DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Hope all is well, semi busy day today including a blood donation.

Who's donating to you? Or do you just sink your fangs into whoever happens by?

Unless they call you in (which seems to be a fairly common occurrence)
May you actually get the three days (and may they be glorious)

Not if the weather holds. Gonna do me a mini-road trip. Try to call me in when I'm outta town.

Yeah. Fall Break in 3 days here as well.

Interesting! We don't have a Fall Break, just a winter one.
Woke up to a coolish morning. AC was off so I opened the windows to let some fresh air in. It was nice until the AC kicked in about noon. Things are getting more normal every day. They tore up the swale (sorry Norm) getting rid of the debris but the grass will grow back. Today, they moved on to the block behind us. Lots of trucks out and it is interesting driving around. Multiple traffic jams because the trucks are stopped in the road to load up. I yelled at some guy to relax when he was blowing his horn. If it was his house, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if traffic was stopped for a few minutes so they could get the crap out of his yard.

s he a New York Guy or a Florida Guy? I just want to know if I'm imagining the Sopranos or Miami Vice.

I know a couple of guys.

One more hour to go. Then 3 glorious days off.

Not if the weather holds. Gonna do me a mini-road trip. Try to call me in when I'm outta town.

Have fun on the road trip. I was going to suggest losing the phone,

Canadian Thanksgiving coming up this weekend and I think this is timed well.

I do enjoy Thanksgiving turkey. I probably should buy and cook turkey more often. Or, shoot one. We have wild turkey here, other than just the drink.

Thanksgiving is my favorite meal of the year. A couple of weeks ago I thought about getting a turkey but it was ridiculously expensive. Luckily I didn't get one because it would have just gotten thrown out when we lost power.

Another tea drinker here.

When I was over in the UK the wife of my Brit friend was astonished I drank my morning tea black without milk. Every morning when she made tea she asked if I wanted milk and when I said no, she asked if I was sure. Probably muttered something about uncouth Americans.
When I was over in the UK the wife of my Brit friend was astonished I drank my morning tea black without milk. Every morning when she made tea she asked if I wanted milk and when I said no, she asked if I was sure. Probably muttered something about uncouth Americans.
It depends on the tea. If anyone puts Earl Grey with milk, send your guys round. I drink tea bag tea with milk, anything else that goes through a strainer I drink black.
Hope all is well, semi busy day today including a blood donation.
Good man, mine is next week.
I can see that.
(so to speak...)
I do enjoy Thanksgiving turkey. I probably should buy and cook turkey more often. Or, shoot one.
We love Turkey, we have Easter, Fakesgiving and Xmas. As a city dwelling urbanite, I'll let someone else take care of the business end.

Right boys, after all this talk I'm off for a cheeky Earl Grey. With my pinky up. Toodle Pip!
Afternoon - I am getting tired of Mondays. Last week was a week of Mondays and yesterday and today are already a week of Mondays! Regarding the tea thing, like hot tea(no milk) love sweet tea and un-sweet tea though prefer coffee in the mornings - good 'ole drip coffee and none of that frappa-crappa-mocha-choka-latte-lady stuff (though I don't mind a pumpkin spiced latte this time of the year :snooty:). Problem is the kidney stone situation where I am told / limited to two caffeinated drinks per day so unfortunately have to settle on mostly decaf coffee after first regular cup. Stay safe my friends!
Who's donating to you? Or do you just sink your fangs into whoever happens by?

Whoever needs it, I'm not picky.

When I was over in the UK the wife of my Brit friend was astonished I drank my morning tea black without milk. Every morning when she made tea she asked if I wanted milk and when I said no, she asked if I was sure. Probably muttered something about uncouth Americans.

It depends on the tea. If anyone puts Earl Grey with milk, send your guys round. I drink tea bag tea with milk, anything else that goes through a strainer I drink black.

Good man, mine is next week.

Tea and coffee should be drank black!

