Buses and people on scooters...


DIS Veteran
Aug 9, 2006
I just wanted to get other people's opinions regarding people on scooters and the Disney transportation buses.
I remember being at Disney a couple of years ago and waiting in the bus line at the end of our day at MK. The lineup was huge and people were hot and tired. The lineup was so long that it probably was about 3 busloads.
About 1 minute before the bus arrived, a couple, each on scooter, showed up at the "disabled" gate. Of course the driver got off the bus and then had to go through the whole routine of getting them on the bus and secured in positon before he allowed the able bodied passengers on.
Just because they ride on a scooter they get ahead of everyone else?
How is that justifiable? We have to stand in line after day on walking and being in the hot sun while they have been sitting down.....why shouldn't they have to wait like the rest of us?
Am I wrong to feel this way?
Just because they ride on a scooter they get ahead of everyone else?

They get to go on first because it is safer for YOU to have them loaded before the abled bodied customersand b/c it is the law.

I think that I can speak for every person who has to ride in a ECV, and say that all of them would LOVE to trade places with you and be able to STAND in the hot sun all say.

Have some compassion! You might be hot and tired, but they also are dealing with whatever injury and pain that is causing them to ride, along with the heat, lines and sneers from people like you. Consider yourself lucky that you are capable of walking for long periods; many obviously are not.
I just wanted to get other people's opinions regarding people on scooters and the Disney transportation buses.
I remember being at Disney a couple of years ago and waiting in the bus line at the end of our day at MK. The lineup was huge and people were hot and tired. The lineup was so long that it probably was about 3 busloads.
About 1 minute before the bus arrived, a couple, each on scooter, showed up at the "disabled" gate. Of course the driver got off the bus and then had to go through the whole routine of getting them on the bus and secured in positon before he allowed the able bodied passengers on.
Just because they ride on a scooter they get ahead of everyone else?
How is that justifiable? We have to stand in line after day on walking and being in the hot sun while they have been sitting down.....why shouldn't they have to wait like the rest of us?
Am I wrong to feel this way?

Why shouldn't they have to wait 'like the rest of us?' They do wait. They wait often two, three, or four times longer than us to enjoy an attraction or board a bus. Many wait an hour or more for a bus which can accomodate them.

Are you wrong to feel this way? You must be very blessed not to have anyone close to you who needs an assistive device. You may not realise how unpleasant it is to need one, whether on a temporary or a permanent basis.

Using a cane, or wheelchair, or wearing a sling is not pleasant. Then factor in the looks and comments from other guests, and I can only imagine what it must feel like to be on the receiving end. The endless threads here on this subject have convinced me that I will not visit WDW when I find myself needing assistance, as I do not have the same mental strength as many of the posters who do use assistive devices with grace.

Consider yourself fortunate, and then stop thinking of yourself and think about that person you have judged. Again, you may be blessed with good health today, but one day that may be you being judged and discussed here.
For everyone who feels like the OP, may I suggest a few things

First please read this thread written by a long time, reasonable poster who does not appear to get upset very often. It may give you some insight into the 'perks' of using an ECV/wheelchair


Then borrow a cane, or a sling, and try and use them for even just 10 minutes on a hot day. You'll learn quickly that it is frustrating, and even painful, to use them. Now imagine using one every day. Imagine using one while people talk about you, or stare, or post about you on websites.

Then go visit the DisABILITIES board here. Read some of the threads. There are wonderful people there who provide information and support, most while managing their own challenges. They handle themselves with grace and I have a great deal of respect for them.

Threads like this were one of the reasons why I retired from this website. I do lurk every so often, and decided to post today in hopes that I can convince even one reader to be a little bit more understanding of others. Too often here we seem to think of ourselves and how others impacted us, but we fail to consider others and how we impact them.
OP, I get what you're saying. In fact, had I never traveled with someone using an ECV, I may have even semi-felt the sae. But last December my dad came with us to WDW and boy oh boy were my eyes open.

