Bring back the good o' days, Things ..........

I remember wearing my hair in a side ponytail and using a whole can of AquaNet everyday just to keep my bangs 4 inches tall!! LOL
Speaking of uniforms...DM was cleaning out her closets this week and gave me class pictures of me back in the late 70's. I remember wearing plaid jumpers, but I did not remember having to wear long pants made from the same green plaid fabric! :scared: I was sitting in the front row wearing them in my 2nd grade picture. At least my pig tails were cute.:rotfl:
WOW, I just found this thread this morning and reading the posts have been soooo much fun....I was an 80's child and here's what I thought of:

The Halloween cosume McNugget toys in Happy Meals

Watching Shirtails, Snorkels, and the Smurfs

Playing kickball Friday nights in "the court" (cul-de-sac) until it was too dark to play then ordering Little Ceaser's when it used to come with two pizzas on a long piece of cardboard covered with paper

Riding our bikes endlessly around the block in our bathing suits, jumping off to get in the pool then riding again

Scraped knees and elbows

Tightrolled acid wash jeans with two pair of different colored neon socks with a matching side scrunchie (side ponytail of course)

Rainbow Brite, Jem, Care Bears, and Strawberry Shortcake

NKOTB and trying all day to win tickets to a concet

Kids Incorporated and the New Mickey Mouse Club (I freaking LOVED these shows)

The Happy Meal boxes, not paper bags

Remember the plastic lunch-box type boxes that came in a happy meal for a while that you could put a piece of paper on top then use the side of a crayon to transfer the design onto the paper

Attempting to break dance without breaking my neck

Thinking Super Mario Bros was the absolute coolest game in the universe and being so angry I couldn't beat it.....I still haven't won! How sad is that?

I thought I was so cool because I listened to Vanilla Ice...and I knew all the words....still do!

I'm sure a billion others will come to mind....but here's a start! Any other 80's kids out there?
YESSSSS!!!!!!! :eek:

Ours was a one piece that zipped in the front. The bottom (shorts) were dark blue and the top part of it was white and blue horizontal thin stripes. They wrote our last name on the back with a marker. They were HORRIBLE!:scared1: I am scarred for life!!!!

Same thing but ours were maroon. They were awful,what were they thinking back then:scared1:
What a fun thread, my scrolling finger is sore from all the reading! :goodvibes

Thanks to y'all I've got Schoolhouse Rock songs and "Gem is truly outrageous...truly, truly, truly outrageous!" going through my head.

Remembering my Marie Osmond doll with the hole in her hand for her microphone.

Reliving my sweet sixteen party and playing the card game 'Suck and Blow' in my basement.

Wondering if anyone sneaks out to soap cars or TP anymore. (I could never do that at my house, mom would have caught me!)

Thinking of all the crazy clothing trends of the 80's. I was just in a play that took place in the 80's so I had to go to Goodwill to get my costumes. Got a 1 piece jumpsuit with a wide belt (reminded me of my Senior Pics) and a sweater dress. The whole cast oohed and aahed over my best outfit--multi-colored (orange, yellow, purple) shirt and shorts with matching earrings, hair clip and orange shoes. And they never let me live it down when I let it slip that the outfit actually came out of my own closet. mwah ha ha Time to get rid of the 'vintage' clothes, eh? :rotfl:
I had one of those horrid gym suits. Mine was also blue and I think it had snaps up the front and my name was somewhere on the front.:confused:
WOW, I just found this thread this morning and reading the posts have been soooo much fun....I was an 80's child and here's what I thought of:

The Halloween cosume McNugget toys in Happy Meals
My mother saved these - she still has them!!
YESSSSS!!!!!!! :eek:

Ours was a one piece that zipped in the front. The bottom (shorts) were dark blue and the top part of it was white and blue horizontal thin stripes. They wrote our last name on the back with a marker. They were HORRIBLE!:scared1: I am scarred for life!!!!
wow yours were multi colored---no fair!!!!!!!!!!!!
mine were all blue
WOW, I just found this thread this morning and reading the posts have been soooo much fun....I was an 80's child and here's what I thought of:

The Halloween cosume McNugget toys in Happy Meals

Watching Shirtails, Snorkels, and the Smurfs

Playing kickball Friday nights in "the court" (cul-de-sac) until it was too dark to play then ordering Little Ceaser's when it used to come with two pizzas on a long piece of cardboard covered with paper

Riding our bikes endlessly around the block in our bathing suits, jumping off to get in the pool then riding again

Scraped knees and elbows

Tightrolled acid wash jeans with two pair of different colored neon socks with a matching side scrunchie (side ponytail of course)

Rainbow Brite, Jem, Care Bears, and Strawberry Shortcake

NKOTB and trying all day to win tickets to a concet

Kids Incorporated and the New Mickey Mouse Club (I freaking LOVED these shows)

The Happy Meal boxes, not paper bags

Remember the plastic lunch-box type boxes that came in a happy meal for a while that you could put a piece of paper on top then use the side of a crayon to transfer the design onto the paper

Attempting to break dance without breaking my neck

Thinking Super Mario Bros was the absolute coolest game in the universe and being so angry I couldn't beat it.....I still haven't won! How sad is that?

