Couple passes on Castle stay

You know I read an account of a winner and thought- hmm maybe I don't want it... It was about how they had to leave the park to get their stuff- she said that took about an hour and a half(and their daughter didn't understand why they had to leave if they just got there) then sign a bunch of stuff- another 45 minutes- ect ect... then get to stay in the castle. Made it sound kind of like it impacted their one MK day in a not great way.(like they didn't get to ride the rides they wanted to...)
Well I would stay no matter what. But I do understand that others may have their reasons. I hope they did really "understand all that it included" and still each his own.
I wonder what if you win on your departure day? Would you rearrange your flights? I'd love to stay in the castle, but I can also see what a dilemma that scenario would create.
What if you win the stay at the castle and it is the night you are suppose to fly home!!!:scared1:
How many of us would change our flights, pay the fees, etc... just to stay at the castle one night? Maybe this was also the case with the couple who refused it.:confused3

Well, now that I think about it I probably would.;) It is a once in a life time experience.
I wonder what if you win on your departure day? Would you rearrange your flights? I'd love to stay in the castle, but I can also see what a dilemma that scenario would create.

We posted at the same time!! Great minds think alike!LOL
As other posters have stated.. we might not realize the entire reason behind their decision... I don't think "deserving it" comes into play, no-one earns the right to a prize!
As the OP, I can assure you the story is true. The cast member was a sweet young lady who told me the story only because I asked her if you had to be in the MK to win the Castle stay. Her story began as "No, in fact today's stay was awarded here at Epcot. It was an older couple..." and so the story went on. The cast member said that they tried to explain to the couple what a great prize they were forfeiting.

I also believe the rules mention something about Disney reimbursing you for taxes owed on the prizes.

In the accounts I have read of winners, it seems as though they accompany you through the parks and get you on whatever rides you want to ride, so time really isn't an issue. (In fact, with the crowds that Wednesday, we didn't get to ride much anyway.) There is a 24 hour concierge who will get you basically anything you need, so luggage isn't even essential. One account I read mentions a shopping spree also. each his own....:dance3:
There are many prizes I would dearly love to win but a night in the Castle just is not one of them.:confused3

If I could look around and 'adopt' a young family with children I would accept so that I could share it with them. I would enjoy the prize for watching it through the eyes of the children but for myself, nope. :woohoo:

I could not sit up there in luxury knowing that the CM's were working down below getting everything ready for the next day. Now, if I could be down there helping it might be another matter.:flower3:

Slightly Goofy
There is not a smiley that expresses the depth of my shock at such a thing!!

If our family ever won the Night in the Castle award, I think I'd leave claw-marks on the doorframes when the came to "escort" us out! :lmao:
After reading a few accounts of the castle stays, I can totally understand how it would not be everyone's idea of a dream. It sounds like your entire day and evening (and next morning) are pretty well scripted by Disney. I can see how some people would rather have their freedom and autonomy than stay in the castle. It's not like you just stay in the castle. You are escorted to appear in a parade, then escorted to a pre-selected dinner, given a curfew, escorted to a room without a King size bed, given a pre-determined (and early) wake-up call, and given a pre-selected breakfast reservation. For many people, it would be magical - but I can see how it would also be less than appealing to others. (My parents, for example, would HATE something like that - castle or no castle) I don't think it means they don't have the Disney spirit or anything.
BTB, I think you done hit on it. Being drunk they were scared they would fall out of one of the turrets. :lmao:

Slightly Goofy
My exact thought - we are going w/ a party of 9 - we have 4 laides so it may be women ONLY - unless we can sneak the two little ones in - LOL.
I don't believe you are asked in public and then if you refuse they walk away, I believe you are told you are a possible winner and then escorted to GS to find out all the details.

Also just like the Castle Stay, etc Dream Fast Passes/Ears are also random and the CM's have no ability to choose who they are given to. Maybe some of the couples who have won them passed them down to kids they saw. Hence the lack of seeing couples with passes or maybe it's because young families tend to make up the majority of the crowd.
I guess some people are just too lazy to deal with going back to their hotel room and getting their will take the longest an HOUR to get to your old hotel, pack your belongings, and take your things to Cinderella Castle. They're just crazy for NOT staying.
I guess some people are just too lazy to deal with going back to their hotel room and getting their will take the longest an HOUR to get to your old hotel, pack your belongings, and take your things to Cinderella Castle. They're just crazy for NOT staying.

Not being judgemental then!

If we won would the suite be suitable for a couple and two children DS16 and DD10 who obviously can't share a bed?
We were at MK on Wednesday, it was our last day/night there and we were dying to win something...didn't even see the dream team the entire week. We would have taken them up on the stay in a'm sure they had their reasons, but still.
Not being judgemental then!

If we won would the suite be suitable for a couple and two children DS16 and DD10 who obviously can't share a bed?

The suite is suppose to sleep 6 as pp said, but I am not sure wht the problem is with siblings SLEEPING in bed together???:confused3

As far as the couple, as has been pointed out, while I think that would be a wonderful opportunity, maybe they really thought that they could pass it on to a young family, or didn't want their day planned out. To each his own. I really wish & hope that it did not get wasted that day.


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