Couch to 5k

I redid W3D3 today. My right shin is KILLING me. I iced the heck out of it afterwards. I think I need to try going back to using my orthotics. Tomorrow will be a rest day.
Week 6 day 1. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. The 20 minutes last week was easy but for some reason this run wasn't. Anyway I ran further than ever before. So I'm proud.
Week 6 day 1. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. The 20 minutes last week was easy but for some reason this run wasn't. Anyway I ran further than ever before. So I'm proud.

:cheer2:Way to go! :cheer2:

I did W4D1 this morning. The 5 minute runs were HARD! It probably didn't help any that it was starting to get hot. I just about made it through the second 5 minute run. If anyone could have heard me they would have thought I was crazy talking to my self to push through it. But it worked. This week is supposed to be crazy hot, so I think I'll be going back to running after dark.
:cheer2:Way to go! :cheer2:

I did W4D1 this morning. The 5 minute runs were HARD! It probably didn't help any that it was starting to get hot. I just about made it through the second 5 minute run. If anyone could have heard me they would have thought I was crazy talking to my self to push through it. But it worked. This week is supposed to be crazy hot, so I think I'll be going back to running after dark.

Its just getting hot here too. We went through almost 3 weeks of reaching 50 degrees at the most and having rain to 85 in a span of one day. My runs may move to 4 in the morning before work. :rolleyes:
I am doing a 5K much sooner than I thought. The farthest I have run so far is 2.4 miles, but there is a local 5K next Saturday (the 18th) and my DH's work is putting together a team and paying for it. He signed both of us up.:scared1: He said it would be good practice for me and that I probably would want to stop during the race, but won't because of all the people. I'm sure he is right. A little competition never hurt anyone! Then he said, "What's the worst that can happen? You get tired and stop and walk some. No big deal!"
Glad everyone is doing well. Congrats on the progress!!!

I'm derailed (for now - down but not beaten! :upsidedow). I went to the podiatrist yesterday and hope to be back on track soon. Heel pain is the worst but with the alternative icing and stretching he's recommended, I should be better soon(ish). It seems I wasn't helping myself even though I was following another practitioner's advice. Oh well, you live and learn. I was using a frozen lemon and lime to ice and massage on the heel - he says this inflames it further and can cause damage. He also says to be very careful with the heel drop on the stairs stretch as most people are overzealous. Not sure if I was with that, but I'm using a stretchy band for that stretch while sitting now per his advice. I also got fitted for orthotics and should have those within a couple of weeks. Thank goodness for benefit plans!
I did w4d2 this morning. It was my first time running on the treadmill since I started C25K. Went to the gym with DH this AM since it was already 85 degress at 8:30. The 5 minutes felt a little easier the first time around, but not so much the second. Once I finished the 30 minutes I walked another 5 minutes and then did a light (and I mean LIGHT) jog for 3 minutes, then walked some more. Felt good after wards. All said and done I went 3.2 miles in about 40 minutes. I think I can survive a 5k next Saturday. Definately won't run the whole thing. But atleast I know I can go the distance and not drop dead!:faint:
Glad everyone is doing well. Congrats on the progress!!!

I'm derailed (for now - down but not beaten! :upsidedow). I went to the podiatrist yesterday and hope to be back on track soon. Heel pain is the worst but with the alternative icing and stretching he's recommended, I should be better soon(ish). It seems I wasn't helping myself even though I was following another practitioner's advice. Oh well, you live and learn. I was using a frozen lemon and lime to ice and massage on the heel - he says this inflames it further and can cause damage. He also says to be very careful with the heel drop on the stairs stretch as most people are overzealous. Not sure if I was with that, but I'm using a stretchy band for that stretch while sitting now per his advice. I also got fitted for orthotics and should have those within a couple of weeks. Thank goodness for benefit plans!

Ouch! Good luck getting back to the track soon. Wouldn't it be nice if the advice was consistent and everyone had the right information to heal our pains? I guess it's not an exact science...

Good luck to y'all who are doing 5K's soon. I'm definitely not ready, but I better get there in a few more months... ;)
Hi, new here. :wave2:

I finished W7D2 today and will be running a 5K this Saturday. A couple of weeks early, but I'm doing it with a friend.

I've been really pleased with the C25K program so far! This, coming from a person who has always hated running. It has totally changed my outlook on running and I'm now planning to register for my first half, the Princess in 2012!
Welcome Jennifer!! glad you could join us!
A lot of us are training for the Princess 1/2 so I hope you stick around and hang out with us.


redid Week5Day2 part deux. It went ok. The last 8 minute run I wanted to quit after 2 minutes but I just kept saying 30 seconds more. you can quit after another 30 seconds. Then I'd say it again, til I did the whole 8 minutes.

