Dis Breast Cancer Survivors Part IV - GAGWTA

Did I say that?? :laughing: Isn't it funny when you read here so often it's hard to recognize even your own words!

Welcome, Robin. Sorry this has happened to you. I was going to go into my little spiel but looks like Ann has saved me the trouble tonight. See how things progress, and we'll be here anytime you need us. Big thing to keep in mind is that you are extremely unlikely to die from this disease! :hug:

Hearing "Glad this thread is here" and Ann's words is a little pick me up. I am pretty fried. Things have been very stressful here. DH lost his mom. It was hard on everyone, especially DH, his dad and siblings, and all the grandchildren. She was sick since last fall, and at home, so it was a long haul. We are all trying to recover. I told you DS had surgery, then we also had a weather related tragedy at the house so that's been difficult on top of everything else. Good news is that everyone's healthy here, DS has had a great baseball season and DD had a great year in school. They are excited to start driving soon!

All of you are always in my prayers. :flower3:
Robin, yes we are sorry you have to join our club but just the same you are welcome. That was pretty cool the way Ann went to our original thread oh so very long ago in 2005 and quoted Linda's wise words. Linda has helped many a survivor navigate these waters.

I was 50 and from my needle biopsy I was diagnosed with non-invasive DCIS, and a very small 1mm area of invasive cancer. I was not told the grade but with my situation since the DCIS was widespread, what the pathology report and the doctor termed multi-focal, I was advised to have the mastectomy. While DCIS is truly pre-cancer in that it has not what I call busted out of the ductal system, it can present as snaking a bit throughout the ductal system, making it a challenge for the surgeon to completely remove it while getting clear margins. DCIS often is diagnosed not from a lump but as irregular microcalcifications on a mammogram. Yours sounds a bit different. Actually each and every case is very different. That is why Ann cautioned you to try not to google the web too much as reading other survivors' unique situations tends to scare a newly diagnosed one so much.

In 2004 I was told there had only been a few cases where a lumpectomy was done with a multi focal DCIS case. That was more than 9 years ago, and it could very well be the standard of care is very different these days.

I did have a mastectomy and the surgeon suggested I wait to do reconstruction as opposed to immediate reconstruction when the breast cancer surgeon and plastic surgeon do everything during the same surgery. Luckily I did not need either radiation or chemo as no further sign of invasion was discovered from the path report after the mastectomy in either the breast tissue or the 16 nodes that were removed under the arm.

I had a free tram flap done in August 2006 and the "good" breast was reduced and lifted to make me even.

I live in a hot and humid area, and my remaining breast was large so the reconstruction was a very good idea, and I am glad I had it done.

I would agree with Ann to listen very carefully to the doctor about your options and what the risk of recurrence is for each option. Then come here and ask away. I would also say you might think about a second opinion if you have any reservations whatsoever about the first surgeon, or maybe even if you are fine with the first.

I would ask for copies of the path report from both your biopsy and later surgery, and start a file with the reports.

This is a real kick in the pants you received. It does seem surreal when things happen so fast. But I am glad you were able to get an appointment without waiting. Waiting for results, waiting for tests and the surgery, all of this is so stressful.

It would be ideal for someone to go with you Tuesday as it is really easy to have the surgeon's words evaporate from your brain as soon as you walk out of his office. Another set of ears and support are both important at this stage.

Let us know any further questions that come to mind between now and Tuesday and afterwards too of course. You will have more info after your visit, but making decisions are difficult.

