Dis-Dream Academy RP

Havelock: He looked around and shrugged. "See any empty tables or people you'd like to talk to?"

Helena: "You're welcome. Not for thirty minutes to an hour. And what I put out, I can recall."

Haru: She shuffled her feet. "How did you like your first day?"
Jo: "Not really."

Espen: "Me either."

Finny: "Too bad Ainsley's not here anymore. I would've introduced her to you guys. I guys we could just sit on the couches over there."

Sam: "Ok."

Cass: "It was pretty good I guess."

Mike: "I liked it. Cass only likes technology."

Cass: "No, some of the other classes are ok too."

Mike: "Mhm."
Leinani: "I'm in 12th grade. What grade are you guy's in?"
Marci: "We're both in 11th."
Jo: "Not really."

Espen: "Me either."

Finny: "Too bad Ainsley's not here anymore. I would've introduced her to you guys. I guys we could just sit on the couches over there."

Sam: "Ok."

Cass: "It was pretty good I guess."

Mike: "I liked it. Cass only likes technology."

Cass: "No, some of the other classes are ok too."

Mike: "Mhm."

Marci: "We're both in 11th."

Havelock: "Sounds good to me."

Helena: "So, what do you think is going to be your favorite class? I think I'll like Gym best, or Theatre."

Haru: "Technology is pretty cool."
Havelock: "Sounds good to me."

Helena: "So, what do you think is going to be your favorite class? I think I'll like Gym best, or Theatre."

Haru: "Technology is pretty cool."
Finny: They all walked to the couches. She caught a glance of something interesting. It looked like 3 footstools made of ice.

Eric: "I don't know. Probably gym as well."

Sam: "Whichever one I don't have to do a lot of work in."

Eric: He glared at him. Then he saw 4 people walk to the couches.

Cass: "Yeah."

Mike: "There was so much equipment at each table that we coulb probably make another Baymax."

Cass: "Like I said yesterday Mike, we don't have Tadashi's programming chip, nor are we nearly as smart as him to make another one. We'd just end up with a giant marshmallow man."
Leinani: "That's cool! This is my first day here, and I'm still confused as where and hope all the classes are good."
Marci: "The school is pretty big. I'm sure we'll all get used to it. The classes are pretty good so far." Then she whispered, "Just stay away from Carter." She pointed to her and her group of friends. "Although her friend Natalie is sort of nice, but her other friend Hayden is, um, interesting."
Finny: They all walked to the couches. She caught a glance of something interesting. It looked like 3 footstools made of ice.

Eric: "I don't know. Probably gym as well."

Sam: "Whichever one I don't have to do a lot of work in."

Eric: He glared at him. Then he saw 4 people walk to the couches.

Cass: "Yeah."

Mike: "There was so much equipment at each table that we coulb probably make another Baymax."

Cass: "Like I said yesterday Mike, we don't have Tadashi's programming chip, nor are we nearly as smart as him to make another one. We'd just end up with a giant marshmallow man."

Marci: "The school is pretty big. I'm sure we'll all get used to it. The classes are pretty good so far." Then she whispered, "Just stay away from Carter." She pointed to her and her group of friends. "Although her friend Natalie is sort of nice, but her other friend Hayden is, um, interesting."

Havelock: He blinked, noticing what Finny noticed.

Helena: She saw the group. "Should I put up our footstools?" She muttered to Eric.

Haru: "Yeah, Tadashi was really smart," she mumbled. She wasn't sure why she was still torn up about Tadashi's death sometimes. Sure he was her cousin, but most people seemed to have moved on. Only her cousin Hiro seemed to still have moments like these, but though she talked him through his, she couldn't confide in him about hers, she was older, and indeed the oldest now, so she couldn't burden him with her problems, it wouldn't be fair.
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Abhilasha:There was a lot of books.
Ataris:There was a bunch of books she bet that they were all about human things.
Marci: "The school is pretty big. I'm sure we'll all get used to it. The classes are pretty good so far." Then she whispered, "Just stay away from Carter." She pointed to her and her group of friends. "Although her friend Natalie is sort of nice, but her other friend Hayden is, um, interesting."

Leinani: She whispered back,"Why do I need to stay from them? Did something bad happen yesterday?" She looked at the group that Marci pointed at and thought of what must of happened yesterday.
Leo: He walked leisurely to the library, looking over his schedule.

Olivia: After putting things away in her locker she rushed to the library while trying to put away things in her backpack then zip it. While distracted she bumped into Leo. "Woah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean - " Noticing who she was talking to she realized she had seen the boy around the year before. "Oh, hi. Anyway, sorry, again. I'm almost late."

Leo: He knew Olivia as she they had shared friends from the previous year. "It's no problem."

Olivia: She nodded, giving a small smile, before continuing on her way to the library. Walking in she panicked slightly thinking she'd either need to sit alone or with others she didn't know, before seeing Parker. Relieved, she walked over to his table, dropping her bag and sitting down. "Hey." Seeing a new face she smiled, trying to show the greeting was for him too.

Leo: He walked in a few moments later, finding a table and sitting alone with his schedule in hand.

OOC: Sorry about not posting, we had a huge storm that knocked out the power all day.
Leo: He walked leisurely to the library, looking over his schedule.

Olivia: After putting things away in her locker she rushed to the library while trying to put away things in her backpack then zip it. While distracted she bumped into Leo. "Woah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean - " Noticing who she was talking to she realized she had seen the boy around the year before. "Oh, hi. Anyway, sorry, again. I'm almost late."

Leo: He knew Olivia as she they had shared friends from the previous year. "It's no problem."