I'll admit it. I was like "Woohoo! Dad can get us to the front of every line!!!" (before anyone gets mad at me, he was absolutely and legally disabled and unable to walk the parks.) The truth ended up being that our waits were often quite a bit longer than anyone else's...including for transportation. The buses can only take on two ECVs per busload. There were several times when we had to wait out a few buses before we could get on. And there was this weird tricky deal where the rest of the family was totally willing to stand in line like everyone else, but then we found ourselves in the situation where there would be room for us to get on but not him...and he needed assistance.

So I get where you're coming from. And I'm 100000% certain some people take advantage of ECV usage. But I would assume that's a teeny tiny minority and the rest legitimately require some extra accomodation.
I just wanted to get other people's opinions regarding people on scooters and the Disney transportation buses.
I remember being at Disney a couple of years ago and waiting in the bus line at the end of our day at MK. The lineup was huge and people were hot and tired. The lineup was so long that it probably was about 3 busloads.
About 1 minute before the bus arrived, a couple, each on scooter, showed up at the "disabled" gate. Of course the driver got off the bus and then had to go through the whole routine of getting them on the bus and secured in positon before he allowed the able bodied passengers on.
Just because they ride on a scooter they get ahead of everyone else?
How is that justifiable? We have to stand in line after day on walking and being in the hot sun while they have been sitting down.....why shouldn't they have to wait like the rest of us?
Am I wrong to feel this way?

I think so.

Be glad you have the ability to stand.

I never take my able-bodied-ness for granted.
Yes, be thankful that you're able bodied.

Also, the only time dh and I found we had to wait in uber long lines for the bus at the end of the day was when we went to WDW during free dining and stayed at a Value resort (All Stars). I never wanted to rent a car so bad than during that trip. lol. So I do know where the OP is coming from, but still, if you have just one trip with a disabled person in a w/c or ECV, it will be such an eye-opener for you. We've been there with my mom who needed an ECV and it definitely did not make things quicker for us. Quite the opposite actually. Not that I ever thought that people in wheelchairs had it better than me there, but it's not even equal.
Firstly, my hats off to anyone that needs to use an ECV. I did however notice on our last trip plenty of people at disney that could cleary walk use these. Now I don't know their whole backgrounds so I can't say whether they truly need them or not, but I think they should be used by people that actually need them not people that simply don't want to walk. I get flashbacks to the movie WALL E.
I am now really worried about my dad and when we go. He has to have a scooter. He is 67 and has really bad knees. It is painful for him to walk long distances. I hope that people will be nice and sprinkle pixie dust on him. He is looking forward to this trip and spending time with his grandsons. I really hope that people are not that rude to those who need a scooter. :scared1:
Don't worry, Jenn. You and your family will have a great time. In our week there we only had one less-than-magical experience regarding the ECV. A boat captain from the Wilderness Lodge made some comment to another employee about people not knowing how to drive them right after my dad had a hard time manuvering out of a tight spot. God bless my mom, though. She heard it and went straight up to them and said, "That's MY husband you're talking about. You better thing twice about who can hear your inappropriate comments."

Everyone else, though was so super nice. On that same boat later that night there was this guy who just kept telling my dad, "We're not going anywhere without you sir, so take as long as you need. Can I help?" He reassured him like 5 times and it brought tears to my eyes how kind he was. In hindsight, I wish I had his name so I could tell someone how compassionate he was. If we see him when we go back in August I'm going to hug him.