So I got that done, and even increased my speed a bit.
Then I finally got my treadmill hooked up to the wifi and was able to do the Jillian Michael's routine in the iFit. I liked it, but holy cow was it HARD!! 3 mph but at a 27% incline. Yowzers!! That was a work out!

I'm ready for my 20 minute run Saturday. :thumbsup2
Way to go Buffy! :cheer2: I think my legs would fall off with a 27% incline! :scared1:
Glad to hear you were able to make it through the 8 min run. Right now I am on week 4 and 5 minutes is pretty tough. I admire you for getting through 8. After 5 minutes I keep thinking how am I ever going to make 13.1 miles? I gotta remember to not look so far ahead and think how hard 1 minute was on day 1.
I am doing a 5K much sooner than I thought. The farthest I have run so far is 2.4 miles, but there is a local 5K next Saturday (the 18th) and my DH's work is putting together a team and paying for it. He signed both of us up.:scared1: He said it would be good practice for me and that I probably would want to stop during the race, but won't because of all the people. I'm sure he is right. A little competition never hurt anyone! Then he said, "What's the worst that can happen? You get tired and stop and walk some. No big deal!"

If you've gotten to 2.4 you should be fine, just take it slow if you need to and he's right the worst thing is you walk a few minutes if you need to, but I'm betting you probably won't. The adreneline that kicks in with all those people around makes you keep going. I did my first 5k last week and I wanted to walk a few times on some hills, but I saw people around me running and just insisted I couldn't walk if they were running and I just kept going. I ran with some friends too and that helped too. Good luck and have fun!:thumbsup2
week 6 day 2

Well, i definitely can tell I'm in better shape. I ran all of them and only got tired at about the last 2 minutes of the last run. It was hot, but I figured the earlier I get it done, the cooler it will be.
Ran my 5K this morning in 36:38! Missed my goal by 38 seconds, but I'm still very pleased. It's hard to believe that 7 weeks ago I could barely make it for a minute of running.


I did start out too fast and by 2.5 miles I was beat so I stuck to run/walk intervals the rest of the way. I think if I had just done that from the start I would have been more consistent with my splits. Oh well, learning as I go!
Ran my 5K this morning in 36:38! Missed my goal by 38 seconds, but I'm still very pleased. It's hard to believe that 7 weeks ago I could barely make it for a minute of running.


I did start out too fast and by 2.5 miles I was beat so I stuck to run/walk intervals the rest of the way. I think if I had just done that from the start I would have been more consistent with my splits. Oh well, learning as I go!

Congrats! That is a great time! :thumbsup2

I just finished W7D3 today and I'm starting to look for my first 5k.
Ran my 5K this morning in 36:38! Missed my goal by 38 seconds, but I'm still very pleased. It's hard to believe that 7 weeks ago I could barely make it for a minute of running.


I did start out too fast and by 2.5 miles I was beat so I stuck to run/walk intervals the rest of the way. I think if I had just done that from the start I would have been more consistent with my splits. Oh well, learning as I go!

Way to go Jennifer! That's a great time! You should be proud of yourself!
W3D3 for me today. This was tough! I have no idea how I am going to do week 4! But, I'll give it a shot. Can anyone give me the analysis on treadmill v. outside running? I'm on the treadmill, mostly because I don't want anyone seeing me running yet. :rotfl: But wonder if one is better/harder/easier than the other. Great job to those of you running races!! You inspire me to keep going!
I just ran on the treadmill the other day for the first time starting C25k. In some ways I think the TM was easier. I could maintain a steady pace, and with the give it has was less strain on my legs. But what I found harder (in a weird way) was with the timer right under my nose I kept looking at it. When I run on the road I carry my phone and use my C25K app and just wait for the bell to ring to switch between running and walking. In the gym I couldn't hear it so I keept checking the time on the phone and the mill. When I run on the road I feel like the time goes a little faster since there is scenery passing by.

So treadmill-physically easier, mentally more annoying.
I definitely think mentally it is more challenging on the treadmill. But, for me, I also don't like it physically either. I much prefer to run outside. Now that preschool is out for summer, I'm having to do more runs on the treadmill since my kids are home.

For some reason, I get more exhausted running on the treadmill and find it harder on my legs. Maybe I just have a crappy is a fairly bottom of the line treadmill.


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