Olivia: She nodded, giving a small smile, before continuing on her way to the library. Walking in she panicked slightly thinking she'd either need to sit alone or with others she didn't know, before seeing Parker. Relieved, she walked over to his table, dropping her bag and sitting down. "Hey." Seeing a new face she smiled, trying to show the greeting was for him too.

Leo: He walked in a few moments later, finding a table and sitting alone with his schedule in hand.

OOC: Sorry about not posting, we had a huge storm that knocked out the power all day.
OOC: Totally fine.

Hugo: He smile back. "Hi, I'm Hugo Weselton."
Havelock: He blinked, noticing what Finny noticed.

Helena: She saw the group. "Should I put up our footstools?" She muttered to Eric.

Haru: "Yeah, Tadashi was really smart," she mumbled. She wasn't sure why she was still torn up about Tadashi's death sometimes. Sure he was er big brother, but most people seemed to have moved on. Only her little brother Hiro seemed to still have moments like these, but though she talked him through his, she couldn't confide in him about hers, she was the older sibling, and indeed the oldest now, so she couldn't burden him with her problems, it wouldn't be fair.
Eric: "I'll handle it." He said to the group, "Yeah, I made these, I have snow and ice powers. Big deal."

Finny: "Ok." She sat on one of the couches.

OOC: Haru is their cousins I think.

Cass: "Yeah."

Mike: "Well Hiro has the chip, maybe he could possibly find a way to make another one."
Leinani: She whispered back,"Why do I need to stay from them? Did something bad happen yesterday?" She looked at the group that Marci pointed at and thought of what must of happened yesterday.
Marci: "Well, long story short, she was being rude to me, so I called her a not so nice word. And now I have detention after school."
OOC: Well I feel stupid. I went back to check, and yes Haru is their cousin, and she actually did warn me on her sign-up she'd be gone from June to Mid-July. Facepalm.
Eric: "I'll handle it." He said to the group, "Yeah, I made these, I have snow and ice powers. Big deal."

Finny: "Ok." She sat on one of the couches.

OOC: Haru is their cousins I think.

Cass: "Yeah."

Mike: "Well Hiro has the chip, maybe he could possibly find a way to make another one."

Marci: "Well, long story short, she was being rude to me, so I called her a not so nice word. And now I have detention after school."

Helena: She subtly gave him a grateful look.

Havelock: He sat with the group.
Mariah Odie: "Good morning. My name is Mariah Odie, I'm the librarian here, and you'll be having Homeroom in the library with me, as Mr. Krei needs to prepare for the science classes and the 5th floor classroom where you where Homeroom was previously situated was offered to the ROTC program. Speaking of programs, club and organization information and tryout packets are on these tables. I believe Soccer is having their tryouts on Thursday, Cheerleading is having theirs on Friday, and the ROTC is accepting applications. Homeroom will be mostly the same, you will be allowed to check out books and use the computers, WiFi works too, however you are not allowed to leave. And don't think you'll be able to sneak out either into the school or the outside door, all doors are alarmed, and of course there's some special voodoo magic I learned from my great grandmother Mama Odie. You may leave when the bell rings. If you have any questions, see the front desk."

OOC: Today is Tuesday or Wednesday
OOC: Well I feel stupid. I went back to check, and yes Haru is their cousin, and she actually did warn me on her sign-up she'd be gone from June to Mid-July. Facepalm.
OOC: Oh. Well I guess she'll be coming back on the boards anytime soon since it is mid July.
Helena: She subtly gave him a grateful look.

Havelock: He sat with the group.
Eric: He whispered, "Your welcome."
Mariah Odie: "Good morning. My name is Mariah Odie, I'm the librarian here, and you'll be having Homeroom in the library with me, as Mr. Krei needs to prepare for the science classes and the 5th floor classroom where you where Homeroom was previously situated was offered to the ROTC program. Speaking of programs, club and organization information and tryout packets are on these tables. I believe Soccer is having their tryouts on Thursday, Cheerleading is having theirs on Friday, and the ROTC is accepting applications. Homeroom will be mostly the same, you will be allowed to check out books and use the computers, WiFi works too, however you are not allowed to leave. And don't think you'll be able to sneak out either into the school or the outside door, all doors are alarmed, and of course there's some special voodoo magic I learned from my great grandmother Mama Odie. You may leave when the bell rings. If you have any questions, see the front desk."

OOC: Today is Tuesday or Wednesday
Finny: "So I guess we just hang out for a little while."

Espen: "Are any of you trying out for any of the sports?"

Finny: "I might try or for soccer. I don't know about cheerleading yet.

Jo: "I don't know yet."

Espen: "Me either."

Sam: "Any of you trying out for sports? I probably won't, since you know, my grandfather is making me help the elves."

Eric: "Probably not."

Marci: "Hey Leinani, are you going to try out for cheerleading? Me and Jacqui are. We were both captains at our old school, so we're a shoo in to get on the squad."

Jacqui: "Yeah."

Cass: She started to read her manga.

Mike: "Hey Cass, you should try out for cheerleading." He laughed.

Cass: "Uh, no."

Mike: "Why not?"

Cass: "Because I'm already in it."

Mike: "What?"

Cass: "Yeah, I'm Leroy, remember?"

Mike: "Oh yeah."

Cass: "And I guarantee that no one else wants to be Leroy. I also never returned the costume."

Mike: "True."

Cass: She continued to read her manga.
Marci: "Well, long story short, she was being rude to me, so I called her a not so nice word. And now I have detention after school."
Leinani: "Well that's not nice of her! I'll definitely stay away from them."

Marci: "Hey Leinani, are you going to try out for cheerleading? Me and Jacqui are. We were both captains at our old school, so we're a shoo in to get on the squad."
Leinani: "Yeah, I'll try out for cheerleading!"
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