So don't worry. Your dad will do great. And let's not give the OP too hard of a time. It wasn't like she caused a scene at the bus stop about people abusing ECVs and how they didn't deserve to be on the bus. She was cool about it. It's okay to be miffed on the inside but mature on the outside. I think I strive for that balance in every day life. :-)
OP I don't think you are wrong to feel that way. Sorry but I don't. Yes, I am very grateful that I don't have to use an ECV etc. No, I don't begrudge anyone the use of them. Yes, I do think there are some people who just don't want to walk,. Yes, I think there are many who really really need them. It is not for me to decide though.
That being said, it is very frustrating if you have been waiting for 3-4 buses so you can make sure you have a seat for your children (or yourself) and it is finally your turn and then 2 ecvs roll up with a party of 10 and now you have to wait for yet another bus because there are now no seats when you get on the bus. Yes, that is very frustrating. Do I say anything? No. Am I still a little put out? Yes. When my children complain about having to wait for yet another bus I do tell them that we have to be respectful and thankful that we are able to stand. I am very thankful and not annoyed at the people who need the ECVs, but I can't lie, sometimes I am simply tired and tired of waiting. Of course I feel the same way when a bus pulls up to the resort that is already packed. So it is not really just an ECV issue. Sometimes I wish Disney would have better transportation. Most of the time it is great, but that one or two times that you have to wait it seems like eternity.
OP I don't think you are wrong to feel that way. Sorry but I don't. Yes, I am very grateful that I don't have to use an ECV etc. No, I don't begrudge anyone the use of them. Yes, I do think there are some people who just don't want to walk,. Yes, I think there are many who really really need them. It is not for me to decide though.
That being said, it is very frustrating if you have been waiting for 3-4 buses so you can make sure you have a seat for your children (or yourself) and it is finally your turn and then 2 ecvs roll up with a party of 10 and now you have to wait for yet another bus because there are now no seats when you get on the bus. Yes, that is very frustrating. Do I say anything? No. Am I still a little put out? Yes. When my children complain about having to wait for yet another bus I do tell them that we have to be respectful and thankful that we are able to stand. I am very thankful and not annoyed at the people who need the ECVs, but I can't lie, sometimes I am simply tired and tired of waiting. Of course I feel the same way when a bus pulls up to the resort that is already packed. So it is not really just an ECV issue. Sometimes I wish Disney would have better transportation. Most of the time it is great, but that one or two times that you have to wait it seems like eternity.

This is an excellent post...very well-said! OP will get all kinds of nastiness over feeling annoyed or irritated about having to wait, but you cannot help how you feel, especially in the heat and humidity of Orlando! We are all thankful for our abilities to do various things, and we probably all have our disabilities too. I don't think the OP's opinion was anything out of the ordinary. I have noticed though that some in the ECV's (typically older people) tend to have a sense of "entitlement"...not sure where it comes from but it is evident!
I get that it is frustrating to be waiting at a bus stop, and have someone in an ecv or wheelchair pull up at the last minute, and then be boarded first. No one loves waiting at the bus stop. But it is indeed a safety measure meant to protect everyone. And when I get a little cranky about it, I just think about how much longer than me the probably waited for everything else. Trust me, all it took was a couple of days of having to push my sister around in a wheelchair at Disney, and I had a whole new persepective. Wheelchairs/ECVs are not fun at Disney World.
I am very grateful I can walk and stand as long as I need to and I do travel with a person in ECV who doesn't really need it. She uses it because she is too put out to walk (she's not overweight either) at WDW and does like the perk of getting on the bus before everyone else so she is not in the hot sun. (For the record-we prefer to drive our own car at WDW and don't usually use their transportation but our car can't take her ECV). For those truly needing an ECV, I am 100% happy to stand a little longer, wait a little extra because they do their extra time waiting in doctor's offices, taking longer when they can walk, and waiting until rides can accomodate them on their ECV. Unfortunately, you can't often tell by looking at someone whether they need an ECV or just want to use it. I always give people the benefit of the doubt and try to count my blessings.
I am now really worried about my dad and when we go. He has to have a scooter. He is 67 and has really bad knees. It is painful for him to walk long distances. I hope that people will be nice and sprinkle pixie dust on him. He is looking forward to this trip and spending time with his grandsons. I really hope that people are not that rude to those who need a scooter. :scared1:

Jenn - my mom has a HoverRound (so not even a rented scooter but a personal ECV). The biggest problem we have with her is people trying to step over her in her chair (she also has horrendous knees). I would warn your dad of that, and at times you even need to get 'territorial'. This is typically a problem when the park is super busy - ie end of fireworks, parade time, etc. Just a friendly warning so you can be prepared.

