Class of 2012


I had to fill out a lab report today, and I BSed a lot of the answers. I just didn't understand!

We just did our first lab work yesterday. And a friend at my lab station started our first AP fire, setting her lab notebook on fire. Quite the start to the year.

But I'm sort of lost too on some of the material we had to do over the summer. A bunch is review but other stuff I've NEVER seen before and I'm taking a test on it this Wednesday!
woo juniors class of 2012! :cool1:

i start september 13th

well this year i'm taking english a, chemistry regulars, algebra 2 regulars, us history a, spanish 4cc (its like you speak the ENTIRE class in spanish :scared1:), and i'm doing an independent study in photography
OMG TOMORROW hell starts over again!!

7:30 to 4:00 for the next 180 days..

vent vent vent!!! OMG
Hey everyone! I'm another class of 2012 DISlover.

The classes I'm taking are:

AP Biology
SUPA American History (a college level course run through Syracuse University)
Advanced Art
English Honors (AP is only for seniors)

AP Bio lab
French 4 Honors

anyone else taking any of those? I'd love to talk!
My Final Schedule just shoot me school is a pain :/

Chemistry (College credit but not A.P. weirdly enough there is a A.P. Chemistry but you must take Chemistry first to get into the class)
Aerobics/Fitness(Harder than I thought it's killing my knee note to self bring knee brace tomorrow :/)
Webmaster Fundamentals
U.S History
English 11
Integrated Math III/ Algebra 2(We just switched to regular math and it's real hard since were used to skipping around subjects so don't have a real base on any math subject :/)
Hey everyone! I'm another class of 2012 DISlover.

The classes I'm taking are:

AP Biology
SUPA American History (a college level course run through Syracuse University)
Advanced Art
English Honors (AP is only for seniors)

AP Bio lab
French 4 Honors

anyone else taking any of those? I'd love to talk!

I'll be feeling the pre-cal pains with you this year! So far it's been super easy but I'm just waiting for all that to change...
Mid-terms are soon and I'm considering dropping AP chem. I know that it will hurt my GPA, but I am so over it at this point that I can barely handle walking into class. It's so bad that I'm willing to take the F on my transcript. My parents have talked me into talking to my teacher tomorrow to see if there is anything I can do to help me do better, but they said that it's ultimately up to me whether or not I drop it. Then my dad pulled the, "But in case you can't drop it, and you stick it out and pull out the best grade you can, even if it's a C, just think how proud you will be then." It gave me something to think about, but I'm just not sure if I can take much more torture.
Mid-terms are soon and I'm considering dropping AP chem. I know that it will hurt my GPA, but I am so over it at this point that I can barely handle walking into class. It's so bad that I'm willing to take the F on my transcript. My parents have talked me into talking to my teacher tomorrow to see if there is anything I can do to help me do better, but they said that it's ultimately up to me whether or not I drop it. Then my dad pulled the, "But in case you can't drop it, and you stick it out and pull out the best grade you can, even if it's a C, just think how proud you will be then." It gave me something to think about, but I'm just not sure if I can take much more torture.

I feel for you here. I'm only starting my 3rd week of AP chem and already I've had thoughts of dropping. My thing is though is that my school wasn't going to run it this year and it was me and another girl who were the organizers of the fight for it, so I really can't drop it. I think no matter what you do, you will be fine and you will figure out what you should do for yourself. Do what's best for you...that's what's important.
APUSH: sucking my soul out, but I do like the class. My teacher is awesome.
AP Lang: Making me question my love of English.
Marin Biology: I have a 100% in that class, I'd take an A+ in an easy science class over my grade plummeting daily in AP Chem any day.
APUSH: sucking my soul out, but I do like the class. My teacher is awesome.
AP Lang: Making me question my love of English.
Marin Biology: I have a 100% in that class, I'd take an A+ in an easy science class over my grade plummeting daily in AP Chem any day.

I'm in the same boat for both the AP's. Love my apush teacher but that class is gonna kill me. And lang I'm just not so sure about yet...
I'm getting closer to being able to drop AP Chem... But the closer I get, the more I wonder if maybe I should stick it out...

I love my teacher, and it's in no way her fault, so I wonder if; if she's willing to help me more, will I be willing to accept the help and put some effort into it? Or am I just going to be miserable and want to drop the whole year?

I have an appointment to talk to my counselor at school about it on Tuesday. We'll see how that goes.
I'm getting closer to being able to drop AP Chem... But the closer I get, the more I wonder if maybe I should stick it out...

