"Charge It To The Room! - I'm NOT Drunk!" - WDW Vacation 2013! (UPDATE - (2/7)

I think the picture that you said was absolutely ridiculous was one of the best :rotfl: Love it ! I love splash mountain and the castle too :goodvibes
I feel the exact same way about Splash Mountain. I actually hated it when I was younger because I was scared of the drop :confused3 but after a few years something clicked and it basically hit me that it was my favorite ride in all of Disney World :love: I just love it so much, especially the music and Brer Rabbit and seeing the castle really quickly when you're at the top and just UGH WE WILL BE REUNITED SO SOON SPLASH. I actually just got my Splash Mountain Mickeywaffles bow :woohoo:

Fabulous update, and I hope you and your boy get some quality time in before he goes off to basic, and I hope his time away flies by!

I hated it too! Like so bad, but now it's my favorite thing ever! :upsidedow
Thank you very much, I sure hope so too! :lovestruc

Great update! :)

Thank you! princess:

That beautiful Splash!!! Why is it so wonderful? I still think it's amazing that we have the same happy place! Seriously though, best spot in the world and seeing the tippy top of the castle makes it even more magical. :)

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It really is the perfect happy place! & we're awesome, so of course we have the same happy place! :p

I think the picture that you said was absolutely ridiculous was one of the best :rotfl: Love it ! I love splash mountain and the castle too :goodvibes

I'm glad you enjoyed it, :rotfl: it's quite out of control, hahaha.
Hi i just joined in. I think you are a bundal of joy. If I need to put a smile on my face I come and read your TR. Can't wait to read the rest. Hope you and your boyfriend take this time to be together you will see time flies by veryfast.
Hi i just joined in. I think you are a bundal of joy. If I need to put a smile on my face I come and read your TR. Can't wait to read the rest. Hope you and your boyfriend take this time to be together you will see time flies by veryfast.

This made my day, really. :) I'm glad I can make you smile :D I'll be updating soon!
Thank you very much, we're definitely trying, :) <3
Just caught up on your report and I absolutely love it, I think you posing for like every picture is awesome and you and your boyfriend are precious! I can't wait to read more!
Hi Libby! Joining in late, but I am here! Loving your TR so far. I love your family and you take awesome photos. From your pictures you can tell how much fun you are having!
Just caught up on your report and I absolutely love it, I think you posing for like every picture is awesome and you and your boyfriend are precious! I can't wait to read more!

Thanks for reading! :thumbsup2
Gotta pose it out! Work ittttt!

Hi Libby! Joining in late, but I am here! Loving your TR so far. I love your family and you take awesome photos. From your pictures you can tell how much fun you are having!

That's alright! Thanks for joining! :goodvibes
Thank you, i love my family too :P
I had absolutely a blast on this trip, I'm glad it shows!

Joining in :)

Thanks for joining in! princess:
I just wanted to say that I read your 1st trip report and it put such a big smile on my face! I can't wait to read this second one. I'm all in!

You, your bf, your love for Disney, it's all so unbelievably adorable!

I started writing a TR years ago but never finished. It's all very sad, but good for you for following through! Maybe on one of these trips I'll get around to writing one, but for now I'll relive my Disney memories through TRs like yours!

Oh, and we're very alike in a few ways....

1. Tweeting
2. We (DP and I) (BTW..DP is "Disney Partner) have 2 cats and it's such a huge ordeal saying goodbye to them. We usually stay at an airport hotel the night before we fly because I hate flying (see #3) and I hate saying g'bye to the cats...so we bid adieu to the cats on one day, and then fly in the morning...so I can put a night's sleep between my 2 biggest anxieties (the cats and the plane that is).
3. I'm terrified of plains also. Ok, That's kind of anticlimactic in that I've already told you that, but whatever...the list of ways we're alike is more impressive with 3 things on it, as compared to two. As for the plane fear, I used to take a little pill before I flew (prescribed by my doc of course), but I've found lately wine works just as well.....though you're not old enough to drink.....so I'm not encouraging you to do so....oh God...I should stop here...

LOVE your TR!
I just wanted to say that I read your 1st trip report and it put such a big smile on my face! I can't wait to read this second one. I'm all in!

You, your bf, your love for Disney, it's all so unbelievably adorable!

I started writing a TR years ago but never finished. It's all very sad, but good for you for following through! Maybe on one of these trips I'll get around to writing one, but for now I'll relive my Disney memories through TRs like yours!