Good luck and hope to hear from you again soon.
Hello ladies! what a summer it is turning out to be :( most of you know our story about our son being killed 2 and a half years ago. We took his girlfriend into our home when she had no where to go, made her part of our family. They were married and had the first 2 of our grandchildren while living here with us. They did however move into their own home, which I guess in the long run was a good thing because the mortgage was life insured so with that and his life insurance policy, the pension from worksafe from the industrial accident that killed him, and a very generous community she was set with the now 4 grand daughters. However she was with someone else within a few months of our sons death, then onto someone else a few months after, and now after being with a fellow for only 3 months they are moving away to the city. We have had those girls with us nearly every weekend after our son passed trying to help her and be with them, even through my chemo treatment when I was so sick and suffering through our own grief we did our best to be as much help as possible. We really loved her like she was our own daughter. now it's like she's throwing it all back at us, doesn't care how bad we feel about them going. we are so worried she is going to lose the house, she already spent all the money from the life insurance and community fundraisers on fixing up this house, now she's gone for a mortgage to buy another one in the city and is going to rent this one out. It is so hard when you give your heart to someone, and they let you down so badly. husband and I tried to tell her how worried we were, she just said you can't make me feel guilty! has told our daughter who quit her job and moved into the house with her for 4 months to be nanny to the girls while she was unable to care for them, that she gets not support here. On top of that, husbands pension is just not going to be enough for us to live on with all the bills we have, we asked the disability department for a partial commutation to pay off some debts and reduce payments but they refused, so now it's off to the bank to see about refinancing our mortgage. that stinks. We need to reduce our payments though, this is just not going to work the way it is. so any positive thoughts, wishes, prayers, anything will be appreciated.
One other thing, on my last mammo they found some calcifications around the surgical site. he said they were not in the usual formation to indicate cancer returning, probably just a result of the huge seroma I had healing up, but I am worried. my tumor markers are still way low, one went up 1 point from 22 so still within normal. sometimes I wonder what I must have done in another life to warrant all the problems we have because honestly I have not done anything in this life!
Robin, I am sorry you have to be here too, but you will find so much support here, people who really care :grouphug:
Snappy I am glad you have so much good going on in your life right now!!
Peg, I remember that stage well, it was not that long ago! my fingernails went from being almost gone, to hard as a rock and growing like weeds, to now they are paper thin and can't grow again! even 2 years after chemo there are things that are different.
Smilie, I am so very sorry to hear your worries about your DIL and your granddaughters. How far away will they will be moving? I understand your concerns about her making such important decisions about taking out another mortgage, moving away from you and your daughter who did so much for her when she most needed it, and all with someone she has known for such a short time. She is not making good decisions. I am sorry you are going through tis. I hope you get some peace and are able to focus more on yourself for a while as the stress you are under right now sounds horrible.

Refinancing can be a good move if you are able to lower your interest rate. We have done it more than once.

Last thing you needed was to have calcifications show up on your mammo. My sense is that what they look for are clustered smallish and irregular shaped microcalcifications on the mammograms. Anything the least bit suspicious I would ask for a biopsy if it were me. But it sounds like they do not think it is suspicious.

Yes things are busy in my life. It has been a little hard getting used to having DS home again. He should be bringing home the last of his belongings. His employer in New orleans was not a very savvy business man, had trouble paying his employees. He owes DS some $$ but DS decided to move on. He was unsuccessful finding anything in New Orleans, but found a job here with a good company. He likes it very much and is working a lot so he is happy for now. After he is in a position to repay us for his car and insurance I am sure he will be looking for his own place. He is a sweet person, just a bit messy and disorganized. I try and overlook a lot.

Sadly Friday we found out there will not be a special session so there is no chance to override the governor's vetoes of the state funding of the non-profit I work for. We get federal funds too but it is not enough to continue at our current level. Not sure what it will mean for my job, hours, or pay. I'll be 60 in September, so we'll see. I won't be looking for another job, who in the heck would hire me anyway?

Ann, my thoughts are with Avery and his family. It is good to see you posting.I think of you often even when you aren't "here." Glad you had a good WDW vacation. I found the internet was not too great at the boardwalk last year, but a bit better this year.

Barbara, thinking of you.

