks for warning me about the cocoa at La Brea Bakery. I might have ended up with it and now I know the stuff in DL is better.

Our first afternoon and evening we spent in DTD and at the hotels. Despite many trips, neither of us had done this much because we usually have the DHs and kids in tow.

We saw the carolers in the front lobby of the Disneyland hotel (I think the same set amamax posted a few pages ago). Then we came around the corner near Goofy's and saw Santa -- with NO ONE around but one family getting off his lap and the photogs. So we took a picture -- I'm the brunette on the right.


We also saw this monster wreath -- the floor-to-ceiling windows behind it should give you a clue to its size. I didn't think I could get it in my van, so we left it at the DLH.


Sherry, I can't thank you enough for your suggestion to hang out in the great hall of the GCH. We found a couple chairs near the Christmas tree and spent an hour or so talking and watching people get their pictures with Santa (some adorable tiny babies), soaking up the ambience, etc. It's now on both of our lists to come back to.


Cute photo with Santa!! You both look really happy to be there, and like you are having a great time! So Santa was at the DLH in the evening? If so, it sounds like they are switching things up a bit. He used to be at the DLH in the late morning/early afternoon.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the GCH lobby idea!! It's such a simple, understated thing to do - which may escape many people - and yet, it's so festive and holiday-esque!! It's such a cool holiday atmosphere, and it is fun to watch the people get their photos taken. Everyone seems to be in a good mood, and strangers chat amongst each other. When there are carolers by the tree (and I don't know if they are by the tree this year or not), people curl up on the couches and carpets to watch them. Was the pianist there or the guitarist by the fireplace?

And aren't those chairs deceptively comfortable? You look at them and they don't necessarily look all that comfy. But after a while of sitting in them you realize how relaxing they are!!

We will be on the holiday tour tonight! The parade seats look so awesome. Can someone please help me with seating for the fireworks at 7:30. We usually just plop down on the ground but my DMIL is with us and just had a knee replacement. Where is a really good spot to see the fireworks on a bench ? What time should we get there ! Should we just stay in our parade seats ? Thanks bunches !

Torgue - I hope you have a great time on the tour!! I don't know where a good bench spot is for the fireworks. I wish I could help with that. We were standing when I was there in November. I would start looking for a spot at least 90 minutes before hand, maybe even more. I'm sure others will have the same idea about sitting down.

So, out of curiosity I went to the Slema's website in hopes of being able to order some of those gingerbreads. No luck on that, but when I was looking around at what all they had...I have to say, it seems like Disney may be using more than just their gingerbread men. A LOT of the cookies and rice krispies look like the ones I saw in the parks.

MattsPrincess - Hmmm....now you've made me wonder how many of the DLR baked treats are actually coming from Selma's - whatever Selma's is. I am just baffled as to why they would not be baking their own stuff when they have a big, almost brand new, baking facility on the premises. What are they baking in that facility? I assume Disney must contract Selma's out to bake their goodies, but somehow it seems less festive to get a cookie wrapped in Selma's wrapping when you are at DLR, I would think!!

Wow - that's gorgeous, Mike! And I stand by my earlier statement that you got a lot accomplished in your one day at DLR!! So many photos in such a short time - and great photos, at that!!
Bret - one problem with doing a "Resort Only" vacation at WDW is that all the hotels are not necessarily next to each other, correct? Some of them are close together but others are far apart, as I've heard. So it might require more time and energy getting from hotel to hotel to hotel than to just get from one park to another. At least at DLR, with the 3 little hotels we have, you can easily walk from one to another.

Yes, most of the hotels at the WDW resort are apart and it takes time to go to hotel to hotel. It does require a lot of time and energy getting from hotel to hotel at the WDW. They do take awhile for the buses to get to the destination and take as long as 30 minutes for the next bus to come and pick us up at the hotel or park. I also like the hotels that use the monorail system like the Contemporary, Grand Floridian, and Polynesian Resort. But like you said about the 3 DLR hotels which is easy to walk too and the PPH and DLH are just ordinary hotels. The GCH is so amazing everytime I go inside the hotel.
Wow - that's gorgeous, Mike! And I stand by my earlier statement that you got a lot accomplished in your one day at DLR!! So many photos in such a short time - and great photos, at that!![/QUOTE]

Thanks so much Sherry. We had a wonderful time. Can't imagine being able to enjoy it year round.
I agree DL hot chocolate is better then La Brea bakery. We just tried the coffee at Haagen-Dazs the other night and it was very good. I had a white choc mocha with peppermint and my father had one with balies and cream in it. Both very good and we will be going there again.:santa:
We also saw this monster wreath -- the floor-to-ceiling windows behind it should give you a clue to its size. I didn't think I could get it in my van, so we left it at the DLH.



LOVE all the pictures! They are wonderful. Wow, the Santa area at DLH is beautiful - we went to the DLH, but obviously didn't wander around enough.

And you got such a great shot of that huge wreath there! Would you mind if I captured your shot? Mine didn't turn out very well - lots of glare on the glass.