I love my teacher, and it's in no way her fault, so I wonder if; if she's willing to help me more, will I be willing to accept the help and put some effort into it? Or am I just going to be miserable and want to drop the whole year?

I have an appointment to talk to my counselor at school about it on Tuesday. We'll see how that goes.

Hope it goes well and you can figure it all out!
hey APUSH kids... notes!

-Chose to remain neutral during Britain & France conflict
-Supported neutrality in all conflicts outside the U.S. in his farewell address (“steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world”)
-Citizen Genet incident: Washington declared the intention to stay “friendly and impartial”
-During the French Revolution, Secretary of Treasury Hamilton did not support the Revolution, but Secretary of State Jefferson did.
-Britain was America’s main trading partner after the Revolutionary War
-Jay’s treaty: Avoided war with Great Britain, but considered the lowest point of his presidency

-More sympathetic towards Britain
-Both avoided war with other nations

-Greatest achievement: avoiding war with France
-XYZ Affair: France began seizing American ships on the open seas. Adams sent three diplomats to Paris, but French officials demanded a large bribe before they would begin to negotiate. The diplomats came back to the United States, and Adams published their written report in the newspapers. He replaced the French officials’ names with X, Y, and Z.
-Made country passionately anti-French
-Almost led to a declaration of war, but Adams negotiated a settlement to avoid war.
-Alien and Sedition Acts: Allowed the government to expel foreigners.


■French & Indian War Ends
■Britain left in huge war debt
■Pontiac’s Rebellion:
■Ottawa war chief Pontiac led a group of local tribes to attack Ohio Valley colonial outposts
■Proclamation of 1763:
■Forbade settlement west of the Appalachians, though settlers had already moved past the new boundary. The only effect was the anger of these colonists.

■Sugar Act:
■New duties established, aimed at molasses smuggling. Actually lowered taxes, still angered colonists.
■Currency Act:
■Prevented colonists from using/making paper money


■Stamp Act:
■Tax aimed at raising revenue, placed on all legal documents and licenses. Especially affected lawyers.
■Sons of Liberty formed:
■Radical protest group against the Stamp Act.


■Grenville replaced by Rockingham as prime minister:

■Rockingham opposed Stamp Act; Colonists hated Grenville
■Stamp Act Repealed:
■Linked to:
■Declaratory Act:
■Asserted British government’s right to tax & legislate anywhere in the colonies.


■Townshend Acts:
■Taxed goods imported right from Britain, portions of tax set aside to pay tax collectors, created more vice-admiralty courts, and gave the British licenses to search the home of any suspected smuggler (writs of assistance)


■Townshend Acts repealed:
■Except tea tax
■Boston Massacre:
■A mob pelted British soldiers with rock-filled snowballs. The soldiers fired in retaliation and killed five.


■Parts of Townshend Acts Implemented
■Colonial administrators had to be paid by customs revenues as opposed to by colonial legislatures
■Committees of Correspondence:
■Set up to exchange political ideas, and to convince more citizens to become active in the conflict


■British gave the Dutch East India Tea Company monopoly on tea in the colonies
■Boston Tea Party:
■A group of Sons of Liberty disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded a ship and dumped the tea into the Boston Harbor.


■Intolerable Acts:
■Closed Boston Harbor until the tea was paid for; tightened British control over the Massachusetts government and courts; required civilians to house British soldiers
■Quebec Act:
■Granted greater liberties to Catholics & expanded the boundaries of the Quebec territory, impeding on westward expansion
■First Continental Congress:
■Delegates from all colonies (except Georgia) met to develop a strategy for addressing their grievances with Britain and devise a proper relationship model between Britain and the colonies. They listed laws they wanted repealed and agreed to boycott British goods until Britain could cut the crap.
■Committees of Observation:
■Became their towns’ unofficial governments, set up to enforce the boycotts of British goods


■Lexington & Concord:
■English troops were sent out to confiscate weapons in Concord, Massachusetts. Local militia (minutemen) confronted them in Lexington. 18 American casualties, 8 of which dead.
■A larger group of minutemen were able to assemble at Concord, force British to retreat.
■Second Continental Congress:
■Established a Continental Army, printed money, created government offices, and chose George Washington to lead the Continental Army.


■Declaration of Independence:
■Lists colonies’ grievances against the Crown, and articulates the principle of individual liberty and the government’s responsibility to serve the people.


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