Linda, please give your DH my condolences about losing his mother. Such a blow, with a protracted illness as well. I hope you are able to recover and enjoy some relaxed summer hours. Nice to know your DS had a good baseball season. I bet you have your hands full with 2 new teenage drivers. I feel lucky DD17 is responsible, but she did have one accident already. Barely tapped the back of a car, but the two occupants of the car she tapped claimed injury. The driver works for the local police department. Apparently these two characters have made a career of insurance claims, per the claim adjuster of our insurance company. Nice, right?

MaryAnn, I hope you are catching up on your rest after your bible school week. You are right it is good to be busy to keep your mind off of lost love ones. Friday would have been my Dad's 86th birthday. I decided to take mom shopping, and she found several nice jackets at Chico's that are perfect for church, and a nice pair of pants she likes at Dillards (elastic waist pants are in very short supply, lades, but that is all she will consider wearing!).

I find this summer is flying by and DD17 will start her senior year in less that a month now. She even started a college application Friday night. We have much more to do.

Ladies, I've been thinking of you all. So much going on in each of your lives. It seems like life just never slows down. You've all been through so much. It would be wonderful for a few years of peaceful bliss! Anyway, you are never far from my mind and my prayers.

Things are hectic here as well. Trying to get everything ready for Kendall to move to her new place. As if that wasn't enough, she broke up with her boyfriend this past week. Many tears later, she's ready to just concentrate on her new job and being independent. Too bad, I actually like this one until we found out he was seeing three other girls behind Kendall's back. Good riddance to him!

Feeling okay. I seem to get winded pretty easy. I know I should take advantage of the situation to take it easy, but it just isn't in my nature. So looking forward to getting back to my old self! My hair is about a half inch long in some places. Still no eyebrows or eyelashes, but it is progress!!!!

Hang in there, my friends!
Hi ladies!

Count me as another that has been slacking in the posting department......been following along though.

Smiley, I'm so sorry that your DIL is causing so much worry and stress in your family. Hopefully you will still be able to see the girls often.....will they be very far away? Sounds like you and the rest of your family are the only form of stability they have. I guess all you can really do at this point is to let them know that you will always be there for them, and hopefully your DIL will come to her senses again soon. :hug:

You certainly have a lot on your plate right now......sending lots of good thoughts and wishes your way. I hope the rest of your summer has more good times than bad.

Peg, sounds like big changes in your family! Too bad that your daughter's bf turned out to be a tool.....but good that she found out sooner rather than later! I bet she is excited about her new job and apt, sure you will miss having her around. Seems like it took forever for my eyelashes/brows to come back after my first go around with chemo, and it's now been two years since my last time and I still don't have much of either! I mean I have like five very short eyelashes! I certainly hope you are more lucky in that department. pixiedust:

Snappy, that's too bad about the funding......any chance that things can be reorganized in a way that won't effect your job too much? I bet it is a very different dynamic at your house with your son back home - not to mention an increase in groceries! How are the plans for your trip to DC coming?

Linda, sorry to hear about your MIL. Condolences to your family. :hug:

Ann, nice to see you

LMP, glad that VBS went well, I'm sure you are ready to relax! I hope that all your upcoming test go well.

Robinb, welcome to the thread....sorry that you had to join us, but glad you have a place to vent and ask questions. Best wishes for a productive and informative appt with your surgeon....hopefully you will get the answers you need and feel better about everything once you know what your plan of action will be.

PatsMom, how are you feeling?

We have been fairly busy lately. Our family trip to San Diego was wonderful! We stayed on Coronado Island again, gosh I love it there. I think I've said it before, but in my fantasy world, I will live there someday! :beach: Spent a few days at DL before driving down the coast, our third time there in the past year - wow, never in a million years would I have thought that would happen. I have a ton a pictures that I have been sorting thru, will try to post some soon.

We are still trying to buy that condo for our DD to rent from us. It is a short sale, and true to everything said about short sales, it is taking forever. We have already refinanced our house (at a much lower rate, yay!) so we have "cash" in hand, but it doesn't seem to speed up the process any. We were really hoping to close before DH is back to work next month so we would have time to get all the repairs/rehab done when he had free time. Oh well, such is life.

