Dis Breast Cancer Survivors Part IV - GAGWTA

Has anyone heard anything from Disneydazed 90? I just realized we have not heard from her since March 13th. No further posts by her either.

I am praying for her.

Snappy they said 3-5 days. I'm just hoping the dr will give me results over the phone
Was it a fine needle aspiration or a stereoetactic core needle biopsy? It sounds like it was in the doctor's office, not the radiology department, so I think fine needle?
Lol. No idea. Was done at the breast center and was sonogram guided. Big long needle. Machine was loud and made sucking sort of noises. Tape to close up the hole which stays on for 5 days. Put the titanium chip in to mark the spot. Didnt realize there were so many different procedures. And I was on my back not on my stomach. I really am clueless. Please know I'm laughing at my ignorance and not at anyone here.
No worries. I did way too much research when I had mine back in the day. It does sound like a stereotactic core needle. Maybe they call 'em something different these day. My mom had a similar one followed up with a surgical biopsy. They do come in different varieties, lol.

Nice to have a laugh about all of this. Humor is what gets us through these trials.

Lying on the back does sound better. I think I was face down with everything hanging down if you know what I mean.

Lovely, lovely.
Thank you for understanding I meant no disrespect. I guess I just take whatever they tell me and don't know there are probably other questions I might want to ask. Kind of like a first timer at Disney -- they don't know anything so they don't know they should be aware of things like dining reservations and fast pass.

I have a tendency to get way ahead of myself but this time I've reigned it in. No need to start researching wigs before a biopsy. I do tend to put the cart before the horse. I had myself so worked up about the biopsy that I was more concerned with that than the results. I guess I can still afford to have a teenaged mentality -- this won't happen to me. I'll deal with bad news if and when it comes. Until then I will continue on blissfully ignorant. :goodvibes
PrincessK, I probably got you worked up about the biopsy. Mine was awful, but guess I had a bad doctor. My entire breast was bruised, even a month later when I had surgery. Glad it was not bad for you.

Got my all clear letter today, five days wait. That's a lovely feeling. They have always done the thing where they check the pictures and tell you if you are good to go. But it just means the pictures are clear enough to read, not that everything is fine. I've always been told that the radiologist has to look at them before any opinions can be given. It would be nicer if the radiologist looked at them right away.

I was shocked about the Coronado bridge too, but they definitely named it. California is really hurting for funds these days.
Thank you for understanding I meant no disrespect. I guess I just take whatever they tell me and don't know there are probably other questions I might want to ask. Kind of like a first timer at Disney -- they don't know anything so they don't know they should be aware of things like dining reservations and fast pass.

I have a tendency to get way ahead of myself but this time I've reigned it in. No need to start researching wigs before a biopsy. I do tend to put the cart before the horse. I had myself so worked up about the biopsy that I was more concerned with that than the results. I guess I can still afford to have a teenaged mentality -- this won't happen to me. I'll deal with bad news if and when it comes. Until then I will continue on blissfully ignorant. :goodvibes

I like the analogy to the first timer at Disney. You really captured exactly how it feels to be in your shoes.

Give me some bliss and some pixie dust any old day.:hippie:
PrincessK, I probably got you worked up about the biopsy. Mine was awful, but guess I had a bad doctor. My entire breast was bruised, even a month later when I had surgery. Glad it was not bad for you.

Got my all clear letter today, five days wait. That's a lovely feeling. They have always done the thing where they check the pictures and tell you if you are good to go. But it just means the pictures are clear enough to read, not that everything is fine. I've always been told that the radiologist has to look at them before any opinions can be given. It would be nicer if the radiologist looked at them right away.

I was shocked about the Coronado bridge too, but they definitely named it. California is really hurting for funds these days.

What great news, I am glad everything is clear. At the breast center where I go, the radiologist does look at images for the diagnostic mammograms, not the screening ones. I do think they have a protocol where a second doc looks at them afterwards, and since they are digital, there is also a computerized review of the images.

I would love to know how much that new mammo machine cost that was used on me in the new joint. It looked kind of space aged to me. The tech said the manufacturer sent a rep to the hospital for a month to train the techs. Sounds complicated but the tech seemed like she had it down.

I am driving to Disney in May, taking DD17 and her friend. Made my reservations in a nice Staybridge along the way where we stayed when I drove in March 2011. If DH drives, he can make it in one day. I have no interest in trying.

I am ready for this trip.

DD17 improved her ACT scores by 2 and 3 points for her Science and Math which were lower than REading and English last time. Her boyfriend tutored her and it was very helpful. She is still unsure where where she wants to go to college but seems to want to study either nutrition or environmental science. For years her passion was being a vet, but she has grown up a bit.

Anyone know anything about Fordham in the Bronx? I would prefer something in Boston like Boston College or Tufts, but her class rank is in the middle since the magnet school has such a large Asian and Indian makeup with fantastic grades and high standardized test scores.

She wants a medium sized college near a bog city, not a rural location. She will apply here locally to LSU and Tulane, but she is expressing interest farther afield. I think we will have an empty nest in a year and a half. Well, DS24 is right down the road in New Orleans, thank goodness.

DD22 had her car towed Friday afternoon when she got stuck in an elevator for awhile after a business meeting in Brooklyn. The banker she was meeting next had to cancel their meeting because her car was towed too!

She texted DH and me, I guess so we could share in her immediate pain and frustration. Her manager was no help (call 311), so she googled where to go, took a cab, paid $$$ and got her car back. Then she went on to another meeting and a dinner meeting. I guess it was another notch in her belt. She does not seem to need us to get her out of jams anymore. It is a nice feeling.