I thought I was so cool because I listened to Vanilla Ice...and I knew all the words....still do!

I'm sure a billion others will come to mind....but here's a start! Any other 80's kids out there?
YES!!!! I am an 80's kid. After reading your post I realized we must be the same age. I am embarrased to admit that I still know all the the words to Vanilla Ice songs (rollin' in my 5.0 with my rag-top down so my hair can blow :lmao: ) Speaking of kid's meal anyone else remember those lame Wendy's kid meal toys? They were paper dolls of Wendy and friends and they had two holes where you stuck your fingers through to make the legs. I think they must have been out the first year of the kid meal.
I had taped "the wizard of Oz" off tv in the 80's and it had the infamous Pepsi commercial when Michael Jackson caught his hair on fire. I still have that sucker on tape.
I remember when Michael jackson looked "normal".

I loved the new kids on the block had my room covered in pictures also slept in the sheets. I now use the sheets to transport the animals to the vet:rotfl:

I had the strawberry shortcake house that had the garden when you pushed down on it it looked like it was growing when it popped up. I also had the barbie dream kitchen that smelled like vanilla

I also had a weeble that had a mickey mouse club shirt and mouse ears on it
play-doh barber shop
Little House on the Prarie (not reruns-the real deal!)
Watching World of Disney as a family on Sunday nights
Riding in the bed of my dads pick up as he picked up all the kids in the neighborhood to go to the Dairy Queen
holding my dads hand
having mom make things all better
laughing til my sides hurt
playing with worms and turtles and not being grossed out
having time to lay in the grass and watch the clouds go by
drive in movies
playing with my sister
OMG I am enjoying this post.....Click clacks,,,,flash bulbs for cameras...OMGGGGG....The memories you just all brought back.
I don't feel 45 anymore...LOL
OMG I am enjoying this post.....Click clacks,,,,flash bulbs for cameras...OMGGGGG....The memories you just all brought back.
I don't feel 45 anymore...LOL
I remember the flash bulbs that turned and had to be replaced because they burned out. And we had a Polaroid camera that we had to peel a black sheet of plastic off of the picture to get it to develop. If someone told me then that I would be taking pictures with my phone, I would have thought they were crazy!:rotfl:
We called click clacks "knockers" and I loved them. We used Royal Oil to tan with or baby oil since it was cheaper. Of course we still go to drive ins and DD loves them. Bell bottom pants and shoes that were 3" high, platforms! Gotta love the 70's. Loved my Dawn doll and Chrissy. We still played Barbies at 12 and I had a Dianne Carroll barbie (a woman dr from a tv show I can't remember). Watching tv with the family was a weekend treat with Jiffy Pop!
It blows me away that Saturday Night Fever is having a 30th anniversary edition.
If you can't tell by my avatar, Puff N Stuff truely affected me!

What was that toy that was like a "Viewmaster" but it looked more like a hand held camcorder. You put a "8-track" looking thing in the end of it and you looked through one hole (as opposed to two in the viewmaster) and you would wind/crank through the movie. You could make the movie (cartoon) go backwards or forawrds. I Had MANY Disney ones. The ones that stand out are Cinderella and Mickey's haunted house somethign or other.. with many ghosts.

Anybody remember this???? BTW, it was definitely a 70's toy. I was born Jan 19, 1970. I also had a viewmaster AND a Show and Tell ... the latter being my prize possesion. Again, MANY Disney recoreds/slides. Really good stuff. All ruined by bad storage. <crying eyes out>
I loved HR Puffinstuff! And Jimmy! My older sister called me within the past two years and asked if I remembered a show with a witch and a boy and a few more things.....and I gave her all the info she needed to out-trivia her office mates.:rotfl: Normally, she is killer at trivia, but she was too old for that show. However, she remembered that I had been a big fan and was just as good a source of useless trivia as she.

Do you know the guy that played Jimmy died about a year or so ago? (Jack Wild) He won an Oscar when he was very young. They showed his photo at the 2006 Oscars with all the stars that have died, and I'd read about it not long before then. I thought he was close to my age, but it turns out he was just very small and had been older than all the parts he played. So he was close to my sister's age.....I think he was still in his 40s when he died. Poor guy had a really tough life. He's still about 15 in my head and in Tiger Beat magazine. He was quite talented and did a lot of musical theatre in the UK.

And oh.....I had a Banana Splits lunchbox. :banana:

I bought the DVD collection for my girls. THEY LOVE IT. Good times... really good times.


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