I've been feeling fine lately, no symptoms so I havenot been back to the oncologist since I found out that my tumor markers jumped up to well over 200. I should be going for another CT scan at the end of the month, unless he changes that to a MRI instead, so we will see. In the meantime, I am doing my best not to even think about it......I know that sooner, rather than later, it will be all consuming again.

GAGWA!! :goodvibes
Hi cheryl! did I miss you posting about your most recent trip to California? putting pics up here is such a pain, it's too bad because I would post more if it was easier. It's a 6-8 hour return trip involving a ferry ride, and costing about $100. In summer and peak seasons like Christmas there are always at least one sailing waits for the ferry as well, with the wait time being about 2 hours. You can reserve ahead of time for an extra fee. Definitely not a trip we will be doing very often, and certainly not for things like school concerts and dance recitels :(
It is what it is. there is nothing we can do about it but be here for the girls and eventually one day they will be old enough to travel on the ferry by themselves and we can just pick them up at this end. She honestly does not care how much it is hurting us at all, she seems to have no empathy for us. Even during my treatments when I was so sick she never called or anything to see how I was. We only heard from her when she needed us to babysit :(
I am really glad we have our 2 daughters here, and our 2 grandsons. it eases the pain a lot, but it's that last connection to our son that we are losing that is so hard right now. What can you do....hubby and I have talked a lot and we are what we have, each other. We are going to make the most of our time together, get back to being focused more on ourselves and what we want to do, let the kids sort themselves out a bit more. :)
We too are going to be doing some refinancing of our mortgage, I hope it does not take too long. We have a meeting on friday. I will send good thougths your way, that you hear right away on your sale!! and of course I am always thinking of you and willing those tumor markers down down down!!
Smiley you and hubby are definitely doing the right thing to concentrate on yourselves. You have given given given, and there are those that take, like your DIL. You can look at it as protecting yourselves at this point. I had no idea the travel to see your four granddaughters would take that long.

I hope things work out for the DIL but you seem to have come to the realization that it might be best to let go. I fear that on top of the loss of your son, your treatment, and feeling sick, her attitude and selfish behaviour has taken a further toll on you and your husband (and probably the rest of your family) that you can't afford to subject yourself to. I know you will miss the little girls, but take comfort in how much you have done for them in the past two and a half years. If you had not been so generous with your time, you would have missed that opportunity. But you were there for them, and the time you spent benefitted those girls so much. It really was a gift, one that cost you.

Good luck with the refinancing.

I agree that posting pictures is a pain, but I noticed the last time it seemed that photobucket had made the copying copying to be posted easier. The uploads to the website still seems to take a long time.

Cheryl would love to see your pictures. I remember how vivid the colors were in the pictures you posted from your last trip there. Glad you are feeling good. I love your attitude, you are making the most of how good you feel. You are very wise.

Peg, I agree your DD is well rid of that snake of a boyfriend. What is wrong with people these days to be so deceitful? A taste of independence may be good for your DD, although I am sure you will miss her.

I am still on the fence about the DC trip. I need to get Dd23 to commit to a time frame if I am going to get a good price on the rooms. Something is telling me to hold off and I am not sure what.

Probably just me overthinking things as usual.

ladies :hug: hugs all around. You all sure have too much on your plates right now.

Linda - so very sorry about your mil. Prayers for your family. I cant believe your ds and dd will be driving.How are you going to teach them? I mostly drove with them until they went to driving school. I had my dh go once and asked him how did it go. They only went around the neighborhood. He came back and said - well if you dont count the time we ran up on the curb and almost knocked over someones mailbox then I guess we did ok. He promptly sat in his recliner and collapsed from stress! Good luck

Robin -hoping your surgeon visit goes well tomm.

