Bring back the good o' days, Things ..........


om goodness.. i remember ordering 15 large pizzas for the neighbor LOL
Swimming in the forks of the creek because it was over knee deep and everyone went

Walking barefoot on hot blacktop to the country store up the street and "charging" our ham & cheese loaf sandwiches

Going door to door selling calendars and notepads to make money when I was 8 or 9 (I can't remember what brand it was but I think I found out about it in the back of a teen magazine)

Posters of Joey from NKOTB covering all of my walls
* Us kids walked everywhere in the summer, without any shoes, stepping in the grass to cool off our feet.

*Finding a pepsi or coke bottle and cashing it in to the grocery store for $$$ to go buy sixlets and jolly ranchers for 1 cent.

*Having only one car and dad used it for work, so we walked to the grocery store for mom (before I could even read and remember having trouble telling the difference between lettuce and cabbage)

*Candy bars (the large ones) for 10 cents.

* Having to sit by the t.v. to change it from channel 2 to channel 7 for the parents.

* Sunday night Disney movie at 6:00 p.m. (The wide world of Disney, I think it was called)

* My mom's collection of every type of Avon bottle there was, and once in awhile she would let us play with them.

* Powered root beer - it was the best!!!!!

* Ice skating on the creek by our house (without the parents testing it for thickness)

* Fishing by the creek (by ourselves)

And last, but not least........ we never lost the phone because it was attached with that 2 foot cord that always got tangled.........until high school when my parents bought the good one that was about 10 feet long. Well, probably not that long, but it sure felt like it:)
Miss Beasley! Loved her
Eating tuna that was packed in your lunch box all morning without a ice pack.Yuck!
Eating easter eggs that were NEVER refridgeratered
Stretch srmstrong (I think everyone cut him open to see what was inside)
Shrinky dinks
Pink Huffy's
i was thinking of this thread the other day..

one of the things I wish my kids could do was come home for lunch from elementary school... some of my best memories were walking home from school for lunch with my 2 best friends.... and than stopping at the candy store on the way back from lunch to get york peppermint patty....
was thinking about this thread the other day....................was remembering when we didnt have blasted answering machines.......when we could just be alone ...without being poked.......emailed.....pmd...texted.....voicemailed....skyped.....etc etc......." hey where were u I called....texted u....facebook u etc etc etc............." luv it when we were first married and all we had to do was" shhh dont answer the door"
was thinking about this thread the other day....................was remembering when we didnt have blasted answering machines.......when we could just be alone ...without being poked.......emailed.....pmd...texted.....voicemailed....skyped.....etc etc......." hey where were u I called....texted u....facebook u etc etc etc............." luv it when we were first married and all we had to do was" shhh dont answer the door"

THIS IS TOTALLY TRUE! Peace and quiet. The kids would all be outside in the summer since no one had A/C and it was cooler, until 10:00, talking (with their voices not their fingers!) to parents, neighbors and friend.
THIS IS TOTALLY TRUE! Peace and quiet. The kids would all be outside in the summer since no one had A/C and it was cooler, until 10:00, talking (with their voices not their fingers!) to parents, neighbors and friend.

wow using your mouth to talk instead of fingers what a quaint
love this thread
made me remember delivering A&W Root Beer floats to customers cars
while wearing my roller skates.

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ah the good old days.

Hugs Mel
here is a picture


i actually played with click clacks at my town fair last week...........
We called them "knockers" My mom took them away because she heard they shattered and the glass got in someone's eye.
**Riding in the back of a pickup truck
Did that as a group on our way from the cottage to the beach. (a few miles down a sunny, dirt road) All the kids piled into the uncle's truck. Such fun!

was thinking about this thread the other day....................was remembering when we didnt have blasted answering machines.......when we could just be alone ...without being poked.......emailed.....pmd...texted.....voicemailed....skyped.....etc etc......." hey where were u I called....texted u....facebook u etc etc etc............." luv it when we were first married and all we had to do was" shhh dont answer the door"

We called them "knockers" My mom took them away because she heard they shattered and the glass got in someone's eye.
Clackers in this part of the world. And my Dad walked around for a week with a broken wrist after playing with them one year. :rotfl: I told that story to my son, who broke his wrist in a skateboarding accident 2 months ago....and they didn't discover it was broken-despite x-rays-for a couple of weeks :rolleyes:

Adding walking from the cottage to the store a couple of miles away in our bare feet, to get potato chips which we doused in vinegar, because there was only one type of chip....regular. And which we ate with orange pop. Both were treats since we never had junk food at home.
Clackers are still around. My DS has one. Maybe they've made a comeback since this thread was started 5 years ago.

Just think of the things we have now that we didn't have 5 years ago...iPhone/droid phones, iPad/tablet ereader, etc... that could be a whole new thread.
They are still around, but not on the string which allowed them to swing erratically (and be more difficult to manoever). Not nearly as much fun....but no broken wrists/fingers either. ;)
I was the girl who wore pants. My rabble rousing mom sent me to school in sixth grade, in jeans! with a note in my pocked that said, "I am Robin's mother, not you, and I will decide what she wears to school, not you." that I was to give any adult who stopped me. :rotfl:

We also said the pledge of allegiance every day and my mother did not allow us kids to stand during it because she said there wasn't liberty and justice for all and that wasn't fair. Don't remember if the "under God" was in it then or not. This was early 60s.

Sounds like your mom was the coolest mom ever! :)

I did not stand for the pledge either - still will not. I agree - we do NOT have liberty & justice for all. Nor are we "one nation under God". Plus I will not pledge my allegiance to a flag - my allegiance is with God alone, but that's a whole 'nother matter! :)
remember when ho-ho's came wrapped in foil???? they tasted better then too!
Oh, let me answer(and I can only hope I am right). Click Clacks were two hard plastic balls, about the size of pool balls. They were suspended from a metal ring on two strings and the goal was to grasp the ring and move your arm in such a fashion that the balls clicked together below the ring and then had enough momentum to clack together above the ring. You tried to get them clicking and clacking longer than anyone else without stopping. And if I'm wrong I'll only be embarrassed for a day or two. :rotfl:

My mom still has mine...they are clear.
(Yeah, we don't save stuff in my family :lmao:)
Child of the 80's here. I remember playing outside everyday, all day. We would swim and have bonfires down by the brook, play in the woods, ride bikes all over the place, scramble up into the hayloft and look for kittens or robbin eggs.

We watched The Disney Afternoon at 2:30pm after school. The bus dropped us off and we'd be on our own at home until our parents came home anytime between 5 and 7pm. Dinner was eaten together around the table and I wasn't allowed to leave the table until I had finished my milk.
I remember getting peanut butter in a glass jars and seeing commercials for plastic.

In the winter or after dark I played alone in my room (sewing clothes for my dolls, drawing, making up songs, playing pretend) or my brother and I would walk down the road to the sledding hill. Anyone have the talking Cricket doll? It was like a Teddy Rukspin. You put a cassette tape in her back and she would talk while her lips and eyes moved in a possessed fashion.

Do they still check for scoliosis and lice in school? Nothing quite like having a school nurse pawing through your head and running her cold finger down your spine.

Being the 80's we did wear seat belts and bike helmets. But they were a new fangled concept.
Clackers are still around. My DS has one. Maybe they've made a comeback since this thread was started 5 years ago.

Just think of the things we have now that we didn't have 5 years ago...iPhone/droid phones, iPad/tablet ereader, etc... that could be a whole new thread.
Lol now I feel old.....


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