Oh, and we're very alike in a few ways....

1. Tweeting
2. We (DP and I) (BTW..DP is "Disney Partner) have 2 cats and it's such a huge ordeal saying goodbye to them. We usually stay at an airport hotel the night before we fly because I hate flying (see #3) and I hate saying g'bye to the cats...so we bid adieu to the cats on one day, and then fly in the morning...so I can put a night's sleep between my 2 biggest anxieties (the cats and the plane that is).
3. I'm terrified of plains also. Ok, That's kind of anticlimactic in that I've already told you that, but whatever...the list of ways we're alike is more impressive with 3 things on it, as compared to two. As for the plane fear, I used to take a little pill before I flew (prescribed by my doc of course), but I've found lately wine works just as well.....though you're not old enough to drink.....so I'm not encouraging you to do so....oh God...I should stop here...

LOVE your TR!

Just so you know, this comment made my whole day, completely!
Thanks for joining in on this one & the last one! :D
I try to keep the adorable factor up to at least level 10 :D

hopefully one day you will be able to trudge through the process of completing a TR, because I will definitely read! :D

That list of 3 is much more impressive than a list of 2!
Saying goodbye to my kitties is like breaking off a chunk of my heart for a week, it's so so so so sad. SO SAD I SAY! (does that count as alliteration?) hmm.
& wait until i get the the plane ride home, absolutely ridiculous anxiety attacks. CRAZY.
HAHA. Don't worry, I won't turn you in for encouraging me to drink. I only have to wait one more year! So yay!

Again, thank you for reading & this nice comment!
People like you are the reason I trip report. Yes, it's a verb.
Again, I apologize for taking such a long gap between updates, believe me, I'd rather update than do school work! I just changed my major so I've been busy trying to figure everything out, but ALAS, I am back & ready to update, so let's go!


We had just FINALLY gotten to ride Splash Mountain, my real true love.
It was finally getting to be around that time of MY FAVORITE MEAL EVER.

Can you guess where it was?
Here's what we know so far.
1. It's in Magic Kingdom.

HA. Get it? Maybe, but I'll give you another hint!





If you guessed Crystal Palace, you're wrong & very, very confused....

Cinderella's Royal Table!

I had not eaten here since I was probably under 8 years old, it had been forever, & I was actually jumping for joy.

I am pretty sure that I became 6 years old again during the meal, but you'll see that when the time comes. princess:

Unfortunately, we didn't have reservations for all of us, because Kelly was actually graduating high school the following morning so we were unsure if they were going to be with us when we made our reservation.

So my dad went to talk to a CM to see if it was possible to add anyone else.

As we waited, what else would I do but tweet.

"Woman behind me on Splash wearing a shirt that says, "Ain't no body got time for dat!" just screamed, "GET THE RIDE MOVING. AIN'T NO BODY GOT TIME FOR THIS!" :rotfl:

"I'M SOAKED. #SplashProbs" - 6:33PM

"Got my pixie dust at Castle Couture!" - 6:49PM

which I was so excited about, let me tell you.


I walked into CC & was like eyeballing the woman pixie dusting a little girl & she saw me & said,
"Well hello there princess, you're never too old for some pixie dust! Come here!"
I all but threw myself at this woman. I may have cried. I didn't care.

This is what Disney does to me. I'm 19 (ALMOST 20! 11 DAYS!) & I was near tears because I was getting pixie dust & I couldn't handle it.
Thank you Disney for bringing the true child out of all of us.



If you know anything about me by now, it should be that I love the Castle.
So you're welcome for this.





I literally wanted everything in this store.


So at this point, we had found out they could only add 2 more people, but they had to pay a good bit of money & it just wasn't in the cards I guess.

Sadly, I hugged Kelly goodbye & said a see ya real soon! (saturday) :P

The sadness ended soon & the excited tweets began.

"I'm more excited than all these children. PRINCESSES IN MY LIFE." 7:05PM



Waiting for our name to be called!

For some reason, I can't find the picture with Cinderella which makes me sad.

However, when we walked up to her, we had all 6 of us, & we put our bags down & she said,
"You may come stand by me, Princess!"
So, of course, you know I did, & I looked so excitedly at Ryan, who was 2 people away from me, & Cinderella says,
"Oh, is he your prince?"
& I said, "Yes, he is!"
she looked back & forth between us then says,
"You may go stand by your prince if you wish!"
& she kind of ushered me towards Ryan, & my heart broke a little.
Hahaha, just kidding, but I ended up the furthest away from her in the picture!