Peg -so sorry that Kendall had such a horrid bf. Its good she can concentrate on her new job though. Hope you feel stronger each day. Hang in there!

Cheryl -So glad you had a great trip. Its good you got to concentrate on that for a while . Hope the condo sale progresses.

smiley - so sorry about your dil. It sure does not seem like she appreciates you and that the relationship is one sided, aka her side. You have shown so much love and have had such good hearts. I know your grand daughters will appreciate all you have done when they get older. Right now is a good time to concentrate on you. If you are not good for yourself than you wont be good to anyone else either. You and your dh deserve you time I have told my dh the same thing.

Laurie -so sorry about your job and the funding. I am seeing that around here too. They are cutting office staff at the univ. hospital. The biller was gone this time and said they are doing it on line now. I :) when you said about the elastic waist pants. That is really all I can wear with all my stomach surgery. The elastic is good over the scar areas and by my belly button where most of the surgical entry was etc. I couldnt bear to have a zipper in that area.

PatsMom and Barbara - thinking of you both

Its a heat wave here. Ds and I worked on cleaning the garage. I think we got rid of 6 bags of junk today. Progress.

Poor dh has a very bad infected big toe. He is on 2 kinds of antibiotics because they said they are afraid of mrsa. He cut his toe nail too much and then ripped it off. It was on and off getting better and than getting worse. I begged him to go to the dr. Finally today he went to the urgent care. Worse he is leaving for Russia on Sunday if his visa comes through, so I want to make sure he is ok before he goes. He can go back to the urgent care sat. I guess if he is not healed. I would feel better if they gave him more antibiotic to take with him.

Anyone see my thread about the cancelled wedding. Ds25 was suppose to be in a wedding next saturday. Friday he got a call that it was cancelled. I dont know what happened. Sad all around. The guy is so upset.

GAGWTA. Thinking of you all
Good news today! I saw the doctor. Things are going well. My tumor maker dropped from 54 to 45. I have two Taxol treatments left, after which I will have another PET scan. Then, I start a month of radiation.

He explained today that the white marks on my nails are actual from the first treatments I had. Each treatment left another line. I feel kind of like a tree!

I have neuropathy in my feet. The balls of my feet have gone numb and I will most likely lose my big toenails, but he said this is typical of Taxol and the feeling will return to my feet once I finish.

It was really funny. The doctor has a new PA. She talked to me first. She said she was surprised I hadn't lost my hair. I started laughing and told her that I had lost my hair and that I was wearing a wig. She said "No way" and started feeling my head! I was afraid she was going to knock my wig off. I guess I did a good job picking my fake hair! lol! Then, she got right in my face and started looking me over. She told me that I do have eyebrows and little eyelashes, but they are totally white! I am empathizing with albinos! Hopefully, they will turn darker down the road, but it is progress!

Stay strong my friends!
I'm back from my appointment. What I have is non-invasive, but they are still going to have to remove it with a lumpectomy followed by recommended radiation. He is not sure if I will need any hormonal therapy since my hormone receptor status has not come back yet. I am on the fence as to getting the radiation right now. I have not read enough about side effects/etc but my first instinct is that I don't want it. I will have to weigh the risks of radiation and the risk of a reoccurring mass. I am also not sure about the hormonal therapy. One step at a time and the first step is the lumpectomy which is non-negotiable. The good news is that the mass is so small that he doesn't think I will need any reconstructive surgery. The doctor was very positive and said that this will probably just be a "bump in the road" for me. My doctor says there is no immediate hurry to get it done (like I don't need to do it next week) so I will go forward with my last minute trip to WDW in 2 1/2 weeks.