Interesting blood donor clinic today. It was at one of the universities so there were lots of first time donors and lots of nervous first time donors. The girl in the bed next to me didn't do so well. First she brought up her lunch and then she feinted. Sure made a lot of other donors more nervous.
Do the halloween props include the oogie boogie play doh man?
:thumbsup2 I wish. 7ft Jack Skellington, Zero's House, A Full size Hessian Oogie Boogie Man and the Hanging "Days Until Halloween/Xmas" Sign.
Not really getting the chance to enjoy this time off. I formed the body of Jack today out of 1.5" waste pipe.
Happy Wednesday.

I'm unsure what you meant
1) They help themselves to other people's stuff
2) It's free, so it's a free for all?

Neither. The church provides all the food and drink for everyone, including staff. I think most of the food is leftovers from a Sunday meal, but it is still free to everyone.

Interesting! We don't have a Fall Break, just a winter one.

We didn't use to when i was in school. Now, they do. Mixed feelings though as it is nice to have a week off, but stinks when school starts in August.

Woke up to a coolish morning. AC was off so I opened the windows to let some fresh air in. It was nice until the AC kicked in about noon. Things are getting more normal every day. They tore up the swale (sorry Norm) getting rid of the debris but the grass will grow back. Today, they moved on to the block behind us. Lots of trucks out and it is interesting driving around. Multiple traffic jams because the trucks are stopped in the road to load up. I yelled at some guy to relax when he was blowing his horn. If it was his house, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if traffic was stopped for a few minutes so they could get the crap out of his yard.

No worries. You still time to fix those camper hookups for me.

Afternoon - I am getting tired of Mondays. Last week was a week of Mondays and yesterday and today are already a week of Mondays! Regarding the tea thing, like hot tea(no milk) love sweet tea and un-sweet tea though prefer coffee in the mornings - good 'ole drip coffee and none of that frappa-crappa-mocha-choka-latte-lady stuff (though I don't mind a pumpkin spiced latte this time of the year :snooty:). Problem is the kidney stone situation where I am told / limited to two caffeinated drinks per day so unfortunately have to settle on mostly decaf coffee after first regular cup. Stay safe my friends!

You like pumpkin spice coffee? C'mon man!

Tea and coffee should be drank black!

I like my coffee like I like my women. Filled with alcohol.

Morning men. Gym today and stage 1 of the Halloween props making. That is all. As you were. Carry on.

I started vacation early and am skipping the gym this week.

:thumbsup2 I wish. 7ft Jack Skellington, Zero's House, A Full size Hessian Oogie Boogie Man and the Hanging "Days Until Halloween/Xmas" Sign.
Not really getting the chance to enjoy this time off. I formed the body of Jack today out of 1.5" waste pipe.

DW likes Halloween. I enjoy the ladies costumes. They wouldn't wear something so low cut or tight all year long, but since it is Halloween, it's fine.
We didn't use to when i was in school. Now, they do. Mixed feelings though as it is nice to have a week off, but stinks when school starts in August.
This is what we have, hence we only get 6 weeks in the summer.
DW likes Halloween. I enjoy the ladies costumes.
Hey! That's just like in England!
This party is growing and growing. This is our 7th Hall-o-ween, which started out as 10 people, basically DS's baby group. There are 45 coming this year.
though I don't mind a pumpkin spiced latte this time of the year
This is not good. Get help.
Maybe you are the Italian and I am a Brit. Bit of a tea snob here.
If you come over to our side of the pond, go to the basement in my old shop, Selfridges. They have a massive tea department.

Kids fed, got called back by the teacher as the curly haired ninja kicked off in class today. So she's in the penalty box. Got an instructor to show me how to properly do weights today, and now am kinda wishing he hadn't. Have a good day boys.
Happy Birthday there CJ! Best time of year sports related... MLB playoffs are up and running, what a game last night and the NHL starts for real tonight. Plus football season so all is good. Hawks drop the puck tomorrow night and Cubs vs Nats starts Friday night. On a 4 day week as DD is coming through on way to new gig in DC (Randall expecting you to check up on them) so we are going to UTC homecoming game so we get a little weekend get away in with DD & DS so looking forward to that. Have a good one gents.
You like pumpkin spice coffee? C'mon man!
This is not good. Get help.
I also like Sam Adams October fest this time of year but bringing that to the office is unfortunately frowned upon
I like my coffee like I like my women. Filled with alcohol.
Happy Birthday CJ!!!!