And yes, my mom would give ANYTHING to be able to stand in line for the bus.
Jenn - my mom has a HoverRound (so not even a rented scooter but a personal ECV). The biggest problem we have with her is people trying to step over her in her chair (she also has horrendous knees). I would warn your dad of that, and at times you even need to get 'territorial'. This is typically a problem when the park is super busy - ie end of fireworks, parade time, etc. Just a friendly warning so you can be prepared.

And yes, my mom would give ANYTHING to be able to stand in line for the bus.

Don't feel bad. Those same idiots who try to step over your mother try to step over our strollers. We are careful and polite with our strollers and don't ram into anyone etc. However I did have to set some guy straight for stepping over our kids. Sorry jerky, I do not want your manparts in their face. :rolleyes:
In a way I can see where the OP is coming from. We stayed at a Disney hotel for the first time last year (we usually stay off site) and there did appear to be a huge increase in the number of people using ECV's compared to other times we have stayed in Orlando and I admit at times it was frustrating. I don't get wound up about waiting for people in wheelchairs etc to board buses (I like many others look at it as "there for the grace etc" it could be me) however what did irk me on our most recent trip was those using ECV's who obviously didn't use them normally at home (rented, didn't know how to use them competently etc) and could leap out of them with gusto to sit down after they were on the bus.
I am not saying it is right to feel this way but I have some sympathy for the OP's views.
2007 was my first time in WDW where a member of my family used a scooter.

Lots of good stuff said here, but I'll just add a few more:

1) Yes, 1st on a bus, but last off. When it's late, most of you "walkers" are back at your room while were still trying to get our family member off the bus.

2) On many days, we didn't get the first bus. There's only so much room for scooters. We had to let empty buses go and wait for the next one with a scooter slot open.

3) On rides, we often had to wait in a "back area" until they called us. Yes, you move to the front, but you still wait til they can accommodate you.

Despite all this, I do feel guilty about the few perks. How could you not when you're able bodied and watching as you board before pregnant women holding sleeping children? But I would honestly trade it all for family with good legs.

At one point a angry father pushed past my MIL's scooter, and knocked over my mother (using a cane) as we tried to board (unintentional, but still pushed his way through). I nearly walked up and decked him til I saw he was super-frustrated and his preg wife was holding a sleeping boy. I just let it go.
I remember in 2005 how I had a sleeping son and a preg wife (and no relatives in scooters). There's a huge desire to look out for your own family.
I just wanted to get other people's opinions regarding people on scooters and the Disney transportation buses.
I remember being at Disney a couple of years ago and waiting in the bus line at the end of our day at MK. The lineup was huge and people were hot and tired. The lineup was so long that it probably was about 3 busloads.
About 1 minute before the bus arrived, a couple, each on scooter, showed up at the "disabled" gate. Of course the driver got off the bus and then had to go through the whole routine of getting them on the bus and secured in positon before he allowed the able bodied passengers on.
Just because they ride on a scooter they get ahead of everyone else?
How is that justifiable? We have to stand in line after day on walking and being in the hot sun while they have been sitting down.....why shouldn't they have to wait like the rest of us?
Am I wrong to feel this way?

Its never fun to have to wait when your tired, so I understand a bit of where you are coming from.

Now ignoring all moral, legal, etc arguments, I'm going to say WHY they do this from a functionality standpoint.

Those ECVs have to go to a specific place on the bus. It is much easier and safer with as few people as possible on the bus when they get on. This way they don't run over people's feet nor have to maneuver around people. Logistically it makes more sense to let the ECVs on and put them in place than to let all the other guests on and then have the ECVs try to ride around them. Plus, the driver doesn't have to worry as often about booting people from the fold up seats and disability seating.

That's why!


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