I do need to see another doctor from a different practice. My DH's insurance is a PITB and does not have any negotiated rates with the medical group that my primary care physician is with. So, we need to pay 20% of their screw-you rates. My DH's company changed plans 2 years ago and people who don't live near the company headquarters (like us) have a much worse plan now. It's fine for regular annual physicals, minor complaints and yearly things (like PAP smears, mammograms, colonoscopies, etc) but not when you need something major done. So ... I need to make another appointment with the other major medical group in the area (which does have some small reduction in negotiated rates) and then have both groups run the numbers for me. It's too bad since I really liked the doctor I saw today. If the prices are close, I'll stick with the guy. If they're not I'll have to go with the other group and the negotiated pricing. I think it will make a big difference. I guess one thing this has taught me is that I need to find a primary care physician over in the other medical group. It would have been easier.
Well that sounds encouraging, Robin. You are wise to question things. Let us know if we can help with anything.

Glad you are almost done, Peg. That must be a nice feeling!

Smiley, I felt so angry reading your post. You did a lot for you son's family to your own detriment. It must be frustrating seeing her not play her cards right. I think you are wise to pull back a bit since there's not much you can do about it right now.

Cheryl, so glad things are going well with you!

Laurie, you always have so much going on yet you seem so together! Washington DC will always be there when you decide to go.

Ann, always nice to see you. Think of you often.

Barbara, thinking of you, too, and hoping things are going ok.

Wonder how PatsMoms trip is going?

LMP, that toe story gave me the heebie-geebies! Yikes. I hope he continues on antibiotics when he's out of the country! Haha about the driving stories. I can't wait till they get their permits - DH and I sometimes wish they could drive us around, lol! They will take Driver's Ed in school in the fall and will be eligible for their permits in October. DD has been studying (on a cool App) and DS will wait till the time comes, lol.

Thank you for the condolences. MIL was a sweet, classy lady. In the 31 years we knew each other, I don't think we ever had an argument. I am so glad that a few years back, she and FIL came with us on a WDW/DCL vacation. It was their first real WDW vacation and they loved it. They were early risers, and every morning they walked over to the Boardwalk Bakery from the Dolphin. They came to the parks with us - we have great memories of MIL on ToT, EE, TGMR, etc. She got soaked on Cali River Rapids - I still remember the look on her face and her laughter! She of course loved the cruise. Some of the best pictures I had of her and the kids were on the ship and Castaway Cay. So glad to have them right now.
Linda - need your med advice. Dh went to the podiatrist today. The dr. looked at it and said dh has staph inf. Told him to stop taking amox. and only take bactrim. Gave him more.

Said he wants to take dh nail off and dig the infection out as that is the only way to get rid of it???

Does this sound right to you. I am freaking out about all of this to say the least.

Meanwhile he hasnt gotten his visa so we dont know if he is leaving on sunday. I wish he wouldnt go.

I am thinking of having him see someone at the univ. hospital. This dr. is not affiliated there. (The one he went to today).

Barbara - thinking of you and all the testing you are going through. I am sure you are so anxious. My prayers are with you.

GAGWTA. Thinking of you all.
Sorry I haven't posted in some time. I read your posts and think about all of you very often.

I am going in for pre-testing tomorrow and will have the surgery at 7:30 am on Wednesday, July 24th. I had a pre-op consultation yesterday and one thing that surprised me is that I need to go into the hospital on Tuesday to have an isostope injection to determine where the sentinel node is -- I think they insert a dye that travels to the sentinel node. Two hours before the injection I have to put a lidocaine creme on the breast to numb it for the injection. I also was fitted for 2 camis today - I will wear one home from the hospital.

I hope all of you are doing well - take care and I will be in touch again after surgery. Thank you for your notes - there is so much strength and support in this group and I appreciate all of you.

Hope everyone had a good week end

robinb - enjoy your vacation! Its a good distraction. I am sure you will have an amazing time with your family and your dd!

Barbara - The pre op stuff does not sound very comfortable. I am hoping that it will be as painless as possible for you:hug:

Linda - very nice of the Sox honoring Mariano.

Linda and Peg - how are you both feeling?

Cheryl - hope you can get the condo stuff straightened out. I am sure its frustrating with the time constraints etc.

smiley - thinking of you

Laurie - thinking of you. You have a lot on your plate right now too.