So PP and the mutt moving out was your birthday present, eh? :lmao:

Happy birthday CJ!

And... morning folks!

Happy Birthday there CJ!

Thank you gentlemen. Rain and really windy so I am just hunkered down at home. The PP and I will be going out (her treat) later tonight for a subdued celebration. The mutt I did not want moving out last night was the best present ever. Took down the dog gates and moved his crate outside. No letting him out this morning or feeding him... A little weird getting used to it. I am sure I will adjust.

This party is growing and growing. This is our 7th Hall-o-ween, which started out as 10 people, basically DS's baby group. There are 45 coming this year.

My wife was into Halloween and the kid inherited it. Used to have mega parties then. I much prefer Thanksgiving and Christmas and haven't gotten into the festivities in years. Unless the kid decorates, there will just be a bowl of candy outside for the few kiddies that now come around the neighborhood. Next door neighbors are into it and build a Horror House outside. DD can play over there.

If you come over to our side of the pond, go to the basement in my old shop, Selfridges. They have a massive tea department.

Had planned a trip over there this year but it is on hold and unlikely right now. I will take your advice though the next time I am in the mother country.

Best time of year sports related... MLB playoffs are up and running, what a game last night and the NHL starts for real tonight. Plus football season so all is good. Hawks drop the puck tomorrow night and Cubs vs Nats starts Friday night. On a 4 day week as DD is coming through on way to new gig in DC (Randall expecting you to check up on them) so we are going to UTC homecoming game so we get a little weekend get away in with DD & DS so looking forward to that. Have a good one gents.

Agree but mainly for one reason, college football. The Phins are tough to watch and lost the pro fandom a while ago. I will be watching the BB run to the Series though. Good game last night.

That is all. In honor of today I ask you to pick out your favorite beverage and toss one back for me. Think you can handle it?
Thank you gentlemen. Rain and really windy so I am just hunkered down at home. The PP and I will be going out (her treat) later tonight for a subdued celebration. The mutt I did not want moving out last night was the best present ever. Took down the dog gates and moved his crate outside. No letting him out this morning or feeding him... A little weird getting used to it. I am sure I will adjust.
I'm sure you will. You have freedom back, I'm sure it will be tough.

My wife was into Halloween and the kid inherited it. Used to have mega parties then. I much prefer Thanksgiving and Christmas and haven't gotten into the festivities in years. Unless the kid decorates, there will just be a bowl of candy outside for the few kiddies that now come around the neighborhood. Next door neighbors are into it and build a Horror House outside. DD can play over there.
Funny...when we don't get candy thinking nobody will show up, we get tons. When we buy candy, hardly anyone shows up. Pretty much just sticking with trunk or treat at church this year.

Had planned a trip over there this year but it is on hold and unlikely right now. I will take your advice though the next time I am in the mother country.
That stinks...I can empathize though...we were supposed to go to WDW last month and I had to cancel it.

Agree but mainly for one reason, college football. The Phins are tough to watch and lost the pro fandom a while ago. I will be watching the BB run to the Series though. Good game last night.
I've been a fins fan as long as I can remember, but getting harder and harder to be a fan.

That is all. In honor of today I ask you to pick out your favorite beverage and toss one back for me. Think you can handle it?
Don't have much at the house, so I guess I'll have to have a cherry Marnier in your honor.
That is all. In honor of today I ask you to pick out your favorite beverage and toss one back for me. Think you can handle it?
Having a Booker's Bourbon for ya right now mate. Have a great evening with the PP. Salut.


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