Cheryl, how nice that your daughter and her DH will be closer. That will be wonderful. How great that they can relocate like that. DD22 is thinking down the road when her boyfriend graduates form med school. The company she works for has offices everywhere so she thinks she will be able to transfer to wherever he ends up for residency.

There is something to be said for working for a national/international company, with lots of locations.

MaryAnn, are you booked for your trip yet?

Well I just made my own appointment for a regular screening mammo since I knew I was due. When I had to go back last year (after a phone call), they did a second mammo on the same machine, then the ultrasound. Then I waited for the doctor to review and he came in to tell me to get a biopsy.

Are most of you having a diagnostic with ultrasound every year? I have not seen my oncologist since she told me I was going to die if I didn't take the Femara.
Dancind, you didn't scare me at all. I can do that all on my own. And even if you told me it was nothing, I still would have made it something. ;) Glad you got positive results from your recent tests. It's encouraging to see others beating this beast and living life and carrying on.

Snappy, I see you are also in a similiar position with a child preparing for college. My daughter is a junior and we also searching for a college for her. We just got her second SAT scores back. I'm going to have her take one more crack at it in October. We're looking mostly in NJ but I think she might wind up at Coastal Carolina University in SC. That's the place she seems set on and she has the scores to get in (it's not very hard). I'm just hoping for higher SAT scores for more merit money.

There is so much going on right now with having a junior in school that it's been a huge help in keeping my mind otherwise occupied. She'll get her class ring this week, she has a few trips coming up, her junior prom next month and then we're going to DC for the National Memorial Day Parade. DD is in the color guard and our high school marching band was selected as the State reps for the parade. I'm not going to miss this so I'm hoping my tests come back okay and nothing will cause me to miss this trip. I'm going. ::yes::
You need to go no matter. Another few weeks isn't going to make a difference.

I told DH yesterday that I'm thinking of pulling enough from an IRA for a river cruise in France in 2014. He was concerned about retirement and I told him its time to work on the bucket list! I am 60 next month, yes it's time!
Doctor's office just called. All clear!!! They said it was a fibroadenoma. I'm thinking, after what I've read on the internet that it might have formed since I stopped taking birth control last year. From what I've read this usually occurs in younger women and may be less frequent in those who use birth control pills. I have a follow-up with the doctor on April 29. I asked the nurse about the MRI for the other asymmetry. She said he probably won't be able to get that approved since the biopsy came back benign, but he will probably want me to follow the recommendation of the hospital that I have a follow-up mammography in six months.

Thank you again for your thoughts, prayers and encouragement. I continue to wish you all peace and health and hope you don't mind if I continue to hang around.

Dancind: You're right about getting to work on that bucket list. No sense putting off what can be enjoyed now. Hope you get that trip checked off soon. :)
Doctor's office just called. All clear!!! They said it was a fibroadenoma. I'm thinking, after what I've read on the internet that it might have formed since I stopped taking birth control last year. From what I've read this usually occurs in younger women and may be less frequent in those who use birth control pills. I have a follow-up with the doctor on April 29. I asked the nurse about the MRI for the other asymmetry. She said he probably won't be able to get that approved since the biopsy came back benign, but he will probably want me to follow the recommendation of the hospital that I have a follow-up mammography in six months.

Wonderful news! Really happy for you, hoping for no more scares.
Has anyone heard anything from Disneydazed 90? I just realized we have not heard from her since March 13th. No further posts by her either.

I am praying for her.


I cant say what I would like to say or I would probably get in big trouble from the mods
Princess Ks mom - wonderful news. I had one of those too when I was in my early 20s. t was the an egg and although the surgeon did a good job I still have scar tissue wrapped around one of the nerve

Diana - wishing you all the best too. Who is overseeing your care if you have not gone back to the onc. Do you have a new one?

Peg - how are your stomach issues?

Cheryl - how wonderful your dd is moving closer to you

smiley -how are the renovations going?

Laurie - so far it looks like May 28 - June 3rd or 4th. Dh and I are like 2 ships passing in the night. Hopefully we can make some plans this week end. I hope they have a passholder rate at the beach club.

Dh had to finalize his trip so he is going May 9-21 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and then Beijing.

I went to the school meeting this week. Its a miracle of God that the place is still open. Financially things are really not good. We shall see what the fall brings. They are having a tag/garage sale so I will start gathering stuff from the garage for that etc.

Someone please send me some:sunny::sunny: Its so cold and rainy here

GAGWTA. Have a great week end everyoe
Linda and fortwilderness is home - guess my yankees ar not going to do well this year. So bad in fact the local sports reporter wrote in the paper he expects them to be in last place in the division.


I just got caught up with all the ladies on this thread!

I have to say that our Red Sox probably won't fare much better this year. Its not often that the Yankees have a bad year!! You have a old Red Sox fan favorite now in Kevin Youkilis. He was never one of my favs, but my husband and sons loved him and were sorry to see him go......especially to the "dreaded" Yankees...lol!!!

My son had a baseball game last night. It was FREEZING!! Throughout the game, we had rain, sleet and snow. It was only in the 30's. Of course, since it was so cold, we needed to prolong the game by two extra innings because of a tie. My sons team won though, so all smiles when it was over.

I got a letter in the mail, that my oncologist is leaving the practice. I am not a crier, but I have shed a few tears over it. My three month check up is May 16th with someone who is filling in, until someone new is hired in September. I know its not the end of the world, but I am having a hard time with it.

So happy for everybody that has received good test results and thinking of everybody still in the fight!


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