Well dh is off to Siberia. I didnt know but he is going with someone who speaks fluent Russian. This guy and dh dont get a long and he has his own work to do there. But dh said he thinks this guy will talk to others there and exclude dh from everything etc. But this guy is really not dh interpreter. Well with dh toe issues I am just glad he has that guy to maybe ask any medical questions if need be. Dh said he has an aisle seat and no one is next to him so he is :). That is only 1 flight to Prague. His toe looks better but still swollen. So he has the antibiotics with him and he took bandages etc. if somehow it opens up by itself and starts to drain etc.

I am exhausted from running around yest with dh and church and more stuff today. Too much to do in such short time etc.

Got the blood test sat. so now I just have to schedule the sonogram.

Ds3 says he has 5 more bags of junk from the garage for me to look at. How sweet of him. Gheesh, Not. I am getting sick of this but it must get done. But there is much progress so its really good. We broke a temp. record one day last week. It was horrid hot out. I stayed inside and the ds told me not to go out. They went to the beach and to the lake on some days. Ds2 didnt even cut the grass at church till like 6 pm.

I am looking at going to Disney around Sept 27 to meet my cousin. I hope it works out. I have only seen pictures of his grandsons on facebook and they look so cute. One looks like ds3 when he was little. It would be cute seeing how excited they are about everything. Ds2 and 3 might also come for the week end. I will start researching.

Sorry I haven't posted in some time. I read your posts and think about all of you very often.

I am going in for pre-testing tomorrow and will have the surgery at 7:30 am on Wednesday, July 24th. I had a pre-op consultation yesterday and one thing that surprised me is that I need to go into the hospital on Tuesday to have an isostope injection to determine where the sentinel node is -- I think they insert a dye that travels to the sentinel node. Two hours before the injection I have to put a lidocaine creme on the breast to numb it for the injection. I also was fitted for 2 camis today - I will wear one home from the hospital.

I had this done as well and I promise you will hardly feel it!! I know when the dr says this might pinch a bit and then you go through the roof with pain, it really is just a pinch at most :) although the stuff they use (at least on me) is blue and it took a good year and half for that color to go away.
Barbara - thinking of you:hug:

Peg - is Kendall settled in yet?

Friday - I am going for a sonogram. I hope my regular sono girl is not on vacation.

GAGWTA - Thinking of you all
Peg - is Kendall settled in yet?

Not yet. She couldn't get possession of the apartment until Aug 6. She starts the new teacher bootcamp on July 29, so she'll be commuting across the city for a week. She's ready! I'm glad you can't see my house. There are boxes and bags everywhere in prep for her move.

Had a chemo today. Only one more to go! Yay! I can't believe I'm almost done with this. I feel pretty good. I always have the chemo on Tuesday. On either Friday or Saturday, I get really achy for one day. Regular as clockwork. Still, almost there!

I was talking with another lady today at the Cancer Center. She was supposed to start radiation, but they told her she had to wait one month post chemo to start. No one told me that. While I'll be happy for the break, I was hoping to be totally finished by the end of September. If the doctor okays it, I want to have my other breast removed before the end of the year. If I run into next year, I have to start all over with deductible, etc. Right now, everything is covered 100 percent. Of course,, the oncologist has to decide that my counts and such look good enough for me to have the surgery. Here's hoping that everything works out!

Did any of you have to wait a month post chemo before starting radiation?

Barbara, I also had the same type of procedure years ago. As others have said, it sounds much worse than it is. You'll be in my prayers!

Hope things are going well for everyone. As usual, thinking of you all!
How is everyone doing? Thinking of you all.

Had the sono today. I had a new young girl. She was very quiet but very sweet. I liked her. They didnt ask me to stay for more pics so that is a good sign.

Talked to dh again but just for 2 minutes. He is doing well.

GAGWTA. Have a great week end everyone


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