This is stunning!!! Did you post-process it somehow and if so, what did you do? The colors look so different from my picture of that area....but I love it.
Amamax -- you are welcome to my wreath picture. I thought it was one of my favorite wreaths.

Sherry -- I think (based on my camera's clock) we saw Santa around 5:30 p.m. in the DLH lobby. So maybe it was right before he magically "moved" to the GCH where we saw him shortly thereafter. The pianist was playing in the GCH lobby for awhile where we arrived.

We did have a really fun time. I saw a friend tonight who had seen me right before I left last week and she said how rested and relaxed I looked now after my trip. I guess I still have some of that pixie dust on me!

I'll put up some more photos tomorrow, but I've got to catch up on some sleep for now (we're an hour ahead in AZ).

We leave tomorrow and will be at the parks Thurs-Sat I am so excited yet at the same time kind of sad. I know it will pass by so quickly I am hoping I can savor every moment with my hubby and kids. I don't think we will be back again for a while. Big thanks to everyone who has been posting pictures it's been so awesome! Hoping the weather stays dry and the crowds are low ( wishful thinking) :banana:
Hi Everyone,

Well go time for us is only a couple of weeks away. Our Disney Hopper tickets should arrive in a couple of days. I will finally have time tomorrow to try to get some reservations made. Could not do it before. I have a couple of questions? For Fantasmic the phone message says you can make dining reservations at 2 different restaurants or get reservations for priority seating. Which is the better way to go? As for World of Color they say we can order a lunch on line and get better seating, is getting the lunch box and seating worth it?? Would I also be able to sign up for the Holiday Tour at the same Disneyland phone number as well?? Any other suggestions for good places to eat that would require a reservation?? The last time I was at Disneyland was in the early 90's.. Is MM only for those staying at a Disney hotel? I picked up my new Nikon Coolpix p100 yesterday and I will spend the weekend learning how to use it. I am soo more excited:yay: about going then my son is yet:woohoo:
Again, a super thread and thanks for all the incredible pictures.

We were there for our annual post Thanksgiving trip last Mon.-Thurs. and had a great time, but boy, did we notice some changes.

Not only were Christmas decorations much more scarce, but holiday merchandise was also lacking. There were no Christmas mugs - at all! I remember when they used to feature the classic movies on Christmas mugs, small, round, flat ornaments, plates, etc. Haven't seen those for a few years, but they usally have some sort of Christmas mug. Also, we didn't see any cookie decorating! Yikes! We loved doing that. And I really, really miss the Santa's Reindeer RoundUp from before the BBQ went back in. They would have cookie decorating, cocoa, entertainment where kids could go up and participate, magicians wandering around, beautiful decorations and trees decorated (the real, huge ones), and lots of characters. They'd also have carts selling fun Holiday stuff. It was a
great place to go and relax and just enjoy the ambience.

We were shocked that there were no decorations at the Backlot in DCA. Again, we'd love to sit, liten to Christmas music, drink cocoa, and people watch. Really missed all those decorations and music.

Boy, do I sound like a whiner! We had a great time, crowds were okay until Thursday when things started to pick up, but still no problem. And we did manage to bring home a few ornaments!
Ok some of my pictures are downloaded. Here are some of the IASW and were taken by DD(15)




I'm still working on downloading and resizing. I'll post more later.
Oh, I found this wreath in a shop next to the Peter Pan ride where they sell swords and daggers. I didn't know if it has been posted for our wreath quest, but here it is:

Hi Everyone,

Well go time for us is only a couple of weeks away. Our Disney Hopper tickets should arrive in a couple of days. I will finally have time tomorrow to try to get some reservations made. Could not do it before. I have a couple of questions? For Fantasmic the phone message says you can make dining reservations at 2 different restaurants or get reservations for priority seating. Which is the better way to go? As for World of Color they say we can order a lunch on line and get better seating, is getting the lunch box and seating worth it?? Would I also be able to sign up for the Holiday Tour at the same Disneyland phone number as well?? Any other suggestions for good places to eat that would require a reservation?? The last time I was at Disneyland was in the early 90's.. Is MM only for those staying at a Disney hotel? I picked up my new Nikon Coolpix p100 yesterday and I will spend the weekend learning how to use it. I am soo more excited:yay: about going then my son is yet:woohoo:

I think you are a bit confused - as I understand it the only "special" for Fantasmic is to buy the dessert package - which is something you get there - not dinner reservations...the WOC you can chose between dinner at 2 different restaurants or do the picnic..or you can get fast passes in the morning to view it - you have to do one of those options to view WOC - can't just walk up - you can sit and wait for Fantasmic - no FP's - if you do not do the dessert pkg...
We leave tomorrow....I'm bursting with excitement! I sure hope the forecast is correct, it sounds lovely.

Thanks again to everyone who posted here with pictures and info. I feel so prepared. The planning is half the fun!
Some Small World Holiday photos -- it is even more beautiful in person than the pictures hint at.

I'm posting a few that I haven't seen much of on this thread.



These little prairie dog/gophers were so cute in their Santa hats -- not a great picture.


Wreath Quest! I want one!


I asked DH if we could do the outside of our house like Small World next year. His reactions: :eek: :rotfl2:

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