However, princesses were to see Libby SOON ENOUGH!


Not sure why this picture looks this way, but hey, what are you gonna do!




Sadly, at this point, my phone had died.
I was so upset because I NEEDED pictures of everything.
I snatched Ryan's up & used it as my own! princess:

After waiting for about a half an hour, we were called to go up to our table.

I was actually shaking with excitement, I was seriously 5 years old again.

I knew the meal was going to be absolutely perfect, but I can't even explain it....
It was so incredible, it's probably going to take 2 more full updates.

Are you prepared to see & feel the best meal of my life?
Well, you have a little bit of time to prepare your hearts.


Back To The TR!

AHHHH I'm so excited to hear about this meal, you have no idea! I've never been to CRT and I'm dying to go!!

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Before I continue with this REAL LIFE UPDATE. Make sure you don't forget to read yesterdays update!

Chapter 13: Have I Mentioned I Love The Castle?

There you go, click the link, then come back to this, cause THIS IS ABOUT TO BE EXCITING.


I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

look at the color of that & let me tell you when I'm going!


I will be going to Disney World October 27 until November 2!

The details will come soon enough, but I AM GOING HOME GUYS!



Continued In Next Post!

Awww man!! I thought you were gonna tell us you got engaged!!!! Come on Ryan, what are you waiting for!!???!!?? LOL

Anyways, I am soooo jealous that you are going for Halloween. I desperately want to do the MNSSHP. That will definitely be our next Disney trip AFTER our upcoming trip in January. Are you using your DVC to go down??? I can't wait to find out how you like DVC. We LOVE it!!! I was trying to convince my husband to buy more points today, but it may be another couple years before we can...
AHHHH I'm so excited to hear about this meal, you have no idea! I've never been to CRT and I'm dying to go!!

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Same here! Also, LOVE all your castle pics. I am obsessed with that castle! When we were there, I kept making my kids stop and just look at it! lol

And YAY for a WDW trip! We are headed there 5 days after you leave. And I cannot wait, even though I just got back on Sunday. :)
Awww man!! I thought you were gonna tell us you got engaged!!!! Come on Ryan, what are you waiting for!!???!!?? LOL

Anyways, I am soooo jealous that you are going for Halloween. I desperately want to do the MNSSHP. That will definitely be our next Disney trip AFTER our upcoming trip in January. Are you using your DVC to go down??? I can't wait to find out how you like DVC. We LOVE it!!! I was trying to convince my husband to buy more points today, but it may be another couple years before we can...

HAHAHAHAHA. :rotfl2: this made my day!
No, no engagement ring, but you know, IT'S DISNEY! :goodvibes
I have never ever been for Halloween! & I'll be attending my very first MNSSHP! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, not using our DVC this time, I'm actually going with my mom's side of the family & the dad's side is the one with the DVC.
However, we have a trip planned in May WITH DVC! Which I am beyond excited for! :cheer2:

Same here! Also, LOVE all your castle pics. I am obsessed with that castle! When we were there, I kept making my kids stop and just look at it! lol

And YAY for a WDW trip! We are headed there 5 days after you leave. And I cannot wait, even though I just got back on Sunday. :)

Shucks! too bad we couldn't be there the same time!
I already have quite a few dismeets for this trip planned ;)
Never have enough Disney trips, EVER!

Before I continue with this REAL LIFE UPDATE. Make sure you don't forget to read yesterdays update!

Chapter 13: Have I Mentioned I Love The Castle?

There you go, click the link, then come back to this, cause THIS IS ABOUT TO BE EXCITING.


I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

look at the color of that & let me tell you when I'm going!


I will be going to Disney World October 27 until November 2!

The details will come soon enough, but I AM GOING HOME GUYS!



Woooooohooooooo Halloween in Disney! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to see the decorations when we go in 9 DAYS!

Still loving your tr its getting me through the long wait ;)
Woooooohooooooo Halloween in Disney! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to see the decorations when we go in 9 DAYS!

Still loving your tr its getting me through the long wait ;)

I am seriously SO excited! I have never even been there to see the Halloween decorations or ANYTHING! AHHHHHHHHH!
That will be so fun! 9 days! HAVE FUN! ::yes::
Thanks for being a loyal reader!:D


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